[ONE DREAM.TXT] (ENG SUB) Reality Ep.06 - Part.3

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Are you guys ready? Yeah~ Okay let's go to Santa Monica! - Let's have some fun! - Yeah~ They are headed to Santa Monica Doesn't this street look familiar? Yeah I think I know this place, no I do know this place (Where are we?) This is near the place we stayed last year! Oh it is! - Yeah this is it! Right here! - That's it! Where TXT stayed last year! - I knew this street looked familiar! Oh my god Oh, that's the grocery store we used to go to - So many memories - It's still the same That place was great, it even had a pool It was a lot of fun We used to push each other into the pool But we never got to push SOOBIN in He always resisted I can't swim... but you guys always tried to push me in It's only 1 meter deep You're over 180 cm! I got really scared (Scared bunny) Reminiscing all the memories they made - Yeah we had fun - Even inside the apartment (Yeah it was fun) - I had so much fun The weather is great too Yeah the weather is amazing Perfect weather (Sound asleep) Wow they're sleeping in the same position?! (YEONJUN is asleep too) (Wow the four of them are sleeping in the same position?!) While the members were asleep The car ran without rest I can see the beach on our right! Wow! The beach! I can see it! Wow look! The 3rd location, Santa Monica! Across the blue ocean, Santa Monica beach is endless And Santa Monica pier is full of energy What kind of memories will they make here? - It's been so long - Yeah I know There are so many people here! - Even more than last year - Yeah It's so nice to be back - So many people! - It looked nice from over there, but actually being here... this is so nice (1 year ago...) Baby BEOMGYU with black hair! They walked the same street to get to Santa Monica And they are walking the same street today! It's been so long This bridge, this weather The sunlight (Not again!) - This wind! Scenery! And the audien... no not audience (TAEHYUN was listening to him ha ha) - Audience? ha ha (He doesn't stop there) - The stores! (Memories passing by) The rides~! Guys! Yeah? - We bought bracelets last time, right? - Yeah When we were in America last year We bought matching bracelets But they were gone by the time we were back So this time We're gonna buy something that'll last a long time! Matching bracelets or rings would be nice What do you think about buying matching accessories? If we can find a store Great idea! Where did we buy those bracelets last time? I totally forgot We were just walking around Oh isn't that the place?! This is it Yeah this is the place! They found the exact same store they went to last year - This is the same place! This looks a lot more sturdy Yeah let's find something more sturdy Something that'll last How about the second one? Or the one on top? This looks nice too Yeah that looks sturdy What kind of bracelet did they choose? So we're going with these? 5 of these? - Did you choose the same one as mine? - Yeah - HUENINGKAI and I have the same color bracelet - It's fate Say hi to the camera Don't lose them this time! (Please) - They look pretty sturdy Friendship bracelets~ - Don't lose them - Yeah please don't They have to come back to LA if they lose these bracelets again To Santa Monica beach! Under the scorching sun, the sandy beach is endless No! We need to find the oasis! Hang in there! Thursday Movies <Our Oasis> - The oasis is right in front of us! HUENINGKAI, go Just leave me here - No! - Go find the oasis! I can't leave you here! What are they doing? What's going on? The oasis is near! - That'll kill you! - What are they up to? Are you giving up? You can't give up now! Am I right? HUENINGKAI, I'm so exhausted... please carry me Okay, we're almost there! The oasis is near We can make it... They are so dedicated, I'm actually impressed They're so into it Wow! The ocean! The glimmering ocean is right in front of them! - The ocean! YEONJUN & HUENINGKAI arrived first! - The ocean! Welcome to Santa Monica beach Are you guys going inside? No I'm gonna do this mom style, I'm just gonna watch you guys I'm gonna be the uncle I'll just watch you guys play Who's gonna be the son? You two can be the sons Oldest and youngest The maknae is about to lose his mind So refreshing! What? Why? Don't forget your sunscreen - I always have sunscreen on hand I wanna put sunscreen on too Yeah me too, on my neck You need to put on a lot of sunscreen when you're at the beach Sunscreen is a must! - Really? - Give me some more