Old Towns Knocking On Death's Door - Abandoned, Rural Texas

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all right everyone I am in a I guess you would call it a town it's called TPA it's unincorporated it's been unincorporated since uh I think I read 1990 so the census doesn't count here anymore now from what I understand in the year 2000 there were 127 people here I don't know if there are that many here anymore it is listed as a ghost town now by some of the Texas websites that make those lists you think I can um maybe see inside those buildings let's take a look shall we there's a sign that says no trespassing so I'm not going to nose around too much but let's uh take a quick look shall we yeah there's nothing happening there King Edward cigars world's largest seller there's the door open in here see that doll little piano there it's just filled with junk isn't it oh look at the sign this property is not abandoned it is mine the taxes are always kept current please do not break in and damage it thank you so there you go let's see if I can see inside it all not sure if you can see that or not it's fascinating huh see a lot more abandoned buildings here well let's go uh take a look at some more of the Town there's a sign painted on the building that I didn't see saddle and Ranch supplies it says you can just barely make it out that is something isn't it well let's look around some more shall [Music] we yeah that was a really beautiful building at one time now like I said this is listed as a ghost town but there are definitely some residents here couldn't really get any numbers for this town because the census isn't counting it anymore I could get county numbers you know numbers for the county and a lot of the numbers for this town are actually just the numbers for the county but that's not really accurate some of the numbers that I did get though were that the median age is 53 uh 77% of the town is married unemployment rate 23% that's really high but I kind of think what those numbers are telling us is that this is a very old town it's aging the people who live here are older couples probably retired which explains the super high unemployment rate 23% and well let's uh not kid ourselves with a town this old and there is no new construction of any kind that I can see this will be a full ghost town in time that sign or that flag it's tattered the very definition of the word caution hunting area no trust passing I don't think I've ever seen this this many Tres no trespassing signs anywhere they are everywhere you get the impression that the people who live here yeah they really want to be left alone you know I guess there's nothing wrong with that that's something looks like an old tanker there you know from a 18wheeler uh just stuck there wow is that an old t- bird restored that's worth a fortune there it sits got a few cars here might be worth the money that is quite a collection isn't it couch if you need one it's just amazing you know how people pile up and collect so much stuff that ends up in their yards now this church here I believe this church still operates let's pull up here and there's not any signs in front man what a fascinating place I'm not sure what that is set it empty there but I did notice that they [Music] have a post office there it is [Music] well I'm just kind of out here in a in a rural area there's a sign here it says the cross and you can see it in the distance yeah way over there see if I can go over there I think I can yeah let's go check it out well I'm going to have to get out and take a look at this aren't I well here it is in the the Rural Plains of Texas amongst the cactus W there's something over here almost looks like they could be grav sites in loving memory Mary an giri Chesser 2003 is when she was buried looks like grave sites as well uh don't they both of these no tombstones of any kind here though wow I am underneath this Behemoth of a cross there are some little signs here Jesus is condemned jesus takes up his cross Jesus Falls the first time Jesus meets his mother Mary Simon helps to carry Jesus cross Veronica wipes the face of Jesus Jesus Falls the second time Jesus speaks to the women Jesus Falls a third time Jesus is stripped of his garments Jesus is crucified Jesus dies on the cross Jesus is taken down from the cross Jesus is laid in the Tomb the [Music] resurrection well everyone I am in the town of Eola let's see like TPA before this is basically a ghost town the US Census quit counting the town in 1990 and it became unincorporated there were 218 people here then today from what I understand there are about 60 people here and that's pretty much all I can find out here is what's left of the downtown you can see that nothing has happened here for a long time yeah that has been sitting like that really long [Music] time now my understanding is that the median age here is 55 and that's pretty much all I could find out which tells you that the town is aging the few people that are left here looks like the the people just up and left I don't think there's anything happening right there at all like I said just you see cars I don't think any of them are running it's lined up here across the street too let see I did see a church a Yola Baptist Church now it looks like you know people still have Services there doesn't it it looks in pretty good condition the Baptist Church as you can see it's pretty quiet though there's a dog just running around the streets I saw him earlier there's several there's the old downtown again there there are still some people here though pretty sure someone still ises there this is Psalm 91 territory now there's another church Lutheran Mount Calvary some more junked cars and a house that is totally Fallen apart there is a brewery that's in a school an old school called Farm ale and I've seen that beer you know in stores in Texas I think that's it right there it sure doesn't look like there's anything going on there this town