One Board, Multiple Connectivities | Getting Started with T-SIM7000G | IOT Board | ESP32 Board

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well we all know that the 2G is going to stop working in near future and while it already stopped working in couple of countries so I'm trying to learn and teach you all about using different different 4G boards so that we all can you know continue our iot journey in future as well so with that respect I already uploaded a video about a 4G board which was from maker Fabs and now in this video I'm gonna teach you or rather make you aware about a new 4G board from liligo so this is the T Sim 7000g board which is nothing but an esp32 based Port along with the 4G and GPS connectivity built in and not only that it got a lot of the features as well so in this video I'll let you know everything about this board like its specifications how to use it with Arduino ID for all those basic tasks like sending and receiving SMS getting GPS coordinates connecting it the new blink Cloud Server making it act like an mqd client board to make it communicate with the either fruit mqtt server and a lot other examples so this will be the one and the only video which you need to watch to get completely familiar about this board from lilygo so just sit back with your snacks and enjoy this video let's get started do you know what most electronic companies have something in common well it's the tool that they use for making their products and the most commonly used tool that almost all the big electronic companies uses is the Altium PCB designer software using LTM you can definitely level up your PCB designing skills and make something really professional out of it and now along with the integration of octopart searching for any electronic components globally becomes really very easy octopod is kind of Google for just electronic components where you can search for any electronic parts and get that information all on one single web page so do check out this amazing search engine made just for electronic components I'll leave the link for this down in the description do check it out so this is how you will receive this product well I'll leave it purchase link down in the description of this video so Inside the Box first of all we get this main board about which we will talk in detail later in this video other than that we get a full band LTE antenna a GPS antenna couple of mail headers and a connector for solar panel so this is all you get inside the box now let's have a look over the main board so first of all this board is based on esp32 Rover e module so you can expect the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity built in and as it is of the series n16r8 it has onboard 16 MB of flash memory and 8 MB of PS Ram so it has enough memory for all your complex and lengthy codes then the other major component on the board is the Sim 7000g module from simcom which supports all different kind of bands like GSM GPRS and LTE but when I try connecting a SIM card whose network provided only supports the regular LTE well that SIM card was not supported on this board and when I did a little bit of research about this board then I found out that it supports only ltem or you can say cat M and NB iot connectivity bands under LTE or under 4G okay so make sure you do a research about do your network provider provides the NBI iot or LTM or cat M based connectivity or connectivity bands and your city your location if is it so then you can consider this 4G model otherwise you can use it for your 2G base connectivity like GSM and GPRS other than that it also has GPS built in for all your location based projects and as usual we can interact with this module via 80 commands which will be provided here by our esp32 module now here we can insert a nano SIM card on this slot we do also have a micro SD card connector for storing data a USB type-c port to program the board and charge the battery then we have a two pin connector for connecting a solar panel with this board so yeah this boat do come with a solar panel connector on the board and not only that it is also based on cn3065 IC which is a solar energy charger IC then we also have a dedicated reset button and power button on the board and couple of GPI pins for our esp32 module on the back we have a 18650 battery holder to make this board run on battery so that was all about the specifications of the board now let's jump on to the computer open up Arduino ID and let's see how to program this board for making different different projects okay so here is my Arduino ID now the prerequisite before using this particular board is you need to have the esp32 boards package is already installed on your system and you to have the tiny GSM Library already installed after that what you do is you can go to the repository by a lilly go and here is the repository and here are a couple of example codes that will definitely help you to Kickstart your iot journey with the help of the Sim 7000g model okay so you want you to do is you just need to click on this uh code button and click on the downloads it will completely download all the files I already did that in my computer so yeah here is that particular uh ZIP file I unzipped it and here under the example section as you can see there are a lot of example for different different purposes okay well but let's first start with the very basic one for which window go to Arduino tiny GSM and into 80 debug I'll open this 80 debug example code now what it will do is it will help us to interact with the SIM 7000g board via ET commands that will manually typing inside the serial monitor okay so yeah this is uh the code about that particular module now here I'll change the baud rate to 9600 as my version of this board communicates at 9600 watt rate okay rest of everything will be the same now as I said you need