one direction annoying eachother like brothers for 6 minutes

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well I think we just grown up a little bit I mean we've got beards now how he's got the stubble going on they're just not choose to shave it okay he waxes we're all very very good pals we're all just very good I think they look like so it's nice actually have a look to see him be like oh it's actually okay what I knew it wasn't too bad you thought that was all right Liam you say we do a lot of speech tell me what you read or no okay wonder if you just chill out or their [Laughter] description of a day a lot of stupid enough for me though I didn't actually know that he got that cold over here I thought was gonna be one of those songs it's always hospital why I don't know cuz I just picture Australia it's like they're quite these quite mirrors they tell me source no you you you've arrived home and then you caused some carbohydrates to kind of cope you know - well you all that was like starchy thinks dark gravy no think not rice you might have an alternative to rice no not noodles not noodles okay this you might have an alternatives you said it wants wha-oh [Applause] [Applause] Joost have a cup of tea you know it makes that them [ __ ] avocados you know what's wrong with avocado trendiest food of all time it's like if I have another card I would target a target in my picture like you know I mean obviously I'm a boy oh they do piss me off on the card because it's just like one of them innit you go to LA you see people in LA and they've got [ __ ] avocado on toast I bet you like it no yeah that's what I have most mornings Oh pain oh come on light my mom calls me love her dad calls me son all right well that's me we didn't really know what to expect from them because you know I like we we've been in front of cameras with us London's quite big it's not it's quite small it's quite you can get lost there you know what are you talking about you dudes look so shocked he asked you Kenny can you walk out on the street and you said London to Toby well ten 15 years time and get to see such a good quality like memory almost of what was going on at that time and I don't anybody ever written a song for a girl before lucky I'm just chilling out my trousers off it's quite rude why have you done that said 7-eleven last eight years other you never you say cookie I won't be ready went round wearing one of the surgical masks I did yeah well you have like the ball pocket five and I have spare one you can have you know I think takes it first I think Louie takes their Louis Slough is semester's just like this is so good there's no point trying to clean we might as always thrown and everywhere and enjoy if that's how I like to work Lee and that's up to me okay so all the gates and then leave the let's be honest Ireland is the best country in the world no hands down absolutely not we really didn't anticipate oh that's yours Harry I lovely you're making it a right mess of that may I'm not being funny there was one the other day there was some scissors massive scissors that someone have made and then like a snipping a sign that was saying Harry cut your hair no because they wanted you to get a haircut I think you look marvelous I think like we just kind of sat around at home can you direct these mics a bit better Liam sorry bounce Liam sorry about that Carolyn I don't know it's really like unpredictable this last two weeks have been amazing he's very good really good like I think our town are really behind her like they've gone yeah I can't say anything on there I think you could win it you know like I think a lot of people might kind of want to take a little break I think they've got kind of jump straight in and take what seriously man you're just so distracting and everything you say is not to behave in the kitchen the chance of the chosen oh right in the balls that's what I'm talking of go any paella somewhere and I would hang out with friends I'd have to join Niall after that credible description there this is a bit it's just a lot deeper and it's gonna be a lot more is that as deep as your voice keep checking its it's gonna be a lot more
Channel: harry's gay vodka
Views: 2,069,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4VN2aAdzz0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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