ONE Championship: No Surrender III (FULL EVENT)

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the world's largest global martial arts organization returns to bangkok thailand with one no surrender three muay thai world champions and international superstars stack the card in a night of non-stop martial arts action [Music] in the main event a world champion versus world champion showdown in the one bantamweight muay thai tournament song mini a seven-time muay thai world champion takes on two-time lumpini stadium muay thai world champion cool damn the winner of the tournament gets a shot at the one pantomime muay thai world championship against nongo kaiong hadao in a flyweight muay thai bout kun khmer world champion sakti takes on lupini stadium muay thai world champion manco pet pet india academy and wbc muay thai world champion fabio pinka makes his highly anticipated mixed martial arts debut against thai superstar shannon weirichai also on the card two-time thailand muay thai champion wonder girl fairtex faces australia's brook farrell two world champions face off as six-time muay thai world champion little tiger takes on destonian powerhouse marie rouette and ben royal goes up against quinton thomas in a strawweight bout one no surrender two from bangkok thailand starts now what a performance to stop unstoppable [Music] welcome along to beautiful thailand we are in the capital city of bangkok and you join us for one championship no surrender three and we have got quite a collection of combat sports coming up for you 150 world champions on the one championship roster seven of them will be exhibiting their talents for you tonight you can see them all on screen so much to come let's focus on our main event first of all it's the second semi-final of a four-man bantamweight tournament sun money against gulab dumb and uh rich i know you've been looking forward to this one we already know that summer pet is in the final we've got two gentlemen looking to meet him in a few weeks time i have been looking forward to this matchup because i'm a south paw and it's rare that you get to see another southpaw versus the south paw kulagam is known for his left hand he has great boxing skills and he uses his combinations to go high and go low to set up those combos that's typically how he approaches his opponents when you look at his opponent on the other hand samuel knee also a southpaw known for his precision and he's about to throw all about throwing that left kick and in this match he says he's going to depend on his experience because he has nearly 140 more bouts than his opponent that's a lot of excitement to look forward to in our main event there are six other contests though on this card in total we've got four muay thai bouts and two mixed martial arts bouts so six in total those are your other five our first contest is a mixed martial arts contest three five minute rounds it's the usa against the uk it's ben royal against quinton thomas it's a mixed martial arts rules contest set for three by five minute rounds it's great britain versus the usa where royal is five centimeters the taller global raw set for this one bout his judge in its entirety there are no kicks to the head of a grounded opponent no spiking or suplexia on the neck head or spine here's dom loud good is a gentleman and martial arts fans from all around the world welcome to the most exciting global martial arts event one championship introducing first out of the blue corner he is a mixed martial arts world champion standing at 170 centimeters tall training out of tiger muay thai representing the united states of america put your hands together for quintun thomas and now introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is a uk fc featherweight champion standing at 180 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of four wins and only one loss training out of phuket top team representing the united kingdom please welcome ben royal and when the action begins your referee in charge mr nick chapman okay face each other okay guys you know the rules yeah follow them at all times this now for my instructions if i say stop you must stop okay if you want to touch gloves do it now back to your corners final instructions for quentin thomas and ben royal first round [Music] was nine two and one as an amateur quentin thomas one and oh and mixed martial arts 14 and two as an amateur is the immaf world champion a little bit of fancy footwork early on here from quinton thomas the 28 year old based out of south carolina in the usa a wrestler and both men in southport starts the bjj style has been royal from manchester in england based out of phuket top team here in thailand outside league from royal employing the muay thai early here holds a bjj black belt does ben royal there's an action guys come on coming in has three submissions in four career wins the pro so far royal just the one decision win and the one loss was by submission quentin thomas who is one and oh this is the battle of phuket we've got tiger boy tie against phuket top team you can see quentin is a little bit uncomfortable at southpaw stance having a hard time with the movement of royal i'd like to see you know test the ground game overall put on his back start beating on him test that bjj black belt quentin thomas will hope to tank royal down put him on his back in top position and pound away that's the preferred weapon of quinton royal uh queens and thomas i should say the ground and pound later gets backed off the left hand from royal nicely done there for the man from a minute now take the power one championship very good start a confident start for both them thomas who early on based himself on the exploits of fellow wrestlers sean scherk it was through watching the performances of shirk that thomas decided to pursue a career in mixed martial arts as an amateur going 14-2 renowned for that dominant wrestling style appears we haven't seen it yet no doubt it will come into play at some stage unless ben royal has other ideas to continue striking as he is in the first round but to finish quinton thomas on the feet two punch combination there from thomas dragon yeah you can see how royal has established the dominance in the striking game by utilizing that right jab he's got that beautiful rear leg push kick too but the jabs really kind of keeping thomas on his back foot and able to really commit to anything we're seeing some slight stance changes coming from thomas i think it's because of those inside leg kicks thrown by royal but that jab is really doing some good work for ben boyle if you ever got the pleasure to see royal in his amateur career he was always very busy a lot of volume which led him to a dominant nine and one record in decisions as an amateur nine two and one record so all the wins as an amateur for ben royal were by decision three by sub is a pro 50 seconds remaining first of three here all part of one championship no surrender three from inside the impact arena in bangkok thailand [Music] for the first time on the biggest stage you know a lot of times the arena doesn't even matter because it kind of hushes out anyway you know the entrance is definitely a big thing when you feel that vibe from the fans then we start to hear a rumble inside the stadium that can affect you too but a lot of these guys these world-class athletes they're used to being in small stadiums and small fairgrounds and so the crowd's really not that big it's all about being going in there and throwing that switch showing up when the time is right and both these guys i'm kind of surprised for the wrestler and the bjj black belt we saw basically just striking nice jab landed by thomas but some good counter striking that didn't quite found his mark coming from royal but i do like the jab of royal he's been able to utilize it effectively to just score enough points just keep thomas on his back foot and to keep him guessing with that jab constantly in his face but this is an interesting battle these guys basically train right down the road from each other on soy tai end out there in phuket because uh phuket top team and tiger muay thai are just a few feet from each other so you can probably imagine that these guys have been seeing each other on the street quite often we're ready to roll into the second round time happily ready a second of three we are scored as an overall contest not round by round who thinks nice background throwing all my tie tonight i need more thanks said we haven't seen an attempt to take the match to the ground so far round kick fear for royal big wrestling territory in the usa are you surprised here dragon that both men have chosen a glorified muay thai contest at the moment not so much because you know you're really not seeing either one of these guys get that uncomfortable usually when you start piecing up a grappler they're gonna start stoop for takedowns i don't think thomas really feels that threatened by royal striking and vice versa so these guys