to have the tiny GSM Library installed but for this particular example you don't need to have that Library so what I'll do is I'll select the right board which is esp32 div module which comes under the esp32 Arduino section then selecting the right com Port I will directly hit the upload button now before uploading the code I already connected the vi sim card with this model now here in Ahmedabad Gujarat we don't have any network provider that supports the nbiot or cat Mr LTM LTE M connectivity so I'm using this VI SIM card and I'll be using the GSM GPRS connectivity or you can see the 2G connectivity on this particular model to show you the demo but as I said in the beginning if your network provider supports nbiot or you know ldm you can go for the LTE version as well so the code is successfully uploaded I'll open the serial Monitor and I'll click on the rest set button on the board it says starting up the modem okay so now we are good to go to write the 80 commands I'll type 80 it says okay that means we are successfully able to you know communicate with the SIM 7000g module okay let's try a couple of 80 commands and uh let's see how it works okay so first of all I'll type c pin first of all CP in question mark this will help us to check whether SIM card is properly inserted or not so it says Ready means it's completely working fine let's check if it is connected with the network so which network it is connected so I'll type cops question mark and as you can see it is connected to VI India that is Vodafone idea India that is the connectivity and 80 plus csq will let you know the network strength you can say just a second 80 plus csq yeah this is the network strength means that is successfully connected with the Vodafone it is uh you know Network provided it got the network strength as well now what we can do is first of all let me make you clear this board won't help you to make or receive any calls I don't know why but this feature is not not at all supported in Sim 7000g we can't make a call we can't receive any call as well that's a oopsie feature like we can't we want like I was also not expecting this from this particular uh 4G model but yeah this is the truth so now let's directly move on to you know receiving the SMS how we can receive the SMS but for that we need to do a couple of configurations so first of all you need to do is uh 80 plus c m g f is equal to one this is the one thing you need to do after that you type 80 plus csmp is equal to 1 7 comma 167 comma zero comma zero press enter great after the last command 80 plus cnmi is equal to 2 comma 2 comma 0 comma zero comma zero yeah so these three commands are mentally to you know receive the SMS in a text format okay so now we are ready to receive the SMS so what I'll do I'll send one SMS from my mobile phone and let's just see if we are able to receive the SMS or not I'll just type the message as hello from Sachin okay I'll send that message so it's sent from my site now let's just see okay as you can see we got the message here though so this is the mobile number from which we have sent the message this is the date and time on which we receive the message and this is the actual message which is Hello from Sachin so this is how you can successfully receive the SMS and do all the tasks like SMS based home automation or stuff like that anything you can do okay now let's just see how to send the message but I won't you know let you know with the 80 commands let's just see how to use the tiny GSM layer because by using tiny GSM Library you no longer need to remember any 80 commands at all just do some like call some function or rather call one single function to send any SMS let me show you that particular example code which I already written so I'll click quickly open that example code which is this one uh don't worry I'll providing this example code in my GitHub repository whose link will be down in the description okay so here you need to provide the target like SMS Target the number on which you want to send the SMS then there are a couple of functions called to you know set up the modem pretty common and here by just using one single function called as modem dot send SMS you can send any SMS that you want you just need to type the you know payload of that SMS here so right now written as hello from techy SMS but let's just say uh subscribe now yeah because that is something every YouTuber wants okay so I'll upload this code and this code will be sending the SMS subscribe now to this number okay one single function to upload that command that is the power of a library called as Tiny GSM in case you don't have that Library you can just go to sketch into include Library into manage Library here just type out tiny GSM press enter and you just need to install this particular Library great so again I will you know directly hit the upload Button as I already selected the right board and com Port yes it is selected so I straight over hit the upload button and let's wait for the code to get uploaded in the meant download here I have set the board it has 9600 in case your GSM or the 4G module supports different board rate make sure to change the board right here okay so it's done uploading I'll open the serial monitor I'll press the reset button on board so it will be running some 80 commands on the back end to make the uh no modem initial like initializing modem basically and here is the phone with me so right now the last message was hello from Sachin which was sent from here and subscribed Now message is sent from the board and here is the Subscribe Now message let me show you on the camera so as you can see this is the message called as subscribe now which I received straight from the Sim 7000 G module via my VI SIM card so this is how you can you know simply send the message by using one single function thanks to Tiny GSM library