just looks pretty well abandoned I mean it looks post-apocalypse doesn't it yeah very quiet here uh so this is that Brewery I mean it looks it looks long gone too doesn't it I thought it was still open yeah this was a school that long closed down and they put a brewery inside it and I think he could go in and try some of the beer and they even had a little restaurant in there but it sure doesn't look like there is anything happening there now does it uh this looks for real like a ghost town they do have a post office though now there it is all right everyone that's the end of this part of the video I've got one more town to show you but I'm going to go grab Nicole for that one going to show you around this town and it's got an interesting looking restaurant that we are going to try out so that's coming up right now all right everyone we are in Rowena Texas the first off population in the year 2000 there were 483 people here wow a whole 483 yeah now it's interesting I was looking at the population numbers the US Post Office claims there's 700 people here now but the US Census estimates for 2022 there are only 196 people here that's a big difference that's a big difference in 196 people that's pretty significant population loss over the past 20 years over half I will have to see if there's any new construction here but I haven't seen any yet this is a pretty popular restaurant bar we'll go have a little snack there in a bit but let's check out this down town it is Saturday about 1 in the afternoon looks pretty quiet doesn't it extremely quiet the town has some interesting numbers first off the median age 67 oh wow that's one of the or that will make this one of the oldest towns I've been to I looked at the breakdown 54% of the town is over the age of 60 wow another number 61% of the town is male 39% female it's because not many females want to live in a town that has fewer than 200 people well wait a minute if you're a female this is where you want to live cuz you got a bunch of extra guys if you're an older lady who's become single through no fault of your own this would be a good town to come to what if it was by fault of your own well anyway she is a single woman she's got some extra extra guys here to entertain her one of the first towns to not make me feel old yeah I know now this church you can see this church driving in from out of town a couple miles away it's pretty cuz it's uh well this Tower is pretty tall St Joseph Catholic Church yeah she's a beauty isn't she 89% of this town is white wow 5% Hispanic the last 6% is mixed race I would guess a mix of Hispanic and whites now median household income 54,000 a year that's over 1,000 a week that's not bad and poverty levels support that poverty in this town extremely low 1.5% overall less than 2% poverty for children 17 and under the poverty level here is zero oh that's awesome yeah Z zero for folks 65 and older it's 3% so poverty is not an issue here and you know the town is over well 67 that's the median age I got my tongue flock cuz look you see that cat it's a black cat he's thinks he's hiding from you didn't see him no I right there oh there he is oh see there he is oh he's cute I used to have a black cat named midnight well that one could be named midnight cat sided anyway yeah children's poverty zero back to that the median age of the town is 67 so I looked up how many or what percent of the town of schoolage children only 15% okay cuz you got so many old people here they're not still having kids right so I did the math that's approximately 30 kids in this whole town 30 kids so yeah none of them live in poty now another number that was interesting we're coming back out on Maine is crime there were no crimes reported in this town in the past couple years no crimes not a burglary nothing zero crimes uh I looked up that's crazy several sources neighborhood Scout area Vibes no crimes now what's interesting about that is this this this town is the birthplace of one of the most notorious criminals not just us history history of the world one of the most famous criminals in the world was born here you ever heard of Bonnie and Clyde you're supposed to answer that oh yeah but it's just Bonnie though right Bonnie was born here Bonnie Parker yeah Bonnie Parker Bonnie and Clyde was born in this town and lived here till she was four or 5 years old and then moved to the Dallas area where she is buried where there have definitely been crimes committed in the past couple of years would you look at this what Hardware well just the building I mean how old is that building that's got to be 100 years old maybe older it doesn't look like it's open or I don't know that is so cool besides that what the heck is Hardware oh Hardware now you getting it all right wow there's some more over here too I'm going to turn around so we can take a look at it take a drive down this other Street there's lots of great stuff here these old uh rusted out tractors and things over here on the other side on the right yeah lots of old rusted out tractors those look like Museum pieces seriously they look quite old um yeah and well this is from Industries long gone right here what what are you talking about all these buildings oh that is so great look at that look at the stop sign completely faded I guess they don't have that in the town's budget repaint the stop signs so I wonder if you go through it if you can claim ignorance of what it was supposed to be possibly look at this great old stuff here this great old buildings what was this scoby like a Jin a cotton Jin or something I'm not sure I'm sure someone can uh fill in for us yeah some fantastic looking stuff here well believe it or not this little town has a brewery it's called The Horny Toad Brewing Company yeah that's it right there should we go in and see if we can get some beer I guess we can try yeah let's do that yeah so we're at this Brewery it's in an old gas station here want you go in first let's see what uh yeah