are just still trying to feel each other out and score points but it looks like that leg kick hurt thomas awesome thomas is sleeping down here a couple leg kicks from royal he's chopping away in the trunk on princeton the legs have gone to jelly again there's one queen king thomas having trouble walking now thank you royal has picked that leg apart you're in the second round thomas hasn't checked the leg kicks has paid the and is he allowing quinton thomas recovery time where are those leg kicks gone to the back leg of quinton thomas he was right for the picking just about a minute ago there from thomas well is there gonna be opportunity [Music] opportunity i think his knee possibly just buckled he's having still a lot of problems walking on it he can't put a lot of pressure on it he did throw a rear leg uh roundhouse kick low kick but he hasn't quite been able to make the adjustments we can see him start switching stances he wants to be in that south paw position but he's wisely keeping that back leg protected and keeping it on the rear left earlier meanwhile thomas still moving here is still in this match one minute three remaining second of three minutes it hands i think so you could see that he actually buckled he went down and royal kind of looked at the ref like is it okay what do i do are you gonna stop it and those momentary lapses in concentration and not having those finishing instincts may have cost him the match because thomas looked like he was hurt but now he seems to have the movement back he's going back to the hands he's got good hand movement there it is again see something's wrong with that right leg it's not quite there for him it's not stable like then he has no stability [Music] final seconds of the second round it's been royal ahead at the moment but you figure is this the round that got away from him when he could have finished quinton thomas did he let him off that hook thomas is still here which means he's still got five minutes to turn the tide there's one of those big league kicks beautifully connected that's where you want to hit it dead in the leg take it out but three four more would have done the trick except royal didn't go back there as you said mitch some hesitation looking at the referee and not finishing his opponent [Music] seconds [Applause] [Music] he puts that right leg that damage right leg at the back goes thomas may over extend himself in this round he may get a little desperate knowing he's possibly trailing here he's switching a little and he starts maybe that right leg is feeling better on grits at times royal goes to the inside legendary good left hand almost waiting for an opportunity thomas just wants to be in that southpaw position he's just naturally a little bit more comfortable firing off shots from that southpaw position but in his when he goes orthodox you know ben brook really isn't capitalizing on it but he's got good movement he's evading a lot of thomas's big shots it's a pretty close match i think it could go either way if it is close the deciding factor could very well be those leg kicks in the second round there's the leaking again from royal he goes close to that sweet spot close to that target just above the right knee and immediately thomas retracts the leg he does not want to get hit there again and he goes to the inside if royal did decide to go all out on thomas what could he catch him with could he drop quinton thomas we know that thomas is injured but thomas is bringing that injured leg to the lead now back to himself [Music] he's regained some of that stability in those legs but you can see because he's so light on his feet he's constantly trying to bounce in and out that that movement's there but something's just a little bit of miss from thomas's footwork but ben royal is having a hard time trying to judge these dance changes he's a little bit hesitant a little bit gunshine of fire because of these constant switching up stances coming from thomas royal has yet to win by knockout or tko unless they decide to change it up oh yeah that could have been the one that seals the deal that was a beautiful hand combination he goes down to get a huge victory with the late third round tko stoppage well only seconds after i said he'd never won by knockout on tko exactly that is what he did to quinton thomas royal decided to put the foot down decided to flurry decided to throw the beginning of the end here for quinton thomas as soon as royal decided to go for it he finished quinton thomas you can see he started to go after those leg kicks you could see how thomas was trying to pick up those legs to ride with some of that momentum but then he just clipped it with that beautiful rear hand uppercut wobbled thomas thomas crumpled to the ground and then he hit him with a beautiful three-piece combination as thomas stumbles to the ground the referee was forced to jump in and stop it but look at this three-piece boom hits it with a palm strike follows it right up with that right hook thomas realizes he's not quite in it falls to the ground ben royal welcome to one championship ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the red corner man [Music] royal scores the first knockout win in his mixed martial arts career which now goes to five and one and the first loss to quentin thomas let's go back to steven rich [Music] ben royal showing very good pace there rich as the uh i mean early on he really let his opponent off the hook didn't he he did he had that knee hurt and i'll tell you this match didn't look anything like a bjj black belt versus a wrestler but after he hurt that knee i think thomas just had very difficult time moving around and it showed in the third round he just couldn't couldn't continue eluding the combinations and royal finally landed that combination that put him on the ground speedy hands there sending thomas to the deck and that's a good third round stoppage win then for britain's ben royal we moved to muay thai next in the first of two women's muay thai contests marie roumette 20 years old takes on the 37 year old little tiger from japan [Music] [Music] here foreign intense inside because we move to the first of two women's muay thai battles 20 year old marie roumet from estonia takes on 37 year old little tiger from japan let's learn a little bit more about these two six-time muay thai world champion little tiger began learning karate at age four igniting a lifelong passion for combat sports little tiger continued to pursue a career as a professional combat sport athlete [Music] after turning pro in kickboxing little tiger soon found a home in muay thai and moved to thailand to perfect her craft the move served her well as the seasoned veteran claimed multiple world titles over the course of almost 60 professional bouts tonight little tiger makes her one championship debut against fellow newcomer marie rouette born and raised in estonia rumet began training in muay thai at age 15 and only two years later moved to thailand to chase her dream of being a professional combat sport athlete i first came to thailand when i was 17 just for a fight camp for like two months after those two months i went back home packed my bags and told my parents that i want to move to thailand they saw like all of my passion was left in thailand so yeah eventually they said okay go go and chase your dreams training full time in thailand roumette sharpened her technique to complement her natural power resulting in an impressive 44 finishing rate over her 27 wins tonight rounette steps into a classic battle of youth versus experience as the 20 year old faces seasoned veteran little tiger is a six-time world champion and i definitely need to watch out for the left kick and the left punch but i think i can handle it championship [Music] it's a one super series muay thai contest set for three rounds of action 17 years the older is little tiger from japan but 10 centimeters the taller is marie romette from estonia 10 point must system is in place three knockdowns in a round it's all over no throws or grappling but knees and elbows and clinching is allowed for our official introductions it should be a ripper let's go to dom lao and now this next match is three rounds of three minutes in a one super series atom weight muay thai contest introducing first out of the blue corner she is a six-time muay thai world champion standing at 157 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 35 wins and 19 losses training out of team tayo representing japan [Applause] please welcome little tiger [Music] and now introducing her opponent out of the red corner she is a muay thai champion standing at 167cm tall holding a muay thai record of 27 wins and nine losses training at a bear fight club representing [Applause] estonia it up for marie snow leopard [Music] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr clerk like clown clown three rounds of adam white i action from inside the mighty impact arena in bangkok thailand little tiger ayaka myanchi