ONE Championship: Collision Course (Full Event)

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let's go for that baby i'm gonna go fight like a true warrior i really deserve this belt i want it he is going for korea ko number 25 that is an insane amount of knockouts i must prove that i'm the best [Music] to have too good to awesome fight of any [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that oh a performance to stop [Applause] unstoppable you're looking at the famous singapore flyer in the southern tip of singapore right there in the marina bay area and a couple of clicks east from there is the singapore indoor stadium which is where we are right now that's miss chelsea my name is steve dawson this is one championship collision course you'll be well aware that the one championship roster is packed to the brim with world champions and we have some of them on display for you tonight if we look at our main and co-main event of the evening focusing on that light heavyweight kickboxing world championship roman crickler against android stoich and mitch what do you make of these two roman cricklier the light heavyweight king uses that reach and length so very well he is fast and powerful and can hit you from a variety of angles he controls that distance and it puts him in perfect position for that knockout shot but tonight he meets a high level opponent in andre stoica who is a powerful puncher and a knockout artist of the highest order he throws a nasty left hook that is followed by a right straight that is an absolute hammer if he touches you he can put you down our co-main event of the evening is the one bantamweight white eye world championship and it's been quite a roller coaster ride for our challenger rodleck you might remember took part in the one bantamweight white eye tournament he fought very very gamely indeed in the semi-final came up the wrong side of a decision but due to injury found himself in the final facing coulomb down put in a gallon display once again and that sets him up beautifully for this title challenge tonight mitch nong oh guy young heidel the one bantamweight muay thai world champion his fight iq has been sharpened over 400 matches he has spent a lifetime crafting his skill of striking he's a legend in the game and his name will go down as one of the greats he has a stronghold on the bantamweight division a co-main event at a main event with world titles but there is so much more besides let's get to it here we go [Music] and we will begin with mix martial arts in the flyweight division get set everyone for john rotana against cielway [Music] a way years old the hunter born in hunan spent much of his childhood in guangzhou discovered martial arts in school and by the age of 18 he was at the famed shaolin temple and that is some childhood experience mitch chilton to bring with you into the one championship circle yes ca wei brings knockout power into one championship and he wants to get it done the very same way this knockout artist from china is a wrecking ball he puts a tremendous pace on his opponents from jump and he is looking to put you down in the very first round but he knows just how tough chan rotana is and he has predicted a tko in the second round via ground and pounds let's see if he can get it done tonight managed to get to the big stage by winning a contract by impressing everybody at one hero series away [Music] [Applause] yeah come on representing cambodia john ratana born in a refugee camp in thailand during the cambodian civil war his father was a master of a khmer martial art called [Music] which involves striking and wrestling and a mastery of weapons and stopped his studies to help his father out at the gym and then competed at gunfire at the age of 17 years old for the first time tan rotana is all out aggression he loves to push forward and put hands on his opponents it doesn't matter who the opponent is he is going to go forward with a ferocious pace until they fall chad rotano really wants to mix things up but he also wants to test the stand-up game of the knockout artist ca way he has spent a lot of time focusing on his strength and his explosiveness and he really wants to utilize that tonight he thinks he's going to be stronger and more powerful than ca way and he wants to mix in the takedowns with his high level striking steve well 17 years after that first competition he runs his own gym and now he's a veteran of one championship 34 years old a consummate striker plenty of power and great experience he's had quite a few roles in his life including working as a somebody who prepares cold cuts in an italian restaurant he'll be looking for the deepest of cuts tonight though enjoy spending free time with his wife and two daughters but this will be a very different kind of environment as he enters three five minutes round mixed martial arts the global wall set sees this spout judged in its entirety so the judges will not be looking at this one round by round they look at the entire 15 minutes and decide who it is who deserves to have their arm raised aloft that's if we don't get a stoppage within that designated amount of time coa against john rotara then fly weight division and when these two stand side by side you can see that rotana is 10 years older one centimeter shorter it's cambodia against china ladies and gentlemen and martial arts fans from all around the world welcome to the most exciting global martial arts event won championship we are live from singapore and broadcast to more than 150 countries this is one championship collision course so get ready for a night of non-stop martial arts action and now this match is three rounds of five minutes in a one championship lightweight mixed martial arts contest this match is presented to you by xiaomi innovation for everyone introducing first out of the blue corner he is the one hero series china contract winner standing at 170 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of 11 wins and three losses training out of sunken international fight club representing china stepping into action is the hunter way and introducing his opponent out of the red corner he stands at 169 centimeters tall holding a couldn't come here record of 215 wins and 18 losses trading out of cell pack and ffg representing cambodia get ready for chad rule and when the action begins your referee in charge mr yuji shimada sit up okay for the growing not the back okay okay green fire to cream fight okay yuji shimada's in charge this one is striker versus striker one championship veteran against one hero series standout two very exciting flyweights touch time ready ready ready and i'm delighted to say that thanks to the wonderful coordination between one championship and the authorities here in singapore we have a limited audience in the singapore indoor stadium covered restrictions in full effect but plenty of people here ready to enjoy the action aggressive with his hands immediately back at chan rotana up it's gonna be the kicks of rotana against those hands of ca way and we got the first glimpse of that kick there [ __ ] didn't we there's another one just across the midriff but that first one banged into the upper left thigh of coa chen rotana does have black belts in both taekwondo and hopkido so you can expect him to really try to lean on that kicking prowess just planted a decent right hand in on seaway's chin as he moved in and that's a good stiff jab from him as well you can see charlotte is carrying his hands very low but when he does feel that engagement coming from coa he does get those hands up to deflect some of those shots managed to lean out of the way just beautifully the economy of effort to make sure that he didn't move too far extend too much energy just made coa miss enough to tie him out it could be very tiring when all you hit is there see he always got his hands clasped together but he's choosing to utilize shoulder strikes and foot stomps just to do a little bit of damage to channel inside that clinch yeah those foot stomps on the top of the foot there that bone on top of the foot where the metatarsals are just irritating injuries they could be more than irritating mind you knee to the waist yeah man those hurt man those are not fun dude i'm landing mild irritation not the phrase to use granted chan rotana has kicked so many things in his life those feet are probably just like iron bars down there the moment he's got his back to the circle wall and the attempt to take him down he does very well to stay upright if anything it was cle who was struggling to stay on his feet for a while there but they go down to the mat and it's rotator who has his back yeah general tyler very relaxed inside that clinch even though coa had double under hooks and that usually gives you a very good advantage your opponent to the ground just past the halfway mark in this opening round three fives in mixed martial arts flyweight division this is where co wave has done a lot of damage especially in one hero series we saw him get on top get in this half guard position and just do so much damage and ground and pounce rotano is complaining that the fingers are in the mouth there which you didn't like just annoying all the time isn't it he's causing damage you know the foot stomps the shoulder bumps and he's trying i don't think he's necessarily trying to stick his fingers in the mouth of chan rotana but he's definitely trying to disrupt the breathing pattern of chan rotano by covering his mouth in his mouth deploy but he did you know he was able to use it to pass into side control and now he's got that arm locked up on one side and he can just do a lot of ground and pound if he especially can get this crucifix position for a while there i thought he was working hard on shannon right arm to try it let's get it into a position that would cause some problems but he seems to have given up on that for now yeah he's got the overhook on chan rotano's left arm and he's trying to take chen rotana's left arm and shove it underneath his legs so he can get that crucifix and really start letting go of some ground and pound then you're really exposed if the man on top of you is just lying on both of your arms you've got nothing to defend you except your legs [Music] bring up his legs to try and create a change in the balance but it's sierra weighs legs that are sometimes making contact with chandratana's head but tyler's doing a good job of measuring from the bottom that's what he had to do he had to get that arm before you create that scramble and he does a good job of doing that he squeezed all the way out but he does get to his feet and to the applause of the phantom circle side here such a delight to have a live audience here enjoying the action along with everyone at home upper body clinch battle but coa wins it with a beautiful knee tap takedown he was able to drive forward and complete the takedown yeah good little tap and use of the weight final 10 seconds of this opening round then that's a dominant round for ca way channel time look good on his feet for the first half of that round and he threw a big punch from way back there completely missed chad rotana's head and it drove into the canvas he then followed up with another one and exactly the same thing happened it's pretty good if you could evade punches when you're back on the mat look at this misses with the big left hook but follows it up with the right hand chamro trying to back swim against that circle wall and then here's the things you call annoying i call them effective because they are landing nice little footstop with the shoulder bump and then he was trying to work into this crucifix he did a good job of controlling the top position but also landing a lot of elbows and grounded pound along the way for all of the youthful exuberance that cla will have at 24 years old he is dealing with a man who has a lot of experience there spent half of his life competing in combat sports martial arts is very much his home round two one of one championships longest servants wait to see him back in the circle and he starts the second round and impressive energetic fashion has to be careful though because that right hand can be snuck in yes ca does not want to give chan rotana this space when he's at kicking range he is the most dangerous big right hand from john rothana though mitch there he tried to close that distance and got caught with the right chair rotana is feeling himself on the feet that could well have been the cleanest punch of the battle so far and he landed again very nicely with that right hand out of that orthodox stance does a 360 from air kick in the second time he's done that and was spinning little back kick from coa as well so these two spinning and grinning who's going to be winning another right hand that comes in and it looks big that right hand from john rothano gets his full shoulder behind that in comparison sierra weighs quite static from the waist up isn't he just kind of flops forward gets caught again from the right hand and then the left jab clay needs to close that guard up a little bit because general trying to pack some power yeah he's got to be careful entering into that pocket he's trying to get tight but as he's doing so he's getting touched up by chan rotano giving ground mitch has to realize at this point that he is a lot more effective when he's inside that clinch and inside the grappling exchange because on the feet right now chad rotana is working magic he is loving throwing that right hand there it is again this time didn't get the full body weight behind he didn't turn into it he kind of lunged forward with it almost led with it oh the big flash of legs as they come together and co is the one that ended up on his back be sprung up again starting to breathe a little bit heavily now throwing of these big blows clearly taking it out of here boxing open mouth see how though may not be able to punch with quite as much power as the very experienced character this is that strength and conditioning program that chad rotano was talking about he says he's developed a lot more power and a lot more explosiveness especially when it comes to throwing the hands quite a way off with that kick but he really throws it good solid stiff jab but what he's doing with that big roundhouse kick is he's kind of keeping the distance that you know you know away from sierra west yeah wait doesn't want to step into that pocket because he doesn't want to get caught by one of those massive head kicks see how he moves orthodox to southport back again quite square on from the waist up come on it's hard sometimes to tell whether he's jabbing or crossing goes with a little left uppercut digs in one to the body and then a left to the head followed up by another left of the head and as this second round moves on coa is really starting to come into his own is this where we turn the corner in terms of cardio and freshness and the promise of youth but he can definitely see those kicks coming and he's able to evade now he's starting to close that distance it really is that was a nice left hand shan rotanas receiving a little bit more than he did in the first round and the early part of this second nice matches can just turn suddenly can't they and we may be seeing that now again the foot stomp oh the elbow to the side of the head this is developing into a really nice round for coa like that counter right hand he's throwing the right back still looks fresh doesn't he oh stumbled a little bit there and gives a little bit of a smile and swinging kick a few times has been well off the mark but you can see that ca might be able to evade the head kick but his legs are