"Old Money" is NOT the Same as "Classic Style" (Here's Why!)

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Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette. In  today's video, we'll examine how Old Money   aesthetics relate to classic style and  if they are potentially the same thing. ♪ Gentleman's Gazette Theme Song ♪ From TikToks, Instagram reels, and YouTube  shorts on how to master the "Old Money look" to   popular television shows like "Succession," it seems  like "Old Money" as a concept is everywhere these   days and it can sometimes get out of hand. So, with  all the hype, you might be wondering what does "old   money" actually mean and how does it relate to  classic style? After all, they certainly do seem   similar on the surface. So, before we get started , let us know in the comments below: Do you think   Old Money and classic style are the same thing?  To start answering these questions though, we   first have to tackle what exactly "Old Money" means; and before we can define the Old Money   aesthetic specifically, we should first define the  broader Old Money concept. Broadly speaking then, Old Money refers to family dynasties that benefit  from inherited wealth. Then, from this wealth, they   derive status, influence, and significance and,  technically speaking, Old Money is distinct   from the concept of a "noble aristocracy," where  privilege in society is derived from noble birth   and titles. In fact, Old Money is often associated  with societies that have no aristocracy with the   United States being a prime example. And of course,  Old Money is invariably contrasted with "New Money." This, in turn, refers to families that possess  equal or perhaps even greater wealth, but have   not yet, through time, become acclimated to the  customs and norms associated with Old Money. But, with sufficient time and influence, some New  Money families have become Old Money families. For   example, you can think of the Astors, Rockefellers, or Kennedys. Next, the Old Money aesthetic - or   OMA as we'll be referring to it for the rest of  this video - is related to but distinct from the   broader Old Money concept. Essentially, it's  the cultural perception of what Old Money wears, and it's defined not only by historical realities  but also by modern-day assumptions. For instance, to   most modern-day onlookers, both the characters of  Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby from "The Great Gatsby"   dress like Old Money, but a major theme of the  story is that Jay Gatsby is actually New Money and   hasn't embraced the traditions or social niceties  of Old Money as evidenced in the famous "pink suit   scene." Conversely, Lord Grantham from "Downtown  Abbey" is renowned for his passionate dedication   to wearing the proper dinner shirt. [scene from "Downton Abbey"] Violet Crawley: "What have you come as?" Lord Gramtham: "I'm sorry. Thomas has lost all my dress shirts." But, as a titled nobleman, he technically  isn't Old Money either as his status from his   title and not from, well, money. So, here we have  three characters who could all be associated with   the Old Money aesthetic, even though only one of  them is technically "Old Money." This illustrates an   essential point of today's video: that contemporary  notions of the OMA are broader than what Old Money   actually wears and that anyone can dress according  to OMA conventions. What then are the conventions of   the Old Money aesthetic? Well, let's find out. When  it comes to defining what Old Money looks like   some people simply say, "I know it when I see it," but  have difficulty defining it. These ensembles are   definitely giving Old Money, but these aren't. And, uh, I'm sorry. I promise to never say "giving" like a   Gen Z again. A similar sentiment is associated with  identifying classic style, but fortunately, we've   already made a video defining what classic style  is and is not; and we've also made a couple of   short videos about Old Money, so look for those in  the shorts feed on the Gentleman's Gazette YouTube   channel. So, we'll now go over what we consider to  be the stylistic hallmarks of OMA, which do share   considerable overlap with classic style. First on  our list today is that OMA is subtle and unassuming. As Illustrated in our Great Gatsby example,  flashy attire like a pink suit isn't typical   of OMA because it says - or seems to imply - that you  have something to prove, while the true Old Money aesthetic doesn't have anything to prove. After  all, if you can retreat back to all of that money, there's a certain carelessness that can come along  with this. OMA, therefore, makes impression through   its finer details like fabrics of exceptional  quality, exquisitely elegant lines, and perfect   drape and fit. Here, we can introduce the tangential  topic of "Quiet Luxury," which refers to goods that   communicate their quality through their materials  and not through flashy labels. So, while not all   Quiet Luxury products are OMA, many OMA pieces will  exude that "quiet luxury." Number two: OMA is memorable. OMA does make an impression, but not in a striking  way that causes people to stop and stare on the   street. Instead, OMA creates a subtle fixation  that causes others to have thoughts like, "Wow!   Kyle is a really elegant dresser, but I can't put  my finger on exactly why." This nuanced memorability   then speaks to the inate allure of a well-crafted  OMA ensemble. Number three: OMA is timeless. Of course, timelessness is also a defining characteristic  of classic style, indicative of the aesthetically   pleasing patterns, proportions, and fits that make  classic style classic. In addition to this factor   though, OMA also emphasizes the generational aspect  of Old Money. Here, time-tested styling conventions   establish a sartorial connection to the past put  another way: If granddaddy's money is good enough   for you, then the cut of his suit should be, too.  