Ollama does Windows?!?

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hey check this out see this it's O Lama okay it's more than that let me zoom out a bit yeah it's on Windows not with WSL Windows native at long last it's finally here I want to give you a quick taste of how to install it and what you can do when it's running first you have to get the installer now depending on when you see this you may have to go to the GitHub repo and find it in releases or you may be able to find it on the ama.com website once you have it make sure you have your NVIDIA drivers installed AMD may be available soon as well with that ready to go run the olama installer this is easy and you should see it complete really really soon once it's ready you can find the olama tray icon that lets you quit Ama or navigate to the logs folder now you can do the same thing you've been able to do on Mac and Linux for ages open a terminal or command prompt and run AMA run mistol slet verbose and then why is the sky blue and boom there we are let's try mixol now it's taking a while to download and this may be fixed in future releases or maybe even the final I've noticed it takes a while to get started but once it starts going it seems to work just fine now run and I can ask a question what is a black hole explain it like I'm five and there it goes now this machine is running on a Tesla T4 card mostly because that's the only GPU I could get running on my gcp account I have a solution for that coming in another video very very soon and it's uh it's super cool so it looks very familiar and works just like it does on Mac and Linux now let's take a a quick look at theama folder we can see it's just like it is on the other platforms I have a models folder and there's a manifest folder with manifest for all the models you can see that the Manifest is the same as the one on Linux with a colon and the name for the blob now I don't think that's valid for a file name on windows so if we look at the blobs directory we see that olama is using a dash there instead when we look at the logs we can see the full logs for AMA it looks like debug is enabled but maybe that'll be turned off for the full release performance for Windows looks to be comparable to Linux on my OBM site at ob. tv. you can see that this Windows machine is very similar to a T4 machine running Linux and that's AMA running natively on Windows what do you think I look forward to seeing the various Windows front ends pop up for this do you already have a favorite let me know in the comments down below and ask any other questions you have as well and I'll try to answer them or ask in the Discord at discord.gg olama thanks so much for watching goodbye oh
Channel: Matt Williams
Views: 17,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ollama windows, artificial intelligence, open source llm, mistral ai, chat gpt, open source llm api, ollama windows gpu, ollama windows install, ollama windows wsl, open source llm ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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