still in the same position i'd like to see chad rotana just keep going back to that leg kick i think he'd be a lot more effective he starts attacking the legs quite a different round that second one from the first plenty of action mitch but he landed that hand kick right there that was at the very beginning of the round and sierra was like i do not want to eat another one of those and he was able to get his head out of the way of most of the extra extra oncoming shots but that stiff round that stiff jab was just landing over and over again now you got to keep this in mind that that first part of that round channel rotator was very successful but then as the match wore on as we started to get later and later into that round ca wei started to find success with his hands so i think it's anybody's game i really think it's going to come down to this third and final round sure don't judge that second round by the highlights we saw there good work with the leg good work with the right hand from john rothana but cia worked his way back into that second round and probably nicked it not that we're scoring this about round by round the judges will look at the full 15 minutes and determine the overall winner they're from and what great respect as we so often see in the one championship circle at the beginning of this final round they embrace each other and then back up with a big slapping kick to the ribcage just the first 20 seconds of this third round and already the action is pretty intense will the cardio continue to stay in place for channel will a younger man come to the four starting to look a little bit ragged now for chan ratana doesn't quite have the same balance when he throws that lead leg front kick or the leg kick rather but there with the back leg roundhouse kick the legs he's always accurate yeah let's see away looking to get closer and closer and land the big bomb whenever he can now still intense focus from the cambodian though that's chan rotano's money shot that rear leg roundhouse to the leg of ca wei he can hit that all night long if he wants to could be that as they came into this third and final round that it was very evil maybe jian having the edge over the ten minutes but the tide is turning second half of that second round what we're seeing so far in the third it's really opening the door towards a coa victory and it is done now he got jan ratana on his back and then did not let up and he's walking around that one championship circle with great delight now that's a big accomplishment for him wow ca way carrying that power into the third round look at this off of the two the three comes along and puts chan rotana down jumps all over the grounded pound referee yuji shimada was forced to jump in and call a halt to the action but the hunter goes head hunting look at that beautifully timed left hook as chan rotana goes down and the ground and pound follows absolute peach of a left hook wasn't it so difficult to tell if it's a left hook or a an overhand left because he switches his stance so fluidly but either way there's big power in that left hand as indeed there is in the right big win for siete ladies and gentlemen this match was presented to you by xiaomi and now your referee has called a stop to this contest for your winner by way of technical knockout very very impressive wayne from sierra way picked his moment didn't he let the bouts evolve to the point where he was in charge and could take charge very impressive indeed so much more to come it's mitch martin tatsumitsuwada taking on y2k there are achievers and there are believers there are dreams and there are dreamers don't watch from the sidelines when you can play center stage [Music] don't be defined by adversity let the suffering be the source of your [Music] [Applause] courage don't let anyone or anything set limits on what you can do don't let the size of your world decide what people see be all that you are be all you can be [Music] [Applause] remember your dreams and take strength from within don't wonder if you can know that you will [Applause] own your dreams [Applause] believe to achieve [Applause] [Music] one championship collision course and how about beautiful singapore we are gliding over the marina bay area to raffles place in the central business district what a sight never can get over singapore and you never can get over mixed martial arts at one championship flyweight action tatsumitsawada against y2k [Music] representing thailand y2k fair tax john kekau is 29 years old he's based based in pattaya thailand and he is loving it how about this no sign of nerves no sign of worry he's just enjoying the moment mitch and hey why not y2k is known for this beautiful striking and a lot of it comes from the lower part of his body these are thunderous kicks ladies and gentlemen and he goes after your legs with reckless abandon but he can also get it done with the hands too he carries big power in his entire left side of his body and he is hoping to put it on display tonight y2k is entering the prep zone love the attitude love the blue hair works as a wide tie trainer these days so lifts and breathes the sport and here he is back at the pinnacle [Music] representing japan tatsumitsu the sweeper water 32 years old they call him the sweeper because he works as a janitor and also because he cleans the ring likes to play basketball in his spare time likes hanging with his dog spends his free time helping to raise his daughter so enjoys the home life complete contrast for him in the next 15 minutes or so big wins over ivan aldo delfino and eugene tacaro in the one championship circle when he executes he really goes for it yeah i thought he was called a sweeper just because he sweeps everybody up man that's true he is an incredible grappler ladies and gentlemen he gave demetrius mighty mouse johnson a very hard time was able to lock up the back hold that back mount position for a long time this guy is a cerebral assassin he has these game plans and these blueprints laid out for victory and he just implements them so very well as he runs throughout the match he's so good at just every single area of the game and he's got so much world-class experience this is going to be a very intriguing matchup between two very tough individuals i do think we're gonna get to see that classic clash of styles steve and he just will not be put away you mentioned that bout against demetrius johnson well dj couldn't do it reese mclaren couldn't do it danny king had couldn't do it he's only been stopped by strikes once in 35 professional appearances so this is a man who is durable and it takes a phenomenal effort to take this man out inside the distance juana makes his way into the one championship circle to face y2k taylor the tape then for this mixed martial arts content water is three years older and has a one centimeter height advantage this is japan against thailand and now this match is three rounds of five minutes in a one championship flyweight mixed martial arts contest this match is presented to you by myanmar airways international modern comforts gentle traditions introducing first out of the blue corner he is a mac stadium muay thai champion standing at 169 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 60 wins and 25 losses training at a fair tax gym representing thailand stepping into action is you and introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is a japanese mixed martial arts champion standing at 170 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of 22 wins and 11 losses representing japan get ready for [Music] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr mohammed come to the center please both of you understand the rules alright let's keep it clean keep it active obey my instruction at all times touch glove back to your corner very clear instructions from our referee mohammed sulaiman vociferous noises coming from our limited audience here at the singapore indoor stadium which incidentally looks as remarkable today as it does when it was first built let's go and we're away for all straight away they engage yeah this is what y2k expected he knew that wada did not want to stand and bang with him he was going to get nice and tight immediately and test the wrestling of y2k 92k with his back up against the cage then what can he do about that he's all tied up at the moment yokai cow has a very good clinch he's very experienced inside that clinch but let's see how it transitions into mixed martial arts what is very tricky here you can see how he has his hands clasped together up top and those knees from y2k enabled him to separate those hands now what a couple of times trying to get that right leg behind y2k's left leg he's locked up against the circle they're not giving him any room nice uppercut inside from water and now he works through the body what is so tricky inside that clinch utilizes the uppercuts very well works the body y2k is in for a definite test here tonight yeah his face has just been buried in his opponent up until a couple of seconds ago he's back up against the circle post now the to the side of the body what else can he do though here mitch y2k to to spin this man around and take advantage of the position somehow you can see the underhooks that what is utilizing enable him to kind of stay in this position and control the upper body of y2k y2k needs to start digging for those under hooks or maybe go into a muay thai clinch just so we can get the head control of wada because if you're watching carefully you can see how wada uses his head to control the posture of y2k see now y2k is trying to drop his head underneath the head of wada just so he can have that little bit of control actually he's been in that position for some time now we rarely see his face you only see that shock of blue hair trying to get his head underneath the chin sometimes if you can control the head even in this position you have some control over the body even though clearly water here has the advantage still continuously stressing his opponent up against the circle wall [Music] and now he's got him he's got him locked in locked in to where that post is now very little movement available for y2k look at this sneaks around gonna use that arm triangle set up to take the back of y2k now y2k is going to have to carry all that weight of water water loves this position this is the exact same thing that he got dj with see how he has the body triangle and he takes that leg and he great finds it around that's what he was able to use to sweep out the support leg and take the back of y2k but y2k spinning around he's trying to go chest to chest with him pretty tight there between the legs though there's not much room to spin around it's a very tight leg lock around his waist yeah he's got that body triangle it's going to make it difficult for y2k to breathe but it's also the grapevine that he's using on the other leg locked in isn't it y2k is not really able to utilize that right leg to spin or to turn yeah what is what is left foot there just locking underneath y2k's right leg free now although he's trying to get it back but for a moment they're absolutely locked in wada might be able to use this to use to get mount but i think he just wants to keep this back position you can see y2k is trying to turn into him but again that kickstand kind of this great find that he's got right there is preventing y2k from turning just can't spin around kenny the very best he can do is just kind of just turn from the waist up trying to turn and facing but he can't actually spin his entire body around that is a very tight lead lock having a think maybe about the rnc it's a long way from it at the moment although things can change very quickly in that position quite it's quite high up on y2k's body is that is that an easier position to get that rear naked joke in it's a little bit harder because you kind of have to reach down so it makes it easier for y2k to be able to defend it but what is still very tricky and very dangerous in this back position and as the seconds tick down you might see wada maybe transition to something else rather than just hold the back position here we're inside the final half minute of this opening round three five-minute rounds mixed martial arts and water digs a couple of elbows into the side of your cow's head man those elbows gave me a headache well you might get an even bigger one because there's more coming to the top of that blue head head sends an elbow back y2k as well it's just about all he can do from that position and that belt will come as some relief to him because there was very little he could do other than just wriggle and struggle and achieve very little yeah immediately what a shot in for the takedown pressed y2k up against that circle wall but they did a beautiful job of utilizing that body triangle to sweep out the leg and to drag him down to the mat and then it was pretty much the wada show from then there on and we just got to see back control and just ground dominance showcased by tatsumitsuwara yokai cow has got to do something different in this round he has got to stay away from the upper body clinch getting pressed up against that wall so he can let go of some of these beautiful tie strikes that he's known for good aggressive start from water back up back up the older of the two men 32 years old ykk 29 okay okay one with sullivan making sure [Applause] got those hands held high get that head tucked in beneath them slightly more relaxed stance from water the hands can drop down even as low as the waist just dips in a nice little short right hand there water yeah that's how water likes to enter into that clinch he uses that right hand just as a setup just to get close so he can tie you up now this we gotta see y2k create a little bit of separation but these underhooks yeah he's got that underhook on that right side once again that's what he needs to do he needs to strike his weight out of that clinch spent so much time in a position where he had a little freedom to do anything y2k will just appreciate a restart here in the second round and another opportunity to show us what he can do with that right hand and right leg forward you can see very big moves coming from y2k he's a big move kind of striker everything he throws is with some heat but he was looking for that big left hand he sent it up and then down but water just dipped out of the way nice kick to the inside of the lead leg now he's having some success when he keeps water away from him he can land these big shots but i think wada is just waiting just trying to find that opening so he can get into that clinch and work his way back into the mac grapple there it is again mitch as you said from distance he's got more scope hasn't he the time manager just sending that kick to the inside of the league leg missed that last time but certainly made a connection the time before there it is once more [Music] it comes at him quickly while i can't back out of it just enough time to get his hands up in the way when he lifts it up there there's little he can do one y2k targets the legs just big swings oh well he was a little inaccurate with it that time you can hear a difference in the noise instead of a a slap it was bang on the cup wasn't it [Music] well half of our viewers are wincing in agony i'll read this mitch because i know you're waiting athletes are allowed up to five minutes for both medical examination if needed more usually though it's simply recovery and there's no need to rush that five minutes although more often than not our athletes get straight back into it within that time frame so he'll take a moment to just move himself around