Number four: OMA is quality. This is another value   taken directly from classic style. As something  of a long-term investment itself, Old Money   understands the value that long-term Investments  can have in one's life, including an investment   in one's clothing. Even if Old Money individuals  could afford to buy new clothes every week, the   Old Money aesthetic prefers to look for quality in  clothing that will last a long time and look good   all the while. OMA in particular is always willing  to invest in an exceptional fit. After all, when you   can afford bespoke clothing, everything you wear  should look like it was made for you even if it   wasn't. And on that note, Kyle's "Ten Guidelines  for Perfect Fit" will help you to get that Old   Money aesthetic no matter where your money came  from. Number five: OMA is personal. While it isn't   obtrusive or gaudy, OMA also isn't boring and cookie  cutter. You can't just buy a $500 brand monogrammed   t-shirt and expect to fit in. OMA encourages  a certain amount of creativity. In other words, cultivating a look that is within the conventions  of Old Money styling but still unique to you. This   is often achieved through signature statement  pieces like a garment, accessory, or way of dressing   that you have entirely made your own. As another  example, we can look at Dickie Greenleaf, a character   from "The Talented Mr. Ripley" that well represents  a youthful take on the Old Money aesthetic. As part   of his laidback, athletic take on OMA, Dickie embraces  many of the casual aspects of OMA like sport shirts, linen dress shirts, and duck cotton trousers. This  brings us nicely onto our number six point: OMA is   lifestyle-oriented. In addition to being personal, OMA is also cultural. This is because it reflects   the recreations, pastimes, and experiences of  Old Money individuals. So, you'll see lots of   collegiate looks, typical of Ivy and Prep styles;  recreationally-inspired looks around hobbies like   shooting or yachting; or more Cosmopolitan looks,  typical of a jet-setting lifestyle, incorporating   aspects of other cultures modes of dressing like  English odd jackets or Italian spezzato. Essentially   here, OMA involves dressing like you're doing Old  Money activities. For example, boating off the   coast of Capri or taking tea with Mimsy Bancroft at the country club. Buffo! Number seven: OMA is   effortless. Simply put here, if you've had people  to do everything for you all of your life, as Old   Money often projects that it has, then everything  you do should be easy and effortless and this   includes dressing. Some OMA doesn't involve cramming  yourself into skinny jeans, shoving your feet into   pointy-toed shoes, or wearing suits so skinny, they're basically only cut for a male model. Instead, it's about finding clothes that suit your  body type, complement it, and make you look and feel   your best.This effortless effect is highlighted  with the understated application of Italian sprezzatura, essentially ensuring that you are wearing your  clothes and not the other way around. Number eight: OMA is appropriate. Dickie Greenleaf might wear a  knit sport shirt and swim trunks while pulling   an espresso and Tom Buchanan might privately  entertain friends in jodhpurs, but when it's time to   wear formal attire, both characters would get it  exactly right and follow its conventions to the   letter. This is because OMA is hyper aware of time  and place, being to the manner born of learning   the complex aspects of Old Money while also in  the "manor" born more literally. Accordingly then, there's also an emphasis placed on age-appropriate  dressing. This reflects the duties, maturities, and   responsibilities in Old Money at every stage  of life. Therefore 5-year-olds in rakishly-cut, three-piece suits are not indicative of OMA - even  if this little guy definitely does look sharp. And conversely, sneakers aren't appropriate for  a typical OMA businessman either, much as he might   want them to b. Number nine: OMA is more formal.  So, while OMA is aware of the dressing conventions   of time and place and certainly wouldn't do  something like wearing a business suit to the   beach, OMA is still considerably more formal in  most cases than what the average person would   be wearing at those same places and times.  In other words, in an effort to showcase its   exceptionalism, OMA has largely defied the overall  trend in society of the casualization of clothing.  After all, a heightened sense of decorum and an  increased formality is indicative of the broader   Old Money lifestyle. By the way, if you want to  learn more about mastering elevated looks even in   casual settings, you can watch our short video  on casual style swaps here. Now, we come to the   10th and final item on today's list, which is that  OMA is inherited. In a nod to the inherited nature   of the wealth of Old Money, we'll close today  by saying that Old Money styles and aesthetics   are also inherited. This is chiefly expressed  in the form of heirloom-grade articles like   jewelry, leather goods, or time pieces. These are of  sufficient quality to be passed down and are worn   and treasured because of their legacy. And even if  you haven't received any articles like these, you   can start your own legacy by procuring pieces that  you'll want to pass down to your descendants; and   alternatively, you could "inherit" well-made vintage  items by purchasing them secondhand as Raphael and   I have