Old OTTER & WOLF Get Cleaned Up After Years Of Neglect!!

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guess what i still don't have my complete steam clean set up yet even more delays with the order which is unfortunate so if you remember i said last video it's been about nearly three weeks um or two weeks since um i placed my order and wanted to get going yeah we're coming up to over three weeks now so nothing to do because all the jobs i had booked in were for steam cleaning however i've been doing a few jobs but not worth videoing actually i've got a drone now so i used that for the first time yesterday i'll insert a clip now [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i thought again what should i do um nothing to do sitting around twiddling my thumbs i'll head back to the reclamation yard buy a few more statues and clean them up for the success of last video i thought i'd come back and have a browse you can actually see what is here this time so i'm going to pick out a few things and um see what to get see how these things are looking around here as well see i can't actually tell see with them there yeah this is here today um i don't know if that's dirt or the painted like that or i mean it's not all over is it i don't think we can afford them behind you maybe if this video does well or whatever yeah those horses look wicked i'm guessing they've been painted white you know yeah and that's a couple of moss in there oh i'm gonna have to get one of these horses at some point enough i'll probably be about a grand though hello all right i'll do guys i'm not going to get along because i'm not unsure on how that will come up she's too fair that is algae that would come up white i think i think the next bet after this video um if you all enjoyed this video i'm going to come back i'm going to get one of these horses i'll have to inquire on the price but it's going to be expensive um so if you want to see me clean a horse on the episode after this let me know and i'll do it if i can afford it you know what sorry i'll get out get that at some point statue in the garden there's probably some hidden gems around there for sure now i'm depending on the hype this video gets if you guys enjoyed this video you know please like the video put a comment and i might go back and buy one of the really big statues something really fancy and then try and clean that up but for today i've got four new ones to do one is like really fragile really old um and if i forget the time i might go and give the previous ones a bit of a go over because i found out probably wasn't using enough heat last time someone max 850 degrees this time and let's get these cleaned up so this is what i have for us today i've got a big stone ball and another stone ball two's a pair and i've got this wolf here which i think this should come up really nice i really like the look of this and then finally we've got this little otter ever so fragile i'm going to save this one till last this is going to be i'm going to have to go super super careful on this guy because you can see he's cracked all the way over completely cracked so i'm probably gonna have to sort of remove this muscle with my hands but the center piece stuff inside there guys so without further ado everything's set up let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] okay dumb dumb over here just forgot to press record but um i was just saying very nice uh before and after there um i just was saying i was going to speed run this one and just get out of the way because it's going to be the same as that um but yeah very very nice got to keep your balls clean guys uh manscape should have sponsored this one shouldn't they really um but i'm just going to finish that one off real quick and then we'll get started on the wolf which is just here to the right [Music] and that is a nice pair of clean balls folks [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so that is a very clean wharf guys absolutely brand new again i'm absolutely amazed it's not a single chemical needed on any of these so far um so you know what i am going to tackle enemy of last video yeah he let us down last video that's where all did so we'll um we'll try that again i might even give that another blast over but because it's so uh the pressure is so low i'm gonna try attempt to steam clean this i'm gonna attempt to do it first i probably shouldn't i probably should just do it all gently really but i mean i was having a squeeze and it's cracked but it doesn't seem like it's going to come off so i think we might just give it a blast with the steam if i see anything coming off i'm going to go really gentle because i might actually keep this because it looks cute but yeah we'll see right let's go [Music] uh wow look at that that is awesome it's all completely cracked up that is crazy and somehow it's still together nothing's actually broken off so far it doesn't even feel loose it's very odd awesome i love it i keep it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get in here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right again folks hope you can all see me alright the lens got pretty beat up then um i'm actually sweating and it's december so yeah it's hot um right i'll show you the finished results from all of the projects from today and i quickly went as you saw quickly went over some of the ones from the last one as well and remember if you enjoyed this video pop that like button on um because i really do want to go and fork out i think what was it 600 pound for uh one of the horses and i think they were sold i'll find some in any way they're expensive but i would love to clean them up and it pretty much is like i think it's like a money sink almost because when people buy these things they like them dirty so yeah it defeats the purpose really if i'm thinking of reselling it but you never know i might get some back but anyway right oh i need to give that cat away from last video as well it's over there i'm going to pick someone in a few days and i'll send it to you or whatever i'm going to give my mum the big statue i think um right anyway let's see the uh let's see the final results so we'll start with the balls in a minute so these came up absolutely perfect that's just a bit of stuff from the other one let me look at that i'll try and pop in the befores as they come up as well that is just perfect and same as the other one as well exactly the same they look glorious um i quickly went over again the statue from last time it is severely staying that one is um very very old stature um yeah it came a little bit nicer it would need a chemical treatment on that um next up was the wolf now i am so impressed with that that actually looks crazy it looks brand new and i mean this was old as well you saw how dirty it was it's crazy i'll take around the other side of it look at that there's no mark on it it looks awesome um we went over the the scroll from last time uh it came up a little bit better but some of that paint is just crazy stuck on there um i tried my best if i spent like an hour on it i could definitely get it up but i'm not gonna sit there and waste an hour's worth of diesel um on this guy because he's the enemy of the channel now and then last but not least look at this guy man can you look how cool that is i didn't even know this is a fish under there under his tummy i think that is so cool yeah he's like sitting on a fish yes literally there you go see that's a fish's head you sat on it um look at that i love that all the cracks all the way through it that's amazing um i'm really happy with that obviously there's still a few stains i don't want to get close up to it apart but i think to be honest that's like the perfect advertisement for steam cleaning so for anyone that's like worried about having anything delicate pressure washed i don't think you can get more delicate than a decades-old cracked stone otter that is literally completely cracked all the way through and even that didn't break so it's it's so delicate but so efficient with cleaning um but yeah so there you go love that guy i'm gonna keep this one yeah that's about it for me guys um if you enjoyed this video remember leave a like it's the last time i asked because the video's ending um if it's the equipment i'm using if you haven't seen any of my videos before um i'm using this um v tough rapid vsc um hot water pressure washer amazing bit kit really impressed with it expensive but impressed with it um yeah and that's about it for me guys hopefully i'll have some work to do soon i've got a cool job coming up on the 19th which i think you'll all love very much hopefully um and apart from that just hopefully the rest of my order comes and i can actually get to work so yeah thanks for tuning guys sorry it's just another backyard video i hope you enjoy nonetheless um if you want me to clean anything in particular just give me a shout um but i'm looking forward to getting back to that yard and buying something big so stay tuned for the next one of these statue episodes whatever it's going to be so yeah nice one folks cheers
Channel: Partridge Exterior Cleaning
Views: 123,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, softwashing, window cleaning, exterior cleaning, gutter cleaning, unger, roof scraping, pressurewashing, upvc cleaning, cleaning
Id: DK8SOmh4zaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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