They sure don't want to get any sun damage! Dad! Come play with me! Mom! Play with me! Play with HUENINGKAI~ - Yeah sure Let's go (So excited) - I'm only gonna get my feet wet (The two maknaes look so similar from behind) (Why are they raising their hands?) (Happy TAEHYUN) The maknaes having fun - Rock paper scissors! Go deeper (He's about to communicate with all the dolphins) The maknaes are soaked Just 18 year old babies having fun That looks refreshing, doesn't it? YEONJUN & BEOMGYU are watching the maknaes play - I want to go in the water, but Sand on wet feet is just... It's so hard to wash off all the sand Yeah totally What are they doing? What are they doing? They are getting buried in sand SOOBIN hyung and I are the same height now! Am I taller than him? Yeah you're so much taller You're much taller Wow look at all the birds! I wanna play with them - There's one right here - It's here! Play with me! I wanna play too! He's trying to get out of the sand - I'm gonna jump now, wait a second That's amazing! SOOBIN and the maknaes having fun - He can't get out! Bury him! (Looks like they're having fun without us...) (Why do they look so sad?) Giant bunny wants to play with the seagull Save me! (He's good at playing by himself) TAEHYUN is acting like the cute maknae that he is - Ahh! So scary! They decided to go in the water! It's so cold! A warm(?) welcome (That's my hyungs) My pants are soaking wet... (Hilarious) Whatever~~~ How TXT plays at the beach (Teasing BEOMGYU) Guys! Come on! I'll show you something funny! YEONJUN wait a second Ta-da (Isn't this fun?) Yeah it's hilarious...! Wow you're good at that (Having the time of their lives) Only BEOMGYU can do this(strong thighs) This is so much fun~ You're so good at that ha ha TXT is playing 'tag' - BEOMGYU can go first Run after I say three I'll get out of the sand and get you (1 2 3!) (Unexpected slapstick comedy) 1 2 3! Catch me if you can~ He's so fast!! How did he get out! BEOMGYU is running! Just like the endless waves, TXT never stoped laughing the whole time Another unforgettable memory for the 5 boys Aren't you guys hungry now? Yeah I'm hungry We had too much fun Yeah we did I heard there's a great taco place nearby, you guys wanna go? - Sure - Yeah great idea But guys~ this is not that exciting, right? 1st place to 3rd place gets to eat, and the other two can only have soda Sure He always suggests the games, but he ends up losing I'm gonna win this time I've thought this through (Okay) (Sure) How about long jumping? Nice That means it's gonna be me and HUENINGKAI! We're the worst at sports! - Let's start right away - Yeah I agree I don't think I can do this, but I'm gonna try Giant bunny fighting! Getting ready for the game - You and I are gonna starve If we dig a hole behind them before they jump, they can't jump that far The game begins! - Do I start? - Yeah - Wait (What are you doing HUENINGKAI?) HUENINGKAI is digging a whole What is he doing? (Bursting into laughter) - What are you doing? (He's like a machine) - What are you doing? (Gotcha) The long jumping competition begins! - Just jump when you're ready 1. Kang Tae Hyun (18) - 1 2 3! (TAEHYUN's record) 1. Choi Beom Gyu (19) - BEOMGYU hyung fighting! - 1 2 3! (BEOMGYU is winning so far) - Next is me 3. Choi Yeon Jun (21) - 1 2 3! Pretty similar 1. YEONJUN 2. BEOMGYU 3. TAEHYUN - That's me YEONJUN hyung is winning so far Is it my turn? (Potential loser) SOOBIN is up next (HUENINGKAI is digging... again!) (This doesn't feel right) (I'm serious) - He can't jump if you do that? 4. Choi Soo Bin - 1 2 3! Bunny Jump! That's the same as BEOMGYU's score! SOOBIN is better than we thought! I'll go now! 1st place is HUENINGKAI! I'll go now There's no way he can do better than that Please help me win! Come on! (He can't do better than that...?) 5. HUENINGKAI (Most likely to be 5th place) 1 2 3! HUENINGKAI jumped! What's gonna happen? He's good?! - Right here This is me! Ha ha ha! HUENINGKAI is 2nd place! - He's second place! You all thought I couldn't do it! (Confused) He's good at this?! 1st and 2nd place is decided, HUENINGKAI and me The three of you can do a rematch I don't think I can do this, that jump was pure luck... Only one seat left! 1 2 3! Jump! Wow he's good 2. Choi Soo Bin (He was 3rd place before) - 1 2 3! Giant bunny leader! Is he finally getting better at sports?! (Struggling) He's going back! You're out! SOOBIN is last place... - You need to jump forward! (SOOBIN is only having drinks(soda)) - You did so well at first Just soda for you 