from tokyo japan brings in a 35-19 and five record look for little tiger to try and get in and outs down the outside work the longer techniques even though she is the shorter of the two look for marie remember to move into the clinch with the knees work the elbows that's immediately where the estonian goes the 20 year old is a great pinch game on it continually trying to grab the back of the neck of her shorter opponent work the muay thai clincher once you control the opponent's neck and head you can swing the body into your knees and of course pivot the head into your elbows as well uppercut elbow crossing elbows early from rounds good check there from little tiger ayaka miaochi was given the name little tiger by a very famous name if you're a pro wrestling fan you'll know the name of saturday the tiger mask her mentor crossing elbow again there from marie romette round kick from roman follow through right hand moved into the clinch that transition [ __ ] from the outside to the inside snaking that clinch around the neck it's beautiful from marie romette yeah she uses her reach really well and then closes the distance and ties her up and then immediately starts firing off elbows athlete a muay thai athlete who relies primarily on like clinching knees like is that while they're trying to swim the hands out and snake those arms behind the head they are momentarily open to a counter strike watch little tiger try to counter with that right hand as marie moves in for the clitch but so far marie did a great job on the clinch tying her up drilling the knees trying to fold her in half like origami stepped through elbow off the back arm there from marie rounet again pitches up little tiger little tiger having difficulty with the clinch game of marie met with under one minute remaining set for three rounds of action some early damage on little tiger she's a multi-time world champion wpmf world pinweight mini flyweight champion wmc world pinweight mini flyweight champion also on the adam white international title with the wbc has been on the thai scene for a long time dragon yes she's been out here a long time training out there in chiang mai she's constantly moving around competing in the stadiums she's got a lot of experience at just 20 years old and but in this matchup we're seeing her just turn on the pressure it's constant it's like a faucet it just never shuts down she's kind always working those long range weapons like that push kick and she skips into the clinch and then starts firing off knees and elbows marie remember back into the clinch where she is most comfortable hook it rewind boxing stadium champion chiang mai boxing stadium champion and only 20 years old also a blue bouncing brazilian jiu jitsu might get a chance to use the bjj tonight nice left hand down the center there from little tiger needs to rely on that left hand does little tiger brunette nice high guard slings the legs the shorter opponent steps through the knee right hand high right round kick good work here all tied up again center of the ring rumet who just recently switched camps has been focused on an old-school style tie train he could see that the way she's using the clinch game the knees and the elbows tonight and we look at some of the action from that first round that was the plan of marie romek dragon move into the clinch lock her up tie her up work the knees drill the elbows yeah and she's moving around really well her clinch game is so strong she's really got a good hold of the back of her opponent's head and she's directing it all sorts of places little tigers got to try to swim in she's got to get her arms on the inside and not let her head get controlled like that rounette's just firing off knees and elbows every time she gets into that clinch you can see her volume is just so much greater than little tiger little tiger's got to keep that space and do those low kicks to stop that oncoming pressure coming from romette don't forget those skippers follow across all your social media platforms at one championship on twitter facebook instagram and youtube how do you score the first round here between marie romette and little tiger befree kicks us off second round of three little tiger comes quickly out of her corner southpaw stance immediately goes with that left hand being the power hand romantic orthodox starts those lead hands will clash at times inside leg kick from rounette then goes up higher off the back leg thought about the front kick of the estonian elbows on the inside knees now from marie romette and i met with a 44 finishing rate 12 and 27 wins by knockout does give up a gap in experience of some 23 matches front kick off the left leg there from marie romette chance for the elbows double forearm guard from little tiger oh hey gotta watch how many of those round kicks you take on the forearms rumic can really sling with those long legs nice lean back encounter there from little tiger first minute almost down second round set for three was impressed by marie romette in the opening round particularly with the clinch game but we're seeing some good work on the outside here from little tiger in the second clinched up again near the upper lip ribcage from marie romette little tiger flicks away the jab good right hand down the center corridor threaded it nicely didn't marie romette little tiger though full of tenacity always coming forward if you've watched her career little tiger has never lit her height disadvantager she's mostly been smaller than all of her opponents but she's won so many world titles and done so in high quality fashion over a very long time has never seen herself as a short athlete what's that old saying dragon it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight of the dog there's a lot of fight in the guts and intestinal fortitude always off little tiger round kick there from marie romette checks the low kick this little tiger 45 seconds to go in this second round of three round kick counterless town there from a little tiger you can see it's the kicks now of marie romette the counter crosses down the center off that left hand of little tiger outside leg kick higher the thigh from marie remember misses with the right hand body shot there from tiger goes for the belly button then goes upstairs there's marine room tiger slings the legs moves into the clinch room throws the knees a chance of the elbows can't get them off though a little too close here final seconds of the round now landed in the clinch referee moves in we go to the towers after two dragon little tiger made some good adjustments inside the clinch she was more active with the knees but rounette changed things up as well by keeping tiger at distance utilizing those kicks and just attacking and landing leg kicks and body kicks i like how round is also able to change her tempo she realized that things could go a different way and they started to and she adjusted little tigers just got to be more active she's got to create those angles and not go linearly with rounet she's got that reach on her so tiger needs to create angles in this last round she did a lot better in this one it wasn't so it was dominated by the rounette clinch so she was active but i think that round also is going to go to rounet tiger needs to let it all hang out attack the body attack the head go for big knockout shots with little gloves tiger carries that knockout power but she's going to have a hard time dealing with the range and the distance that romette seems to be able to control just just just wow third and final round here between little tiger and marie romette and once again the pace and the early high kick bear from little tiger if you've seen little tiger compete over the years you know that she's renowned for her leg kicks but tonight she's chosen to bring the boxing in a lot more perhaps here in the final three minutes time to go to the legs of marie romek trying to slow ramet down trying to prevent remit from getting her locked in the clinch nice high kick there from little tiger remit sticks out the jab good long reach on the jab there from marie romette jab two from marie romette 20 years old versus 37 year old both on one super series debut here fakes off the front leg low check there from little tiger marie remick goes high round kick from marie romette double jab no leg kicks for company though from little tiger you see remit trying to pull her down for the great and meet and just a spill in the center of the ring there for little tiger who will get the first win on the board in one super series jabbing out of southport starts little tiger here's where she needs those leak kicks little tiger trying to get on the inside to work the boxing remake keeping her pain nicely with that front kick off the ropes checks the low kick moves into a clinch good transition short range knee bear from marie rouette they tango and referee drinks them little tiger does have a black belt in karate long time martial art exponent since she was a young