loosen himself up so that he feels as well as he possibly can to return to the action [Music] must we look at it again you just see the momentum that he's able to get with these kicks because he steps in he covers distance so that he can just get a little bit more torque into his kicks and he does it with pretty much all of his shots he's a big bull kind of player so everything he throws is very big and very heavy painful as it will be for wada it's a big disappointment for y2k that he landed the blow in that way because it was becoming a key weapon for him in this second round and now he knows he's got to be ultra careful he's got to be super accurate because if he strays in that central area again then he's dicing with a warning or even disqualification so it limits the scope of his attack which is such a shame for him when you consider that he was really opening up that area of his game and that's what he'll be thinking about there as he takes a moment to not only judge the health of his opponents but how we can go about doing his work when the two of them face each other again [Music] go downhill take a warning from our referee muhammad sulaiman [Music] y2k now had a mouthpiece in his hand out of your picture at the halfway stage of this five minute mark i can tell you that wada is on his feet just doing all he can to shake it off compose himself and see if he can recover and good for him at around the three minute mark of the five it looks as if he is ready to resume [Applause] it's one of those things if you've never experienced it that tends to linger for a long time right right ready ready so he may well be back into the center of the circle but you can you can bet he still feels the effect of that it'll affect his timing it'll affect his ferocity but he's got to put it to the back of his mind and employ the years of practice in bringing himself back up to a position of advantage and here he is pressing y2k up against the circle wall as much as he did in the first round yeah wada inside that clinch is just so dominant especially when he gets that underhook he's just able to twist and turn his opponents down to the ground that's exactly what happened here now what is very aggressive when it comes to ground and pound he likes to get his position first before he starts letting go of the ground and pound so expect him just to get y2k into that perfect spot back flat on the ground and then start letting go of the ground and pound y2k on his side with the base of his back up against the circle posters you can see what is trying to drive down that left shoulder and y2k is doing everything possible to keep that shoulder from hitting the mat because he knows if your back is flat you're in trouble everything possible does not include gripping the circle wall with your toes mohamed salaman just warned him about that back up to their feet and a smattering of applause from those gathered at circle side when your opponent's full or at least most of his weight is leaning on you trying to keep you down inside the final minute of the second round now they're looking to see the best way that he can clasp those hands around that broad back of y2k nobody it's a good job by white 2k just to hang on the left arm of wada and utilize the underhook on his left side to kind of just control that position but what is so tough inside that clinch he knows exactly how to maneuver just to gain the advantage in these draining clinch positions they've both been exchanging knees which certainly doesn't make it any less draining knees to the body to the base of the ribcage [Applause] that one really unprotected rib at the bottom [Applause] great sportsmanship between the two once again they touch gloves on their way back to the corner looking at some of the action mitch yes that second round you were talking about it these kicks and he was starting to let go there in the beginning of the second and he was really starting to land them until that stray one caught wada in the groin but this is where wada just does his best work once he's inside that clinch he gets those under hooks he's able to utilize the hips very well to bring y2k to the mat but y2k did a good job to work his way back up and not take a lot of the ground and pound this match is starting to get closer and closer especially because in that first part of the second round y2k was able to land a lot of good shots on wada [Music] can mislead us but it can also sometimes tell us a lot and i certainly think that y2k really up for this final round still looks energetic to me still looks like he wants to pull off something spectacular on the other hand looks focused for sure and both men i think still have plenty still left in the tank you can see what is trying to enter into the clinch with that right hand y2k was wise to it he knew it was coming he was able to sidestep his way off just standing off each other now for the moment seeing if they can pick their punch their kick oh they both picked a punch there the right hand came from water and then over the top the big left hand from y2k just touching that lowest rib that i was talking about earlier on you can see water trying to dig for double underhooks he's trying to take his left arm and get underneath the right arm of y2k but y2k is using his left hand to hold it and control it so what does not just get that hand under there and do one of his twisting takedowns again it's all about control of wada's left arm at the moment will he get his way with it or will y2k just fended off i think y2k is actually looking up at the big screen injury time you want to let's see what's happening another groin shot yeah i think it was just a straight knee [Music] 2k looks frustrating because he's poking at his leg saying he hit him in the thigh let's take a look at it again see what actually happened from this angle we may get a better look at it [Music] yeah look from that angle at least it doesn't look as if there's much doubt that it was another foul blow well it kind of went laterally so it could have kissed the cup and then went into the thigh but you know you never know there's still contact i guess it's still contact juan is the only guy that really knows what happened there so a big left kick he may well feel that if he can just keep out of trouble that he's won this but that would be a dangerous game to play with fully three minutes left here that was a beautiful little redirect from y2k actually was just able to take that oncoming momentum and sweep them off to the side that's classic muay thai right there swinging that left leg to the left knee of water drives him back once again looking to press his opponent up against the circle wall for the umpteenth time lifts that left leg off the ground gives up on it and attacks the upper body see if he can just get his man off balance that way what i did a beautiful job of entering into that clinch with the right hand and snapped the head back of y2k this position mitch has to be careful with these knees these are clearly landing on the inside of the thigh and there was one to the outside of the right leg as well but he's got to be accurate with these there's one more strain here and surely he'll get a warning a warning that could mean a points deduction yeah one you know y2k has you know eaten up that lead leg of water you can see how the red meat is starting to develop on that left leg of tatsumitsu and that's just from those leg kicks and the knees yeah it was indeed that way you can continue or you want to continue or you want to i think actually that y2k is not sure whether he was being accused but he certainly did get struck there and he's okay with it good refereeing i must say from mohamed salah because he saw the contact but i don't think y2k was particularly bothered about it so much so that he even thought maybe he was being warned again for landing a foul blow himself what has got that jousting right hand and he steps forward with his right leg to enter into the clinch definitely his bread and butter shot he's trying to close the distance and work his way into the clinch and just kind of eliminate the distance that he's at right now because this is where y2k is starting to touch him up inside the final 90 seconds it's been a grueling affair from these two hard work hard blows landed from close quarters grappling to really take it out of you referee calling for action but they have at times kept their distance in the center of the circle looking to just exploit an error relapse in timing what guys what for the most part it seems to me that water has been the one who's been able to take advantage of that that look at that red mark on wada's lead leg midway up the thigh there as once again the y2k just brushes it off that's not done but that's any good either steve yeah of course is scoring over and over again it's also showing superficial damage which is a very high category in the global rule set it's a wonder that water can move so fluidly he's only got another seven seconds or so to do that though and then he can sit down and rest it because that'll be sore tonight and tomorrow morning i can tell you good sportsmanship it was always the way despite the foul blows three of them in this contest but there there was plenty of respect from these two throughout the contest [ __ ] you know it's gonna be really interesting to see how the judges break this one down again that right hand into the entry ties him up into the clinch presses him up against the circle wall but then just over and over with that inside leg kick sometimes those shots went a little bit straight but a lot of times they were landing you can just see the damage that accumulated on the lead leg of tatsumitsu water great camera work actually there showing us the abuse that juana's leg took here's don lao with the decision ladies and gentlemen this match was presented to you by myanmar airways international and now after three rounds of battle we turn now to the judges scorecards judge number one calls this contest in favor of the blue corner judge number two calls this contest in favor of the red corner and judge number three calls this contest in favor of your winner by split decision from the blue corner [Music] fair y2k gets the win on a split decision mitch chelsea called it i must say to be fair as that announcement was coming out it's at this point that we say farewell to our viewers on twitter and facebook to make sure that you join us on all of these friendly channels around the world where you can catch the rest of one championship collision course where there is so much more to come [Music] including mixed martial arts in the bantamweight division you don't want to miss this one yusuf sardoliath against troy worthen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hell no versus rodney i'm calling this one the battle of the bosses [Music] container unstoppable force [Music] can help i got problems with problems or problems or problems or problems and problems i saw but my run through the money the pressure be calling my blessings i feel like i'm falling the birdie is back tell me i'm garbage i'm going through something that's why i ain't calling [Music] tell me one championship collision course look at the color of singapore it's been a tough time 2020 for many countries but singapore seems to stay as vibrant as ever these are the mixed martial arts bantamweight rankings and take a look at yusuf sardolian in there at fourth as they all look towards a championship shot at viviano fernandez well troy worthen will be looking at taking use of sardolia's place for a spot at that title himself representing the united states of america troy pretty boy were then 27 years old the brightest undefeated prospect in the division viviana fernandez i feel sure we'll be sitting at home just watching how this one develops graduating from university of central florida with a bachelor of science in exercise science describes himself as a bit of a foodie who will he be consuming tonight yeah his grounded pound is legit troy worthing on the ground is an absolute beast look at him rocking the silent nice sweater i love the christmas spirit showcased by troy worthen this guy on the ground is legit but on the feet i am seeing so much improvement for him we've seen him develop and showcase new skills every single time he sets foot inside the circle and it's his hands that i'm seeing the most improvement in he's got great boxing skills but he's also got this swagger that comes from being an undefeated athlete steve got plenty of experience national collegiate wrestling and he'll be using that and everything else he can muster to take on this man representing russia another long time superstar of one championship 35 years old never been submitted in 26 professional bouts and he lives for the submission himself herded sheep with his family as a child he's a dagestani wrestler and many of you will know what that means [ __ ] it's gonna be the ground and pounder worthing against the submission skills of yusuf satellite this is the nastiest choke i've ever seen steve look at this choke oh man it just makes me oh wow he is just so tenacious when the match hits the ground he is always fun for your neck looking to choke you out and beat on you in the process yusuf sadalia has been a stable mate here in one championship he has been around for the longest time coaching some of the very best and competing against some of the very best and this matchup is a true delight i am so excited for possibly what i predict could be match of the night and this card is stacked this is a snack card there's so much more to come but i agree with you this one has heaps of potential bjj black belt big wins over day juan kim mazakatsu the leg lock specialist that you may have seen and adriana mariah so big names on his cv that he has overcome he also holds the equal longest winning streak as a bantamweight i imagine he holds that with bibiano but what an athlete this man is yusuf and if worden can beat him today he will certainly earn that place in the top five rankings with bibiano the ultimate target many people have stepped up and satellite has sent them right back down so he's gonna he's gonna be here to defend that number four spot a consummate athlete tremendously hard worker always prepares so very well the age difference is eight years sardolia the senior man this is russia against the usa and now this next match is three rounds of five minutes in a one championship bantamweight mixed martial arts contest here introducing first out of the blue corner he is an american freestyle wrestling champion standing at 170 centimeters tall holding a perfect mixed martial arts record of seven wins and no losses training out of sanford mma representing the united states of america stepping into action is troy pretty boy and introducing his opponent out of the red corner he is the number four bantamweight contender standing at 168 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of 19 wins and five losses training out of oof locker academy representing russia get ready for and when the action begins your referee in charge mr muhammad sulaiman go fatalis come to the center please you both understand the rules right keep it clean keep it active okay it'll be my instruction at all time touch gloves and back to your corner this one should be high level and could be perhaps the most entertaining contest of the evening and that is saying something when you see what else we've got coming your way time athletes ready let's go round one then mix martial arts three by five phantom weights i gotta say steve i love having fans here it's just invigorating me as