I guess open it up see if we can uh buy some beer they go to the same place both doors man of beer who Wast an hour waste of Lifetime it's true that's kind of funny let's see if we can buy some beer oh yeah it's got like a little bar in here how long have you been here oh 11 years I know was so it was so it's just like a little bar he's built in here yeah it was a service station service station yeah this was a gas station and you just converted it into this huh I guess you get some of the uh residents in town come and hang out yeah they usually come in the evening it's pretty nice and you brew all the beer yourself yes what's your name Mike Mike Mike MC Mike and you're the I guess you're the owner huh it's awesome H janitor awesome and you see I got uh what did I get Sweater Weather yes the Dunkle and what'd you get honey you got I got ba hug the Christmas Ale yeah I've already taken a taste of mine it's excellent It's hard to find a good Dunkle check on my temperature temperature yeah heard that anyway it's a cozy little place isn't it yeah get everybody another look look at it let me got a biger one they have a really interesting restaurant here called the Rowena Filling Station oh cool so we're going to go have a late lunch for such a small town I've got some interesting places [Music] here uh no gas station or no grocery store oh wow no grocery store where they to go out of town to get their groceries I guess yeah they go down the road to St Angelo but they got a bar and a restaurant it funny the guy that we were talking to in there the guy that owns that uh Brewery we were talking about the age of the Town what did he say it was um median age or the average age was deceased so yes this is an old town so here it is Rowena filling station did you fill up yeah the food here is supposed to be pretty good I hope so so we're going to go check it out it's a cool looking place isn't it good food eat served here yeah so uh let's go in check it out they have a bar let's go set at the bar we have the menu I'm having a Shiner Box by the way this is the [Music] menu beat up old I don't know what is that plastic is that cool this place has some very eclectic decorations totally love it anyway yeah let's take a look at this menu all Nicole got a not a glass of wine but a cup of wine charday yeah yeah so we're just talking to the bartender and we're talking about Bonnie and Clyde and I said do you guys have police here he says no I said well you don't have any crime that's why yeah there's a flux capacitor right there from uh but why is it not in a Back to the Future why is it not in a DeLorean cuz this place is back in time and you have a car door that goes into the [Music] kitchen you know you got to love places like this small town America so much [Music] character in this place it is so cool and uh there's pretty good crowd of people here such a small town this is Clinton who owns this place and you're the bartender also and you decorated this yourself it's fantastic and you have pretty good business here as but I am about to go back out and start January you've been collecting all this stuff since you little kid wow there's a lot of great stuff here Elvis there he likes your a flex capacitor yeah your flex capacitor oh wow when did you open this place three years ago and it's doing real well huh this is an interesting little town I really like it we love it we been I'm originally Froman I've been down here about years I'm so excited about it warmer weather better weather 60s today one of us like your wife is the cook what's her name Dorothy Dorothy so Clinton and Dorothy that is so great yeah our food is here I'm having a chili cheese dog with fries I do love a good chili cheese dog and you were having chicken quesadillas and fries awesome well we going to dig and see if these are good they look good they smell good yes they do all right so how's the food chili cheese dog is excellent the hot dog they use tastes kind of like a what do we ually eat Nathan's yeah Nathan's oh a lot of flavor in the hot dog it's fantastic and the chili the only way I like it only hot dogs I like Nathan yeah Nathan's Hot Dogs are fantastic the fries are excellent they got a little bite to them really tasty how about your case of my are great they're just like you can tell they're you know homemade they're nothing like frozen or anything and um I don't know they're really really yummy yeah and fresh all this food is fresh made you can tell what's the sauce he gave you some kind of spicy sauce that his that his wife actually makes on her own for the cas is yes well actually I'm not sure for other things too I'm I'm assuming but it goes well with the case yeah it's really good you know this is not fancy plates or anything this is very much small town food but fresh made with fresh ingredients it's awesome we talked to some people outside of the brewery and they were telling us that there are residents in the town that are in their 90s that they have to check on on a regular basis because they're at death's door they could go at any [Music] time kind of uh encapsulates what's going on in the town it's it's definitely older that being said the town has a lot of Spirit and the old folks here they're not going away quietly into the night that's pretty obvious they're having a good time and enjoying life and it's pretty amazing that they have that brewery and restaurant here that is doing well well everyone that's the end of this video uh we had a nice time here in Rena WEA great little town awesome little town anyway we are heading a little bit further south to well to San Antonio so uh we'll see you there got some goats out here that's pretty awesome huh mhm hey fellas yeah they don't care leave us alone Co
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 475,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5_KxLnPGK5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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