Omarion on Dating Multiple Women, Glory Days and New Music | Funky Friday with Cam Newton

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uh my TV show which is called involved the interesting thing about this uh show is it's a it's around polyamory so yeah you're probably poly already but we ain't going to talk about that right now you know I'm we got some time everyone supported us differently you know because we were new and coming in you know what I mean I got to meet Michael Jackson you know what I'm saying when I when I look back on that time in hindsight I was moving so fast as a young I didn't even get to like bask in it come on man at this particular point of time in your life honestly keep it the funky I was the hater like look I can dance Too touch [Music] me yo yo yo what are you doing I'm giving you unel believable content for the masses and you just going to keep it to yourself do me a favor tap that red button right there subscribe and it literally takes no time try and see what happens yo what's good what's popping What It Is What It ain't what it could be what it should be what it would be Cam Newton the son Mr Boogie to all and I'm here with another episode of funky Friday and I promise I really do promise to give good content for the masses but most of all I promise to Keep It Funky for your asses now this particular guest needs no introduction but I must admit since we keeping it funky I might as well say he's the reason why I hated boy bands and boy groups growing up because it was so many times I had to cut through the minutia of just girls at my age just falling in love with like him reality TV personality actor multi fascinated an artist I present to some introduce to others the Mr omaran hey my brother cam what's going on baby how you feeling man thanks for having me man listen got to keep it a 100 with you I'm concern like you've been in this game for a long time bro yeah yeah and how are you able or how were or just able to to manage this industry well um I definitely always first give credit to my Foundation my family you know what I mean I come from uh you know a matriarchal you know what I'm saying nothing but women around surrounded by love so I I always give honor to that Foundation you know um because it it allowed me to function in a certain type of way in this space you know what I'm saying I always feel supported you know um and even in my moments of of being discouraged you know my family was always there to support me so many others don't have that you know Foundation No Sol yeah you know no no no real support you know what I'm saying and encouragement and that's so needed you know um on any journey to be great you know what I'm saying whether it's Sports whatever it is it's going to be down moments that Aid Foundation to support you so I always give credit you know um to my mom and and my nana and my auntie and all of the women that raised me so when you say that that situation and that Dynamic like do you come from a big family siblings like well I'm actually the eldest of my siblings um I would say yeah it's like a medium big family you know what I mean how many um between on my mom's side it's me and then I have a brother and two sisters sisters and then on my dad's side I got two sisters and a brother um but yeah my my Nana was the kind of woman you know that like Father uh uh motherhood the community you know what I'm saying so um there was always extended family around you know what I mean and that's why I fell into entertainment so very easy My mom was Young when she had me she was 16 you know what I'm saying so was a kid raising a kid so I had a lot of freedom to explore and um you know I love sports but music is kind of wuck you know um so yeah having a supportive mother allowed me to just figure out my way man it's something Keen that you that you just said and I'm curious to know like when was your first recollection of understanding that you have a gift and how did your parents nurture that to what we have seen right over your career right well um I always was a kid that did a lot of things you know um um the first I guess entryway into the business was um acting you know what I mean I went to um all kind of uh schools I went to this school called lafa of Fine Art School you know um I went to the Boys and Girls Club you know this when I was coming up it was a little bit different because kids were actually outside every day I was outside every day you you you came back inside musty yeah all all the time sweaty yo I was hooping and it's really funny because my son you know he was playing soccer uh like he's still playing soccer but now he's into basketball and I just watch their functionality and also just how um like much harder they are on this you know like back in the day when I was coming up you had to learn all of that you know on the playground you know what I'm saying it wasn't classes of course or you know these uh cuz cuz he's playing over at um uh he's playing over at uh what What's that school uh bronnie went to it's a high school Sierra Sierra yeah like my kids my son is he's practicing there and all the kids is they they high level you know what I'm saying they're they're agile they're tall and that that wasn't so prevalent when I was coming up you know what I'm saying like for for me being and growing to the person that I and my greatest teacher was my peer group mhm you feel me and like I see now especially in sport of football even basketball like [ __ ] that get trainers and you know gurus and I'm like how the [ __ ] did you become a guru and you didn't even play this sport but you you know it's just it's crazy right but I remember like growing up and I was Al always enamored by people who were better than me MH and I would I would acknowledge the respect there like oh I'mma take that from him you know saying and I I don't want to disrespect the art of dancing but it's kind of similar too it's like when somebody do some [ __ ] and you be like oh right yeah I'mma get that like today like I seen somebody do like my signature things like love right like just to promote love and then the dude kind of threw it at me like yeah bro uh I said what the [ __ ] was that he's like man my nana used to do that so boom I love like I love you and I was like yo I'm taking that [ __ ] you feel me but and the crazy thing about nine days like [ __ ] will take some [ __ ] and they don't even cite the source oh for sure they like I came up with this [ __ ] like know the [ __ ] you didn't this whole flow this whole Ste is from so and so for sure you know what I mean but yeah it's it's it's like that is the best way to learn like being around it like I have a I have seven children right and the thing about it is like my kids can easily be in house all day mhm immersed in YouTube Just Tik Tok just Instagram just YouTube Just Tik Tok just Instagram just YouTube Netflix like and I'm like man if you don't get y'all asses outside come on it's like bro what are we doing it's a lot of y'all I created y'all with the help of a lot of God and the help of a lot of great women to make sure that y'all don't need no friends you see what I'm saying like y'all go outside you know what I'm saying and the busted lip ain't never kill nobody you know I'm it's going to figure so that's