much as this matches you can hear some of the individual shouts can't you getting behind the man they want to win this contest goes to work quickly he looks more compact even more solid than i've seen him before he's always looked strong but the way just right dog were than there you himself is a very big man body lock takedown and troy worthing was saying that he's like there's no way that subtle life can keep me on the ground and we're about to find out exactly what he's got on the ground son of life is just so strong when he gets opponents down he's just out muscles them so much of it is strength but an awful lot of it is technique where he places his feet the way he shifts his body weight from one position to another with tremendous speed troubles got those butterfly hooks how he's got his legs his shins on the inside of the thighs of sodolife and satellite is just relish in this position dropping a little bit of ground and pound worthings trying to elevate the hips outside of lie off and he does a good job of getting back up start alive lives and breathes these kind of moments troy worthing was right though it's not alive wasn't able to keep him down look how strong that upper body is on whether though yeah those shows are rapping crazy scary looking worthing did relocate to florida back home and he's been trading in at samford mma alongside online song martin nguyen he's just had a lot of really good partners for this camp santa live definitely was after a fast start there [Music] slowed down just a tick in the process maybe just trying to catch worth and off guard in the early moments they exchange needs and i must say worth and look the most crisp subtle i have digs in the big numbers there these to the body he's hit six in since they came to close quarters there's the seventh right hand from worthen up to the left side of sodor life's jaw i can hear the breathing we've got microphones very close to the circle picking up all of the natural sound for you as if you're in there with them not that we would want to be or at least i wouldn't you might fancy it mitch against these two animals i think not steve i am very comfortable right here next to you my friend i like how worth is utilizing these under hooks he's trying to drop down to attack the legs of sodor lie off but alive keeps digging underneath to pull worth and back up and this is just a muscle game because both these guys are so high level in their techniques sort of life certainly working that knee to the stomach and up as high as the rib cage he's getting warned about groin shots with those knees i think that probably that morning applied to both of them but sardolia really picking them off good numbers he's managing there [Music] worth and digs in those fists to the body look at the head of troy worth and how he's just driving the head underneath the chin of satellite and that's just going to enable him to dictate the posture of satellite good breakaway those are drained you can see how satellite shook off his arms those types of exchanges are draining on your arms you know weather was moving his head side to side wasn't he underneath that chin assad alive he's trying to control their head great deal of the body can be controlled if you can manage that action worth and looks to be in really good shape really not breathing that hard at all yeah this is what worthing said he wanted to do he wanted to utilize a lot of faints and head movement to draw out the strikes of sato layoff he wants him to get to over commit so he can counter land counter shots just leapt in quite sweetly with that southpaw right hook and managed to make it land as well but he doesn't quite have the same speed or crispness that worthen has in his punches 30 seconds of this opening round after that really fast start from sardolia seems to be the man who is controlling things and he seems to be in very good shape i must say there's another groin shot and started as annoyed with himself as worthen will be annoyed to have received it you can see how subtle i have stretched out the arms it's because of that just the drain that troy worthing is putting on him when it comes to these clinch positions we'll be piling up there that's why he's shaking them out there he's putting a lot of pressure using that weight worth and a lot isn't he coming here right ready to go once again though didn't take anything like the full five minutes that would have been available to him had he needed it [Music] that's the end then of the first round and they slap gloves no hard feelings about the foul blow he's bothered about those arms disney use of sideline they've got quite a workout in that opening round you know he's digging underneath for those under hooks and he's basically just carrying the weight of worthing so it's going to really start to drain but i like that jab put out there by troy worthing as you as satellite was coming forward it was a beautiful takedown that did score against troy worthen but then this is what we're talking about these little clinches are draining on an individual when you're constantly trying to pick up your opponent see how they're trying to rub out that there's just kind of that tightness that he's feeling right now his arms are exhausted and it's gonna come down it's going to be very important to see how this match progresses and to see what kind of game plan troy worthing is going to implement does he want to strike with him or does he want to initiate more grappling exchanges i must say you spotted that fairly early mitch that he seemed to be having fatigue problems with the arms there but he's giving a lot of attention to it you wonder if maybe there's some kind of pre-existing injury as well but it could just be the exertion he's being forced to apply in this contest he started very quickly that was that was really eye opener for me i hadn't seen yusuf sadhuliah start a contest quite as quickly as that before but it didn't last that long whether looks strong he looks in tremendous shape and he looks to have that crispness of punch that may be able to take control here satellite does have a good nice little one-two that he's trying to utilize here that seems to be his only weapon troy worthing seems to be mixing things up a little bit better on the feet and you can see exactly what we were talking about troy worthing wants to get into that clinch and start hanging on inside a lie off the longer this match goes and the more he can initiate these types of clinches you know it might have an effect on subtle life as the match goes on and remember what is at stake here is yusuf sardoliav's number four ranking worthing is not ranked in the top five watch the grind the athletes between sardolyev and the champion bibiano fernandez are kevin burlingon shoko sato and john lineker where would worthen find himself if he can beat the man in front of him today so far he's making a good fist of it works the body with right and left hand again he's got that head low as you spotted in the first round [ __ ] that head resting on satellite's chest he'll go from right to left either side of his face just bothering him just standing him up forcing himself alive to move from side to side to avoid the head clash sees these type of static contractions that satellite has to do he's holding an overhook with his right and an underhook when his left and troy worthing is just hanging on it and he's trying to attack those legs but it's causing so much just a constant contraction of the arms of sodor lie off and they are extraordinary extraordinarily well developed those arms aren't they started alive but they can still get very tired but he's still working very hard to bring those knees up to the midriff to the rib cage that's where the bulk of sadhu lives work rate is coming from when he's pressed against the circle wall in this position nice body shots landed by worthen inside that clinch let's go digging away with that right hand for every knee that sadhu live sends up that right hand slams into the side of his body worth and letting go with his hands but it's hard for sudden life to create power with those knees because he can't move his hips so he's just using his hip flexors to ram his knee up into the body so they're not going to have a lot on to him and you can see the punches of worthing he's able to rotate his torso and just create that little bit of torque to pop those punches into the body of satellite well if worthlam was gaining an advantage from that position he would have been a little bit disappointed for the referee to reposition them in the center of the circle that one two that one two is money for satellite can he replicate it open mouth looks the more fatigued of the two certainly not flagging by any means but worthing looks very comfortable if there's one thing that satellite understands is economy of energy he knows just what to do at what portion of the match to make sure that he has energy in the most important parts showing a quick chat there it was piston like we saw something similar after that but the first one and then the right left as well from that southpaw stance sticking with it off satellite is having success with that one two doing good work at arm's length here can suddenly have just bring himself back into this contest by keeping things at a distance but once again pinned to the circle wall worthing takes that lower stance trapping him there up against the post locking him in what's the grind why is the grind side alive bringing that knee up and being warned to make sure it doesn't come into contact with the groin they exchanged these to the thigh life needs to create a little bit of separation here he doesn't want to hang out in this clinch too long he's having success on the feet he's figured out the distance and the timing and he's been able to put his hands on it worth it you may well have seen him grimace there with a couple of punches that were dug him to the left-hand side of his body side alive didn't like that at all final dozen or so seconds of this second round 10 seconds and worthen is really showing that he is somebody to be contended with win or lose here he's showing that he can mix it with the best in the bantamweight division two rounds down one to go judges will look at this contest and score it in its entirety interesting second round a lot of it was contested inside that clinch up against the wall here here's worthen doing good work with the hands he punches very well from the clinch position but when they're out in the center of the circle yusuf sana is utilizing that one two with beautiful range and distance and timing he was able to score some of those shots so it's going to come down how do the judges see it do they judge the clinch and the dominance and that positional control or did they like more of the striking superiority shown by you some santa live i think this third round is going to tell us who the winner is going to be well just to underscore what i was saying the judges will look at the entire contest they won't split this into three rounds so they won't award one round to an athlete and then the second or third round to one or the other it'll be the entire 15 minutes they that they look at and then judge who was the dominant athlete over that period so no 10-point must system in play here nice elbow from there as they came together for the first time in this third round see i like the addition of the kicks by worthing in this third and final all use of satellite was doing was boxing in the second but now worth it's giving them a completely different element to work with and it's those kicks left hand coming over from worthen follows it up with the right but neither made contact sadhu live able to just get out of range but he's done good work from this kind of range satellite can he bring that to the four again in this final round worth of digging in that punch of the body as he's done so well the russian has had his back pinned to the circle wall same thing here in the center of the circle [Applause] there as it met the clash of worthen's kick i think worthing got some good advice in the corner between second and third round from his old coach hank porche who was able to give him some just a little bit of a different take on things and he started to add those kicks in i like the difference maker that those kicks are doing nice left hand from worthen struck sadhu live on the right-hand side of his face it was low on the face but as you can see alongside his eye just a little bit higher up there is now blood so a cut on the right hand side of sardolav's face it may not be so troublesome as to see blood running into the eye because it's to the side there but bothersome nonetheless sticking that jab out there that's three that he has landed they are solid mitch aren't they into the final three minutes of the contest sardolia really coming to the fore with those punches now but he's being met punch for punch by this young american we've got the russian wrestling against the american wrestling and they are throwing hands in the center going toe-to-toe at all for our entertainment in this final half of the final round like the way son of life's moving out of the way after he hits the jab throws the two he's able to evade and come right back good little change of pace there by troy worthen didn't like what was happening inside the stand up and goes right into that tire it's anyone's game in the center of the circle isn't it in fact you you might argue that sardo live gets the better of it will be well advised i think to take this to the edges of the real estate yeah you can see worthing had a lot of success inside that clinch but thought alive is getting that space and he's working the timing running out of time to really persuade the judges that it should all go his way good right jab again from him though but worthing came back with a nice right hand 35 years old alive and still has the cardio to go all the way through that top tilt if anything he's actually looking stronger in this round like i said he has that economy of energy he knows exactly what to do to maintain a constant pace the entire match i've seen it time and time again nice right hand and a little bit earlier on while you were speaking mitchell quality little left right hook as well from that southport stance worthen might just be starting to really feel the fatigue here although he's still to be fair looks light on his feet but he's not throwing as many punches aside alive is not in the center of the circle he's certainly not landing those that he does throw not nearly as much as sadhu but he's just getting interrupted by satellite you can see that troy were that's trying to throw something but then just that little jab keep love that right jab and he really sends it into a hook as well occasionally great accuracy pinpoint stuff from the russians what a grueling match and troy worthy looks exactly the same as he did in the first round oh beautiful touches by satellite connects again with great accuracy satellite is finishing this round is it going to be good enough to persuade the judges that he's nicked him he certainly timed that attack in the third round superbly well if it's all about catching the judge's eyes towards the end of the contest then yusuf soderlia might well have done it wow just constant back and forth action the jab just interrupted the movement of troy worthen put it out there over and over again and then was out of the way for the counter shot this is some of the best boxing i've ever seen from you some sodalia i am very impressed very entertaining indeed i must say i thought werther was running away with it but i'm