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yo guys going on Toby hila toqgers on I'm here to date with Simon and today we are doing something I've called on the spot basically it's just this or that but I'm gonna give Simon two options and he has two odds with no hesitation and then explain why so what are you what do you look like an idiot in this oh I don't okay I hope you're ready I was born ready you're on the spot okay right through it yes you just said yes two three yeah nailed it can't see your Nando's dad does why I just like don't wait do I have to be really quick and Whitesville name okay go what I don't know I don't have KFC that much and Adam is running fever Amanda's is like not fast food if you know I mean it is you don't feel guilty and now yes I feel like KFC is like we don't feel guilty I know like people yeah yeah I don't have your money Toby why come today you're here man II can't punch me right now not that I would choose many of man who's next to me you're so nervous I am so nervous because wherever you say I like I don't have time to think about it so I just yeah I could look like a complete idiot Monsieur another renowned oh my guy don't have to explain is way it doesn't have to explain that see that is that see I'm worried I'm gonna get the wrong one I'm gonna go like Messi on the way it was Ronaldo I'm hoping you get the wrong one on one of these one in particular it's gonna be dick or vagina isn't it no okay good because if I got the wrong one there I'm not gonna lie that area [ __ ] that is in this selection okay Asian or Caucasian cooked Asian I don't know Simon love the Asian guy I do love Asian girls as the wise next can be Justin Bieber said love yourself I am Caucasian he's the next candy mm-hmm that's why you shaved his head no that's why he wears really baggy clothes is that what I've got shavers hit next yeah he actually said he's gonna show you but he did tell us that the only way he's gonna shave his head is if you all tweet him saying shave your head yeah and not that we told you to say that yeah we don't tell you deliver and you have to start hashtag hashtag ksi shave your head so the [ __ ] hashtag bald case I bought ski bullski board ski boots keyboard ski or Z I don't think that's about him if you tweet at me okay bald ski at ksi yeah there you go nailed it I thought I got here we go again we're back into serious mode Fisher chicken chicken Oh Sophia you said fish that was the one I was hoping you said fish I would have made you eat I know you would I scream flavors yeah ice cream flavors ready Labor's I know this is gonna be what's it gonna be it's going choclo vanilla ha ha ha you know so predicted about nah you're gonna kill me racist device I'm so pretty God ask me choco vanilla chocolate vanilla ha ha ha ha those are cats dogs my gum I'm doing a wild you're doing good you're not had it on the spot questions uh until until one until one of them is gonna screw me up mm-hmm cabs are warriors calves that means you just cheese you just chose LeBron over curry I'm just letting you know that yeah you happy of that yeah I'm happy that all I she did like Miami Heat so I did like maybe yeah so weight changes Granger's ranked for those ages revelant just me it's this new song about going bald or hashtag bullski weight casler Warriors t as a SELEX fan hey hey hey I'm on the spot guys hahaha I'm not bandwagon or miss Alex well apparently we're not meant to like perhaps or LeBron and prep them happening he's like hated by Isis Alex and everyone else in the league you have your own depriving I love you you can have your own opinion JJ's hair caught a dead hooker the JJ's whoever has deftly [ __ ] hahaha what it's good I can think of des way you said vajayjay ha ha ha ha ha why meant when I said it was I meant to say JJ's future haircut hashtag Bulls game what is Dungey taker I don't even know anymore whenever I think if Teddy's heck I just think of the time honey that's why we chose it back yeah that's right yeah yeah alright alright alright you're still doing good ok sweet or salty sweet I'm happy I just see how there's so many buttons I'm so happy Oh personally just for the record that was in the context of pop one in my head I actually don't care about popcorn really like is it I like popcorn but it's just really annoying it just gets in your teeth yeah yeah the other is buzz in if it was you know there's always like to answer your sodium light sweet is the vibe for me okay I get bored of Zoey taking too many silly surprises in your bag it's not true both these items belong to Ethan yeah okay you have to eat one okay okay toenails or pubes toenails is that what what just was hoped own pubes effing worse pubes is disgusting but I feel like it depends how many obviously but you could literally just but you know like if you put them in a piece of bread you could just like no you beat it up cube sandwich you could just you can leave you just like pupae and Jase hahaha pubic good QB and toe jam oh I feel like you could just eat the bread like and you