just my Parian style you know yeah no that's that's what's up and you know I was just getting to how unique my my sustainability has been based off of that experience those experience in the neighborhood you know um that's where really I feel like uh my tenacity you know um has has been really stricken in you know those those uh performing arts class and those School those things in school that you know sometimes kids don't even actually have access to at this particular point in time and and also too I would like to highlight that you know I never uh I never stopped at just being you know onedimensional as an artist and I think it's real important in all that we do you know I mean that we are we have we're multi-dimensional beings you know what I'm saying so uh stepping the way to write a book you know I mean unbothered the power choosing Joy you know what I mean um uh I just sold my first TV show called involved to all black you know what I mean so I'm going to be starring in andromed and you know I'm a creator of it you know what I'm saying so so now you know um not just being pige held off of you know what people knew you as or know you as you yeah expanding and I and I feel like you know that's an important message for all creative you know what I'm saying um in sports too you know what I'm saying like I love how expensive you know what I mean and and you know my interaction with you was only from a distance and the in the way you play you know because you know as a as a mover as somebody that moves you know the smallest move will tell me about who you are you know what I'm saying being in your position and I always have had a type of respect for you but but meeting you now you know what I'm saying I'm like oh that makes sense that [ __ ] makes sense you know you be somebody you like oh that [ __ ] makes sense okay yeah for sure but you know it's that that right there and like I want to get to a point before we get into our game yeah is it was so disheartening coming into the industry of like notoriety you know what I'm saying cuz it runs parallel like athlete Entertainer Artist movie like it's all of it yeah and the thing that disheartened me the most was let's say omaran right I've met so many people that i' be like yo that [ __ ] lame as [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like damn bro like that's not my type of [ __ ] but I [ __ ] with his his art you know what I mean but then you have to start realizing it's like yo that that's not them yeah that's what they create you know what I mean and it it can work double fold cuz there's been times where I was like no bro [ __ ] with holes and then all of a sudden like you meet him it's like damn like that yeah he's solid you know what I'm saying or the world paints him to be crazy exactly exactly and he's not like that he's very articulate he's very you know intentional in what he does and it's crazy that like you got to find out for yourself yeah on that but it is what it is in every shadow every Spotlight there's a tail and my Mika hat is the narrator you know I never step out without a hat there's a reason for that it's more than just a hat it's a Vibe it's the main character these aren't your run-of-the meal hats folks they're handcrafted and tailored to you here's the deal you can rock a Mika hat to hand to use the code funky to get 10% off and trust me once you feel of that mik magic there's no turning back I think the thing for me too is what keeps you going you know what I'm saying cuz a lot of folks with your lineage or your resume bro they don't they would have been them burnt out like what the [ __ ] happened to you know what I'm saying like starting out with a group then morphing into this then morphing it into that then like yo I see him on a damn movie and oh [ __ ] by the way that's [ __ ] right there like boom through it's like what the [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying how like how do you do it and how did it come about yeah so you know um being able to you know perform tell people stories you know continue to entertain you know it's it's really it's my purpose you know my purpose you know um is to remind people that you know Joy is a choice and that is something that is you know a revolving message to to myself to the universe as well you know what I'm saying because you know in this life it's not always easy you know what I'm saying and you really have to choose Joy you really have to decide that that's something that you want for your life you know I mean um especially when it comes to heightened experiences you know I mean um Joy being one you know what I mean like we throw that word around but once you actually get into the act of it you know it's it's deep man Bliss dance is Joy you know that's why when you see people win money they start dancing you know what I'm saying you you feel me it it's it's an action you know what I mean uh so it is you know I I've tasked myself you know along with having the ability to act you know what I mean which I can't wait to get into that you know me and my me and my boys we always have conversations about who our favorite actors are you know at this particular point in time you know what I mean so I can't wait to get back on the screen and share those stories those stories is why I feel like you know life is beautiful you know because you never really know who you know is going through something or you know who you might connect with that can share some information stay stay right there and and I don't want to lose this train of thought but where did this stem from were you like in a dark place because I like you're a very eclectic yeah you know what I'm saying person and and after you know we we touch on something it's like I can the radiance of spirituality yeah is there what what sparked that intuition that's that's an interesting question you know um I would say my fair shares of wins and losses you know what I mean I'm a person that has always been inspired by what people said I couldn't do that had become you know my fuel and also you know uh the thing that I would you know surge my purpose you know what I'm saying but then I started really realizing like you know know there was some you know uh potential disadvantages always proven other people you know right or wrong you know what I mean without proving yourself proving it to yourself first and that was like really profound for me you know what I mean because I was so motivated by people telling me what I couldn't do I mean so motivated by it me bro you know what I mean and it's just like what why but why because of you you know why not because of me you know what what's what's you know my intentions behind this why would I even want to you know and on my journey it just it just got more and more like that you know what I mean to to the point to where you know I'm I'm very intentional with my music you know what I'm saying and um you know to the point to where it's like I can't make certain type of music just because it's not where I am but why like in regards to what though um like when you say I can't make just just like just like um just like uh music that uh doesn't help you necessarily Thrive and get into a type of mindset a winning mindset you know what I mean um I I call it self-medicating you