girl again the clinch here from marie romette referee separates them it's been a tremendously entertaining contest a real battle of styles here between a very tall opponent and a short one 10 centimeters height difference but really in this game you can be that much taller than your opponent unless you know how to use that god-given advantage it's of no use you look at let's say the old k1 days semi-shield who was six foot eleven a four-time k-1 grand prix champion because he knew how to use his height advantage whereas he had hongman choi who was seven foot three the tallest kickboxer in history but really had no idea how to use that incredible height advantage marie remote again trying to lock on the grapple a little tiger just throws her off 25 seconds on the clock now gets out of the way of the round kick there this little tiger goes to the legs but i am surprised we haven't seen more leg kicks from little tiger ribbit comes forward with the right hand back off right hand there off the lead hand from little tiger round kick from roonette hiking from little tiger both ladies trading you see little tiger on the inside throwing the combination of the corner right hand down the center end of the round for marie remember folks we're going down to the judges again here in bangkok how do you score it do you have it for marie romette or do you have it for little tiger your thoughts dragon maria romette is not slow she's got good speed and she's able to utilize her reach extremely well she's picking a part tiger on the outside but tiger's more active she's moving in and out faster as the match went on so her gas tank wasn't the problem she just didn't build enough volume into her shots she allowed marie romet to kind of really dictate where this match took place and it was at her range ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the red corner marie a great victory on one super series debut for maria met the constant clinching the knees and the use of the length wins the day for the 20 year old estonian congratulations marie romance impressive performance wasn't it he worked with marie richards she got a big future yeah i actually i recruited her for one warrior series when i was in thailand and the way that she executed her match here is exactly the same way that she spotted me when i was in the ring with her yeah an exciting talent there is more women's muay thai on its way to you and there are debuts involved for 21 year old wonder girl fairtex from pattaya i'm edward fulayam from baguio city philippines but i trace my roots in sadanga mountain province the people there are known for their aggressiveness as hunters they are fierce hunters in the jungle i am proud on my iguod heritage it is the tribe in the northern part of the philippines that is unhankered i came from difficult training ifugao they are oligarchs the frugals are full of traditions and cultures just like the other tribes the fugaz are one of the bravest tribes here in the caldera region and the most humble people i'm very proud to be one of the representatives of the igor tribe a turning back kick to the liver that was awesome i am living here in green valley baguio city part of wingate i'm 100 percent proud igoro igorod are people of the mountains that's why there's no mountain they can't conquer and i'm proud i'm one of them he goes for it goes for it he gets it that's the living knockout that's the one i spoke about it's good that irene we go to our years our loyals around the neck of the king danny i want to express my gratitude and appreciation to all of the healthcare workers in the entire world especially the ones in bangkok without you doctors nurses healthcare workers we would not be able to put on this show in bangkok i want to thank all their frontline workers our doctors our nurses our healthcare physicians for being there for us during this troubling times i just want to say thank you very much to all the health workers all around the world and especially in bangkok for keeping our athletes safe you are our modern heroes thank you very much you're looking down on the impact arena in bangkok thailand the action has been intense so far we've got a women's muay thai contest coming up but before that let's take a look at our main event it's the second semi-final of a four-man bantamweight tournament it's sung money against cool up dumb let's learn more about them foreign foreign that's our main event but next up it's women's white eye two women making their one championship debut 21 year old fairtex from pattaya and she takes on from australia's gold coast brook farrell who's 28 years old for wonder girl fairtax muay thai is a family sport her father a former muay thai athlete began training her and her sister in muay thai when she was only six years old wonder girl's talent led to her quickly turning pro and getting a chance to train at the prestigious fairtex gym there she gets to sharpen her skills together with one adam wait muay thai world champion stamp fairtax [Music] [Music] tonight wonder girl takes her first step towards achieving her goal tomorrow [Music] it's a one super series muay thai contest sit for three rounds of action she is finally here in one super series yes wonder girl fantax with all the hype behind her takes on the highly experienced australian brook farrell three by three scored on a ten point must system three knocked down to the round it's over no throws or grappling but knees and elbows are permitted this one should be a rip starter for our official introductions in bangkok once again let's go to the pumping bellows of don lao and now this next match is three rounds of three minutes in a one super series draw weight muay thai contest introducing first out of the blue corner she is a wbc oceana muay thai champion standing at 165 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 14 wins and 11 losses training out of powerhouse phuket representing australia put your hands together for brook [Music] and now introducing her opponent out of the red corner she is a two-time thailand muay thai champion standing at 168 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 33 wins and 16 losses training at a fair tax gym representing thailand [Music] give it up for wonder girl fair tax and when the action begins your referee in charge mr clerk like clown is a debut in one super series we have all been looking forward to wonder girl fantex has all the weapons to be a big splash on the straw weight scene here at one super series they come out slinging the legs a good two punch combination there from wondergirl goes to the legs as wonder girl with the hands there's no margin for error these are four ounce gloves folks every punch hurts and here comes one the girl drops her smack bang on the kisser and put ferrous down brook farrell down to the first round my word what a power salvo there from wonder girl fantax and look at her affording a smile at the camera wonder girl fairtex has opened up like a house on fire and brooke farrell is wobbled she clashes towards her corner to the australian here comes wonder girl the lead kicks from one the girl in the high kick barrel backed up and down again a second knocked down that's good irene will somebody call marvel comics because we've got a new superhero in one super series and her name is wonder girl dragon that was awesome yeah from the opening bell you can see wonder girl jumps all over brooke early just kept nailing her with that right hand we knew that wonder girl packed a wallop inside her right hand and we can see inside these four ounce gloves she just immediately turned it on and did not stop kept that pressure coming kept moving forward brooke farrell chose to stand in the pocket and trade and she paid for it beautiful high kick there look at that transition from high kick to right hand before the foot even touches the ground the right hand's coming off and then she just overwhelmed her wonder girl is here she's got a mixed martial arts record so i'm excited to see wonder girl here in one championship she looks like she could be a handful ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the red corner wonder girl fair tax there's a new star in one super series remember the name she's gonna do big things wonder girl fair takes a win by first round knockout over australia's brook farrell welcome to one wonder girl fairtax wow there's a smile that could go ringing around the world she's got personality she's got skills and power too rich she had time to check in with the camera while while brooke was getting her standing account she won this match because she kept all her strikes nice and tight down the middle and brooke was looping around with the wider shots and that was the difference we'll be keeping our eye on her mordecai though we changed to mixed martial arts shannon wirachae very popular with one championship fans he takes on a 36 year old who's had 127 white eye contests but is making his debut as a mixed martial artist [Music] every day is a battle [Music] some battles are great other battles are small [Music] but each morning we choose to rise to face the challenges to push forward despite the obstacles [Music] today a new fear stalks us it threatens to overwhelm us to divide us to test our humanity [Music] but like our daily battles we must choose to face it we must be defiant [Music] we must rise to the challenge because that is what champions do we [Music] one overcome no surrender three and get ready our friends in thailand because one of your favorite mixed martial arts sons is about to enter the ring shannon 31 years old is taking on fabio pinker who's making his mixed martial arts debut but this man has 127 muay thai contests under his belt so should be a good one let's learn more about these two thai superstar shannon weirich looks to make his experience count when he takes on mixed martial arts newcomer fabio pinka in a one featherweight bout we're wirichae is a pioneer of mixed martial arts in thailand having turned professional in 2011. a stellar run in one championship saw him go undefeated for five years as he moved featherweight to lightweight his wacky walkouts and spectacular knockouts made wirichae a fan favorite my main style is more like an unpredictable striking star then i refine my striking with more boxing knowledge i think my most dangerous weapon may be my right hook the thing that makes my rifle so strong and kind of be a bit scary for the order is because of i got no form i just thinking about how to land my hand on the target how i set thing up how i move myself how i find the angle how i proceed to the goal oh look at the elbows now from the lap because we're chai is cut the thai heroes started to struggle at the heavier weight class and the string of defeats forced wierchai to reassess his approach three years ago i want to try to stay in lightweight to see if i can stay like in my walk around wait but after three years i saw myself in the tv i look chubby my five percentage is kind of high i still got chance to lose some fat and go down the division i feel like i want to take this challenge maybe i can find myself either better performance i is in the best shape ever but he's not taking two-time muay thai world champion fabio pinka lightly the french star is making his much anticipated mixed martial arts debut and weirchai although confident of his experience is not underestimating the striking prowess of his opponent ten years ago fabio pika was the first foreign athlete i know i watched him become the world champion in thailand for the first time and i was like oh wow to pass through his striking game into the grappling aspect is already hard enough but he also been training in mma grappling jiu-jitsu and racing for a long time this is not going to be easy at all i need to mix my game up i need to use the most unique thing right way to mix your own kind of martial art in this box this is going to be my challenge i'm so excited it's gonna be fun let's do this [Music] it's a mixed martial arts rules contestant for three by five minute round as fabio pinker a muay thai we're under the global rule set for this one the bat will be judged in its entirety no kicks to the head of a grounded opponent no spiking or throws on the head neck or spine here's the laugh and now this next match is three rounds of five minutes in a one championship featherweight contest introducing first out of the blue corner he is a two-time wbc muay thai world champion standing at 175 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 99 wins and 24 losses training out of team rs representing france please welcome fabio and now introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is a noxu champion standing at 175 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of nine wins and six losses training out of bangkok fight lab and tiger muay thai representing thailand put your hands together for shannon [Music] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr nick chapman thank you very much okay guys you know the rules follow them at all times okay listen to my instructions if i say stop you must stop stand touch gloves that's your corners third man in the ring for this one our referee nick chapman with the final instructions seven time world points 99 wins in striking 35 knockouts here he is in mixed martial arts we're a giant nine and six five knockouts two submissions a 77 percent finishing rate for chevroje this a crossroads match for wirachae comes in riding four losses hasn't had a win since beating rahul raju back in march 2018 two submission wins both by a rear naked choke on the record of shadow five first round finishes including that 21 second mauling back in 2012. let's see how weird shy handles the striking of pinker if pinker can get the strikes off because mitch when it comes to muay thai there's a difference in the distance yeah but there's also takedowns too michael and this is what shannon is starting to work for this is gonna answer a lot of questions i don't mean you've gone back and forth on this on what is the best base for mixed martial arts you think it's striking i think it's wrestling and right now we're seeing shannon weirdchai the striker the knock at the second most knockouts in the lightweight division choosing to wrestle with the muay thai world champion he's got that nice clinch up against the ropes now shannon does have a brown belt in judo so he's got some really good trips of his own and i'd expect him wanting to get this match to the ground similar to the way that he competed against the myanmar lit weight champion kylin so expect him to look for a takedown here because testing the hands of pinka might be a recipe for disaster because i don't see pinkus making the same mistakes that a lot of shannon weirchai's other opponents have made by rushing in and getting caught with that monster's right hook you're the frenchman here in thailand stadium champion at 67 kilos won that title one of the few westerners to win that title very straight up in his guard here the chin a little high in the air will look to sling the legs come over the top with the hands maybe some elbows [Music] switch between all is i was impressed by his ability to keep it standing when they first engaged in that clinch you know they had kind of a 50 50 position and you know shannon was attempting trips and pink was able to hold his own i think it just comes from all that world-class muay thai experience and being comfortable inside that clinch so so far so good as he looks to land a nice inside leg kick and i think it might have been a growing shot but everybody says they're okay pink is very calculating in these stand-up exchanges you can see how weird chad is trying to bait him and he's trying to get him to over commit but i don't think pink is going to make those kinds of mistakes watch out for the counter right cross centering now nice outside leaking there from fabio pika switches starts throws out a front kick off the back leg orthodox here for fabio pincus southpaw for shannon shy [Music] take a look at this see beautiful look at the way he threw that leg kick stepped out of the way at the oncoming shot and kind of connected with that right hook his right hook is very dangerous and you can see just how uncomfortable fabio pinka was with weird time started raining down those shots weird shy has incredible finishing instincts if he gets you hurt even for a split second he is going to jump all over you trying to end your night and that's what we saw shannon weirchai is very aggressive and he's also we've saw in his last match against onario benario back in king of the jungle on february 28th kind of a different sort of weird child a more hungry weird shy he did end up losing a split decision but we're starting to see a hunger back inside we're shy and it's due i think to this new weight division he fought for a long time at the lightweight division and now we're seeing him back in the featherweight division he is looking in good condition tonight shannon got the abs back yeah a little bit of uh definition in the arms as well for shannon seems to be comfortable in there tonight that flurry on the ground in the final 10 seconds will give him a lot of confidence is still here and while he's here he presents danger but can fabio pica the frenchman the seventh time pointing kickboxing world champion stay on his feet nicely kick that off go to the outside fighters again to the outside lead thought 99 wins 35 knockouts in boynton kickboxing now trying to make his way into the big martial arts world and what a stage to do it off in shannon's backyard but you can just see how comfortable is this is a multi-time world champion that's trying to put hands on weird shy and weird chai is very relaxing calming countering these shots very well i'd like to see pika start taking out that inside leg start throwing heavy heavy leg kicks and really start putting the hang combinations together because he's having a