not entirely sure now don't milanose though ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of battle we turn now to the judge's scorecards all three judges have called this contest in favor of your winner by unanimous decision from the red corner you so sad i think he nicked that in the final round it was that effort in the last two and a half to three minutes in particular that exhibition stuff in the center of the circle that made all the difference what a performance from sardoliav and if you thought that was good there's so much more to come marat gafferoff taking on loan tainanes who has turned a corner with his diet and his health i'm excited i'm hungry today i feel refreshed no inflammation pretty much injury-free i'm just happy to be able to step in this cage again and do what i love we're told that lauren tynanes is an entirely new man will he be able to turn it on against one of the great grapplers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah there it is there it is ground drops [Applause] oh crossing elbows [Music] beautiful work there from the series [Applause] oh wow beautiful downward elbow [Applause] left hand [Applause] hot and heavy singapore looking so spectacular that's the clark key area where you get gorgeous food and drinks great entertainment there and we'll be back in singapore on christmas day where this great featherweight and flyweight action make sure you join us for that that is one championship collision course two lightweight rankings in mixed martial arts will your champion is christian lee lowen tynanez has the five spot and he's looking to defend that next the hawaiian takes on one of the greatest grapplers of all time in marat gaffurov 17-3 in the lightweight division that is next [Music] [Applause] [Music] representing the united states of america lowen thai manners [Music] competing like it's the olympics it's a special event every single time we get to see him but injury has really prevented him from putting on these incredible performances utilizing his ground and pound but he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that caused inflammation in his joints and for years he didn't know what was causing this pain and discomfort he finally found the right doctor and was able to be diagnosed and given a very specific diet he's on a very regimented nutritional plan and he says the pain has vanished it has completely transformed him as a person and an athlete and at this point in time ladies and gentlemen if you saw low entities before you are in for a special treat because i think there is going to be a brand new low entities here tonight new man new possibilities new career that's low and tainan's but he takes on this man [Music] representing russia [Music] marat cobra gofurong [Music] with a degree in psychiatry married with two children but he is also one of the meanest grapplers on the planet a former one that featherweight world champion has two submission victories over narantongaladamba as a rear naked joke first round win a 41 second win over martin lue this man is accomplished and highly skilled [ __ ] yeah and it's that rear naked choke that is so very dangerous steve at one point in time he went through six straight rear naked choke finishes setting a world record in the process he was choking out everybody it was terrifying to be on the ground with this man because you knew exactly what he was going to do yet there was nothing you could do to stop it goth ruled the featherweight division and has now worked his way up to the lightweights this is going to be a very entertaining match because you got the submission skills of the bjj black belt morocco going up against the ground in pound of the titanosaurus rex lowentine nanas these guys are put together such an intriguing matchup the matchmaking of one championship put this matchup together perfectly for a while there he was the surest bet in mixed martial arts to win by rear naked joke but he's found other ways to win makes martial arts then lightweight division gaffer off six years older than tynanes this is russia against the usa and now this next match is three rounds of five minutes in a one championship lightweight mixed martial arts contest introducing first out of the blue corner he is the number five lightweight contender standing at 178 centimeters tall holding a perfect mixed martial arts record of 10 wins and no losses trading out of hawaii elite mma representing uh the united states of america please welcome luann [Applause] tainan his opponent out of the red corner he is a former one featherweight world champion standing at 175 centimeters tall holding a mixed martial arts record of 17 wins and three losses training out of top team market color representing russia introducing [Music] [Applause] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr yuji shimada really excited to see this one i love the story you tell mitch about this transformation in low entire his health but this is a big battle for him he's beaten koji ando before he's beaten ready fusile colossa before who's a wonderful mover very entertaining edward for liang one of his victims as well murray gupparov presents an entirely different prospect for him though if he can go to 11-0 tainanese he's well worth an elevated position in the rankings let's see how it all gets unveiled it's a special event when you get to watch low end tinana's compete but he's got very light on his feet you know because the autoimmune disease that he had caused swelling in his toes it was hard for him to move and he didn't have this sort of bounce to his movement but now we're seeing a very fluid low in tight anus just holding his position inches forward doesn't take many steps backwards that's for sure he will stop in his tracks occasionally and just consider himself but he likes to inch forward this is a a steady start from both men gafferoff just loses his balance and he goes for that swinging back kick and ty let's looks to take advantage by easing him towards the circle wall he's got the longest win streak in one championship lightweight history it goes way back to may 13th of 006. it's been so long that he's been in there the 6th of may 2013 13. tynanus getting out there to eat some leg kicks from gopher off gopheroff's got very heavy shots look how big gopheroff is too can you imagine this guy coming all the way down to featherweight just short on that right hand both of them have been just a little short with their fists up to now but lowen looks the smoother of the two in terms of their movement in the stand up this is where tynanus excels very strong inside that body lock he's been working hard on his brazilian jiu jitsu out there at island bjj but will it be enough to stop the black belt gopher off with his back to the circle underneath the armpits [Music] keep going keep going he's fine you can eat that groin shot no problem he's in a dominant position see how he's got that under hook he's got a very tight grip but gopheroff's coming over the top and he's cradled the arm there so lowens not able to let go some of that grounded pound but he's able to get it free and get two underhooks now expect gafferoff to go for a ride now if tinanas can lock his hands that's certainly what he's looking to do and gaffross looking to stop it isn't he digs in that left hand to the body and it's a solid blow couldn't get much back lift on it but he certainly dug it in there dennis drops down to attack the legs but goffroff's doing a very good job of keeping this on his feet he's only on one leg too he's created a knee shield with his left just so low entities can't really drop down and attack those legs goffroff's very tricky here tries to get hold of that left leg lowen it's locked to the ground though got a big steady stance off years of experience enabling him to just solidify that stance try lifting that left leg off the ground if it doesn't want to be lifted that's the problem that lowered us in the left hand upstairs works hard with the knees as well sends a few more to that upper of jaw those are two really rapid fire lefts hands that pop gopheroff's head back eugenie shimon has seen enough of the clinch wants to get these guys in the middle of the circle you'll see the fluidity in lowenst movement a little bit stiffer gupper off as he comes forward but he's coming forward all the time yeah he stands pretty flat footed in his stand up but when he lets go he lets go with some serious heat for that straight right hand out of a fairly square on orthodox stance oh nice left hook and that landed flush on the jaw and it shook gaffer off slightly and he lands again at close quarters with the same punch yeah i like that left hand of tynanus touching the chin of gopher off he drops down last 10 seconds as the clapper goes almost able to secure a take down but gopheroff pops right back up it's hard to get top position on gopher off tough first round for those two gaffer off with his back to the circle wall for much of the time low and applying that pressure but what could he do in that position to impress the judges mitch you know it was a little bit of this right here just touching working in those positions do it a little bit of striking just to show dominance but also he is controlling where the match is taking place you know he might not be able to take him down he might not be able to let go of strikes but he is pressing him up against the wall and that's what he wants it he wants him right there gopro can't get away so it is showing positional dominance but he's got to do a little bit more than that if he wants to stop the man morocco the kobe all this renaissance in terms of diet and just general well-being that you described for us so well earlier on mitch will certainly help lowen during the course of this bout but it must also have meant that the whole camp process all of his training must have been easier and he must have been able to achieve new heights in the process as well they will pay dividends now that he's in the one championship circle with such a world-class opponent [Applause] another former one-world champion has got the better off by the ways back in january of 2019. that was the last time we got to see tynanus in the circle and he looks spectacular in there looks pretty stiff when he's throwing those leg kicks but when they land you can hear him see tinana is trying to attack the lower leg but gopros very light on that lead foot keeping it up using it as a knee shield big swinging right hand from low and i think might have just grazed that beard and that was a more solid blow on the jaw so once again gaffer off with this back to the wall see if tynanus can complete the takedown at this time gopro's really strong inside the clinch you see how upright he is he's on one leg showcasing good balance but once tynanus gets those hands locked it is very difficult to stop the titanosaurus rex beautiful job here of gopheroff to work his way right back up looks like he's possibly attacking a kimura but the head position of tynanus is going to defend that is actually three centimeters taller than gafferoff but in this position so always underneath his chin ragdoll's most opponents and gopheroff is just popping right back up he's been able to hold down most of his opponents but not goffer off just keep standing right back up why not being very offensive in this clinch but he is touching tynanus with those hands solid punch with the left hand they exchanged knees and gaffer off right hand to the side of the body from lowen as well two minutes 20 left of this second round three by five mixed martial arts division back to the center of the circle the lightweight champion christian lee will be watching this one with great interest going for the right hand but it was somewhat telegraphed low and able to just get out of range couldn't get back into range in order to capitalize on that slip though you know i was talking to marat earlier this week and he says that the last time he competed against yuri lepicus he was suffering from a really bad back injury and i know the theme of this matchup has been all been about low end titanic's renewed sense of figure from his diet but barack gofferoff was able to sort of repair and rehab his lower back injury and now he is looking really good and really strong in a lot of these exchanges and he spent this time also working on his health and recovery we've seen a very good balance between both these guys well he does look in good shape but i think it's you and i know lower back problems do affect your movement and your agility generally and he looks slightly the stiffer of the two that's for sure that that just might naturally be an aspect of the two athletes here so lauren takes one where he doesn't want to be taken here comes up goth roth apologizing right there for that low blow um actually that looked high i don't think that that was really perhaps he might have sort of scraped the foul proof protector on the way up but not not as bad as some of the impacts we've seen this evening and i think we'll find that lauren gets stuck into the action again pretty soon this gives mara gaffer of a moment just to consider ladies and gentlemen [Applause] man he's got he gets you know a little bit of you know fancy with his footwork every now and then he's just really confident in his brazilian jiu jitsu jumping spinning back in lowe's like i could take to the air too man and digging those toes in the stomach in the process that was a very effective kick just fidgety isn't he moving left to right mainly orthodox but threatens to switch to southport occasionally a constantly moving target and that was a nice little right hand for him as marat came in yeah if owen can stay nice and tight and just time one of these shots correctly he might be able to catch goffer off coming in and when he's opened up because these are really wide angle shots thrown by gopher off there's tinanis entering into that clinch with a beautiful little overhand right tynanus is also very effective in these short range exchanges these tight little clinches as soon as he creates that little bit of separation you can see he starts to let go those hands and those elbows landing some very significant shots it's been a close battle so far you know we're seeing two high-level grapplers just kind of engage in the clinch they're not really showing any dominance inside the clinch by getting somebody to the ground but what we are seeing is a very entertaining stand-up battle so we approach the climax of this contest how will the judges see this looking at the 15 minutes all together not splitting their scoring up round by round that's the global rule set we employ in mixed martial arts and one championship i think if either one of these athletes could land a series of significant shots i think they might be able to tilt it in their favor there for the taking isn't it yeah but they really gotta want it they really gotta push forward not only is tynanus defending that number five spot in the lightweight division but he's also defending that oh he's undefeated currently with ten straight victories so i'm sure that o is very important to him it gives you a sense of swagger and confidence every single time you set foot inside the circle very possible that uh many viewers watching at home will see that low entire is slightly ahead but he hasn't really done an awful lot to consolidate whatever lead he might have although he might be moving there now all right though gets ahold of his head so pressure again was able to pop right back up that's the third time that that's happened tynanus was able to get him down but not quite keep him there doesn't