know what I'm saying um because you know sometimes there's doubt sometimes there's fear sometimes there's these things that's really stopping you yeah you know what I mean from getting to the other side you know what I mean and that other side is so so beautiful when you choose that for yourself you know what I mean it's it's it's a wonderful thing so I want to just be able to continue to share that you know with people um that are you know large largely our folks are you know different dis disenfranchise with their mindset you know it it starts with really uh you know cultivating a want what do you want you know what I'm saying and asking yourself you know the important question are you are you the first one that broke through in your family um I would say I'm definit I know what you mean specifically financially um yes yes yes yes um all of my lessons I paid for you know what I'm saying so you know what I mean there was no one to like walk me through certain situations especially when it came to business you know what I'm saying um like like I said a lot of my lessons I had to pay for and you know I actually wear that proudly you know what I'm saying um with just being able to realize and recognize that you know all of our Journeys are different and unique and that we have our own set of things that we have to overcome and it's up to us to educate ourselves you know to be supportive of not only ourselves but our but our community our family you know what I mean so I have a I have a I'm multi-purposed you know what I'm saying because I'm the eldest you know what I'm saying and I want to be able to take care of my family but I also have to I also had to realize that you know you can take care of a person to a degree that to a degree but they also have to want to be in a different you know those were those were tough lessons for me you know what I'm saying because you know no one told me that you know disappointment would feel you know not so good you know what I mean but realizing that recognizing that that's the true experience of a man you know that he grows into you know that thing that helps him better understand himself and the rest of the world and how he should deal with it yeah that's beautifully said man I'm I'm actually going through a situation not necessarily a situation but I would say like a phase okay of understanding who cam is right um my girl and I and I and I give her a lot of credit because I would always tease her man you so [ __ ] soft like and she has unlocked a it's okay to be vulnerable you know what I'm saying because I'm a person who has been scarred before when I gave somebody like um a part of me and it wasn't handled the right way and I'm not talking about in Intimate relationship I'm talking about in business I'm talking about just peers I'm talking about coaches I'm talking about you know when you like Joe I trust you with the decision for giving you me and you don't do right by me so I've been hurt and I I'm emotionally scarred with that and I think a lot of men specifically black men yeah don't have that outlet to identify I'm not okay yeah but me not being okay what do I do yeah and what I do has to be healthy it's not facts it's not counterproductive so you know for me is is really identifying like yo I'm [ __ ] up right now giving it the power yeah and feeling it like I believe is in this phase of of of or this this wording of carpet DM yeah you know sees the moment right and that could that could be perplexed in in in in any idea but for me it it really just like take it in heartache pain love excit Joy you know and for you like I'm I'm curious to know this you started B2K when um well I got in the group when I was about 14 and then we didn't like really like do our thing until we was like 16 so yeah I I was we say I say 14 would you ever how many children do you have uh I have two right yeah Bor would you ever consider like your children getting into this industry of a well yeah I mean I believe that it's something that they have in their back pocket you know I mean just like my mother you know just supported me in whatever I wanted to do I want I want to see where they go like my my daughter right now she's in gymnastics and then my son play soccer and but but but they'll I have a piano in my house but they'll go to that piano every day you know what I mean they know how to play piano well they just play around with it you know but it starts there it does it does and you know I also want to just say too you know um I think you're in a beautiful space you know what I'm saying and it's wonderful that a queen you know could unlock you like that because you know that is the power of a woman you know that's truly what a king really needs is you know just the safe space to be able to unlock some things and see see vulnerability you know as an artist is actually a superpower you know when you're able to really fully check in with yourself you know you're able to put it inside of your work you're able to Passion it comes but as the consumer of that work that's when the best creation period like period it's almost like period it's like one of my favorite artists is future okay I don't like future when he in a relationship yeah all right so break that so break it down to me is is it is it his words I like toxic oh okay you know what I'm saying like don't be telling me about showering you like tell me about the flipflop situation you know what I'm saying tell me about you thought it was a drought on something you stressing like you know I'm saying like that but okay when you're going through heartache pain situations that's the same thing in life like you find out a lot about yourself when you push through the edge of like yo I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm going do in boom you the greatest thing like I just commend anybody who's just that they use that they don't let it use them you know yeah man Pac said I'm going get paid off my pain you know what I'm saying yeah he said that yeah get paid off your pain you know what I mean so um you know there there is there is historically and has always been you know what I mean um I was watching this clip on YouTube and they was talking about how that come from you know slavery you know when the old woman was singing you know the inspiration of the sound the voice you know what I'm saying if you take it all the way back to slavery the point of pain in which they needed to cross over you know what I'm saying and they singing those songs you know what I mean so I think that that you know vulnerability will always if used in the right way could really you know Inspire culture bro you know what I mean in such a way to just overcome you know what I mean yeah and it's a lot of songs like that but you know we got to continue on you know what I mean motivating and uh inspiring others you know man let me be obedient to the structure of this show well it's a Freaky Friday godamn you know what I mean we going Keep It Funky over here oh funky be FY on too n n no n see we going to leave that after hours we got Security in here that's going to check [ __ ] at the door you feel me they going he going to do a whole bunch of sternum and chest [Laughter] pushing get back you know what I mean so all right here we go so amaran you have