Olivia the Super Hero | Olivia the Pig | Episode Compilation | Full Episode

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[Music] hi mr hogson well hello it's so good to see you two again i'm so glad you came today i have lots of comic books on sale for father's day yes this store must have a zillion comics dad but i bet you have more whoa i sure don't have that one i don't have magnificent magnet girl number one she's my favorite superhero who's magnificent magnet girl she's a superhero who flew from another galaxy to earth where she uses her super powers to fight danger and her motto is never give up stick with it [Music] she does sound magnificent what's her superpower she could fly through the air and move metal with her turbocharged super magnets here we'll show you pretend this magnet is magnet girl and this coin is an evil robot from outer space put them near each other and watch what happens gotcha evil robot from outer space exactly wow it sure must be great to be magnificent magna girl i wonder [Music] somebody help i hear someone in trouble help magnificent magnet girl thank goodness you're here where's the danger look hmm a meteor a it's just a big metal rock from outer space no problem all right space rock over here no problem remember never give up stick with it [Music] and this olivia is magnificent magnet girl number one the only issue i don't have in my collection i have to have it i seem to have forgotten my wallet but you said you had to have it oh it's okay olivia it was a big treat just to see magnificent magnet girl number one well let's go home honey just a minute dad i'd like to buy magnificent magnet girl number one please it's the perfect father's day gift oh i'm afraid it's going to take a lot more coins than that olivia hmm never give up stick with me francine i need to get my dad a comic book it's a very special one and i'm buying it for father's day and we need to find lots of coins right away a comic book what about getting him a tie that's what we got him last year and the year before that this comic book is magnificent magnet girl number one it's his favorite superhero then you definitely have to get it for him i'll help you search the living room you search the kitchen you stand guard so dad doesn't see us [Music] i only found two coins i only found one how many coins did you find ian none but mom give me an ice pop that's just not enough what would magnificent magnet girl do coins are made of metal she would use her magnetic powers to find enough coins to buy that comic for dad what better way to find coins than with magnets the magnets will make metal stick to them [Music] six seven eight we need lots more than that to buy magnificent magnet girl number one we'll never get enough in time for father's day francine never give up stick with it and stick together i added that last part we're going fishing not exactly but we're going to need some more help now maybe we can find some metal coins in the grass look over there julian a little to your left harold i hope you find a really big robot they're made of metal too you know me ma hey i found something it's a robot beep bap paper it's beef [Music] a spoon and a coin wow treasure keep looking everyone 47 48 49 coins and all this cool metal stuff thanks everybody i bet this is definitely enough to buy magnificent magna girl number one for my dad here are 49 coins mr hogson can i have magnificent magnet girl number one please oh gee i'm sorry olivia i just sold it oh no what am i gonna give dad for father's day what about all the metal stuff all the other metal stuff we found we can use it to build a meteor why do we want to build a meteor we're going to put on a play a play it needs just one more thing ladies gentlemen and fathers presenting magnificent magnet girl saves father's day a play in one act [Applause] there's a big metal meteor headed this way that meteor is not going to hurt anyone not while magnificent magnet girl is here if anyone can save the city magnificent magnet girl can but here comes the meteor i will use my magnetic powers to pull that humongous metal meteor away from the city stop meteor [Music] i am flying you away from here where you can do no harm thank you for saving us magnificent magnet girl [Music] no problem and remember never give up stick with it and stick together olivia today was the best father's day ever you worked so hard and you put on an incredible play it was pretty incredible i'd even call it magnificent it sure was good night sweetie they say good night olivia your big day is through but how can i sleep there's still so much to do it looks like i'm tucked inside snug in my bed but tomorrow is chasing [Music] don't ask me to go to sleep there's still so much to do [Music] [Applause] good night olivia [Music] mom who do you think is going to win our boat race it's hard to say you all have very nice boats i know we should do this every year so i can beat you every year cool you might not win ian i might beat you or francine might beat you no way i worked really hard on my boat to make it go really fast so did i it's not easy finding pink sails there's the pond all right kids i'll set up our picnic right over here hello there ian hi mr green grass [Music] hey where's the water there is no water the pond's totally dried up hasn't rained in weeks goodbye boat race um is it supposed to rain anytime soon sorry kids according to the weather forecast it's gonna be sunny and clear for the next few days how do you like that if only i could control the weather i wonder my flowers are dying i'm so thirsty water water we'd have water if only it would rain the mighty olivia here's your call i will make it rain [Music] thank you almighty olivia you saved us you are welcome you may come to me mighty olivia for all your weather problems um maybe it's not supposed to rain anytime soon but what if we can make it rain make it rain yeah follow me mom can we go home home why to make it rain this should be interesting i guess we can have our picnic at home [Music] there now we're ready to make it rain how are we going to do that we're going to do a rain dance there are people from different parts of the world who do a special dance to help bring rain so i thought why not us i feel silly you look great just do what i do reach to the sky now spin like a top [Music] and now uh just do whatever you want it's working [Music] ian you're a genius we don't need rain to fill up the pond let's pull the hose closer to it uh i don't think it's gonna reach sure it will just pull harder it's not working don't give up we're getting closer oops sorry told ya the hose is too short the hose might not be long enough to reach the pond but it can do something else for us wash the car fill up water balloons so we can have a water balloon fight no so we can fill the pond we need a lot of water balloons how would we get them to the pond load water balloons loading water [Music] [Music] balloons catapult voted ready aim fire well that sure didn't