Old Plex Server Supercharged by QUADRO P2000

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I am so excited to finally test to put this Quadro p2000 to the test with plex to see how well it can perform that my first video about it is going to be testing the Quadro p2000 with AMD if you guys gonna watch a previous video where I built this little wet bench here this is the practice test bench basically it allows me to add and remove stuff to it very easily so this is exactly what it's for it's for installing and building testing and then tear it all down and do with something else but today I want to test the Quadra p2000 and i want to test with AMD i know what you're thinking you're probably got Rison on the mind and you're sitting there thinking oh my god how did Jason get Rison already he must have drove the Micro Center and spent six hours in the car and bought a rise in CPU and brought it back and now he's going to test it with Verizon how amazing did not actually because the Micro Center that was three hours away said they had only one in stock and it's three hours away so by the time I get there I probably won't have 100 because I'm eager to test out the p2000 and how well it performs with Plex I'm gonna do something pretty pretty sad actually but I'm kind of interested and see how this is gonna turn out [Music] whether you're protecting yourself on public Wi-Fi bypassing regional filters or just simply wanting to download something without the worries of a government or a corporation not liking you for a VPN service as a must-have solution and depending on where you're located it could be hard to find a VPN fast enough for daily use that's why the 30-day 100% money-back guarantee of Nord VPN is so valuable because even though I can tell you I get great speeds and reliability as they say the proof is in the pudding by visiting Nord VPN comm / bite or clicking the link in the video description below you can test these speeds out for yourself with a heavy discount and with 30 days to prove its worth it's a safe way to ensure you're getting what you paid for for my chest today I'm digging deep I'm going old-school an AMD FX I don't know exactly which FX it is but I'll know more once I get a built with this thing now if memory serves me correctly here this should have the CPU cooler and everything kind of sort of installed oh man this thing is just old look at that I put this in here just for storage but MSI 9 7 0 a - G 4 3 there you go now you can see it I mean it should work this thing was not at its prime when I took it down and replaced it with something else so this is gonna be interesting and while I know this is not a rising bill and I really really really want to do horizon build I ordered a risin a 3,800 X nor 3,700 X I forgot it's the only one that was in stock with Newegg but I did get the msi Meg godlike motherboard so that thing was like twice the cost of the damn processor so that's on order it said it should be here Tuesday and I want to check that out but that does not mean that I cannot test out something that I have been curious about and that is if you were to put a p2000 you know which is pretty much possibly the king of value to you know performance when it comes to Plex transcoding if you were to put a pea mm into some super old or cheap motherboard slash CPU combo and it performs amazingly then does that mean that really all you needs a P mm and the rest just kind of doesn't matter I don't know I mean obviously when I pair the p2000 with something like a risin or maybe an intel 9900 it's gonna be amazing but what if it's not paired with something that's amazing what if it has a huge CPU bottleneck that's interesting I love this test bench already this thing is amazing and because I can't figure out how to get this to hold on fans I'm just gonna put this down in the yeah it works category now I'm pretty sure that I can't use my 970 pro m2 I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say nvme is not supported but I do have a samsung 860 Evo that I'm gonna use for the not only the operating system which by the way I'm gonna run Windows 10 just because it's easy and I'm gonna be using a Quadro and it's just it's gonna make things a lot easier but I'm gonna use the 500 gig to also hold the demo file that I'm going to be testing which is obviously going to be back to the future because that's kind of my go-to file that I used a test so yeah I guess I have to take this off and and install the SSD I also have a lot of wiring to do with the power now this is the AMD Athlon FX processor I think it's like a 40 yeah it's been so long forty three hundred or something I don't I don't remember exactly which one I'll know when I get into the motherboard into the BIOS and actually configure and get everything set up I'll be able to check that out but I know it is only four cores and I'm pretty sure there's no hyper threading on this so this is gonna be as basic as possible which means that if there is gonna be a bottleneck I'm going to experience it here hopefully though once I get Windows installed Plex installed and I enable the hardware transcoding you know maybe the really matter what the processor is and maybe I'll be able to get you know Rockstar performance out of this p2000 even with the world's most janky esporte I don't know and here it comes the moment of truth I have everything plugged in I think it should be good to go so now now I'm gonna see if this entire thing is going to come to a screeching halt when it doesn't boot more oh that's annoying it was actually already on I turned it off and then try to boot it genius now this is gonna be Windows 10 1903 so ya ha hallo was wrong look at that that is a six core Athlon ethnic 63 56 core 3.9 gigahertz ddr3 RAM right has 1600 measures eight total gigabytes of it so I had some predictions coming into this I figured that a p2000 would obviously get bottleneck by an old CPU that's not capable of doing very much and I was right but I'm actually a little surprised that it did as well as it did pretty much through my testing I was able to get 12 reliable transcoded hardware-accelerated transcoded that means encoding and decoding with the p2000 all at the same time now I actually ended up having to use the tablets that I have which these actually became