made so many movies and music videos that in the way you have lived multiple different lives let's see how well you know your other sales in a game called Multiverse okay all right I'm going to ask you six multiple choice questions okay they will be all from a video that you have made let's see how well you know your different selves H are you ready yeah let's get it all right number one in the girlfriend video by B2K Mr Bigs picks up his daughter and drives off who played Mr Big's driver come on Ron Eisley let's go oh you said Mr Bigs yeah that's Ron eisy Mr Bigs driver oh oh that's big boy that's big boy yes sir now hold on hold on that ain't that ain't what that ain't what's going on right here okay correct yeah in the red scenes from bump bump bump video what did Fizz have on his hat um I want to say it was a uh a cross was it a cross that is correct incorrect oh damn incorrect sorry I'm P to Steve Harvey that's an incorrect that is incorrect yeah okay damn yeah yeah I wasn't paying it was the number 41 oh I don't remember that yeah come on bro remember that [ __ ] [ __ ] this you you there go in this video uh tou hey when you ran into a restaurant to not be seen by the girls driving by what kind of car did they drive um it was a Mustang or was it a SS it was a Mustang your videos Brown come on man it was a Mustang it was to GT at this particular point of time in your life honestly been keeping the funky I was the hater like [ __ ] that [ __ ] man that [ __ ] a like look I can dance Too sh touch me it says uh a orange Charger a yellow Camaro H here hey R oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what I'm tripping what it was the wrong it's multiple choice I supposed oh okay okay okay I was supposed to pick I was supposed to yeah bro triing I'm tripping yeah I was over here looking like why the [ __ ] they got all these weak ass all right here we go we got three more okay okay all right [ __ ] that all the way up here we go at the end of the ice box video you get in a white rollsroyce with Timberland yes your clothes appear white what else appears is it a ice on the window or B sunglasses appear on your face sunglasses appear on my face B that's correct all right all right on all here we go now I get the I get the game so much for prepping right all right here we go in the most iconic dance film of all time you got served you damn I just said him you had Steve Harvey hosting battles probably not the best person to be hosting show but that's neither here nor there you had Steve Harvey hosting battles before he ever hosted an episode of Family Feud what was his name in the movie was it a big un was it B OG or was it C Mr red Mr rad Mr rad I was reading the script yeah come on I know who Mr rad was hey hey you you you [ __ ] with with Steve I love him oh okay okay okay I just was wondering but you know you know he [ __ ] he's a comedian so he [ __ ] with so many folks and to be honest with you like shot of Man Steve Harvey has given me so many elante gems like that's what's up not like physically but like wisdom you know what I'm saying and uh yeah it's just it's always a note to you remember when he did Miss Universe yeah man Steve he actually uh when we were doing the girlfriend video cuz you know Steve suit's always been always the bad though he he but um yeah man he he gave he made suits for all of us man we went down to the tayor you know what I mean so Steve has always been super supportive in my career you had to have cut a lot of fabric cuz them damn come on them ankles no we had to we had the big jint yeah yeah we had bigw yes sir just that much at a time yeah but yeah but no man I love everything about Steve Harvey though like for sure like I mean it don't even look like the [ __ ] age it's like so many different phases of Steve Harvey like the afro Steve Harvey or the ballhead Steve Harvey you know what I'm saying and he's so player too so I'm just [ __ ] with your own okay yeah that's he's up on me b no for sure for sure like n he he one of them ones for sure for sure all right last one in the 10sec viral clip where you dance in all red at the Verizon tour yeah which one of these did you also do was it a smile to the C uh smile to the crowd B stick out your tongue or C spin around um I I spun around for for sure lot to spinning no I that SP I don't know I Wasing it's a little inappropriate for me to look at another man and tell him what he did this says you stuck out your tongue a one of the main reasons why I was a hater growing up cuz it's like this [ __ ] was just on that type of [ __ ] oh I stuck on my tongue oh okay I was on my I was on my [ __ ] I was on my My Vibe okay yeah see I didn't even remember that I was in the I was in the M you know how you get in the mode like before the game and you like oh turn on the flip the switch what you do though you know what I mean um it depends it depends it depends I always usually like warm up you know what I mean I don't like to hit the stage like cold you know what I'm saying warm up like you back there doing pushups or like you know I'll throw kicks and punches you know what I'm saying I'll like run a whole little you know what I mean and then you know I warm up I I don't like to go to the stage cold you know what I'm saying are you superstitious uh not particularly you know what I'm saying but I do like to have a Ambiance you know what I mean and a certain type of energy you know what I mean like a relaxation because always you've always been like that or um no I grew into that you know what I mean because you know backstage is crazy but understanding like you know I need that they call it an acting they call it a a beat before the moment you just have a beat with yourself like that's always been important for me you know what I mean because it be so much [ __ ] happening bro you know what I mean to get to the stage that's what some people don't understand and then when [ __ ] start [ __ ] up you know what I mean but for the most part I'm getting to the stage differently so the one thing that I have to keep the same is that moment before I just need that moment before you know I mean how long does it usually last for U with the show or that moment no just like is it it's before after actually it's kind of like it's like it's like 5 or 10 minutes really yeah isolated or yeah just to myself just myself or you know Scotty P be right there but he leave me alone you know what I mean and I just I can tell had that beat you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure I can feel him looking at me right now like he got that [ __ ] yeah next question cuz you ain't going you ain't G to Steve Harve me with all these [ __ ] jokes but yeah I take a little be before you know what I mean because um you know performing is an energy transfer you know what I'm saying and you know I'm sure you experienced you know at the Beyonce concert I'm sure you got some of that energy it was like oh okay yeah it was definitely you know you know I'm say just a part of the Beehive I had to check myself cuz I can't go too hard cuz you got to understand what the Verena tour is and I'm like I'm straighter than the lines in the street yo you yo you ever seen that Meme uh of this dude doing uh toxic dance moves to scissor he like you at the scissor concert you like