Once Opened, Your Third Eye Will NEVER Close! Pineal Gland - Seat of the Soul

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the pineal gland could be the seat of the Soul or an organ that once fully activated could unlock a deeper understanding of our true nature considering the Fibonacci design of the pineal gland it is possible that numerically perfect Fibonacci harmonics could activate this organ the answer might not be on Earth but rather the Earth itself our planet moves in ways that display observable patterns it spins in a day orbits the Sun in a year and experiences a gradual wobble known as the precession of the equinoxes which takes 25 920 years to complete expanding our perspective with a newfound comprehension of the Precision of the equinoxes we return to the factor 9 grid and employ the fundamental twelves and 60s of Sumerian math how and why was this specific system chosen we can speculate and suggest various theories or we can examine what the ancient Sumerians themselves documented about this remarkable moment in human knowledge advancement although it may not be what historians prefer the Sumerians inscribed on clay tablets that they did not invent base 60 mathematics but received this knowledge from beings not native to Earth they describe these visitors in great detail noting that they either descended from Celestial royalty or came from the sky archaeologists frequently dismiss these accounts as mere myths but the Sumerians regarded these visitors as more than mythical gods they believed that the Anunnaki a race of exceptionally tall human-like Giants lived among them and shared their knowledge for hundreds perhaps thousands of years intriguingly the Bible's book of numbers also includes an account of Moses's Scouts encountering a giant race the anak who made humans appear like grasshoppers in comparison did extraterrestrial beings genuinely contact us all those years ago and if so what was the real purpose of their visit to address these questions we must first delve into the realm of speculation and then examine other evidence that may support or refute the sky visitor Theory based on historical context essentially we will be searching for coincidental clues that when combined either confirm or disprove the earliest records ever written the sumerian-based geometry can be transformed into audio frequencies and when the sum of angled totals from various basic geometric shapes such as triangles and cubes are played different Arrangements of a numerically perfect major chord are produced this chord is revealed by a factor 9 grid that is built upon a tone vibrating at 432 cycles per second it is worth noting that this Ketone used for tuning instruments has fluctuated throughout the centuries and the current International stand 100 is 440 cycles per second while it can be argued that any tuning system is as good as the next for musical purposes since every instrument is tuned to the same tone it is worth delving deeper into the numerical information revealed by the factor 9 grid interestingly when tuning deviates from 432 the corresponding grid does not produce any intriguing numerical sequences however when we return to 432 and move up and down strictly by multiples of nine a remarkable 14 tone Matrix of synchronicity begins to emerge on this unique grid we find not only some but all of the numbers representing every Prime geometric shape upon further exploration we discover numerous other numbers that appear in some of Humanity's most profound religious texts such as the 72 names of God in Kabbalah 108 repetitions of mantras and mudras in Hinduism 140 as a number sequence represented in the Great Pyramid of Giza the number of days in a Mayan bhaktan and the 144 000 chosen ones described in the biblical Book of Revelation notably there is also 4 32 a number that mythologist Joseph Campbell encountered so frequently in his cultural studies that he dubbed it the most important mythological number in history this Factor 9 Matrix invites further exploration and reflect action we must consider the significance of the 432 grid which reveals numerous numerical coincidences however logic May hinder our ability to perceive a broader perspective since any arbitrary unit of time can measure vibration Cycles one may argue that no unit is more or less accurate than others we measure sound waves using the Sumerian second which comprises 86 400 in a day but we could use any other time interval therefore some may claim that the coincidental number sequences disclosed by the factor 9 grid are merely chosen data to support a predetermined Theory to delve deeper into this matter we need to identify something non-arbitrary such as a natural order or pattern that connects all of this information however where can we find it if it exists on this planet why haven't we discovered it already perhaps our Viewpoint has been the issue the answer might not be on Earth but rather the Earth itself our planet moves in ways that display observable patterns it spins in a day orbits the Sun in a year and experiences a gradual wobble known as the precession of the equinoxes which takes 25 920 years to complete this phenomenon is the Earth's largest and slowest movement if we observe celestial objects today is it reasonable to assume that an intelligent being with a distant view of Earth would recognize its distinctive wobble if this is the case could it be possible that the same intelligence would offer us a means of communication such as a mathematical system that not only suggests their existence but also reveals insights into their understanding of our planet expanding our perspective with a newfound comprehension of the Precision of the equinoxes we return to the factor 9 grid and employ the fundamental twelves and 60s of Sumerian math we experiment with the geometric and sacred text to number sequences disclosed in the 432 Matrix and remarkably the answer to all these equations is twenty five thousand nine hundred and twenty each of these numbers fits perfectly into 25 920 like gears in a precisely machined clock revealing a non-arbitrary phenomenon the physical wobble of our planet we must realize that we are no longer discussing an arbitrary math system but one that can be cross-checked with the Earth's physical movement furthermore we must remember that this system