wouldn't notice it no nice cubes smooth yeah I feel like you would know oh they're both horrible especially is that Ethan's Ditka vagina did I told you it's gonna happen how many go yeah I fully kicked your chest I was errotica slow and understands I chose the jaw right hand the left and right hand I'm lying to the stranger that is called the stranger that Oh is that when you make your handgun I don't know the names of these things man well it's either when you use your left hand or when you make it go numb I don't know it's what all I know is that another name for a porn site is left-handed website because I've never heard that well as I've seen that somewhere I didn't just make that up sure I'm prepared I didn't okay hey come on man about for left-handed people but josh is left on no judges ambidextrous he is I feel like left-handed people would still use the right hand for some left-handed people last look okay a normal one now okay dump cool now it's a bit deep as well oh not too deep oh right Johnny Depp oh okay that's glass enormous a good amount of debt relive your childhood again or see your future relive my childhood why I don't want them I would feel it rid of my dad it depends though it depends whether I can change anything would you change stuff yes Oh chicken we might never met that's the only thing is I would change things as long as I knew wouldn't affect the future so what's the point of changing it we have more fun yeah just cuz like at school I was so scared of getting detentions and we had things called blanks which are like or and then in senior school we had Auto marks which are like you know did you get like merits or style yeah we got married so I consider that if you did say bad words yeah no we had those and I was terrified I never got a single one at school I wanted to say pink slips as a thing but all I can think of is FIFO go into school you like do something bad and they just pink sleepy right that's it the wager haha the I was terrified so now I've realized it didn't mean it was I'm out yeah it didn't mean anything like those don't go towards unity good in school kid yeah be good it was one of the things was like I had to plead my teacher not to give me one cuz I've walked across the gym in my school shoes you only allowed to wear gym shoes and here sighs you gotta do that autumn ah I was that did crying school didn't you just a copy ha ha ha ha Netflix or chill no no use a Netflix very lonely person so chilling for me is just going on a left-handed Mila Kunis okay Harry Mila Kunis I'd accept that answer I would have accepted Iver to be honest yeah every time I answer though I I say whatever one comes to mind first and then I slowly think about my outside me looking ad Perry yeah I'll go mean goodness Mila Kunis's she seems way more like wifey material after I watch was at friends-with-benefits it was just like an Ted she was good in Ted's actly exactly Katy Perry time really see that yeah she doesn't act so well do it for the record hey if you're watching oh you're 12 but she's much full of personal Twitter stuff well then that is why you need to start hashtag bald ski very okay Katy Perry has so many followers she could saw it then he'd have to do it awesome even though he's going to do anyway yeah because yeah he said yeah how's that Bulls game I guess I all right last one oh the power of flight or time travel time travel a hundred percent not even not even a question I would roam fly no time checkers and I can pause time as well that's not even a question time travel that that would be awesome it would be that would be so awesome I'm gonna go to the future Sheila Lurie numbers go to the place and when the lorry exact time travel I'd go back in time and just pull like two pounds into Apple yes I'd be a man Google Google yeah why not see time travel time travel he's changed I'm strangers answer geo Simon your performance on on the spot was really good and proud of let's get the chairs in macao carry on one more yellow bye yeah I'm gonna ask you one okay I won't ask you one on the spot yeah oh no I'm not ready for this okay tapping but gosh I'm in book seven book which you can play on it isn't raining dumb pretty go or smart ugly girl ah that's so bad I have to go for our league okay stupidity is my pet peeve and I never be everyone is beautiful in their own way okay yeah but what if ugly means on the inside oh no game changer Oh No people are food food Wow the fun ones ha ha ha ha thanks for watching guys um did a video over in Simon's channel if you want to check that out yeah yeah Thank You Simon good thank you put you guys in a bit peace oh that's give me a pain give me pain oh I'm sound anymore
Channel: TBJZL
Views: 3,888,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOBJIZZLE, Tobi, Jizzle, Tobjizzle, Tobijizzle, tbjzl, Toby, editingaming, xbox 360, tobi and simon, miniminter, on the spot, tbjzl miniminter, tbjzl on the spot, simon on the spot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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