work where are you going to do something fun we can get water into the pond and we can't have a boat race without water says who says me i'm a genius remember i say we can still have a boat race without water how welcome to olivia's first annual toy boat race on dry land olivia you're a genius i try introducing in lane one racing her super fast boat the pink powerhouse francine and in lane two with his robot boat the blue zoom ian and in lane three racing her amazing boat the red runner it's olivia [Applause] is everybody ready yes erasers on your marks [Music] i'm sorry sorry that was an accident let's try this again on your marks get set [Music] oh [Music] oh best boat race on dry land i've ever seen well in fact the only boat race on dry land i've ever seen very impressive now is anybody hungry after all that work food thanks mom i'm so hungry that's a good thing you figured out how to have a boat race without water because uh who knows when we'll see rain again [Music] it's really raining hard out there i bet it'll fill up the pond maybe you'll have your water boat race after all i think i'll need a bigger sail or maybe the only thing you need right now is some sleep time for bed good night olivia good night mom wait i'm not sleepy they say good night olivia your big day is through but how can i sleep there's still so much to do it looks like i'm tucked inside snug in my bed but tomorrow is chasing today [Music] [Music] there's still so much to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet dreams little sailor [Music] home home on the range where's the deer and the ice [Music] [Applause] and the skies yes the joys of being a cowboy sleeping out under the stars cooking dinner over a campfire looking out across an open range and seeing nothing but cattle and rattlesnakes yeah sounds horrible and when they really want to have fun they put on their finest 10-gallon hat mozy into town and kick up their heels at a hoedown that's cowboy talk for dance party grab a partner and make a pair it's time to learn to dance that square the steps i teach you might be new but i'll call out each one to you we're going to learn a dance yes indeedy olivia we are all going to learn how to square dance everyone's going to partner up and practice at home so we can strut our stuff at a real old-fashioned down-home hoedown [Music] how are we going to pick partners we'll draw a partner's names out of a hat olivia since you're so enthused how would you like to go first olivia's partner is harold hockenberry hey olivia that's me [Music] i'm okay if he's going to be my partner he's going to need dancing help big help i wonder [Music] time for operation hoe down harold harold i'm going to turn you into a dancer you are by the time i get through with you you're going to be a great dancer abracadabra let's make harold the world's greatest dancer may i have this dance but of course you dance divinely harold i do you know what partner you and me have got steps to learn practicing by yourself sweetie harold's late actually he's outside doing what it looks like he's talking to our flowers we're seldom is heard a discouraging word oh hi olivia hello olivia's dad hi hi harold were you talking to our flowers actually i was singing to them there's scientific proof that it promotes healthy plant growth i also put tuna fish in my soil well time to dance first we need to get in the cowboy mood [Music] it needs just one more thing fair now doesn't that make you feel like a bronco busting cowboy come on partner let's dance bow to your partner here we go oh ouch don't bump her head no no no turn to my left now turn to my right right right i said my right and bow once more to be polite ow sorry don't say sorry just keep dancing like a horse who's busy prancing kick your feet up off the ground now swing your partner round and round harold are you okay just a little dizzy maybe we should take a break what's the matter harold that flower looks thirsty you're right harold it does and it could use some fresh air too after you finish your tuna sandwich you can take the flower outside and water it in the fresh air how can i eat when a plant is in trouble we need to get that daisy outside step well go ahead here you go harold [Music] i'm proud of you olivia you're being very patient with harold it isn't easy harold is more interested in plants than dance [Music] look at him move out there he hasn't fallen down [Music] it's too bad gardening isn't dancing because then i'd have the best partner of all hey that's it [Music] [Music] he's doing it he thinks he's gardening well what do you know but look at him dance you need water and fresh air lots of tender loving care little bit of water now you can grow harold wait leave that shovel and follow me square dance stars is what will be we will [Music] tip your hat and jingle your spurs change sides now and he takes hers one is the engine the other couple two that whistle then cut your partner loose [Music] cowboys like to hoot and holler so let's give julian and francine a proper cowboy yeehaw yeehaw olivia and harold you're nuts you'll be great harold um mrs hogan muller i had to change some of the steps just a little do you mind if i call this dance oh how exciting give it the old cowgirl try remember harold just like when you were gardening shuffle down the garden mine those weeds i'll follow you then i take the lead spin your water can round and round grab some seeds and spread them on the ground twirl your partner to and fro olivia and harold yeah thanks olivia you're welcome partner what do you say harold want to take this old cow poke for a spin around the dance floor sure olivia would you mind calling this next dance why i'd be honored mrs old cowpoke i want a rose and you want a daisy spinning on the dance floor don't be lazy hey there mom how do you do let's run a name now two by two [Music] bedtime girl you must be beat but i'm not tired just look at my feet [Music] into bed little lady [Music] they say good night olivia your big day is through but how can i sleep there's still so much to do it looks like i'm tucked inside snug in my bed but tomorrow is chasing today through my head will i climb the highest mountains off or will i paint my masterpiece [Music] i'll do anything go anywhere just don't ask me to go to sleep there's still so much to do good night olivia [Music] this
Channel: Olivia The Pig Official channel
Views: 13,868
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: olivia the pig, olivia pig, olivia full episodes, olivia cartoon, olivia the pig theme song, olivia the pig toys, olivia the pig credits, olivia the pig full episodes in english, olivia the pig official channel, olivia the pig english, olivia the pig full episodes, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, cartoons for children, olivia the pig full episodes youtube, kids animation movies, kids animation cartoon
Id: CzwvyrvU3Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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