was implemented long before our ancestors could have known what it would reveal it was communicated in the only way possible through the pure realm of mathematics essentially it seems that we have been slowly unraveling significant information encoded in the 12 and 60 based math system gradually recognizing that a message has been transmitting across the cosmos and into our Collective Consciousness for thousands of years and what is this message Harmony when we play the numbers representing all primary geometric shapes together as frequencies a three-tone numerically perfect major chord emerges this phenomenon is not to be taken lightly as it demonstrates that nature as revealed by mathematical patterns is the force existing in literal harmony with itself to further comprehend how harmonics are manifested in the workings of creation we must continue exploring these fascinating connections let's examine the Fibonacci sequence first introduced to the Western World by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202 this numerical sequence is significant as it represents the spiraling growth pattern of various organic shapes from seashells to entire galaxies making it one of the most important mathematical algorithms ever discovered you may be familiar with the sequence which begins with Zero moves forward by one and continues by adding the previous two digits to arrive at the next in the sequence to apply frequencies to the sequence we cannot use single digit vibrations per second as they are inaudible to the human ear instead we will begin the Fibonacci series with an audible sound wave in this case we will use the numeric value of a simple geometric shape the triangle with an angle sum total of 180. this is what a triangle sounds like starting again we begin at 180 and add 0 to 180 gives us another 180. next 180 plus 180 equals 360 which is an octave above the first tone and also the number representing the sum total of a circle or Square when we add 360 to the 180 before it we arrive at 540 which is the sum total of a pentagon and a perfect harmonic fifth of our first tone then adding 540 to 360 gives us 900 an octave up and the major third required to build a geometrically perfect major chord continuing One Step higher we reach 1440 represented in Geometry as a star tetrahedron or the shape known in ancient Jewish texts as a merkava providing another Octave of our first tone as we explore these fascinating connections we reveal the harmony hidden Within These mathematical patterns remarkably when the Fibonacci sequence is applied to vibration Cycles the first six digits will always create a numerically perfect major chord this suggests that Harmony is the literal Foundation of every Fibonacci series once again we must recognize that we are not dealing with an arbitrary man-made system to reveal these harmonics rather this is another instance of nature unveiling the harmonic essence of life to humanity through number sequences to comprehend how the Fibonacci sequence discloses a spiral and the significant mathematical constant known as the golden ratio we must consider spatial relationships we begin with a square and assign a Sonic frequency to the shape as we follow the sequence the combined length of any two previous squares determines the size of the next Square dictating not only the Arc of the unfolding Fibonacci viral but also the tones required to construct another numerically perfect major chord the golden ratio which appears repeatedly in nature geometry classic architecture and even human body design can be computed by dividing one number in the sequence by the number preceding it when carried out to the nearest hundredth the golden ratio is approximately 1.61 this turns out to be a cosmically significant number in our search for coincidence and synchronicity when we Square 1.61 to the nearest thousandth the answer is 2.59 the exact same number sequence as the precession of the equinoxes to delve deeper into this idea that ancient Sky visitors were not only aware of our signature wobble but also the Fibonacci spiral and its relation to geometry and frequencies we turn to one of the most famous Sumerian documents ever discovered the king list the king's list a clay document Chronicles the Reigns of various rulers of the region with the first three kings said to have ruled for impossibly long periods of time 28 800 36 000 and 43 200 years though there is no way to cross-reference this list with any other historical document due to Kinnear form being the first written language the numbers of years the king's reigned should look familiar as they are sequences found on the factor 9 grid astonishingly when played together as frequencies they create the same numerically perfect major chord as revealed by the Fibonacci sequence the existence of these perfect harmonic frequencies listed in this ancient document is irrational predating humankind's understanding of vibration and frequency these Sumerian murals and texts reveal an understanding of harmonics geometry and the mathematics of creation that defines logic more incredibly they appear to hint at a deep knowledge about us as well an image shows a being holding what appears to be a pine cone or fruit but upon closer inspection it is actually the perfect representation of the pineal gland found at the center of the human brain the pineal gland is the only organ in the human body containing the intricate pattern that displays the same swirling Fibonacci growth sequence as a pine cone and gets its name from the same root word while conventional scientists are still confounded by this unique organ and its functions it is clear that the Sumerians had an advanced understanding of not only mathematics but also human anatomy revealing a depth of knowledge that is still being uncovered today we still have much to discover it is widely believed that the pineal gland could be the seat of the Soul or an organ that once fully activated could unlock a deeper understanding of our true nature considering the Fibonacci design of the pineal gland it is possible that numerically perfect Fibonacci harmonics could activate this organ however modern musical tuning May prevent us from experiencing these exact frequencies and it is likely that very few people have ever heard or felt the effects of these precise harmonics as