Olympic Runner vs. Electric Scooter

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[Music] what's up everybody nick here and i've got a special video for you today unless you guys have been living under a rock you've seen electric scooters take over every city worldwide and these things are fast which got me wondering hey am i faster than an electric scooter so i bought this one a top of the line 9 baht by segway e-scooter now this is not sponsored by segway but let me tell you what i like about this scooter on its advertisement it says it goes 15.5 miles per hour which happens to be the exact pace that i ran when i ran my personal best in the mile of 3 minutes and 56 seconds so it got me wondering am i faster than this electric scooter we're about to find out [Music] all right now it's got 15 miles of range it does go 15.5 miles an hour and it's pretty stable now obviously i can't race the scooter and drive the scooter at the same time so i recruited some help ladies and gentlemen miss lexie bando now lexi happens to be an alum of cal young middle school she's also an employee at run gum head of marketing and sales she was the number one shooting guard when she was at university of oregon are you ready for this oh quite the introduction but yeah all right one of the reasons i wanted lexi here is she's a mean trash doctor i think you were actually known for your attitude on the court a little bit okay you get warmed up on the nine bot all get warmed up on my human legs we're gonna start with a hundred meter drag race i feel pretty good about my chances in that one and then we're just gonna go until either the nine baht fails or i fail in an all-out distance run but first we gotta get warmed up ryan i've got two problems it is extremely bright out and i need some music to amp me up you got anything for me ooh bose frames tempo let me tell you about these glasses now you already know bose as a brand that's a powerhouse in the world of audio but did you also know they make sunglasses the bose frames tempo are their newest product and they have managed to integrate audio directly into the frames of these killer sunglasses they're lightweight they have optional interchangeable lenses and maybe my favorite part of all is that these sunglasses really grip your head they don't go anywhere during my warm-up and you're about to see just how great these glasses stay on and perform through sprints and distance running all right we're warmed up i'm ready to race you ready let's go i'm gonna kick your ass lexie all right now one of the strengths of the scooter is that it doesn't tire out really i mean it can run out of energy but that thing can go 15 miles on a single charge me on the other hand i get tired easily i'm an 800 meter specialist right now we're gonna run the hundred the nine bot it really has trouble getting off the line it takes a while for it to get up to speed i think i can get up to speed a hell of a lot faster runner set [Music] so [Music] i am clearly faster than the scooter over 100 meters what i'm worried about is its endurance you ready for distance race all right i think this thing can get you on it that was very nice piloting by the way like a plus scooter it's advertised to go 15.5 miles an hour which again is the same pace i ran when i ran my personal best in the mile of three minutes and 56 seconds i'm not quite in that shape anymore guess we'll find out who's gonna win this one all right now so you guys can follow how i really stack up to the scooter i'm going to be reporting my heart rate pace and distance traveled i mean advertised it can go 15.5 miles an hour for 15 miles i'm gonna advertise myself as a 36 year old has-been runner that could probably go at that pace for two laps so that's the over-under all right now before i press play i need you guys to do me a favor smash that like button for the youtube algorithm and we're off okay so i get off the line fast we saw on the 100 that i can get off the line way faster and it takes the scooter it looks like almost 50 yards to get up to full speed and i'm waiting for it but now i see it i have to actually hit the turbo just to catch up to it uh 15 seconds here and now it's at full speed and as we come up to 100 meters 20 seconds but of course no that's not actually the true top end speed of this scooter we'll take a 400 meter split and i'll let you know kind of what pace we are running um you're gonna be able to see my heart rate over there on the right hand side of the screen 120 beats per minute that's comfortable running for me but it is steadily increasing as we hit 200 meter here just shy of 40 seconds um we are up to full speed now and my heart rate is reflecting it you know i i'm already starting to feel it i'm i'm gasping for air a little bit and lexi looks over she's laughing her ass off at me uh shout out to lexi bando she's a great sport for coming out here and and keeping me company on that scooter and we hit the back stretch here i'm trying to just stay relaxed stride out as i mentioned it does feel slightly uncomfortable for me and i'm really trying to keep that heart rate down breathe deep you know my coach used to say breathe in energy breathe out relaxation and we're gonna hit the 400 meter split here and i'll tell you kind of what pace we're going at boom 73 seconds for the first quarter mile that's about let's call it 450 pace um and i look pretty smooth here actually despite the uncomfortableness i'm 180 beats per minute you guys my threshold pace when i was really fit in my professional running days i try to keep my heart rate right around 170 beats per minute on my tempo run so we are well above that you know i see i dip my head i'm trying to stay relaxed but it's very uncomfortable shout out to the bose frames tempo though whether i was running the 100 meters or now the distance race here or even the warm-up these glasses are great pumping music into my ears keeping me amped up distracting me from just how bad this hurts oh my god speaking of how bad it hurts i'm about to crack 200 beats per minute on my heart rate i'm gonna have a freaking heart attack out here you guys coming up on two minutes we're obviously not running sub4 pace or we would have covered 800 meters by now so if i'm looking at the time right now and this splits i'm estimating that scooter's going about 12 miles per hour so maybe it's the fact that we're on a soft rubber track maybe it's the fact that it's a little windy out but i'm calling you out segue this scooter is not going 15.5 miles per hour so i should be able to keep up with it right there you've got a little bit of a grimace on my face at 225 as we hit 800 meters [Music] is just looking casual as can be and she's actually starting to break away now what i'm trying to do here i'm going to tuck in behind the scooter just as i would in an actual track and field race i'm going to tuck in behind the scooter and let the scooter do the work breaking the wind there's a little bit of wind on this back corner and i'm just tucking in and trying to conserve as much energy as possible i really need to as you can see my heart rate is going to crack 200 any second now but on the back stretch i can actually use that when we were just talking about and i can pull up alongside this is my favorite prize lexi almost went down there guys but this is my favorite position in any race on the outside shoulder of the leader in this case it is lexi on the scooter and if i was in a mile race or any distance race for that matter this is where i want to be when i start my kick i want to be right on the leader's shoulder before i hit the turbo and throw down we know that that scooter is at full capacity right now where am i at you know do i have something left in the tank here we go i throw my turbo down i start to pull away 204 beats per minute 205 but it's all i've got that's everything in the tank three minutes and 26 seconds of running i collapse the heart rate starts to recover the scooter has defeated me and lexi's happy to run circles around me letting me know that she is just getting started hey boss are you okay i don't know help me up oh my god that hurt all right i've been humbled by the scooter and fantastic driving skills of miss lexi bando make sure you follow her on instagram she's a phenomenal member of our team if you want to see more videos like this i come out with a new video every single friday see you guys next week shout out to bose for the awesome frames
Channel: Nick Symmonds
Views: 1,402,661
Rating: 4.8430429 out of 5
Keywords: nick symmonds, nick symmonds youtube, nick symmonds race, nick symmonds body, gymshark, gymshark athlete, gymshark race, gymshark running, electric scooter, escooter, fastest escooter, fastest electric scooter, racing an electric scooter, escooter stunt, bird scooter fail, lime scooter fail, lime scooter stunt, bird scooter stunt, how fast are electric scooter, how dangerous are electric scooters, nick symmonds best races, man vs scooter, man vs cheetah
Id: DLnwNqDSjKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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