problem getting off on weird shy leg kicks coming through again here from fabio are they taking their toll on shannon we're in china try you get do you get the red hot wheelchair i think we saw him last timing into the rock even though his [ __ ] said he lost it nice counter there here's the ground and pound opportunity again not where pika wanted to be only halfway go he's come to get back in the winner's circle and as i said this crossroads match in his career yeah usually has a problem pulling the trigger and advance being an aggressive striker he usually likes to be a counter striker he likes to make you miss and then make you pay but we saw from that beautiful spinning back fist that caught pika he's kind of coming to play he's trying to put hands on pink and we're starting to see that but you can see he's waiting for pika to make a mistake is [Music] doesn't throw with caution of the wind he picks opponents apart very high iq in kickboxing and boy but will that translate to mixed martial arts 35 seconds remains second round nice popping right hand there from buruchai every time it's gone to the ground it's been all one-way traffic and it's murica driving the car lateral movement so long as it remains standing will feel he has a chance a chance to employ the elbows the leg kicks to somehow drop shadow and what a mixed martial arts day build would be dragon imagine if you could knock out shannon mirachy in bangkok that would be extraordinary yeah but what we're seeing is shannon dropping the hands he does not look like he's scared of fabio pinka's shots i don't think fabio pinka has really landed a significant shot to really hurt him look at that he got dropped there michael chavello pretty much face planted and then where chad tries to jump on him the only time this match is going to the ground is when shannon weirchai knocks fabio pinka to the ground like you see just there but again pika was able to recover guard maintain his composure work his way back up to his feet and continue to fight on but we're seeing a different level from shannon weird shy here he does not look overwhelmed by facing a striker the capability of fabio pinka you ready you ready let's go this has been an exemplary performance from shannon to get back in the winner's circle after four losses in a row a very rare thai athlete before switching to boxing for wrestling and bjj i'll pick you off give me some bodies you don't see pinker in boy tank throw caution but he's got to do that now to consistently dominates the center of the ring which is opponent on the outside there we go lots of movement doesn't seem you can see the faints coming from fabio pinka are starting to kind of get in a reaction out of weird chai like he's faking he's fainting the low kicks and we're actually reaching for the legs this would be a perfect time to start wrapping that [ __ ] around the chin a weird child at least threatening the leg kicks because he's starting to get some reaction out of weird shot but he's just not as aggressive as we've seen fabio pinka in the past he's kind of a little bit hesitant but he is starting to come forward and he is starting to look for big shots pinker just glancing towards his corner he's been so excited about his mixed martial arts debut see the damage over the left eye there is five minutes of recovery time and medical examination allowed here for shannon now what happens dragon if we're a child i can't continue well since we are at that past the halfway point of this matchup we would turn the match over to the judge's scorecards but that doesn't look like it's going to be a problem because we are back underway as fabio pinka continues to push forward leaving a right hook there out of southport stones from shannon we're trying to get a press up to the outside pinker going downstairs two punch combination tries to lock cuts off the movement pick your resets so too does we're adjusting getting in the way front kick off the left leg positions from the frenchman spent so much of his career in thailand fabio pinker as i said household name in thailand stadium champion it's bought some great 150 remaining dragon what are you telling pika to do i look at this strategy he's starting to push forward but it might be too little too late shannon weirsch has always struggled with his cardio in the later rounds we're starting to see fabio pika start to pour it on you know we're trying still swinging that big right hook trying to time it correctly but we're seeing those world-class striking eyes from pink as he's able to evade i'd like to see we're trying to shoot him for a takedown but he's really not kind of a double leg kind of cat but we are starting to see pinka move forward he said they're on the inside he tried to thread entirety so if pinka can really start to put a hurt on mirachai he might be able to capture the match in the judge's eyes because right now see how he's baiting he's reaching down for that leg to try to block it that's what pika needs to do he was able to have some success when he went up to the up top with that head kick keep beating on that leg and then look for that head kick that's his opportunity that's his shining star right now i told you on the inside pinker would be looking for the elbows that's what he's going for now he threw a spinning back elbow now it's pinker the juices are flowing the confidence is oozing under 20 seconds remaining fabio pinker welcoming himself to the mixed martial arts world he tags him with the left hand comes forward again just before the bell sounds here one more leg kick and that's all fermio a fantastic final round [Music] yeah this is the type of striking that we expected to see from pika he had some beautiful hand combinations when he starts to go boy you better be careful he hurt him with those leg kicks he started to get the reaction out of weird shy and then he started to go to the body beautifully done that looked like it could have been a finger in the eye but then he was landing some beautiful shots there he wiz i think that spinning heel kick landed flush that was some beautiful work in the third and final round by fabio pinka but overall this was a very entertaining matchup and michael cervelo on to throw it to you who do you think got it mitch i'm going to say on the early crown and pound from shadow wirichae and i think he's dominant in the opening two rounds i would give the way of shadow wear a giant but i was impressed the third and final round of pinky was fantastic it shows me good things it shows me good signs for fabio pinker if he's gonna make a real shake in the mixed martial arts world let's go to the judges see how they scored it let's go to tom low and enter this one into the history books ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the red corner shannon with a child [Music] takes it back in the winner's circle and emotional moments here for the man they call one chin but fabio pika could hold his head high some fantastic signs in that final round from pizza emotional moments for shannon this was always a risky bout for him to take bridge it was actually but i think this is some of the best stand up we've actually seen from shannon anytime he's been in the ring the thing with shannon i i give him the decision because he landed that spinning back fist in the first round that actually dropped his opponent and even though pinka came on at the end landing those late kicks doing the damage it just wasn't enough from mixed martial arts we go to muai thai next monk on pet against sock tea from cambodia [Applause] tremendous respect for each other but also a tremendous desire to try [Music] the world has changed a new normal has emerged are we losing our way [Music] have we put our dreams on hold when did we allow life's challenges to be a reason to give up [Music] to opt out [Music] to find excuses when did we allow adversity to get in the way of hope when did we stop fighting for what we believe [Music] she hasn't he won't [Music] [Applause] [Music] see the glint in her eye that's belief [Music] choose to be anybody [Music] choose to be somebody choose to be you a more inspirational champion you will define the very best version of you [Music] the impact arena in bangkok everyone watching i'm sure will be waiting anxiously for the main event but ahead of that we go to muay thai in the flyweight division it's thailand against cambodia mong kong pet against sock tea let's learn a little bit more about these two fine athletes mankol pet hails from the northeast region of thailand where he followed his older brother into muay thai when he was 10 years old being a fast learner his reputation grew eventually taking him to the elite bangkok circuit he quickly established himself in the thai capital capturing the lumpini and channel 7 muay thai world titles in 2017. mom coped is now refining his skills at pet indy academy under the guidance of one featherweight muay thai world champion ped morocco as he seeks to make his mark on the