Omar Allibhoy's Quick Seafood Paella Recipe | Dinner Tonight | Tesco Food

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hi I'm Omar Ali boy and I'm going to show you how to cook a really delicious paella pack with seafood and cooked really easily in the oven we're going to start by placing our pie de pan or a wide pan whatever you have at home over a high heat first we are going to prep the squid which I've defrosted take the tentacles out of the tube all we have to do is to just cut above the tentacles this part is known edible and that's the only part that we discard once you've done that cut the squid tip in half and cut it into thin strips I'm going to drizzle a generous amount of extra-virgin olive oil in the pan and a good pinch of salt now we again to our all our prepared to squid into it and I'm going to prepare the remaining ingredients our red pepper just cut it into thin strips add it to the pan to prep the runner beans we're going to top and bottom them and just cut them into sort of diamond shapes and I'm just going to add it to the pan as well I'm going to show you a quick tip of how to peel garlic just hold it close between your fingers with both hands and just twist it in both directions this will help the skin to separate and it'll become incredibly easy to peel we are just going to finely chop it stir the pan every now and then sand it burns evenly and now I'm going to show you how to create tomatoes just as slowly keep turning the tomato as you do it we are going to start grating the flesh and the pulp inside but we'll leave the skin in between my fingers which is the part that we just don't want now it's time to add the finely chopped garlic we're going to add a teaspoon of a smoked paprika it will give a lovely smoky flavor to the dish stir the pan well as we don't want the paprika to burn add your tomato into the pan that will stop the paprika from burning and getting better time for another star ingredient Spanish saffron now the fish is stock cube and it's time to add the Spanish rice I've just added 300 grams and give it a all a good stir so that all the rice gets coated with the flavors now we're going to add one eater of boiling water I've got these five pieces of code which I'm going to scatter around the pan and as well this ball full of prawns and I'm just going to give it the very last stir the pile is looking good we just need to leave it simmering on high heat for five minute and then put the lid on finish it in the oven for ten minutes at 200 degrees I'm going to prepare a little dressing called a Helio which means sort of garlicky I'm going to start by grating the zest out of this lemon now I'm just going to squeeze the juice finely chop this plov garlic a little bit of flat-leaf parsley India sliced finish it off with a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and I'm going to give it a good stir think my fire is ready now that's looking wonderful bye there really is the taste of summer in Spain give it a good generous drizzle all over all it has to do now is to rest for five minutes as we say in Spain they pie doesn't wait for anyone you wait for the body to arrive so that's my speedy paya down with all that tender seafood perfectly cooked saffron rice and fragrant lemon herb oil for more tasty recipes and cooking inspiration go to Tesco comm forward slash real food or hit the subscribe button you
Channel: Tesco
Views: 301,623
Rating: 4.8565121 out of 5
Keywords: Paella, seafood, Spanish food, Spain, Omar Allibhoy, Allibhoy, Tesco, Tesco Food, Dinner Tonight
Id: oU2BEPC_q2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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