oh I can't lose you feel me so you got to just find your th down like look around like who's seeing me and you know the only one I really could [ __ ] with cuz like it's like I think I'm falling in love right right you can two step yeah you know what I'm saying that's my groove right there you and then [ __ ] I'm the bomb like one I was like okay I had to look around and see like who looking at me energyy and I was like hold on like oh what the [ __ ] are y'all doing y'all get y'all [ __ ] together [ __ ] like you know but that's hilarious tell me this yeah I always wanted to know especially somebody who's been doing it for so long when was your glory years like if you could go back to this age and you'd be like yo bro like um well you know what it just keeps on getting better for me you know I don't want to hear that [ __ ] no no no I'm keep it real with you I'm G keep it real with you I'm GNA keep it real with you because you know there's a there's still a lot of moments in my mind that I have not I have not done just yet you know what I'm saying I know from the outside looking in certain people would say like maybe certain performances like the BET era was a era when people had a certain level of expectations for shows and they were also being produced differently so it was an actual budget versus like you know sometimes some award shows they fill them up with dancers and they're non- dancers they're not like you know they could do a routine you know but it's only for it to look big and so now a lot of you know of of the moments on on certain shows I mean you know give or take a few performers you know what I'm saying the expectation is just different you know nobody's going to sit there and want to be you know quote unquote entertaining and I think it came directly from it being over produced uced and not allowing the artist to become you know what I'm saying so I would say bet was definitely a era like you know what I mean when I think about when I think about it and I'm like okay damn how many BET Awards I got I got like six and then soda flex no no I mean you know you you know I actually take pride in that because you know um as your every everybody doesn't give you your flowers all the time and you know that was a time when the network was being built bu up to culture you know what I'm saying so it's like 106 in park being catered to the culture yes you know what I'm saying not filtered through exactly yeah and it's like oh here goes this artist from this place you know what I mean like it was a real organic you know what I mean so that era but again I wouldn't say Peak you know what I'm saying because um you know like for instance you know I would love to be able to put on a uh a Super Bowl halftime performance one day you know what I'm saying I would love to you know have my own you know um uh Vegas play you know what I'm saying like I have a lot like a residence a res a residency of my own play you know what I mean but like I didn't mean like you meant like in the past I'm saying like when you look back you know it's always times where like you may link up with you know what I'm saying your partners and y'all talk about time like Bo that was a time last night you know just that time of your life where you was like bro me at this age bro I was my best yeah but it was so fun you know right right it probably was it probably was like early B2K then you know what I mean because you know we got to do so many things like like Will Will Smith was in the girlfriend video like everyone supported us differently you know because we were new and coming in you know what I mean we got the I got to meet Michael Jackson you know what I'm saying yeah I got to pull up on him at uh You Rock My World video shoot because of Rodney Jerkins you know that was a time when I was meeting so people but when I when I look back on that time in hindsight it's like you know I was moving so fast as a young and I didn't even get to like bask in it and that's why I say you know it it's like I don't know if I could look it in my in my glory because you know again you know what I mean it it's not like sports you know music is something that you can continue to get great at it's not just based on your body that you know what I'm saying um so it's like there's still more for me to enjoy you know what I'm saying so but to answer your question yeah I would say I would say during that time you know what I mean like when we did the girlfriend video you know what I mean like everything was fine everything was lit too show tour everything like we had our T our stage you know what I mean um but also too when I did O when I did O and when I did touch when I was working with for real that was the time too because he was introducing me to a lot of things you know um you know a lot of just just fashion and you know restaurants like we recorded uh we recorded a lot of those records in Miami you know what I mean like he was the first he was the first fly dude I seen that had the bent you know the Bentley you know the Brooklyn sitting out there all white just tailored you know what I'm saying like you know all his vision and All His glory tailor made down to the smallest detail you know what I'm saying I was able to be inspired by that you know what I mean and it was like my real experience you know wasn't you know me fantasizing you know what I'm saying you it's a tangible product there that you can kind of see and it's like yeah and and it's creating it's creating more as as I go you know what I mean so I would say those are like real two finite times because you know I didn't plan on like going solo that wasn't like all right let me make make a plan you know what I'm saying it just kind of happened you know what I mean and then when it happened it was happening for me you know what I mean and I got to work with you know Harvey Mason you know The Underdogs tank you know what I mean I work with so many people you know what I mean that are just incredible yeah just incredible you know what I'm saying so um I've definitely had some amazing moments thus far but I'm looking to create even better ones man listen I want to kind of change the tide real quick and um uh we we hinted on it um briefly but spirituality yeah like where you at with it yeah so um the thing that I love the most about spirituality is is it's it's an inward religion you know what I'm saying and it's not even a religion you know what I mean it's a religion itself it's or or it's a ritual of self you know what I'm saying and that's what I love about spirituality um you know I speak about this also in my book you know coming up Baptist you know what I'm saying and having you know uh that example you know I even studied uh you know Jehovah Witness and my mom's um boyfriend at the time he was 7day Adventist you know what I mean so I got to really see the landscape of different religions and you know I have to say you know spirituality it really hones in and focuses on self and you know at the end of the day you know and and and no disrespect to anyone's beliefs you know what I'm saying but if you cannot look inside yourself and you can't you know um know what you need to do you know in order to change things you know cuz things must change you know that's a fact you know nothing nothing nothing