On the Relationship Between Science and Liberation: Michael Singer

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welcome i'm michael singer author of new york times bestselling books the untethered soul and the surrender experiment and i am so honored to have been asked by sand to spend some time with you to talk about the relationship between science and yogic liberation true liberation I have tremendous respect I've been doing yoga and meditating for forty five fifty years now and I have found tremendous tremendous help in my spiritual journey by the teachings of science some people think that science and religion and science and spirituality are quite separate the truth is it's quite the opposite it's completely the opposite our scientists are like our priests they're our teachers if we would live what they teach us we wouldn't need no other teachings from the beginning of human time humans have asked the question what's going on out there what is it I'm looking at all these things clouds planets rocks earth animals what is it where did it come from Plato asked Aristotle asked all of them we are so fortunate to live in a time in a generation where we are actually finding out phenomenal answers to these questions and the answers are very very spiritual Newton didn't look at things the way Einstein did and those with days in that world they saw a complete distinction between what they called energy the forces of nature and matter form we all know that Einstein gave us a great gift he followed form all the way down past molecules past the atoms past electron neutrons or protons and what a brilliant mind he had to see that behind it all it was really just energy that this was just a dance of energy in his own words energy is matter and matter is energy and the difference just a temporary state that is a very great breakthrough to tell us that that which we're looking at outs isn't what it appears to be that it's really just the manifestation of a single energy field that through the forces of creation manifest as we see it we live in an age even past Einstein where with quantum physics they ask the question not is it energy now we know it's energy how does it go from energy a wave of a force field and turn into particles and turn into electron neutrons or protons and become atoms and molecules and create literally do it step-by-step follow creation from its source of energy all the way up and what we've found certainly I know quantum physicists all right but the general understanding that one can think that as wavelets of the underlying energy are going through their dance their cosmic dance of peaks and trials then when they reach that peak or reach that trial and they change direction they throw off a particle they throw off a force a tiny little force that has characteristics qualities quarks leptons bosons and that these come together interacting in that space just outside the energy field and create the entire world that we live in that is an amazing thing to have figured out and our quantum physicists not me but are quantum physicists know all the math and the full understanding about all this takes place and even the fundamental forces of gravity electromagnetism strong nuclear and weak nuclear are just bosons popping out of these fields of energy interacting with the other particles to make up everything that's fascinating why is it spiritual and what does it have to do with the deep deep non doulas teachings that have been passed from the beginning you know thousand thousands of years ago and Buddhists and yogic traditions and what you find is that the highest spiritual technique is to actually live that truth it isn't a matter of studying it even getting down to the bottom of how all of it works but right now we realize things are not what they appear to be it's not true that there are men and women it is not true that there's good and bad nice and not nice what is true is there's an underlying field of quantum energy the quantum fields that permeate the entire universe it is omnipresent we use that word for God we also use it for the quantum of field it is omnipresent the galaxies themselves are all made of the quantum of field they avoid you know interstellar space is made of the quantum field everything is the quantum field there is nothing but that but we don't live like that we come home and get frustrated we yell at our wives we expect our children to be certain ways we get mad at our car because it has a scratch we constantly live at a level that has nothing to do with what science has taught us and I mean nothing all right we're a quantum physicist and we write a paper and somebody releases the concept we had three hours before we do and we got all upset so it's like you stopped with some poisoning what's going on either these things are the truth or they're not the truth and they are the truth why are we not living them why are we not living that truth why are we not in awe not at what's happening around us and whether we like it or not but the very fact that it's there you look at a flower that is a gift from the quantum field it came out of the quantum field not billions of years ago right now at this moment every single thing you look at is manifesting through that hierarchy of energy spawning off these subatomic particles momentary creating themselves and disappearing in space seemingly randomly and putting themselves together to make what you are looking at how do you not call that a miracle how is everything not a miracle how is it not the most amazing thing that all of this diversity and beauty and everything you're looking at is just coming out of an undifferentiated field of energy and so science is challenging us to become enlightenment science is challenging us to transcend the illusion of the appearance of things and to actually live the truth of what's going on why don't we live that way because something that didn't manifest from the quantum field which is someday they will realize consciousness is the most powerful underlying force in creation that is what the great Yogi's taught because they went into consciousness they drop back through deep meditation into the source of their awareness and explored that and what they found is that all of creation manifests from consciousness it is all just the Vitti's of the quantum field are just the vibrations of consciousness manifesting as form and then pure consciousness looking at that form well in between the dance of creation which is the dance of the quantum field manifesting