Olivia the Pig | Olivia Goes International | Olivia Full Episodes

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[Music] Julian are you sure you don't want to climb on the monkey bars I'm sure I like the ground it's one of my favorite places I like the view from here you go ahead I love that song time to go back to class just when you were about to try the monkey bars that's okay we'll do it tomorrow or not three eyes on me [Music] Friday the whole entire school will be celebrating International Day Olivia remember apples peaches pumpkin pie when teacher talks no hands in the sky I love that where was I oh yes okay so each student will choose a country or land [Music] and bring in food from that country [Music] okay now yes all area costume costumes yes definitely we can hijra at hospital from a conscious way peg that's a nice idea but I don't think we're great everyone will be in comedy and I don't think and you again from each country [Music] full of life number seven whatever the question costumes are always a good answer [Music] France is a very nice country yes and Ethiopia is quite interesting and there's Belarus mm-hmm and Greenland founded the country for me is Argentina definitely hi yes land of silver and tasty and bananas and the kingdom [Music] [Applause] we're having international day and migraine chill and I pick on Argentina I already picked Argentina I picked it too [Music] here we are thank you mom but it seems Argentina has too many little bothers in in so I'm taking my real first choice Egypt now Olivia I made these urban artists for you I can take them to school hmm either good mom perhaps I'll try this tasty treat from Argentina hmm okay Egypt Egyptian food what country are you doing Julian I'm still deciding Olivia have you seen my suspenders let me help you sweetie unfortunately Olivia suspenders are simply not made of a practical jump rope material look the centrifugal force of the swing motion unites with the elasticity of the suspenders and in this effect the rotations geometric shape which results in an increased jump error the clips don't always hold either that's also an important point honey very good just be sure you ask before borrowing them okay dad change I hope you like them it took me a very long time to open the package [Music] thanks mom Egypt is great I think the food there is too filling wait a minute I got it I want to do India Olivia you can't keep changing your mind I'd really thought it out this is a India definitely I already have the costume planned yes I'd like to order some Indian food for delivery please I'll take a large order of tandoori chicken naan bread and vegetable curry please thank you very much here's your Indian food tandoori chicken with naan bread and vegetable curry [Music] hmm this is good but my sari keeps tripping me I think I need a different country Olivia you have got to just pick some place and stick with it I know I do mom and I pick Japan Olivia [Music] Japanese food sushi I like the food in the costume but this wig makes my ears ash no more changing your mind Olivia five more times changing my mind no more time just three more countries no Olivia no more food no more costumes no more country I've made up my mind I know it's time to that as everything I like my country Spain where we like be it special cold soup Olay i hiccup when I'm nervous this is haggis Nick a traditional food of Scotland it's made from sheep's stomach and the French make over 350 different kinds of cheese they like to achieve so much they even get for dessert even thank you cheated Thank You Francie Olivia would you like to go next my country is the United Republic as a limite Nia United Republic of levity Nia yes it's the best country of all where red is the official color and cupcakes are the national food and everyone is welcome not yet heirs now please stand for the United Republic of aware bikini as national and on top thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the national food for everyone well actually all of you but wasn't that Carter he doesn't oh my this is don't watch us oh very interesting report Thank You Olivia who's next Julian I'm representing the land of Antarctica it's ash for a continent our national food is ice thanks for making the cupcakes mom and the sushi and getting the dates and ordering the Indian food you're welcome sweetheart they'll be leftovers for the rest of the week next week at school we're having career day dressing up for what we want to be when we grow up there's no food involved is there hey maybe I'll be an astronaut or a fashion designer or a doctor I think right now you should be a sleeping child good night Olivia good night mom [Music] has anybody hey don't look at me I don't even know what tights are they're red and white and they're stretchy and they're missing let me check maybe I put them on by accident nope wasn't me honey you have a drawer full of tight but they're not all lucky they won't help me run faster or jump higher here they are they're acceptable Liam's blanket see these are the lucky one goodness soul blanket isn't going to last much longer don't worry honey I'm just going to fill the holes mommy will give it right back baby didn't I tell you they were lucky and now class it's time for show-and-tell who would like to go Oh me please pick me Olivia do you have something special you'd like to show us oh yeah my lucky tie oh I never thought I'd say this but perhaps you could tell us a little more my lucky tights help me do amazing things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes well thank you Olivia may I go next mrs. Harvey Miller ah certainly Francine this is the trophy I won last year for selling most cookies anyone in my Young Pioneers - I got my picture in the paper - oh very very impressive Francine but everybody loves cookies how did you ever bend the best at anything Olivia my mother always says I'm the best jump Roper in the family and I'm the back [Music] Lois cookies and I'm the best at coloring inside the line and I'm the best at jumping over the cracks because that is pretty missable now that I'm a member of the Young Pioneers troop to I'm going to sell the most cookies this year good luck with that Olivia thanks [Music] William so attached to his blanket but I'm afraid of shrink in the wash I guess I need a new one so here you go sport how this no well how about this for it ah look at daddy over here well IIIi don't suppose you like this look look how about enough dad I'm sorry Cochise tomorrow for my young pioneers troop before they get all bought up how many boxes do you want to buy I like your can-do spirit living and your Young Pioneers outfit put me down for two boxes that's it just kill Olivia we don't need a lot of cookies in the house besides to be a good salesperson you've got to get out there and sell that's what I'm doing dad no I mean yes but not just a family I understand but that doesn't mean gram all right she doesn't live here I'm gonna call him see how many boxes she wants hi grandma would you like to buy a