stays the same you know what I'm saying we keeping it funky right as you should you feel me um so the thing that I love about being able to explore spirituality is you know breath work you know what I'm saying I actually was invited shout out to S Guru you know what I mean I went and uh did some of his programs um another one of my OG's Michael Beck withth who also is a spiritual a spiritual list as I like to call you know what I mean and these are profound brothers that have just know well of knowledge and experience and you know yeah my experiences has carried me to this place you know of ultimate trust Within Myself and has introduced me to you know the accountability of self and if you can't you know hold yourself accountable then you know no nobody else will but where do you where do you draw that Doctrine from like what book do you read U well it's not it it's not books it's just more so um I mean there is there is books but so what I'm saying is would you call yourself religious or spiritual no I'm definitely spiritual I'm definitely spiritual I think that I understand um you know all the different colors and shades of of and aspects of spirituality but I find that the deepest one you know it is the one of the explor exploration of self you know what I'm saying and like I said breath work all of these things you're not you know just stuck to a a certain type of culture you know what I'm saying and also my you know what I'm saying my nana you know um coming up she never told us this you know what I'm saying but she just so I know your nana to you is your mom or your auntie or my Nana is my grandmother your grandmother okay yeah yeah she passed away last year she transitioned became an ancestor you know what I'm saying all right um but when I was a kid you know she introduced a lot of things to us you know and you know I didn't know at the time but you know she was uh practicing Epi you know what I mean and African yes African spirituality you know what I'm saying so you know um you know we we had to learn that's like in bhu right um yes um inbu I think that's another place it's no it's um well let me Shut the [ __ ] up cuz I'm but I I know who you talking about though but it's it's Epi um I didn't even know it existed but basically in in sh what and correct me if I'm wrong they draw their understanding from ancestors yes from before time you see what I'm saying so yeah yes and they were the beads yeah yeah yeah so I didn't even understand you know what I'm saying that's what Nana was doing but you know we still was you know learning a little bit of swah and you know what I mean instead of Christmas you know what I mean we would we would like to candles you know what I mean kui chakala and you know so we were very cultured you know we I have I've had so many experiences you know what I mean and um once I started really diving in you know what I mean um I found myself a lot more connected and present in my experience called life you know what I'm saying um spirituality does that you know what I mean it it uh you know like being in nature you know finding yourself sitting with yourself these are all things that really connect you to this experience and um as I've been exploring that man it's such a beautiful thing oh my goodness such a beautiful thing you know but I like like hearing you talk about it it's just refreshing too and and granted there's a respect it's almost like I was saying this earlier like if you don't respect nothing you can't expect it back right right and I don't care if you're you practice Islam Hinduism Buddhism I just like you got to believe in something yeah you know what I'm saying and to hear that I think religion to the point that you said is is a practice of self and self- accountability and holding yourself to to to the moral compass of that alone it's not for you to judge mhm cuz everybody's going through their whole in in it's own right and it doesn't matter if you're a regular dler a a a damn Jane do or John do everybody's world can get noisy yeah that's facts you know what I'm saying and what do you do in a time of chaos yeah that grounds you back to the Core Essence of who you are you know so yeah I I like that I um I want to touch on the topic of co-parenting yeah you know what I'm saying I think a lot of people including myself you know need assistance and understanding different practices yes of healthy co-parenting yeah you know um and how is that been able to to shake for you well you know it's something that's constantly transforming still you know what I'm saying I'm still learning you know um and I gotta definitely shout out my kids because you know they're they're the motivation you know what I'm saying and ultimately you know it's about them for me you know what I mean um and they have voiced their opinion on the importance of us just being together and I never understood what that meant because I actually never experienced that you know my pops wasn't able to be around in certain important moments you know to hug my mom and for me to see that love and to understand how influential that is to a child to a child's mind and what they see for themselves in the future you know um having a respectful relationship you know it really does wonders to you know the child um ability to learn and and also deal with stress yeah you know um coming into you know uh their their s you know what I'm saying so it's been cool it's been cool man you know what I mean being able to finally get into a better place you know I would say time has definitely L um been a healing mechanism you know what I'm saying um and and I would say also maturity you know what I'm saying um maturity I always say actually takes work you know what I'm saying because you know you just you can have like a like a a older a older person's Vibe you know what I'm saying like I think maybe some people are more you know uh inspired to be mature but maturity is a a part of and process of life you know what I mean everybody at some point in time got to be like okay wait a minute you know what this is not happening because of me you know it might be some other things going on you know and to also be forgiving you know what I'm saying um and realizing that you know we all not perfect and we make mistakes and and not taking certain things to heart you know what I'm saying um but also creating boundaries you know for yourself also being able to know your limit identifying non-negotiables yeah you know what I mean that's important too you know what I mean because you know I think sometimes people feel like it just sounds good but but it's real magic in the work you know what I'm saying it don't just sound good you got to actually try it out you know what I'm saying um but you know to speak to that you know having your non-negotiables having your like all right you know what I'm saying yeah you know what I mean both sides yeah on both sides yeah and also the ability you know to know when it's time to walk away or or or to you know bro I I'm I'm in a spot right now where I have uh two baby mothers uhuh and it is It's tricky because anytime you have more than two entities there's always going to be difference you know yeah I'm just so lucky to to to have the the I I've been saying this a lot but the ecosystem to what I