[OLD] How to Jailbreak Your PS3 on Firmware 4.82 or Lower!

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hey what is going on everyone it's me mr. Mario and today I'm gonna be showing you yes you read that properly how you can jailbreak your PlayStation 3 if it is on firmware 4.8 to or below now there's going to be several stipulations to this but in short if you do have a compatible ps3 you do not need to take it apart you do not need to get a hardware flasher you can do this all 100% through software I also want to say a huge thank you to the ps3 exploit team without them this would not have been possible and we would still be on hardware down graders on newer firmwares right here so that is a nice feature of this and also we got the the packages for everything earlier in advance we got them around Thanksgiving as opposed to Christmas or even 2018 so shout out to them ps3 exploit team thank you so much for your work on here now getting into this the very very very first thing you need to do because this is going to determine whether your ps3 is Jill breakable the knots you need to figure out what type of console you have you need to figure out if it's a fad or a slim now if it is a 3000 series slim or a super slim system this tutorial is not going to work for you if you want to try and figure out your own way and work with this team and you know reverse engineer something totally awesome be my guest on there it'd be great for the community but if you don't know how to do that unfortunately this tutorial is not going to help out and neither are these tools the second thing is you need to check to be 100% sure that your console can handle this so that way we are going to be using the min check version tool so we can see what our minimum version of firmware our ps3 can handle is this is going to be important so the very first thing I want you to do before we do any of the other stuff we are going to need a flash drive so grab yourself a flash drive format it's we're going to right click and format it to fat32 sure that's fine default allocation size and I'm going to press ok of course this is also going to wipe everything on your flash drive so just be warned about that but we're going to wait on this right here wait a few seconds it's done great now what you want to do is on this page for PSX place which has the release he wants to come down and go over to FAQ and additional notes and you want to take note of this and see which type of model you have so I have a CEC hg0 one that means that I can support the writer but the dumper since that is only nor that is not going to be supported since my console is AG it is only manned so we're not going to be able to really utilize that although I have been able to run the dumper on there so for anybody that wants to dump your current system firmware I'm gonna show you all how to do that as well too because it still generates a file so just for completions sake I will show you how to do that but what you want to do is you want to come down over to how do I know for sure if my ps3 model is compatible and you want to download this min check ver the AR AR file once you have it downloaded we are just going to right click and extract min check ver go over here grab the ps3 update pu p file copy and we're going to generate a file or folder called ps3 and inside of that whenever it generates there we go we're going to make one called update and these are all typed out as is all one word so update hit OK on there and then we are going to copy this file into the folder so once that's copied over you can safely eject your flash drive and then pop it into your ps3 and this should be the very first thing you can do to make sure you can follow along with the rest the tutorial so let's go over to the ps3 so as you can see this is a completely stock console I'm gonna show you if you come over right here I don't have any type of install tools available to me if I go over to system settings I always have to figure out where this is but system settings I'll go over down to system information and this is on 40.82 so that's another thing if you are on a lower firmware update to four point eight to two there's also going to be a download link for that and the install process is nothing special it's available on Sony's website and everything else you just update to four point eight to nothing higher nothing lower has to be four point eight two but once you have everything make sure your flash drive is plugged into your system make sure it's reading like that and go all the way up to system update update via storage media and press ok if it shows version check and then wait a few seconds now right here it says update data of version and it's going to show your minimum version your ps3 can handle now this is the important part if it is anything 3.5 6 or higher you cannot use this tutorial this is not going to jailbreak your system unfortunately so if you have like three point six or 4.0 or maybe five whatever anything that is higher than three point five six you will not be able to follow the rest of this tutorial so unfortunately you're gonna have to stop here now if you have something that is three point five five or lower such as this is one point nine you can follow along with the rest of the tutorial now if you come back over to this page is going to be a few things you're going to need so scrolling back down here of course we've taken note of what we can use and you're going to go over to four point eight two NAND nor writer and you're going to need to come down here and download both of these so the nor dumper release as well as the Norn and writer release I would also recommend while we're here of course I'll also leave a download link to the official Sony ps3 firmware four point eight two yes this is from Softpedia I'm putting this down below because inevitably Sony is going to be patching this so you cannot go to Sony's site just get the latest firmware on there or you know get this older firmware you're also going to need to grab a custom firmware that you want to flash it has to be a four point eight to custom firmware so there's going to be another link for PSX place you can go down to four point eight to custom firmware and grab whatever you want to I'm going to be using this right here four point eight to ferox I believe that's how you say its standard edition whatever you want to choose that's fine for you I'm just going to be picking this for the tutorials sake I will also be grabbing multi man base so you can just grab the latest version of multi man the base version and download that and finally I'd also recommend downloading when md5 free or any other type of md5 checker all the download links are going to be down below in the description now for one of the first things we're going to do after we're finish downloading everything I'm not going to show you because I have everything on hand already we are going to need to set up a web server so it actually explains it right here if we go to the first PSX place thread where it says set up a small web server on PC or smartphone now they recommend using mini web this is the part I can't really help you all out with too much if you have specific questions or you know you're dealing with some troubleshooting I definitely say Google is your friend on this but I'll tell you all the method I use what I did was I use my smart phone I got onto my wireless network and I ended up using a app called kws from there you are able to pick your home menu and all that stuff and where you want everything to points to so what I did was