quite secure the complete takedown because marat pops right back up very hard to hold down 340 left in this final round there's a lot of scope for either of these athletes to push this one through capture the judge's eye i'm trying to i get they're not going in you can see him exchanging these over under positions it's kind of neutral right it's 50 50. marath's got an overhook marat's got an underhook tinana's got an overhook he's got an underhook oh marat is able to turn it around now because [ __ ] told me that he wants to keep this match standing but now he's transitioning and he's trying to take lowen down see if he can complete this single leg but look at the defense from titanic how he's pushing that head down changing the center of gravity changing the weight distribution very intelligent positioning oh look at that how he's how gupparov snuck around and tapped the other leg he was able to almost completely let's see if he can get it oh he's almost fully flattened out but that's a completed takedown by morocco that's huge right there steve that is going to weigh heavily on the judges tynanus is not used to being put on his back like this but now we get to see some of that bjj that coach jason over there at island bjj was talking about from tynanus but this is where gaffrock likes to be maybe he can find his way around the back there and sink in that rear naked choke that he's always loved so much oh god we're able to muscle down again that was some feet of strength inside the final two minutes now oh this is where gopheroff lives and breathes he's going back to his strength introducing transition takes some hammer blows to the hip front who bothers him also with the elbow can hear the breathing to a degree has gaffer off's back and throws in some hammer blows to that exposed head you can see he's trying to hit the switch reaching into the leg but gopheroff's very strong when he switches into that grappling mode let's see what tynanus can do here i think he might have been up in the second but this is tilting the odds into gopheroff's favor into the final minute will he be able to tilt those odds sufficiently well more hammer blows that's hard to hold down but look at the way guffrop's lacing that leg just gives him better control gopher off so tricky but tynanus is impossible to hold down as he pops right back up neither of these guys are willing to concede the bottom position the russian in constant pursuit now as tainanes rests his head on the cage post with his back to his opponent under the cosh somewhat knees to the back of the leg and feeling the pressure applied by gaffarov maneuvers himself round digs in a couple of blows himself one to the body three to the head gaffer off goes after that single leg absorbs some hammer blows on the ear tightness working that right fist and now the left but still the pressure it comes from gaffer off in the dying seconds of this contest which finishes with a right cross from thailand tomorrow gafferoff's draw how will the judges see this one what a battle of attrition just going back and forth look at tinana's elevating the leg sweeps out the support gopher off popped right back up but they got brock's like hold my beard it's my turn to take you down easily gets him down not easily sorry that was that was an overestimation but he worked very hard to get tynanus down impossible to keep this man down they both popped right back up what an entertaining contest i don't know be the judges i must say let's get a decision ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of battle we turn now to the judges scorecards judge number one calls this contest in favor of the blue corner judge number two calls this contest in favor of the red corner and judge number three calls this contest in favor of your winner by split decision [Music] from the red corner accepts their decision that was a contest that ended and flowed my goodness me how did you call it at home so tough to distinguish and to separate those two gafferoff though gets the knot still to come our co-main event of the evening taking on rod leg for the kickboxing bantamweight world championship [Music] [Music] let's go for that baby martial arts is a way of life the warrior way of life [Music] asian history five thousand years history [Music] the true essence of martial arts is inheriting the values of integrity humility honor respect [Music] courage discipline compassion [Music] so that you can apply these incredible values and unleash your greatness in life this is what martial arts is really about [Music] absolutely perfect [Music] absolute peace one championship collision course oh this is la pasa otherwise known as festival market gorgeous food oh the seafood are you kidding me if you're in singapore you got to get to la pasa you've also got to get to the singapore indoor stadium at some time because this is where one championship hosts its mixed martial arts when we're in town the bantamweight rankings sees rodleck in there at number two gunning for the champion and this is the match-up that's coming your way with the bantamweight why thai world championship on the line no roddling coming up foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] representing thailand [Music] yeah been a windy old road for rod lek to this title shot was involved in a four-man bantamweight tournament actually lost the semi-final after competing very well but because of an injury took his place in the final i won it with another superb performance and it's off the back of that mitch jilson that he gets his shot today yeah and he does it with his hands the punches are rodleck's best weapon he uses boxing combinations and low kicks to break down his opponent rodney carries big power in his hands and those punches are only amplified by those small gloves rodney told me earlier this week that he wants to start fast he wants to take control of the center circle and put a pace on ngo that he just can't keep up with he does not want to allow uh ngo to come forward so he's going to try to avoid the clinch and just move forward and put a beating on ngo [Music] that's ron leck about to enter the one championship circle to take on this man mma 33 years old with a white eye record of 264 54 and one undefeated 6-0 in one super series and the one super series bantamweight why thai world champion with three defenses made [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] representing thailand [Applause] the raining and defending one phantom wave muay thai world champion for all that this man has achieved he still sees the importance and finds the scope to change things up again mitch tell us about this new approach to strength and conditioning that he's taken off for despite already being the champion of the world nago is quite possibly one of the most dangerous muay thai athletes in the world today but and it's because of these kicks he has tenderized more ribs than the barbecue capital of the world ladies and gentlemen texas usa and i think this power that he has is deeply involved in his strength and conditioning program he has a high level state of the art strength and conditioning program that's led by coach and kill out there at evolve mixed martial arts he generates so much power and force into every one of his shots and he can keep that power generated over the entire duration of the match and i do believe it's because of this high level strength and conditioning program that he's involved with most thai athletes just do push-up sit-ups and they run he does not he incorporates every single area of strength and conditioning and you can see it when he just takes off that shirt this guy is just built like an absolute brick house and i think that the strength and conditioning aspect might be the difference maker in this matchup unless rod leg just brings a whole new level to his game well we'll see a new man in the one championship circle this is the champion does look a little bit thicker a little bit stronger that's what mitch is hinting at five three-minute rounds coming your way then the ten-point bus system is in place in the muay thai global rule set that means that the judges will award each round to one of the athletes and then you'll total up the number of rounds at the end of the contest oh then putting his title on the line against rodney [Music] the number of bouts that these two have had together is far too much for me to enter it's into the several hundreds vast experience and formidable talent white eye action coming your way there four years older than rod leg three centimeters taller thailand against thailand and now this is the co-main event of the evening five rounds of three minutes for the one bantamweight muay thai world championship this match is presented to you by lou global a better way to invest anytime anywhere introducing first out of the blue corner he is the number two bantamweight contender and one bantamweight muay thai tournament champion standing at 168 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 129 wins and 41 losses trading at a pk sencha muay thai gym representing thailand stepping into action is sentai [Music] and introducing his opponent out of the red corner he stands at 171 centimeters tall holding a muay thai record of 261 wins and 54 losses trading out of evolve mma representing thailand get ready for the [Music] and when the action begins your referee in charge mr olivier cost all right olivier cost giving the final instructions in thai and we are just about ready for our co main event of the evening ready one super serious kickboxing bantamweight world championship rod lek in the black and gold trunks non-oh in the black and silver very popular at evolve mma is non-oh with his students some of them will be in the house tonight giving him their support slow very considered start from these two doesn't seem to be uh explosive but it's solid isn't it these guys you know they realize that this is gonna be five hard rounds in those small gloves so they are feeling each other out it's been a long road to this final rodlick battled his way through the tournament earned his shot here at the bantamweight muay thai king and he wants to make the most of it just sets himself watch how he brings up that left leg oh just skips on to his right and brings it up within a flash but utilizing that jab very well early on nongo wouldn't quite describe it as ramrod but it's certainly stiff and he'll warm to the task exponents often use the first three minutes as something of a feeling out yeah process definitely just to see how your opponent reacts you know you're gonna throw a jab see what he does and you can see these ultra quick little movements like that shuffle kick that he threw but just to see what roblex response is gonna be we've seen this play out time and time again with nongo guyanhadao he is just a genius out there at strategic pugilism left right from rodleck and he follows that up with a kick to the thigh sends it into a one-two this time but that's the thing about ngo is at a moment's notice he can change the tempo and hit you as hard as possible so he might be taking it nice and slow here but at any time he can throw that switch and shut your lights out yeah don't be fooled into thinking that this is there this is their standard pace they will warm to the task 30 seconds left in this opening round there's a little sign of things to come as i said just resets hops on that right foot and then sends that left leg flying towards rodney's jaw well blocked so far though by that right hand leg is attacking the lower leg that non-oh sends out in front there that left leg it's already slightly red just below the knee around the calf area [Music] opening round is done then very much a feeling out process from these two the world title distance we'll see them go five threes there's still another 12 minutes to come plenty of time for these gentlemen to crack on at the pace that we know we [Music] in one super series he's gone six and oh with three title defenses as you were mentioning at the start of this thing but from that pk sanchez muay thai gym is definitely going to want to make the most of this opportunity i expect him to pick up the pace and start to move forward he did a good job of controlling the center but nongo was just a little bit more active in landing those shots in the first round let's see if the pace picks up a little bit here then in the second ready that feeling out process is over we very well start to see the cleaner connections coming from not know if the first round was anything to go by but watch those attacks to that left lead leg of the champion there it is goes above the knee this time after wrong leg has to do he's got to beat up that left leg that left leg just so no chamber no switch it just wraps up there and before you know it you're getting kicked in the side of the face yeah he's not just damaging that left leg he's taking out an offensive weapon that nango uses finger in the eye accidental no harm done we move on but this is what rodnek wanted to do he wants to back up nongo keep him against that wall limit a lot of that movement and also throw different combinations he doesn't want to keep throwing the same thing over and over again because he knows that nongo is a beautiful counter striker and if he keeps throwing the same combination nongo is going to figure it out and start landing counters but that came with some heaviness and rodney punishes that left lead leg again reddened not only below the knee but above it now and don't forget that's one of the main weapons for non-homo offensive weapon clearly part of it's now got to the point where every time nago swings it rod leg will come back and punish him for doing so doubles up that time right left right from rod lek has a good high god both of them do actually catches the leg and then drills down that right hand to the stomach exchanging jabs looks slightly the crisper of the two it's a little sharper a little bit more active but roblox making these shots count the left right one two from nongo rod leg though is the man that's dictating the positioning pushing ngo back towards the wall just sticks his tongue out as he takes a step or two back just to reconsider his position is so tough he's okay to eat these shots just so he can give back one of his own he trusts his chin so [Applause] and much touched gloves once again then at the end of the second round the pace just nudged up a notch [Music] there he is going with that i see there's no chamber that kick at all he just has a micro step out to the side with the right leg and then that left leg is just coming right upside your head ultra fast kicks thrown by nongo told me that he wants to utilize that left kick a lot but you can see rodney is just going after with those low kicks over and over again trying to soften that leg up and take away that weapon well there's a mark on rodlek's nose and they're attending to that he's also applying something some jelly underneath the eye as well but the nose seems to be a slight concern for rodney and his corner man in particular nothing that's gonna hamper the flow of the contest at this point though third round then all right ready [Music] up the pace in the second you can expect another notch here good stiff left jab from no no and that brings audible response from the crowd here yeah you can see the change nongo is going forward now takes the center backs rodleck up nongo says he's gonna ko rodlick in three or much faster pace from these two great jab from rod leg sent nono's head backwards like that steel locomotive did not want to go backwards starts to push forward and throw in those