believe in they share that you know what I'm saying and I just I like love bro like I grew up in a situ like my dad's a alpha like Alpha it's like yes sir no sir stand up and you know greet shake hands and you know look a man in his eye type stuff you know and he never was a person to like son I love you yeah come here boy give me a kid you know like one of situations where it's like I knew it though you know um and like for me like with my children like I'm that I'm the I'm the dad like bro all right boy give me a d boy come here man give me a hug you know what I'm saying cool to give me kiss like Shakir like come like it's it's it's so important to me to but that doesn't make me love my children more than my dad loved us you see it's just different parenting Styles and you just have to balance that out cuz You' seen horror stories of of of different beliefs whether it's religion whether it's whether it's eating habits whether it's you know whatever it is it's like I don't I don't teach that you know but you know that's just something that it's a constant work for everybody involved to have like that you know uh parent their children in a healthy environment whether you're with the mom or you with the dead or or or what have you man before we get out of here bro tell me about the projects that you know you got coming up and also you just released you know something back in May yeah um how was that whole process Man full circle you know that's the album the project and you know full circles a o you know what I'm saying uh opulence opportunity is the O you know what I mean um and it's a cohesive no skip album you know what I mean I would definitely encourage everybody to uh tap in and get into it you know it's great vibrations you know what I'm saying um it's it's songs for for moments you know what I'm saying um but all around I've always been able to appreciate you know uh anybody of work you know that has a CO cohesive theme and the cohesive theme is love you know uh sex you know uh expression you know spirituality um really diveing in and having a great time you know what I'm saying uh so yeah we dropped Sonic book one in May and then um I'm dropping Sonic Book 2 uh either late November or early December yeah yeah so full circle Sonic book one full circle Sonic but 2 1111 you know what I mean so we going to keep clipping y'all up with new waves to you know the vi a little drop so you feel I feel just like the rain yeah and then um getting prepare for tour you know what I mean uh top of the Year February and then again like I was telling you uh my TV show which is called involved um you know just sold it to all black and uh the interesting thing about this uh show is it's it's around polyamory you know what I mean so yeah so it's going to be uh a real interesting show for the community to tap into you probably probably already but we ain't going to talk about that right now you know what I'm saying we got some [Laughter] time I think no hold on like let's stay here for a second okay number one first is where do you draw inspiration for like all these many different projects like everybody's different yeah you know what I'm saying some people do it in isolation some people have to do it in a they have to feel energy from other people club uh travel uh you know have to be in a space that they don't necessarily know nature right like where do you where do you draw that mental side to say okay it's time to drop okay boom I'm feeling like I need to drop okay boom I I want to do this right well I mean for a long time I've been you know like catching up to myself you know what I'm saying it's like it's hard to catch up with myself especially when it comes to certain projects particularly after um you know my transition from you know the traditional you know um record deal into Independence you know what I'm saying I was creating differently at those times so I always try to you know I always make effort to um creating the now you know what I mean and when it come out it come out how it roll out it roll out you know what I'm saying and that's why I say you know we stay clipped up because you know I'm always thinking of the next thing I'm drawing not only from my personal EXP experience uh which is a lot you know what I'm saying um I'm always looking for that thing that connects to everybody you know whether that be like getting over something or whether that be you know having a a victory moment I'm always looking to tell stories that have this Arc you know what I'm saying so I'm always usually drawing from real places you know what I mean um real experiences those are the things that motivate me you know to make the songs that I make make to you know um curate my art you know what I'm saying but when you when you're able to draw from that space it's it's infinite you know what I mean which is true it's infinite Now take me to where the polyamory okay polygamist yeah so I'll talk about the show then I also share my personal experience because I was introduced to it through um this wonderful young lady you know what I mean and she would just share memes with me and she would be like do you know about this and then I was like this is curious I'm like what is this about you know what I'm saying then I started doing my research then I started doing some historical research you know what I mean and then you know I started recognizing and realizing like how in different places this is normal for different other places and how it affects their you know ecosystem and culture and um you know Viewpoint in the world and um it was very intriguing to me you know what I mean and then I started seeing the culture you know kind of you know take a turn towards that you know what I mean like I see that that is something that you know a lot more guys are honest about you know um I think that you know personally there are men out there that well let me say this there are women out there that are so amazing that you you don't need two or three women you know what I'm saying um which was like kind of interesting to me because I'm like okay well well why would you want you know uh to have a dynasty like why do why does China do that you know why why do all these other um you know different cultures do that besides us you know where where did it come from and it was so interesting to me and I had to just be honest with myself and I had to ask myself you know um do I want to be with one woman you know um why why not and um the exploration of this really gave me the inspiration um with having my own personal experiences uh to create a show about it you know what I'm saying and in the show we're going to be showing everyone how you know um if you don't choose to be in a monogamous relationship or you got like side chicks or you you know uh you know are free to experience anything you're you're you're being prob Amory you know you're sh you're so is that where you are right now um well um I would say yes and no you know I'm still exploring exactly what it is that I want you know what I mean if you could have it your way how many would you want to have um I would say probably no more than two or three you know what I'm saying I feel like [Music] um you know unless you're like really building planning on building a community you know what I mean like