done. Pieces like these certainly put the "old" in Old Money. So, now that we've examined the   tenets of the Old Money aesthetic in today's  video and examine those of classic style in a   previous video, we can truly answer the question  of if they're the same thing. It's clear that the   OMA does draw extensively from classic style and, in most cases, Old Money looks are going to have   quite a bit in common with classic style. But, with  that said, we don't think that the terms are truly   interchangeable, and this is primarily because  classic style encompasses a much broader field   of looks and outfits than just the sector of Old  Money aesthetics. To illustrate this further, let's   use the example of our own Types of Gentleman  Quiz; and by the way, if you haven't taken that   quiz yet, you can do so on our website. Using the  categories we've defined then, Classic, Modern, and   Aspiring Gentlemen might fit fairly easily into  the Old Money aesthetic, while Vintage and Dandy   Gentlemen might or might not. And even though  not all of these categories are necessarily   going to fit into the Old Money aesthetic, all of  them are indicative of broader classic style, and   we'll also note here that the OMA can include  several non-classic style looks. For example, extremely minimalistic or monochromatic looks  are indicative of contemporary OMA, taking a more   modern, paired-down approach to the Old Money  aesthetic; and some Quiet Luxury looks can also   be indicative of OMA while not necessarily  fitting into classic style. The Loro Piana baseball caps featured on "Sucession" would  be a good example here. ake your hat off excuse [scene from "Succesion" with Preston's face superimposed on a character] How many times do I have to tell these guys? And  it should also be said that, somewhat ironically, the current hype around OMA, including its emphasis  on showing off the increasingly cookie cutter   nature of alleged OMA looks and the introduction  of elements like baseball caps, sneakers, and   t-shirts that are not historically associated  with OMA - threatens to make OMA a parody of itself. And this is especially true with the increasing  emphasis on faking OMA looks using cheaper, fast   fashion, or other off-the-rack garments. After all,  these products are actually antithetical to what   the true Old Money aesthetic really means.  In conclusion then, we'll say that classic   style affords the wear of with a similar wearing  experience, aesthetic, and perception to OMA; however, we believe that classic style also provides  more versatility, personality, and attainability. So, no matter how trendy or hot the Old Money  aesthetic might be right now, we're definitely   going to remain a channel that is focused, first  and foremost, on classic style. In conclusion then, while the Venn diagram between OMA and classic style  does have considerable overlap, there are also   definitely key differences that set them apart. But, with that said, how did our conclusions on   this subject compare to yours? Let us know in the  comments below while I run you through today's OMA-inspired outfit. In today's video, I'm wearing an  ensemble consisting of a jacket and odd trousers, featuring a navy blue, double-breasted blazer with  gold buttons that is definitely indicative of the   Old Money aesthetic as it's related to nautical  pursuits. Meanwhile, my two-toned Winchester shirt   in light blue and featuring a white collar and  cuffs is also indicative of Old Money; and it,   as well as my vintage silk tie in red, blue, and  gold tones, both come from the classic American   brand Brooks Brothers. Meanwhile, my trousers are  in plain medium brown and my shoes are Adelaide   styled Oxfords featuring some broguing in a dark  chocolate brown, a conservative color from the   Swedish brand Skolyx. My cufflinks today are also  vintage, and they feature burgundy-colored stones   surrounded by gold to harmonize with both my  tie and the other gold elements in my outfit. My pocket square is also vintage, and it's  in burgundy and a very pale light blue to   harmonize with other colors in my outfit, and it  also features a classic glen check pattern. In the   outdoor footage, you're seeing I'm also wearing  a classic Old Money hat, the straw boater, which   features a red and blue hatband. And rounding out  the outfit today, all the rest of my accessories   are from Fort Belvedere. These would include my red,  exotic, Caribbean boutonniere; my yellow gold collar   clip; and my two-tone, shadow-striped socks in khaki  and navy. And for a fragrance today, I've gone for   what is perhaps the quintessential fragrance in  the Roberto Ugolini collection, the scent Oxford, which is the favorite of Roberto Ugolini himself.  The scent is rich, warm, and complex, but definitely   speaks to the tradition of craftsmanship and  hearkens back to an Old Money aesthetic. And   of course, I'm wearing Oxfords today, so this  seemed like a natural choice for that reason as well. So, for all of the accessories I'm wearing  in today's video, as well as a wide array of other  classic men's accessories, many of which could fit  into the Old Money aesthetic, and for fragrances   from the Roberto Ugolini collection, you can  take a look at the Fort Belvedere shop here. ♪ Gentleman's Gazette Theme Song ♪
Channel: Gentleman's Gazette
Views: 68,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gentleman's Gazette, Fort Belvedere, Old Money, Classic Style, menswear, clothing, old money aesthetic, old money concept, Styling Conventions, Old Money Brands, Fashion, Style, classic
Id: Czv9-cPEA1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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