global stage a cambodian superstar who has spent most of his life in thailand dedicating himself to the art of eight limbs a restless child he followed his brother to bangkok when he was 8 years old he made rapid progress taking on all comers in the competitive thai scene and becoming the first cambodian to compete at the famed lumpini stadium a return to his motherland brought him world titles in the cambodian striking art of [ __ ] khmer and super stardom sakti and manco pet now face each other in one championship each looking to stand out on the stacked one flyweight muay thai roster it's a one super series points i clash set for three by three minute rounds at flyway it's thailand versus cambodia as montgomery india academy takes on sock tea three by three with three judges scoring on a 10 point bus system three knocked down in one round and it's all over let's go to tom and now this next match is three rounds of three minutes in a one super series lightweight muay thai contest introducing first out of the blue corner he is a couldn't come here world champion standing at 163 centimeters tall holding a kun khmer record of 223 wins and 37 losses training out of padminbury gym representing uh cambodia give it up [Music] and now introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is a lumpini muay thai world champion standing at 167 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 113 wins and 40 losses training at a pet yandee academy representing thailand please welcome moon compact academy [Applause] [Music] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr yongsan claw hmm [Music] national striking art of cambodia a devastating martial art a lot of similarities of course to muay thai if there's one style that a muay thai athlete really does not want to lose against it's against the kunkumai opponent the same goes on the other foot couldn't combine never wants to lose against muay thai the rivalry here between styles is intense stadium super featherweight world champion looking for career victory number 113 that's a lot of matches but sock t says hey hold my beer because sock tea has on his record 223 wins that is crazy dragon yeah sock tee put on a show in his back to back performances against rod tang the first one was disputable but the second one was undisputable as rod tank really put on a clinic but what but salty really learned a lot in that match and he's going to have to utilize it here against moncol pet mount great at finding his distance in his range and he's really dangerous inside this clinch this is where malcolm pet does his best work so sakti really has to be careful of those fast and furious elbows on john bid four centimeters taller than sock t sock two with those big legs he could throw some thunderous leg kicks he goes for one to the outside right thigh of mon john pitt on gunpet checks the kick good high check there from the tie only 25 years old mong gone pet from the fable pit india academy stable made to pick damn and pit moricott on the outside here the project armbands around both biceps here are monk compact throws the high kick orthodox starts on both these men at the moment hands there from monk gompet thrust up the jab sock t trying to press him into the corner we've already seen mong kompet opening up with the elbows there's a nice elbow just trying to lock the right here of sock tea sock tea flurries on the inside then bridges off good work from soccer when he got in close eats the front kick from moncom pack step across outside leg kick there from suck tea hmong compete this is a beautiful first round to watch over hand right to the leg kick there from my compact into the first round we go to the towers three judges are scoring on a 10 point must system give the winner of the round 10 points folks give the less dominant athlete nine points you see something they're powering through the double forearms guard of mongkok and there's the right aim to the side the neck dragon first round how did you see it that was a pretty good first round that's what i love about salty is that traditionally with a lot of ties they have a slow start in the first round they're just trying to get a feel for their opponent but because salty comes out so aggressively that his opponents they come out aggressively too and they really start to go at it [Applause] gosh start to get off on those uh jab one two and you can see the way that monko pet starts to reach out there and grab onto salty like he's trying to pull him down into something because of that close tight guard that soaked he has marco pets got to do more of that monkey known for that my cow style clinching knee athlete sock tee if you classify him in muay thai terms maybe more of muay matt style that power aggressive come forward style and sock tee there's a step across the outside thigh kick from hong kong looks for the knee you see he shoots the hands out trying to wrap him around the back of the neck and sock t pull the head forward pull it down to land the knee look for the elbows from hong kong have always been a big strength of the lumpini world champion nice jab full extension hook to outside leg kick checks the leg kick though to suck t if you've seen their warriors in action it's a devastating martial art out of cambodia and i know that guys like sakti are treated like megastars in cambodia after they head back home after a one super series or a one championship show they're greeted by fans at the airport the cambodians tuning in by the one super app huge followings in cambodia we are seeing the excellence of execution here in hong kong pit tonight clinch work now trying to get this superior position and a break off elbow there from montgomery one minute remaining back to the chamber high again [Music] a very high winning ratio 113 wins in 153 outings from montgomery picking the academy sister what have you got for me elbow round kick all eight weapons being employed here from hong kong pit step through knee again that muay cow style and he's smiling his monster he's enjoying himself double jab round kick they're the power retaliation combos from body shot to the sternum there the old bon jovi shot to the heart ends the round from on [Music] yeah compete was a more decisive round for monko he's utilizing his linear weapons very well the jab the straight left the straight right hand these push kicks the knees everything's coming literally so he's able to take advantage of his reach advantage that he has over salty salty likes to wing his punches he likes more of a hooking style and overhand right and multiple pet is able to you cut that range off by just slicing down the middle of that guard with those straight punches lots of vaseline on the eyebrows between rounds frankie to open up from the equipment warrior overhand right from saktay baitango centre of the ring good gut munching knee there from socktea he's opened up a little bit more pepper a little bit more gusto now from softie jab too from hong with which he moves between rangers he's on the outside he comes forward suddenly you're inside his clinch and you're taking his knee to the bread basket he is so fluent beautiful to watch [Music] it really has an incredible style but like all those indie academy guys just are classic technicians they do everything so very well you know and we're seeing that in my uncle ben he's got beautiful elbows he's utilizing all the weapons he's throwing the elbows the knees the kicks and the punches nothing dominant we're kind of just seeing one or two tricks out of salty and that's the hands followed by the low kicks remember three judges are scoring on a ten point bus system round by round unofficially we've got a 2018 to moncom bit after two this is the third and final round 130 remaining you cannot rule out sock tea of cambodia the veteran of more than 230 wins in good the timing the accuracy in these four ounce clubs from montgomery back in september in one super series had a win over alexis serapisos of new zealand january of last year on one super series looking for the hat trick here tonight and he's about 28 seconds away from it can something find something it will need to be something special something extraordinary as once again cockpit just puts a foot in his mouth smiles at him smile as wide as a boat here upon cockpit signaling to softie you've got nothing for me i have owned you sign the papers sign the ownership papers now it has been all on cockpit it has been a show of the highest level of muay thai and the sportsmanship is exquisite [Music] it was a clinic especially inside this clinch uncle pet just had the advantage everywhere he had an answer for every single shot that sulk t threw i mean beautifully timed uppercut to the straight right hand just putting together some beautiful combinations look at that the way that he's able to read things he'll eat one shot see what his opponent's gonna do and then just confine that opening he's a beautiful technician and he is you know he's littered inside