the awesomeness of what is being created what of creative force and consciousness the same consciousness looking at its creation what is developed in between is this thing called the psyche this thing called the ego this very personal mindset that says I am separate from all this and there's a way I need it to be and there's a way I like it being as a way I don't like it being and I'm gonna make it be that way and start asserting or will the power of our consciousness to try to fight with the quantum field and say no you should not be raining now I have to go somewheres you should not be behaving like this you should not be doing this right that you're literally to hell the force of creation that for 13.8 billion years made every single thing there is and then move through time and space to create what exists now you're telling you you did wrong I matter you don't matter I'm more important than the quarks leptons and bosons that are popping out of this phenomenal field manifesting what's in front of me that's the definition of ego right the absurdity of the individuality of self of thinking that just because your consciousness is limited by your senses when you look out and all you see is what is coming into your senses that somehow there's something special about what you see there's something special about what's happened to you instead of understanding that everything's the same it's all the manifestation of this phenomenal force that is expressing itself out of the quantum field and through the layers of physics up into the form that you're looking at it has nothing to do with you if you don't like what you're looking at look to the right look to the left jump up and down it's different everywhere but it's all the same that's the knots of true non-duality it is all the same it is energy manifesting itself in the diversity the apparent diversity of form but we're getting caught in that and when we look out at it we think that somehow what we're seeing is more important than we're not seeing that somehow what we've had experiences in the past that were pleasant and so we want them to happen again we have experience in the past that we're not pleasant so we don't want those to happen again and we develop in between the consciousness and the manifestation of creation we develop this psychological mumbo-jumbo in our minds that says I matter and I'm separate and I'm different and things should be the way I want and then we go out there and use our willful energy to try to fight with the awesome beautiful miraculous manifestation of creation thinking that I know better because I've experienced 0.000000 1% of what's going on at any given moment that's all you're experiencing at the moment you're having your experience taking in the date of that moment you are missing 99.999999% of everything that's going on creation and that has happened every moment of your life so the data that we have is statistically insignificant it is meaningless nothing no one has any meaningful data because they only pick up what their senses are letting in and they are missing everything else that's going on at the same time so as intelligent beings that are basing all of our truths upon science we have to embrace that not just study it we have to live it we have to dare to say this is a lie that's going on inside my mind it's an illusion it's a maniac who thinks that he's the creator of the universe just because he's had a few experiences and that he or she has the right to say things should be the way I want know things should not be the way you want it doesn't even make sense you made up what you want based on these minuscule past experience that you had it's all conditioned response so you've had this conditioning but you've missed everything in the universe so the moment in front of you should not be the way you want it should never be the way you want it should be the way it is if your mind never says but why would that happen talk to a physicist why is it raining on my birthday talk to a meteorologist either we're going to embrace science and we're not it has nothing to do with you it has to do with how the quarks leptons and bosons pop out of this field and then manifest and if you think that you're doing that or that you should have control over that that's the cause of all wars that's the cause of all disharmony and creation is that each individual person has taken in the minuscule data that they've seen and formulated in their mind concepts and views and opinions and preferences and now they think that's what should be going on and then they fight with everybody else so to bring harmony in this world and to bring enlightenment within oneself one has such a study but embrace the reality of what we're being taught we understand that is there's nothing going on out there except the manifestation of a phenomenal energy field the 13.8 billion years ago shot out of a Big Bang and has done its dance of creation ever since and we are here for a billionth of a trillionth of a second experience a billionth of a trillionth of it saying we know what's going on the humility of truth is we have no idea what's going on we just know that we exist we are conscious and that we are honored to be able to experience this phenomenal dance of manifestation if you do that an honor and respect and embrace and love all that is unfolding and creation you will reach a very very great state if you let go of that made-up individuality that is developed within the psyche then there's nothing left consciousness touches consciousness and that is the merger that is what Christ meant when he said my father are one as were Buddha went as were all the great Rishi's the great masters who fell back into the seat of consciousness and released the sense of individuality and merged so science is a great thing a very great thing it is not against religion it is the essence and underlying force that leads us to God if we were willing to live it not just study it but literally live it every second of our lives thank you for the wonderful work that you all do I respect it very very deeply and let's do what we can to live the truth not just study it thank you
Channel: Science and Nonduality
Views: 68,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Singer, science and nonduality, The Untethered Soul, qunatum field, science and liberation, dance of creation, consciousness, awakening, end of separetion
Id: iYT_oQjLlPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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