relationships are more than the physical aspect you know what I mean and when you add multiple energies to any situation yeah you know there's things to be considered you know what I'm saying um because you know some people you know they're they're not open you know some people you know want to have ownership over their partner you know they want to stop right there what because this is what I do know about the word love uhhuh love is not bondage yes that's facts love is not fear that's facts love is not control mhm love is not hindrance love is freedom yeah love is peace love is harmony acceptance acceptance yeah you see what I'm saying yeah it's it's crazy that I don't know in time I believe it has a lot to do with government okay and when I say government I might as well use another word to supplement for government control okay because let's use other beliefs uhhuh in some in some beliefs you can have multiple W yeah but on paper the government only gives you one wife right right there's only I think two mammals and I've said this before that are monogamous by default it's penguins and dolphins and I also want to add in Ducks oh okay like when a duck finds its mate it sticks with him right right you know for a lifetime right but when you talk about any other mammal right Lions yeah dogs mhm try to keep two dogs down and take that same dog to a doll park right and see what happened right don't stay there too long cuz you think he hunching that dog on pillow you see what I'm saying horses yeah for sure you see what I mean like look at the the the anatomy of how we think you see what I'm saying that's why it's like we're more polygamist than we're than we give credit to right if we were monogamous we would only have one that's facts and I say to myself it's like yo I don't want to hide nothing from my partner yeah therefore I must teach yeah and see and see that that's why it was so intriguing to me because you know even with having you know all of this energy it is it is a part of it to be able to have open dialogue yes you know it's a truth it's a truth that a lot of men have that only some will be able to accept you know and and hopefully there's a larger conversation so you know the rest of the world can you know what I mean because you know um we're all here for unique unique Journey you know what I'm saying and sometimes we a chapter in in some other people's stories you know sometimes we're a book you know sometimes we you know divinely linked to certain people in their Journeys you know what I'm saying I I strongly believe in that crossing paths you know what I'm saying but when it comes to you know like raising up your children you know what I'm saying um experiencing love you want to have someone that's transparent you want to have someone that's honest about where they are you know um I find that you have the the greatest relationship has those qualities you know the ability to have tough conversations you know what I'm saying people don't do it yeah about what you want not not not enough yeah that's fact what you want what do you want how bad do you want and why do you want it but most people don't and and I know we got to close but most people don't even know what they want yeah true it's like I want this baller I want this I want this badass chick I want you know this this that and the third but you don't know what comes with that yeah that's fact I often times tell people I say yo you don't get to decide what baggage you get to pick up at the door right life is all about evolving right and you wasn't coming in with the energy that you wanted to share me with you know Kea but it's also like yo you need like men stand on your [ __ ] women stand on your [ __ ] it ain't about you know trying somebody it's just about understanding them cuz that's really what love like you said is about it's transparency it's like I know I know that I know that person you know what I'm saying it's like to me the the the best experience that I've had in you know unfiltered no expectation love is with my children and when I said if a girl can't even love me close to this now I don't what's the point right you know what I mean because it's so unconditional you know what I'm saying it's so with loving eyes and no expectation but to just be there for him you know what I mean and it's like that's what a great relationship is you know and um again we all have ups and downs you know what I mean but the most important thing is going to be that understanding bro you know what I'm saying period man you can't pick up my Louis bag if you can't pick up that trash bag baby yeah and it's like damn like put the put the boxing gloves on you know what I'm saying to have these conversations with your partner yeah you know because it's only greatness can come from it in uncomfortable situations like that pencil you feel what I'm saying period so once you're able to bypass that and understand your partner even more come on it's like yo okay I don't like that about you or it's like I appreciate your honesty right thank you for sharing that and now I can love you better because I have more insight exactly and and you need that for love you definitely you need that for love you got to know okay wait a minute see I don't [ __ ] with that right there so how am I going to de deal with this am I going to deal with this you know you know what's funny it's an agreement it's it's man and even in my relationship it's like bro like my girl knows what not to like what perfume not to wear it's like and it comes out like look at the consideration [ __ ] stank man I spent $1,500 on that's your dumb ass fault for spending that damn much on the damn you should have took your ass a CVS or Walgreens and then ask them to unlock the key you know for this damn whatever Rihanna or Britney Spears or something you know they don't got Bond number n and enough but you know it is what it is yeah man Maran yo appreciate you bro thank you my good brother thank you as we end things here at funky Friday man I see my boy you know back there in the back still got them shades on like uh hey yeah okay I got to get him out Scotty PE here you go so we going going go right here in unison we going to start with this camera then we going to go to this camera and then we going to finish up with this camera right there with OG back there in the back you feel me yeah yeah here we go one finger one pinky one thumb we going to say one love all together all together one love hey let's go appreciate you bro hey thank you yes sir yes [Music] sir
Channel: Cam Newton
Views: 59,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cam newton, cam, panthers, carolina panthers, vlog, cam newton vlog, cam newton youtube, #camnewton, nfl, cam newton nfl, football, cam newton football, cam newton quarterback, interview, cam newton interview, football highlights, cam vlog, football vlog, workout, NFL blog, offseason workout, cam newton workout, Cam Newton 2020, inspirational, funky friday, pod cast, Funky Friday podcast, relationship advice, people and personal journals, fashion, Football, funky friday w/ cam newton
Id: Z9QDdJ09GJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 45sec (4005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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