of this you know uh flyweight division that is just stacked from top to bottom michael it should be a clear victory here for montgomery let's go to tom now ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the red corner moon confetti academy [Music] no doubt about it montgomery taking all three rounds here in bangkok that was a superb performance of the highest level of muay thai technique from modern cockpit beauty academy hard for a lot of us to understand but i think both athletes really enjoyed that range yeah i'd say the mistake that salk d made in that match is that he is a counter striker but he moves forward very aggressively so he would come into range and once he was in range he wouldn't fire the first punch or the first kick but mongol pet is four centimeters taller than him so on top of it he had a height advantage you just can't play that way coming up after the break it's there are achievers and there are believers [Music] there are dreams and there are dreamers don't watch from the sidelines when you can play center stage [Music] don't be defined by adversity the suffering be the source of your courage [Music] don't let anyone or anything set limits on what you can do don't let the size of your world decide what people see [Music] be all that you are be all you can be [Music] [Applause] remember your dreams and take strength from within don't wonder if you can know that you will own your dreams [Applause] believe to achieve [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sun may have gone down in bangkok thailand but our future is very bright and that is because we move ahead to the main event of the evening it's the second semi-final in our four-man phantom wake tournament 21 year old gulab taking on 23 year old sun money this is bangkok thailand against thailand and they're competing for a place in the final against summer pet fairtex who won his place at one championship no surrender to [Music] when song money joined one championship last year the home of martial arts added one of the most accomplished muay thai athletes in the world to the one super series roster though only 23 years old he has already achieved a multitude of honors on thailand's biggest stages [Music] originally from northeast thailand sangmini started competing at the tender age of six and at just 15 years old he captured prestigious muay thai titles that most could only dream of in a span of 10 months he won four world championships including the famed lumpini and raja damn near and stadium world titles [Music] [Music] eyes the greatest prize in the sport should he win the one phantomy muay thai tournament he will get his shot at nango gayam hadao in the world title standing in his way in the semifinals is another thai phenom coulomb damn cool of damn is another young and exciting addition to the stacked one super series roster a two-time lumpini muay thai world champion he fell in love with thailand's national sport and began training on his own at the age of eight so that kicked off an illustrious career for the thai star from the isan region by the time he turned 20 hula dam had won a national championship earned fighter of the year honors from the sports writers association of thailand and captured the prestigious lumpini muay thai world title in two weight divisions possessing great ringmanship the sworjor pykutai representative is known for his knockout left cross [Music] two of thailand's most exciting strikers go head to head both determined to win the one bantamweight muay thai tournament and get a shot at the legend one bantamweight muay thai world champion nango gayang hadao and happiness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is the main event the world has been waiting for a muay thai contestant for three by three between two muay thai mega stars this the battlemate tournament semi final the winner will take on the man from fair tech civic it's going to be awesome let's go to tomlin ladies and gentlemen this is the main event of the evening three rounds of three minutes in a one phantom weight muay thai world title elimination tournament our three judges scoring this bout at ringside are ian cartwright of canada rob cox of the united kingdom and aleister mcconey of the united kingdom hey introducing first out of the blue corner he is a two-time lumpini muay thai world champion standing at 168 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 61 wins and 10 losses training out of sojourn representing thailand put your hands together for cool abdom left meet your right surgeon and now introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is a seven-time muay thai world champion standing at 172 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 182 wins and 27 losses training out of sun money and muay thai representing uh give it up for the million dollar baby sun money clone swan blue resort and when the action begins your referee in charge mr yongsak nassenk hmm final instructions from refereeing to see these two men share the ring in one super series is something truly special you were talking about two of the greats of the modern era in synchrony you've got a generational athlete the superb timing the exquisite technique the man who won the lumpini and regiment championships when he was only 16 years old three division champion of raj the bird lumpini champion omni stadium champion s1 world champion segmenting in kul abdam the 2018 lumpini champion at 135 pounds 2019 lumpini champion at 140 pounds sports runners of thailand fighter of the year award it's like winning the nvp award in the nba or the ballon d'or in football while coulombdam won it in 2017. and here they are for the right to move through in this four-man bantamweight tournament and face semi-pet fair jacks roundhouse kick there from cool nice job from sung mini the 23 year old 101 wins in 132 outings some say is the greatest of this modern era of the last few years the list goes on for the million dollar baby and it's no surprise that gulab dab over the last three years has been one of the highest earning thai stars in the thai stadiums when he's won super series debut in a great match against bobo sacco in vietnam in september five and five in his last ten four and one in his last five coulomb sung money eighteen two in his nice jab there southport stance on both these athletes who began training in muay thai as a six-year-old also competed for the first time at that age there was such excitement in the muay thai community around the world when last year many signed for one super series [Music] [Music] with one the uppercut misses the left hand the cross planted him like a tree shot absolutely shocked i have never seen somebody get knocked out like that that is unbelievable a one-punch knockout they will be showing this on highlight reels for years for decades to come [Music] cold mitch i am shocked i am stupefied i cannot believe that club dab knocked out segmented with one punch in one round cool up dom's left hand is an absolute light switch you give him the opening and he will shut your lights out i hear you choking on your words as well you're choking your tongue because you can't believe it nobody can believe it sure a lot of people said coulomb down could beat somebody tonight but he beat him by decision not knock him out in one round never ladies and gentlemen here is your winner from the blue corner [Music] [Applause] the left meteorite with a left-hand meteorite from way in outer space lands on segmented and send segmented to the outer rounds what a final in prospect we look ahead to that one the very best of bantamweight why thai action for you that is going to be the knockout of the match yeah i was gonna say any guesses as to what the knockout of the night might be let's take another i'll tell you what i just nominated that one is knocked out of the night no but i did and one take us through it rich you can see the cement is relaxed he leans back there ends up missing the uppercut but hula dam just lands that huge left hand and puts him out in one punch that's the difference the difference with four ounce gloves you can keep in touch with our one championship app for more news as well rich franklin steve dawson saying we'll see you next time you
Channel: Bleacher Report Live
Views: 31,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one championship, one championship no surrender, one championship no surrender 3, one no surrender 3, martial arts, mixed martial arts, MMA, mma, muay thai, bleacher report live, one championship br live, one championship bleacher report live, one championship bleacher report, one championship muay thai, one championship tournament, wondergirl fairtex, wondergirl, fairtex, wondergirl fairtex one championship, wondergirl fairtex vs brooke farrell, wondergirl fairtex brooke farrell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 7sec (7207 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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