3. Choi Beom Gyu (He was 3rd place before) Gently... going backwards (Happy new year in advance! Happy 2020 everyone~) Soda is the best! - Only soda for you! - My man! - Let's go have dinner! - Let's go! Ta-da! (We don't know what kind of Mexican food you like, so we prepared everything!) - No it's not mine - What is all this? Thats a lot of food Wow this is delicious! TAEHYUN is loving it! This is delicious That's a taco? Isn't that the taco? Oh is it? (Miserable) - It's good - It's really good It does look good What is that? That reaction ha ha - This is so good - This is good too! (Really?) (I want some too...) What does it taste like? What is that? It's bread, and bread and bread! (Staring at the bread) - And some kind of sausage Peaceful dinner time I thought that was a carrot but it's a tomato Dessert is here~ Is this pudding? I thought that was a pancake Amazing visuals... this has to be delicious (What is it?) - We need this in Korea - Is it good? - Yeah (Let's have a taste) (We're smiling.. but we're dying inside) - Look at his face ha ha - This is so delicious! What does it taste like? This is incredible! It's like a soft cheesecake It looks really sweet Want a bite? Do you... (Not so fast) I want to hear an acrostic poem using 'Mexico' I can do it with 'Choi Yeon Jun' (Excited already) Choi: The most handsome - Yeon - Yeon! Yeon: He practices the hardest, and leads everyone - Jun - Jun: A prepared artist Kang Tae Hyun (An unexpected compliment) TAEHYUN! I'm counting on you! - That was insane ha ha! Such a plot twist! I'll give you a bite of mine too! A total success! - I mean, wow! (You're in a lot of trouble) Can I hit him with this? (HUENINGKAI is loving it) That was so good ha ha (SOOBIN, have a bite) They always take care of each other They made so many special memories together If these 5 boys are together, their memories will shine forever We made new memories in LA! Did you enjoy this episode? Our new memories Are all written in our secret... Are all written in our secret diary! We'll reveal the password just for you guys! The password is... LALALA is in capital letters And the rest.. you can figure out on your own! Ha ha Will you ready our diary? See you next week~ Will you read our diary? See you next week~!! YEONJUN's secret diary To look back on our memories, we went to all the places in LA that we went last year! Early morning, we went to the dance studio. It's been such a long time, so we were excited. And our former dance teacher made a surprise appearance! It was so amazing, and I was surprised! It was so nice to see her again, she gave us presents and gave us a lot of great advice he he When we came out of the studio, we went to 'EAT', and ordered the same food we used to order back then. It was as good as I remembered!! Oh! And last year we bought matching bracelets but most of our bracelets were lost or broken so we bought new ones at the same store! We had such a great time!! HUENINGKAI's secret diary We got up early and went on a special 'memory trip'. We saw the place we stayed at last year And we also went to Santa Monica beach! Me and the members played in the water, and in the sand. We played tag and had a long jump competition! It was so much fun! We went to all the same places from last year, it was so exciting! - Oh come on! It was an amazing trip! The last showcase TXT was surprised during the rehearsal A surprise event from their international fans! (Touched) They really cheered us up TXT is always growing and improving thanks to your love - We're receiving so much love They put in all their effort - We really need to give back all the love The last performance, the LA showcase will be revealed A mystery present for the members?! - What is this? HUENINGKAI day is back! TXT, it's time to rest! - We're going camping for a few days! We love camping! - Are we going camping? He's so excited~! However The sand storm is getting out of control Our tent is gonna fly away! They were supposed to make memories and have a good time... But they are fighting the sand storm! Will their first camping trip be successful? See you next week! - I miss my mom
Channel: Mnet K-POP
Views: 1,826,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 엠넷, mnet, kpop, k-pop, star, program, ONEDREAM TXT, 원드림 TXT, ONEDREAM, TOMORROW X TOGETHER, TXT, 투모로우바이투게더, 투바투, 투모로우바이투게더 리얼리티, 투바투 리얼리티, TOMORROW X TOGETHER REALITY, TXT REALITY
Id: pY7PKaI6gT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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