now moving on to the next part which is let's just try to make some cloud-based project using this uh 7000g so I already created an example code for you know making the communication with a blink server so this is the example code I'll open the example code quickly okay now I made this code by taking the example code which was given in the GitHub repository as a reference I have added my template ID my device name my authentication token and I also added the APN name which is www for Vi India in your case you need to search for the APN name of your network provider you will easily get it on Google and just paste that APN name here again it's changing the baud rate to 9600 and here I've made a simple code in which I'll be you know able to control the LED on the board via virtual pin V3 and also it will be sending some random data uh random data like H is 12.2 and T is 24.3 so this data it will be sending on to my uh blink let's just change this data to let's just say 55.3 and this will be like 3 2.2 okay so this is how the data will be sent and yeah pretty much everything is uh like same like initializing modem and everything so what I'll do once again is I will select the right com port and board and I'll straight away hit the upload button in the meantime let's just open the blink dot Cloud uh what we can say console so I'll just go to and uh yeah I'll go to this project So currently this project is as you can see in offline state so let's just wait for this code to get uploaded and hopefully it will get connected to the blink Cloud make sure your sim card do have the data plan as well to you know make it connect with the internet I'll press the reset button on the board okay it says fail I'll reset once again okay so I guess it is now connected with the blink Cloud let's just go to the blink cloud and yeah it says online and as you can see we are also getting the data this is 55 and this is 32 which we were sending from here let me just show you the data as you can see the 32 and 55 is sent from here and let's just see if we are able to control the LED on board or not so this is the same uh 7000 g board and uh I'll turn on the relay 3. as you can see the blue LED got turned on this is a blue LED I'll just turn it off okay so as you can see the LED is turned on and off based upon the blink Cloud Server and it is like it has a very low latency so it's almost real time you can say so you can easily make any of your iot projects connected with internet without any Wi-Fi connectivity at all using this module you can easily make it with the blink version a blink platform and not only blink you can also use the mqtt platform or mqd broker for your IIT projects I do have the example code for that as well I'll quickly open that up well I had tried to cover almost all the things that will help you to start your iot journey using this board okay so this is the example code in which I made the connections with the Adafruit IO broker the Adafruit mqt broker and here also I'm trying I'm trying to send the data and receive the data via mqtt of course okay so now here what changes need to do is you need to provide the broker name here after that you need to provide the topic on which you want to publish the data and topic on which you want to subscribe uh on which you want to subscribe right so this is both thing we need to Define here after that again you need to change the Border according to your board I'll change it to 9600 quickly and after that here I have provided the Callback function as if I get the data one I want to turn on the LED if I get the data 0 I want to turn off the LED okay and the same status like whatever the status of the LED is it will be reflected on to another topic that will be have a look while working while we'll be looking at the working of the project after that here I've provided the username and password which is nothing but my username of Adafruit IO and this is the AIO key of my Adafruit IO account okay in your case you need to provide the username password of your mqt broker a pretty common thing if you use an mqd broker before okay and after that what we are doing is like we are doing nothing much here it is just like you know handling the GPS and GSM connectivity and the mqt connectivity okay this is the example code which you can take as a reference for your mgrity based projects using the GSM connectivity once again I'll hit the upload button and in the meantime I'll open my Adafruit what we can say dashboard I'll open a new window and I'll type the credentials AI once again you can use any of the mqd broker of your choice so yeah here it is I'll go the dashboard and I'll click on the welcome dashboard and this is a random dashboard which I have created but yeah I have used the relay one button to control the LED let's just wait for the code to get uploaded okay it's done uploading I'll open the serial monitor I'll press and uh press the reset button once okay initializing modem okay it says Network connected and GPR is connected it is uh not connected with mqt but yeah yeah connecting to iodo it shows success here so I hope it is successfully connected with my Ada for mqd broker let me just take you to that dashboard and if I turn on the relay one switch the blue LED should get turned on let's just see foreign [Music] logic so when I turn it on it's turning off and when I turn it off it will turn on so as you can this is the blue LED turned on right now and this is how it got turned off as well and similarly I'm able to see the data here which is published by the Sim 7000g so if I turn it off the LED will get turned on but the data with sand is zero and the zero data is visible here okay so don't get confused it's just the reverse data that we are sending whenever the switch is off we are turning on the LED when the switch is on we are turning off the LED just reverse