we delve deeper into history we discover more evidence suggesting that the people of ancient Samaria were visited by beings more advanced than their culture at the time the iconic image of two snakes winding around a winged staff commonly used to represent the practice of human healing conveys not only the undulating shape of frequency waves and the expanding spiral growth pattern of the Fibonacci sequence but also the double helix design of our DNA this symbol known as the caduceus first appeared alongside the Sumerian murals depicting the Anunnaki Sky visitors The self-checking Matrix of interlocking information revealed through these ancient connections challenges our understanding of history and prompts us to re-evaluate our beliefs about the origins of human knowledge and our place in the cosmos as we continue to uncover Advanced knowledge that our ancient ancestors could not possibly comprehend at the time we gain new insights into the mysterious mechanics of life this ongoing Discovery invites us to broaden our perspectives and seek a deeper understanding of the world around us to delve deeper into this topic we must recognize the importance of the base 60 mathematical system and the arc depicted in the caduceus when combined these elements create a powerful tool a 60 degree Arc many people are familiar with sacred geometry a pattern created by overlapping circles that has been found in various sacred sites worldwide the most basic form of sacred geometry is the seed of life which provides many numerical clues about the geometry of nature however how did we discover this pattern in the first place through reverse engineering it is possible to deconstruct and recreate the pattern with circles but what guides us to create it if we have never seen it before it is the 60 degree Arc which contains all the necessary information to create this pattern by starting with a curved line that represents 1 6 of a circle we are led to create sacred geometry regardless of where we begin could this fundamental shape be the true Arc of the Covenant the ark that the Angels were named after the ark that saved Humanity from the God's Wrath This shape has been used to represent the essence of Creation in various cultures and religions indicating its significance throughout history the ongoing discovery of these ancient connections and the advanced knowledge they suggest continued to challenge our understanding of history and encourage us to reconsider our beliefs about human knowledges Origins and our place in the universe let us now explore the potential of the 60 degree Arc Beyond two-dimensional geometry and into the realm of three and four axis geometry although the triangle in the tetrahedron are well known as the most Elemental flat shape and smallest solid respectively The Arc suggests that there may be an even more fundamental geometric solid waiting to be discovered by curving a straight line duplicating it and adding another Arc in the third dimension we can create a more organic shape that resembles a pulse of frequency a leaf a seed or even the opening of an eye this newly formed shape known as the Trion Ray contains only three faces and two points as opposed to a tetrahedron's four faces and four points the Trion Ray could represent a Quantum Leap Forward in the study of spatial geometry while also connect us to a pivotal moment in our past when Humanity made its greatest technological leap in history as we contemplate the Tryon Ray with each of its three phases locked in arcs of 60 degrees we shift our attention to another significant number in the Sumerian counting system 12. by taking 12 of these fluid shapes and radiating them out from a zero point recreate a structure that bears a striking resemblance to the structure of an atom when momentarily Frozen in time if we choose to connect the 12 outer points with straight lines we arrive at the most Elemental perfectly balanced geometric solid a shape that Buckminster Fuller referred to as the vector equilibrium or the very geometry of creation this exploration of the 60 degree Arc and its potential connection to sacred geometry Trion rays and the structure of atoms further underscores the profound wisdom that ancient civilizations may have possessed the ongoing discovery of these ancient connections and the advanced knowledge they suggest continues to challenge our understanding of history and encourages us to reassess our beliefs about the origins of human knowledge and our place in the cosmos let's come back to the curved expression of the geometric structure and notice an interesting detail the sum of all 36 arcs each containing 60 degrees equals two thousand one hundred and sixty which is also the duration of an astrological age if we multiply this value by the 12 external points of the structure we obtain 25 920 the Master number that reveals or its signature wobble this structure known as The Genesis structure gives rise to the tube Taurus and energetic pattern that many consider to be the driving force behind the creation of the universe by tracing the expansion of this structure we see a perfect representation of the first moments of cellular Division and the unfolding mystery of sacred geometry in multiple Dimensions considering the possibility that the Sumerians received Knowledge from an advanced intelligence about the nature of our existence we must ask ourselves how would this intelligence judge us today have we used this information wisely have we realized that nature is an elegant system existing in literal harmony with itself or have we lost our connection to it due to Pride ignorance fear and doubt as beings with free will we stand at a critical Crossroad in our evolutionary story we can continue on the paths of Discord and destruction or we can retune ourselves to the Grand Orchestra and participate in the ongoing Symphony of creation this choice is more crucial now than at any other time in history and we are alive in this moment to influence the outcome all life in all its Dimensions is waiting to see what happens from here
Channel: Robert Edward Grant
Views: 24,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert grant, robert edward grant, pineal gland, soul, consciousness
Id: UlBhm5QKL2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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