a lifesaver because I was actually having some issues getting the web GUI the web interface to play a video file anything past 4 or 5 the web interface was just derping out on me and this was consistent not only on my DVR box but on my laptop and my main computer I did a reset and everything I couldn't figure out why but good thing is I had these tablets and they were able to test everything so I got seven of these galaxies one of this nexus then an apple ipad and a laptop and then on top of that I have my DVR system that I was remoted into and my regular computer now I was able to get 12 streams at the same time and when I tried to go for a 13th I would actually get errors pop up the iPad I was trying to ad for a 13th and it would actually pop up and say it was incapable of transcoding it but taking a look at the performance on the actual box itself the GPU is running like 40 to 50 percent on average utilization but that CPU was pegged at 100% and boy was it struggling in fact doing something as simple as running an IP config command in the command prompt just to see what the IP address of the machine was it took a long time just for that to print to the box so this is a demonstration of how slow the computer was actually so the CPU was pegged and that was definitely the bottleneck for the plex media server but I was still able to get 12 streams at the same time that's using what maybe 150 dollars worth of old hardware if that with a p2000 which you can get for anywhere between 250 to $450 just depending on where you buy it from and whether or not you get a good cell and just to test my numbers I actually went in there and disabled the hardware accelerated transcoding just to see what the Athlon FX 6350 could do by itself and I could get three reliable streams 100% all the time and most of the time I could get four but even right now I have the fourth stream running this is one of them I got another one running on the laptop even as I speak that fourth stream kind of buffers in and out it's usually playing back just fine but there are some times where it starts to buffer so it is unreliable so as I can say right now the effects 6350 processor is only capable of three reliable transcodes at the same time so I go from three all the way up to twelve reliable transcodes almost thirteen but definitely not capable twelve reliable transcodes just with the p2000 and p2000 has only run in 40 50 maybe 60% on some spikes percentage utilization throughout okay last minute addition to the video I actually made this encoded it started upload went out to mow my lawn and then someone on Twitter was like what about 4k transcoding with p2000 so that's a great point I actually really don't believe in 4k transcoding at the moment just because the whole HDR to SDR issue that you'd get with a grain out your video so I hardly ever think about it it's still a good point some people might want it and the results are in I'm a little letdown basically the CPU doesn't seem totally pegged out and the p2000 is only used in about 30 to 40% of its processing power but I really can only get three but it's not very reliable so I can only get a reliable two streams at the same time based on playing ghostbusters right now on three different tablets it is a 45 megabits per second file and it's encoded in HEV C of course it's not HEV C B profile which is a very specific thing with the p2000 because p2000 can I handle B profile which kind of sucks but you know I guess is what it is either way 45 megabits per second all the way down to 4 megabits per second and I can technically get three going but they just don't stay going so I'm gonna have to say that it's a solid two transcoded streams at the same time now I actually forgot to turn hardware acceleration on and I try to play a file and all it did was spin and what it start the video file so I think without it it's probably not even capable of one on this CPU which doesn't actually matter this isn't a relevant CPU but the point is as I go from basically zero to two so there you have it for K so this is gonna be interesting I mean I tested this with an old AMD out-of-date processor obviously this past mark score on this AMD processor is only yeah I think it's about seven thousand soap-like says that you need at least two thousand per transcoded stream I'm going from nineteen megabit per second file all the way down to usually two megabits per second because I had to kind of finagle the things to get into place sometimes I was switching back and forth between three and 1.5 but on average they're two megabits per second so Plex claims two thousand this processor has seven thousand so it actually does kind of make sense where I can get three reliable streams which would put me right at six thousand and sometimes I can get a fourth stream just kind of depending on the moment either way my raisa processor is going to be here on Tuesday so I can't wait to test what the p2000 can do with a real processor to back it up so guys stay tuned my next follow-up video with the p2000 is going to be pairing it with the Rison so will rise in bottleneck it at all will I be able to get 100% utilization through the p2000 GPU I don't know I'm excited to try this out from what I know the p2000 should do at least 20 or more streams at the same time it just needs a powerful processor to back it up so guys of course thank you for watching this if you want to find out more if you want to know what the rising can do when paired with the p2000 definitely make sure to subscribe of course a like and comment below thank you for watching and have yourself a good day
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 61,896
Rating: 4.8144832 out of 5
Keywords: plex, media, server, p2000, p4000, quadro, nvidia, gpu, hardware, accelerated, acceleration, AMD, ATHLON, FX, Ryzen, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, plex media server, how to setup plex, byte my bits, hardware transcoding, plex transcoding, gpu transcoding, lime technology, unraid tutorial, plex hardware transcoding nvidia, byte my bits p2000, hardware transcoding plex unraid, hardware transcoding in plex, home server, plex hardware transcoding
Id: 8U_8pbtbFXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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