lodging nothing much complex here but yeah it is working variable to send and receive the data via mqt as well and you can attach a battery attach a solar panel make it as a standalone iot device to you know run for uh forever you can say it will charge with solar panel it will run on battery so that was all about the mqd part as well now we are left with the GPS connectivity and for GPS testing I need to go to the windows side because the GPS do require some outdoor you know an Open Sky to get connected to the satellite let me move to the different location so here I moved to the windows side and I placed the Sim 7000g model just on the window so that it can have an Open Sky for getting connected with the satellites and of course there are a couple of like vehicle noise coming in so pardon me for that because I'm doing this for the testing purpose okay so what I'll do is I'll straight away open the example code that comes along with the repository which is a GPS Test so I'll open with the Arduino IDE so here is the code and now here in the code we need to provide the APN name I don't know why I went to brought the APN name here but I provided the AP name www after that in the baud rate according to your board I have set to 9600 only and after that what this code will do is it will just print the latitude and longitude data separately on the CL monitor which is awesome right so let's just select the right board and Port which is already selected and let me just hit the upload button now to wait for a couple of seconds to see the actual location at which I'm studying right now okay so the code is successfully uploaded I'll open the serial monitor I'll reset this board and let's see what happens so it says initializing the network test please make sure your GPS antenna is connected yes the CPS antenna should be connected it's a mandatory condition to get the location now we need to wait uh okay so it started positioning and the blue light indicates the GPS status so the blue light on the board will flash okay so we got the location so it says latitude is this and longitude is this but we got only two digit after decimal so this reveals that this is not the accurate location while this is kind of an estimated location you can say we can't get a precise location with these numbers okay so how to get the precise location the question you may ask well let me answer that question well you just need to write one single line which is uh modem dot get GPS raw okay so earlier we were writing modem.getgps and latitude and longitude but by typing the get GPS raw function it will be you know giving us all the raw data of the GPS and we can you know use that raw data for any of our project for purpose and in that raw data we'll be getting the accurate location as well so let's just try to upload this sketch and let's see what results now we are getting okay it says then uploading I'll open the serial monitor I'll once again reset the board and let's wait okay so we got the data so here's the lateral longitude data and this is the raw data we got from the GPS module and here is the latitude and the longitude data with precise location okay so what I'll do I'll copy this and let's just verify whether we are getting the perfect data or not I'll open a new tab here and I'll open Google Maps and I'll paste the latitude and longitude data which I got so I'll directly paste that I'll press enter and let's see where it is okay so it is pointing somewhere here and uh so yeah it is pointing somewhere here and here is the techie SMS studios Okay so this is uh the accuracy that we are getting of course by moving it a little bit far away from this uh window I'll get way more accurate results you can say way more accurate position so yeah a GPS module is also working and for our project what we can do is we can you know simply filter out these two data like the idea longitude data and use it for our GPS tracking or GPS location based projects awesome right so that was all about the getting started video with the SIM 7000g board I hope you liked it as I have covered almost all the aspects all the different different perspective about how to use this board before using with the mqd broker maybe using with the blink Cloud maybe using for GPS connectivity maybe using for signing and receiving SMS I hope you find it useful and I also want one favor from your side so any of you watching this video well in your location if there is an nbio D or LTM connectivity option and if you have the access of sim 7000 G model with you well do let me know uh do that SIM card support on this board or not or is there any you know changes about how to use those SIM cards on this model well do let me know about using LTM and nbiot on the Sim 7000g now in the comments of the video the comment section is open for the conversation and also share your thoughts about this board is it worth considering this board or should we stick with the uh you know TT go tickle model that supports the 2G connectivity is only so do let me know your suggestion is 2J is good to go as of now or should we upgrade to the 4G or nbiot share your thoughts down in the comments of the video and also do share about what kind of projects should I can I can losing this particular board any of your product that comes in your mind do share your thought about the project down in the comments of the video and yeah that being said I am just ending this video here and now just wait for my next within the Explorer learn share with me techy SMS [Music]
Channel: techiesms
Views: 45,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techiesms, electronics, electronics projects, sim7000g, 4g module, esp32 board, latest iot board, t-sim7000g, nb-iot, lte-m, wifi, bluetooth
Id: 7gG57DVETAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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