hands and it's been backed up all the way across the circle with his back now just centimeters away from the wall and that is rodney showing that if you step the pace [Applause] [Applause] unable to get to his feet in time and just with this matchup looked to be really engrossing he just pulled that shot out from nowhere and ended it all flat light switch that right hand is an absolute light switch and you can turn them out at any time that ladies and gentlemen is one of the greatest muay thai athletes to ever set foot inside the circle watch this rutlet coming forward and straight down the pipe with the right hand from nong ogai young heidel called his shot seems to get a knockout in three or maybe four but it was three sent in the left hand but it was the right that was on the button roddling just collapsed forward and the signs were there immediately that he would struggle to get up within the count of 10. just fell in on himself what power and what accuracy from the champion ladies and gentlemen this match was presented to you by lou globo and now your referee has called a stop to this contest for your winner my way of knockout and still one bantamweight muay thai world champion [Music] [Applause] celebrates the fourth defense of his one super series bantamweight why thai world championship what a performance he would not let the pace be dictated to him things stepped up a little bit in that third round to be fair rodneck certainly responded but that just signaled the beginning of the end oh catching him flush with that right hand and there was no getting up from that pin point accuracy surgical in his position right on the kisser [Applause] there's the left and there's the finishing right hand [Applause] [Music] mitch schilson will have a word with our champion i am with your champion nong olgai yang hadao what an amazing knockout finish nong o you are currently undefeated inside one super series seven straight victories what do you want next here in one championship pohap so today i feel good i'm very happy because i train hard so one year i know fight but i still training so i want to say thank you my family thank you my wife thank you my son hi q oh god bonnie and i want to say thank you all the friends all the team my coach kuya can nev thank you so now i'm 34 year old so i want to fight the best fight i want to fight the best fighter so payton i see you wow nong o guy young heidel just called out the greatest kick boxer of all time giorgio patron i would love to see that match up ladies and gentlemen your champion nong ogai young hadao [Applause] [Music] [Applause] against patron you up for that i think i am wanna finish that was what a finish fourth defense of the title and if you like world titles we've got another one coming up for you one super series light heavyweight kickboxing world title is coming your way roman griglia taking on andre stoica next on the 25th of december in the main event jamal yusupov returns to action after shocking a legend he faces sami sanon both with an eye on the title and the flyweights throw down as former flyweight world champion kyron akhmatov takes on tough korean day one kim that's amazing one championship collision course two i've been broke with no money eating one meal a day after my parents got wiped down the asian financial crisis and became homeless martial arts is the greatest platform to unleash human potential [Music] [Applause] no one has ever tried to unite four billion people around one sports property our video views went from 300 000 to 5 billion and the outcome because of the power of martial arts to transform lives [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will fight your hearts out show the world why you're the grace one championship collision course taking a quick look down arab street full of eclectic shops coffees food clothes all sorts of drink it's fascinating place to take a little tour we though are at the singapore indoor stadium there's kickboxing coming your way and it's the one championship light heavyweight kickboxing world championship quickly a stoyker the challenger stoica son of a boxer who made a pact with his brother to one day be a world champion here at the age of 33 that step could now be taken as he walks down the hall of fame moments away from entering the one championship arena i'm very excited because i worked my whole life to be in this moment i'm fighting to win for my family for my kids for my wife and i want to give generations to come a good example this belt means everything for me because it means that all my sacrifices wasn't in vain i'm gonna go there and fight i want it very bad representing romania the challenger andre mr ko stoica that pack that he made with his brother then could come to fruition tonight they own a gym together called the stoica brothers fight academy andre stoicker married with two sons and a newborn daughter [ __ ] she could find that this new world presents to her on a plate a father who's a new world champion yeah there is nothing more that andre stoical would like to do than to get his 30th knockout and then take that beautiful belt home to his three lovely children albert alexander and eve he is a ferocious puncher ladies and gentlemen he sets it up with the dynamic left hook and then comes right down the middle with that powerful straight right hand mr ko as he is known throughout the world is ready for this opportunity he has been dreaming of this moment his entire life and it is about to come true what a big man he is with that big square jaw as well looking forward to seeing him get in the world championship circle [Music] and he takes on the champion grew up in the ukraine at a time of major upheaval for the country as they were gaining their independence this 29 year old has come out of that setting and he walks tall and very proudly with that one championship belt over his shoulder meets a tough challenger today but is well prepared [Music] when i won it was the happiest moment of my life take a risk working hard today so you're better than yesterday one championship is the best kickboxing platform in the world so i'm very honored to be the champion [Music] it's a very big honor for me this is the biggest motivation to prove everybody that i am number one in light heavyweight division [Applause] i want the fans of kickboxing of all the world remember me like some special it's very big motivation for me to defend the title i must prove that i'm the best [Music] representing you ukraine the raining and defending one light heavyweight kickboxing world champion [Music] for a light heavyweight at two meters even and even though he's such a big man mitch he throws with speed doesn't he yeah he's got that speed has given him power to capture 24 amazing knockouts he is currently riding a nine match win streak and he has just been putting on a beating in performance after performance the tower of power comes from the chinook gym and the philosophy in that gym is intelligent boxing they like to take minimal damage while demonstrating impeccable timing and technique and that is exactly the word that you would describe roman cricklia he has these angles and he avoids damage and he just puts combinations together so eloquently like he's painting a masterpiece and this he says is going to be his greatest performance to date because he was able to reflect and focus on this match with pure concentration and determination you and i hosted the face-offs yesterday and it was so evident wasn't it the difference in height when they got face to face two meters even up against one point eight eight i mean one point eight eight is tall but this man just towers over the challenger they're going five threes today the ten point must system is in place three knockouts in a single round will automatically mean a technical knockout just to know then that ten point must system means that the judges will look at each round and they'll award the rounds as they go through to the athlete that they believe has won that three-minute session so the enormous quickly gets into the one championship circle and as these two men stand by side by side the big difference you'll see there is the height stoica is four years older it's the ukraine against romania who it is a gentleman this is the main event of the evening five rounds of three minutes for the one light heavyweight kickboxing world championship our three judges scoring this bout at circle side are rosenberg rossetti of the philippines brad robinson of the usa and thomas genberg of sweden this match is presented to you by food panda food and more delivered [Music] introducing first out of the blue corner he is a romanian kickboxing champion standing at 188 centimeters tall holding a kickboxing record of 52 wins and 12 losses training out of stoica brothers fight academy representing romania [Music] introducing andre mr k.o and introducing his opponent out of the red corner he stands at 200 centimeters tall holding a kickboxing record of 45 wins and seven losses trading out of greeting gym representing uh you crane please welcome the reigning and defending one light heavyweight kickboxing world champion and when the action begins your referee in charge mr olivier cost all right guys watch out for the head butt in the back of the head five rounds keep boxing rules fight fair fight clean touch grow if you want and back your corn be over very quickly indeed such is the power currently in the circle and i'm not talking about olivia costa ready ready immediately the size difference is evident but the challenger has broad shoulders he's a strong looking man big jaw immediately crickling comes out firing utilizing that jab and low kicks very well oh beautiful body shot there stoica has got to nullify this reach get in tight and start banging away at quickly just put together that combination supremely well right to the body and then the left hand upstairs brings the head down so that he can drop it on his knee very fluid movement so far from the champion and stoic has got to get out of this little rut he's found himself in where he's just getting battered yeah he's getting caught like a deer in the headlights and those headlights are coming from an absolute freight train which is named roman quickly quite bouncy on his feet the champion isn't he likes to get hold of that head and bring it on to his knee those punches just catching stoiches gloves tight defense there so to penetrate them it takes something special he may have more success with those arcing punches decides to tackle the legs as well now and stoichio comes back with something in reply sinks in that left hand almost look as if it was landing low enough for a body shot but the size difference is so stark that he actually dropped it onto the chin does not move like a hundred kilo two meter giant he moves so fluidly like he's a lightweight out there i'm loving that right hand that he sinks into the body out of that orthodox stance doesn't have a long way to come he's quite square on from the waist up which in itself means he's presenting a fairly big target but stoical only needs one and that one could be that massive right hand or that left hook he's got beautiful timing on both and he just needs to touch your chin once and the giant will fall on a left hand from stoichio just telling the champion that he's there they exchanged leg kicks and both were powerful that right hand looks heavy again he just gets his gloves up in time to at least parry part of the blow good touches land by quickly so far he just reaches out there and just keeps touching the face of stoica it's good for stoica that he's hiding behind that sort of peekaboo stance those gloves are quite high but the champion gets through with a couple of blows there and he sinks that one into the rib cage and the left hand thumbs into the body he follows it up with a straight that has a little look between the gloves the confidence and the time to do that and stoica already looks in quite a bit of trouble here [Music] first round is done and it was a great effort from kriklia who surely takes the judge's vote on that opening round yeah he was so active with shots just like that he is attacking every single area of stoica's body from the left side of the body to the right to the face and even eating up those legs stoica needs to earn the respect of roman cricklia he needs to go forward because he cannot allow this fluid movement to just ooze out of the champion because right now he is light stoica up you may need to try that old tactic of getting inside the long arms and see if he can work the body because at the moment from distance quickly is having it all his own way does his best work when he's going forward so he cannot allow tricklier to dictate that pressure second round then the judges very likely will have given the first to the champion and he goes in pursuit of the challenger once again those jabs landing in the gloves it is a nice tight defense that he's got the challenger he'll need to keep it that way as well quickly a by comparison holds his hands fairly low look at this speed and reaction time from qriklia he's just moving his head around waiting for his target to find himself and then just firing at will now he's landing those kicks to the side of the leg stoichio's left leg under attack lots of movement from the waist up the arms moving all the time just acting as little fakes for the champion that jab does find his way through the guard who gets unbalanced by the follow-up from the left leg as well digs that left hook in to the side of the body left hook to the kidney sends that left hook through the guard to the chin as well once again looks to bring that knee down uh head down onto his knee and then attacks the left leg once more that left jab is getting through the guard more and more it's looking increasingly porous that's what stoichio has to do he's got to make this dirty he can't let it quickly just stand out there and have target practices with his back up against the wall like that he's got to move forward and throw those heavy hands soika has power he's got volume but he's got to let that go it sounds easier said than done i'm sure but there's something predictable about the way quickly moves in the way he moves from side to side if stoichio can read that and just unleash he might be able to get some success but at the moment he can't get inside that reach there you can see from the jab he threw it to its full extent but still it landed short that's the advantage that qriklia has with this enormous reach effect looks for that leaping left hook to the body but again could only get to the gloves of the champion throws with heat when he finds that opening he's definitely still in this but quickly is just touching him up oh left right kick from the champion looks to throw a very army sort of left hook there but just caught the glove you get the feeling if he can land flush get that guard to be dropped with a couple of blows to the body quickly it could really unload here coming to the end of the second round and that's a good couple of punches from the challenger a left and a right they caught some glove for sure but they also hit the target [Music] [Applause] [Music] so a slight increase in the pace there mitch yeah let's take a look at some of these shots thrown by prickly just beautiful touches coming right through the guard like a hot knife through butter just keeps touching him with that jab and then once roman once roman finds that opening he starts to open up the other targets as well when stroke is trying to cover his face you see quickly to start going to the body and then when stoichio drops