box in a young pioneers troop cookies really okay I'll put you down for 12 boxes thanks grandma [Music] Julian thanks for coming to help are you ready to sell some cookies no I can't find my lucky tight again mom where are my lucky dice did you check the laundry basket yes they're not in there well they couldn't just walk away you know I'm not too sure about that Dad but I think I can do it without my lucky type and if I'm going to be the best I better get out there and start selling come on Julian the key to selling lots of cookies is having a great sales pitch so what are you going to say well I'm going to say huh Oh Sherman hello Olivia and Julian and what can I do for you today well mrs. tazie I'm here to tell you a possum oh I'm sorry Olivia but I already bought cookies from Francine okay well thanks anyway I don't suppose you have a pair of lucky tights I could borrow pardon me uh another night [Music] sorry just got some from Francine I already have some Thanks let me guess Francine is there anyone who hasn't bought cookie from Francine sweetie maybe you can find someplace quieter to sell your cookies I should be able to wash cookies at the grocery store oh yeah I wonder what Francine would say about my brilliant idea why don't you ask her Oh Ohio is yes guess what I'm almost sold out geez you've got a lot of catching up to do if you're going to be the best cookie seller Olivia well good luck and have a nice day I'm sorry didn't sell more cookies today honey dad are you sure you don't wanna buy any more okay maybe I'll buy you another six boxes thanks dad boy selling cookies isn't as easy as I thought look what I found your old stuffed bear what can you feel that music I thought this might calm William down oh I don't know are you sure he's old enough maybe I could keep it around somewhere my lucky try here William Olivia that's very nice of you to give William your lucky tie that's okay I think he needs them more than I do finally we'll have some peace and quiet around here those men have been working out there all day you're right oh yeah and I bet they're really hungry [Music] I'm not sure I sold the most but I did my best and sold all my cookies can't get any better than that nice work Olivia and I even get it without my lucky tie Olivia she's two folks tonight and put the others away it's been a long day it certainly has but when I wear my lucky tights usually read me four books I better go put them on oh that's right I gave them the William maybe he'll let me have them back no why don't you read - and are we - all right rule of life number 34 sometimes you're lucky tights are even luckier than you saw those in the princesses school in the China [Music] hey I want to color too these are my brand-new crowns mom Olivia isn't sharing Olivia let Ian use five or six of your crayons I'm afraid he'll break them he'll be careful you have to learn to share he can use one four seven three fine three but let him choose whatever three he wants what are you gonna draw without red there's no point of drawing I'm gonna finish my puzzle I wanna help and this is my puzzle I thought you wanted to draw mom Olivia won't share her puzzle with me Olivia remember what I said about sharing I'm going to read [Music] I want to read - can't you get one of your own books mom Olivia isn't sharing again you need to take a little break Olivia and go to your room and think about sharing but mom I think you wouldn't like it if you had to share Olivia hi Olivia's mom I need to share your car I'll have it back later today well maybe tomorrow we'll see but that's my car I needed to do some errands you are showering mom you really need to learn to share your things you better go to your room and think it over [Music] well have you thought about sharing with your little brother you me and my little bother yes I thought about it a lot and what did you decide I decided I don't want to in that case I think you need to stay here and think about a little more come out in five minutes you know what Edwin I'm going to go somewhere where there's no little bother for me to have to share with and I'm taking all my stuff with me [Music] mom I'm taking a trip around the world okay just remember not to cross the street I won't when it'd be great if you lived in an exciting exotic place with no little bother [Music] ah no little bothers insight yes this is more like it welcome welcome to my home there's no bother hi Otto highlighter via hmm I think it needs more red paw Olivia hi mrs. Casey and where are you off to I haven't decided yet but somewhere far far away oh that's nice dear let me help you get that heavy trunk home no wait [Music] hello boys looking good guys thanks you're welcome dear back already no [Music] okay perfect no little bothers anywhere and I have a nice control all to myself excuse me you talk and I really like ice cream [Music] hi Olivia want to try some lemonade mmm nice and cold made some real lemons I'll be right back come on can I have some money for lemonade are you coming back after you get it no well then I'm afraid you're going to have to use your own money where are you going I'm coming whiskey open you can't come with me you're the one I'm trying to get away from I am NOT sharing this adventure with you [Applause] I told you to get a drink at that last oasis I bought some lemonade want some Thanks what are you doing making the trunk not so heavy did you ever notice how grown-ups think that kids should share everything but they don't have to share anything mom and dad share a bedroom that's different they're married I wonder how they like it if I had to share all their stuff can I help you we're here to share your house go on kids and pick out your bedrooms wait a minute you can't do it this is a house [Music] is it and then they'd have to share their house in their car and everything that would be really funny flow of life number 27 one good thing about little brothers sometimes they get how funny you are Olivia and dinner these are for you they're all green yes my favorite color thanks Olivia that was a really good book you should read it to ian tomorrow night so even though he might be a little too young to really appreciate it good idea Olivia okay what are we reading next oh I think I've had enough reading for tonight you could share with dad he could read me another book good night Olivia good night mom [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Olivia The Pig Official channel
Views: 590,608
Rating: 4.330049 out of 5
Keywords: olivia the pig, olivia pig, olivia full episodes, olivia cartoon, olivia the pig theme song, olivia the pig toys, olivia the pig credits, olivia the pig full episodes in english, olivia the pig official channel, olivia the pig english, olivia the pig full episodes, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, cartoons for children, olivia the pig full episodes youtube, kids animation movies, kids animation cartoon
Id: kRG_x4cPsqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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