his arms to cover the body that's when cricket starts going for the legs he's just mixing up his targets very very well but you can never count mr ko out because he only needs that one shot he's to change the complexion of this matchup both men involved in two-way conversations in their corner not a one-way street by any means stay open stay open back [Music] and again it's a fast start for the champion doubles up on that left jab good combinations thrown by cricklia he uses that jab so well and then right when you think he's gonna throw it again he mixes it up and throws that straight right hand he's getting through with it as well now mitch hard work holding those hands up and keeping them together fending off those big blows lovely jab to the body which always seems like it might be a dangerous blow because you lean in you expose your head but that was well executed by the champion and now he's coming with left and right banging from both sides stoichio goes down but it's another slip for them then in this round wide arching left hand caught a lot of glove from the champion though it was interesting talking to kriklia earlier this week and he told me he lives in belarus and he actually got to do a six-week training camp at the olympic training facility with the national boxing team so he went through three trains a day in strictly hands and we're seeing this development in his game he is putting together some beautiful boxing combinations utilizing that jab very well and going to the body too but he's able to mix in the kicks and the knees just to create that extra damage getting a lot of glove in the first round mitch but he opened up the challenger in the second round and he's really getting through between those gloves through that defense an awful lot now in this third round and starting to realize that opportunities are opening up for him and stoica needs to change his game plan quickly because otherwise he might end up taking a lot of punishment now starting to complain about a blow to the back of the head which is illegal looking for that swinging left hand just lent it with the shoulder for added delight as well exchanging kicks high up on the thigh quite a bit of redness around the lead leg of the champion the consequence of that right kick for stoica champion goes to the inside of the leg and a big coming together of the legs and it's stoica who's bullied to the ground as a result stoica looks to be fading a little bit as quickly as starts to pour it on starting to feel the heat isn't he if quickly can just up the tempo slightly he may be able to find something impressive end of the third round this contest is just flying by and quickly understandably looks a little bit more weary as he wakes his way back to the stall here's some of the action from the third round he covers so much distance and he can take that knee and so effortlessly get it up to the head of stoica that just goes to show you just how long the legs are roman quickly are look at that barely any effort at all nice little combination from the knee to the hooks you can see how stoica covers up he keeps his guard very tight to the face because of that jab and straight right hand and the man the strategic mastermind that quickly is he starts to go wide with the punches to miss the guard and connect to the side of the head of stoica beautiful game planning and strategic masterminding by roman kriklia the problem for stoicker is even though he gets his hands up there in front of his face quickly his arms are so long his hands are so big that the sheer speed the pace at which the glove comes to the head means that he dislodges that defense and ends up scoring prolonged conversation going on now between the doctor and the challenger the referee and the corner man ready but we are going to get a fourth round it looked for a minute maybe as if there were there could be a stoppage on the stool but we resume you start to see this when you start to see quickly drop his hands move his head you know he is feeling himself and that swagger starts to come out of quickly right to the body and stoica looks to throw a few punches of his own now that they're at close quarters but he just takes charge the champion doesn't he quickly has some incredible finishing instincts ladies and gentlemen he's like a shark in the water he knows when his time is coming stalking his prey that jab went right through the guard as did the right hand before him it's all stoic he can do to hold those gloves together in front of his face now is there anything left in the tank for stoichio to come back can he pull out one big punch maybe oh he can hang things around oh he can't stoich has got it in him he's just waiting for that right opportunity that right moment to present itself but roman quickly is not giving him that opening he's not giving him that chance because that pressure just keeps coming he's always moving forward he's not letting soika come forward oh he did right there at the first sign of trouble he gets out of range that's the masterful movement of the championship and he just pops out of range knowing that he can keep him at bay with those long arms that jab he can keep that distance there i love the angles that he just keeps sliding around he'll throw that hook step off to the side and like a ghost will reappear and smack you with that right hand almost feel as if quickly has still got a little bit in reserve in terms of the angles of his punches upstairs rather than to the body could do in the world of good at the moment he's very content and doing very nicely thank you with these straight punches through the garden that was a good right hand from him quickly has said he wanted his 25th ko so bad in his first title defense but he knows that stoica is so tough and so durable he would have to put so much effort into this approaching the 35 seconds left mark in the fourth round still bouncing on his feet the champion still plenty of movement from the waist lands the right leads with the right stoichio backs off and swings at air with his left hand oh and it takes a big right hand high up on the forehead too they're getting right through that guard now the left and the right come through land right on the nose just seems reluctant to step it up to the point where the contest might be stopped though quickly uh and how tough is stoica though he is in it just eating these shots he is getting outclassed but there is no quit in andre stoica mr kale believes in himself but right now you can see him starting to fade as quickly as starts to push forward lands two beautiful pairs at ease right there as he starts to put hands on stoica there's that one one two combo that he has landed repeatedly all night long fifth and final round is coming up then it's gonna take quite an effort something very special from andre stoica to turn this one around as you said mitch he's more than capable of doing that perhaps just with a single punch but where will he find it how will he execute up correctly are so difficult to hit to get within range and land a significant bomb is proving very very difficult indeed [Music] the touch of gloves at the beginning of the final round and for my money quickly has won all four of the ones that we've seen so far yeah this has just been a master class of kickboxing put on by roaming cricklia still stalking his man mitch trying to press him up against the circle wall and see if he can unload it's just that that one little tick up in tempo that could finish and he gets dinged again stoker with the right hand through the guard just managed to fend off that left hook that looked as if he could do some damage i love that right hand to the body and then he comes upstairs with the hand stoicher shows enough presence of mind just to lean away to his left and avoid that right hand that came in back into the action just over two minutes left of this final round now quickly as things stand striding towards retaining his belt the one championship light heavyweight kickboxing title at stake the champion qriklia putting on a performance here it's a master class there's that right hook to the body again that is the punch of the contest that one we've seen it six or seven times just digs it in there it's a punishing blow and an uppercut from the left hand and stoic it really looks as if he's run out of ideas right left right to the body absolutely draining in its effect the arms have gone down the hands have gone down the guard is becoming ineffective quickly and now looks as if he can strike at will entering the final minute still plenty of movement from quickly from the waist up brings that leg up high to the head as well left uppercut right hand stoichio comes back with now the referee has seen an infringement it may have been a low blow in there did you see anything mitch i think the knee caught him at the top of the head but i'm not quite maybe he held the clinch too long head butt that's what olivier cost saw intentional oh by no means was it intentional has called for injury time so that's the case it would be an accidental clash of heads so no warning to be applied to correctly or in that case what a blow this would be if we get yeah a technical decision of some sort you know there was certainly contact andy landed the knee with the follow-up right hand [Music] oh you can see andre stoica was stunned by it but man he is so durable andre stoic hasn't been ko'd in four years he has just been so tough and displayed such heart in this matchup now with the head but with the knee to the straight right combo you must defend yourself at all times the headbutt is coming up we'll see it oh and he pulled the head down into the clinch with the head so stoic had made contact with his face prickly with the top of his head so stoic had clearly got the worst of it he had to keep going the referee hadn't called a halt to it until after that right hand came in [Music] and that was a heavy blow stoiche managed to stay on his feet but how is he doing now well out of your picture he's on his knees he's now on one knee looking like he's in an attempt to get up and he's back on his feet how tough is andre stoica ladies and gentlemen there he is walking around the circle dr warren is checking out andre stoica to make sure he's okay sometimes the case that late in a competition when something like this happens particularly when it's been a fairly one-sided affair that it's difficult to drum up the images to continue for the man who's taken the worst aspect of the unintentional headbutt [Music] look at mr k.o [Applause] so we will resume um andre stoica is just tough as nails a lot of men wouldn't have taken that option but you're absolutely right mitch showing his metal i wonder i just wonder if he'll be able to pick up the piece the pace knowing that there's not long to go but quickly it comes in and lands a big solid punch and knocks stoic it back into the wall now they're really opening up in the dying moments of this contest and quickly i can see a finish in his very near future lands high on the forehead striker gets scrambled but he keeps on coming back what an effort from the challenger but clearly qriklier is on top and there's still an option for him to finish this landed a big right hand but what credit to stoica stayed on his feet all the way through that wild melee at the end having been on the receiving end of an unintentional headbutt and there's the honor there's the respect there's the sportsmanship that we always see so often evidence in the one championship circle but the decision made surely can only go one way what a battle for the light heavyweight kickboxing crown roman quickly has showed up tonight ladies and gentlemen putting on the performance of his life just back and forth for this final couple of seconds andre stoica did not want to go quietly into the night swinging with everything he had his toy answered the call to get back up and push forward but it was too little too late and i do believe the decision is going to go to the defending champion immense credit to stoichio his legs were like jelly at the end there it was his decision to carry on but carry on he did so gamely but it was one-way traffic and really the conclusion had written been written before the book was finished dom lao is standing by with the official decision ladies and gentlemen this match was presented to you by food panda and now after five rounds of battle we turn now to the judges scorecards all three judges have called this contest in favor of your winner by unanimous decision and still one light heavyweight kickboxing world champion [Music] the champion's reign continues and in that form it's hard to see how it's going to end anytime soon an exhibition of a performance from the champion up against a stoic challenger who i think has earned everybody's respect in the process but in the end he just didn't have enough to get really anywhere close to dismantling this monster of a champion the ukraine certainly has a kickboxer to be proud of and his name is roman quickly [Applause] looking at some of the action from that contest he employed a really varied attack the straight punches were the ones that really did the damage piercing that guard the uppercut particularly powerful but he threw in knees and kicks as well quite a performance and he's now speaking to mitch i am with your champion roman criklia you just put on a kickboxing master class i know this journey to the circle has been so tough for you how are you feeling roman thank you firstly i want to say thank you to all my friends it's very important for me your support it gives me power but secondly i want to say sorry to all my fans because i think it was terrible fight for me and i think that i i was fighting like beginner because i don't know what to say i had terrible conditions maybe before fight before because i wasn't current in about three weeks maybe that's why i don't know but my psychology was not in the best condition and third i want of course to say warm words to my coach my wife my family my parents my country ukraine thank you well roman i am sure you made your country your fans and your family extremely proud ladies and gentlemen your champion roman cricklia thank you [Music] roman quickly are very eloquently summing up there the challenges of combat sportsman indeed sportsmen around the world in these conditions that have been laid upon us in 2020 but he overcame them and in supreme style well what an event it's been one championship collision course collision course two though is coming up for you on christmas day wonderful action in the featherweight division you support against sunnah and then in the flyweight division it's akbatov against kim keep putting out for that from mitch chielsen and myself steve dawson we hope you've enjoyed the action happy holidays everyone and we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Bleacher Report Live
Views: 203,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one collision course, one championship collision course, one championship, collision course one, collision course, collision course mma, one collision course full, one collision course event, one collision course highlights, collision course highlights, one brlive, brlive, bleacher report live, one championship brlive, troy werthen, troy werthen one, troy werthen highlights, lowen tynanes, lowen tynanes one, mma, muay thai, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, martial arts, tynanes
Id: aoBSydcQ73A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 23sec (11003 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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