I took the files from here that we needed and I copied them to my phone and pointed the app kws to these specific home folders of what I needed whenever I needed the dumper and when I needed the writer so that is what I utilized on there and I had my ps3 on my wired home network but everything was able to recognize but I will show you all how that works so really on this if you want to follow along with kado us on an Android device totally cool but if you have an alternative that's fine as long as you can figure it out so what we're going to be doing first is we're going to do the flash dumper now I'm going to be doing the flash number on here just to show everyone so they could do it but also on top that so we have a backup just in case and this isn't going to flash anything to our system yet so there's not going to be any damage done here at least there should not be so what we're going to do is now I would recommend here if you wants to I'm going to format my flash drive again just for a completions sake so format I'll go ahead do default allocation size hit OK on here yeah that's fine and once that's done in a few seconds there we go I'm going to exit out of this and now over here we're going to need the nord number release so right click extract it to its own folder then double click this and you can use mini web if you want to it's available in here but we're going to need two files we're going to need the index.html file and we're going to need the ex Pete rel dumper tin dot J's file so what I did was I created a folder let's say on my phone I called this one ps3 dump and then I copied these two files into here and on my kws app I set that to my home so what you can do is you can put it in the root of your home server directory however you're going to be running it and then you can start up your home server so what I have done off-screen is I have set up my kws server on my smart phone I have the files loaded there and I have everything running there now what I'd recommend you do is before we do this on the ps3 try it on any other device that is on your local home network so for example I'm running the server on my smart phone I'm gonna try and access it using my desktop right here if you're spinning it up on your desktop try it on a laptop or smartphone or something else but this the website I'm going to go to it is my local address with the port right there I'm just going to hit that and as you can see this comes up you are not on a Playstation system all features been disabled that's totally fine this page right here is currently loaded up or it's being hosted on my smart phone but I am able to access it on my desktop which means that this is working as intended so what I'm going to do is I'm going to minimize this now what you need to do is eject your flash drive and take it out pop it into the furthest right-hand port your furthest right-hand USB port on your ps3 or the USB port that is closest to your blu-ray drive and now go over to the console so as you can see I have the flash drive loaded up and recognized that is going to be important and now go over to your internet browser so once this pops up we're gonna do a few things to minimize our usage on here so for this I'm going to let's say go to not start a press triangle yeah that's fine go over to tools but what I'd recommend doing is go over to tools and then go to homepage and select use blank page so it's just going to load up nothing when it starts up that's exactly what I want I think go over to tools again go over to you know delete all your cookies just delete everything out here because we want nothing in here we want this to be as minimal as possible when we run our exploits so I'll go ahead and come up to this delete everything now exit out of the browser and once that is exited we can go back into the browser and try and go to our web server that we have spun up it's right here press the start button and in the address you want to type in the IP address and the port that you are connecting to so I'm going to do that real quick once that's all typed in press starts to go to that web page wait a little bit and this should come up congratulations we've detected your ps3 is running for point eight two so you can press ok and now at this point you need to click dump full sixty megabyte nor to this vial right here now what's going to happen is I would recommend setting a timer for 10 minutes I know this sounds a little bit silly but you're going to click this and what's gonna happen is you're just going to wait and do nothing don't touch anything until your ps3 beeps and turns off now wait 10 minutes and if nothing has happened turn on the ps3 restart here try to go to the website again and do this we want to get our dump so I'm going to press X and we're just going to wait as you can see it says success wait a few minutes until console beeps and shuts down so the exploit has triggered successfully we just need to wait a bit as I said wait for the console to beep and then turn off by itself if it does not do that after 10 minutes turned off by hand turn it back on and try this again so at this point your ps3 should have beeped and turned off and if it did congratulations everything should be done properly on there so I took out the flash drive while the ps3 was still off and I am hooking it up to my computer right here and as you can see you should have one file on this which is a dump hex file that is sixteen megabytes this is your newer dump so what I'm going to do is copy and I'm just going to back it up over to my computer right here and paste it and that's all we need at that point so what I'm now going to do is I'm going to go back in here format my flash drive again I just choose to do this each time to have a completely clean slate go ahead do all the default stuff hit start hit OK yeah that's totally fine and that's ok so now at this point we can start doing the writing process so I'm going to right click the new learn and writer release extract right here and then there's going to be a few files we're gonna need first off this one hex for a2 and it says copy to USB only if for 8 to firmware or we'll soft brick so very very important that's why I said you have to do this on firmware 4.8 to nothing higher nothing lower double click this right click copy grab the flash hex file and right here on our fat32 formatted flash drive you just wants to paste it directly to the root and that's all you need on this flash drive at this point so what I'm gonna do is come here safely you checked our flash drive and put it into the furthest right hand ports on your ps3 system the one that is closest to the blu-ray drive so now here we have everything on the flash drive done just that one file we're now going to need a few files for the actual web page so what you'll need is the nand HTML file the nor HTML file and this XP rel writer 10 JS file copy all these and now put them back into the root folder or whatever your choosing for your web hosting page so what I did for example on my phone I just made another folder called ps3 right and I pasted the three files into there and then I went and I changed the home directory to ps3 right as opposed to ps3 dump so that's all we're going to need for our webpage now when you have that all set up and if you're using the same folder delete the dumper files and copy in the writer files but once you have everything set up there spin up your service or your server that you have available and now we're going to try and hit that from a different device just like we did the first time so what I'm going to do is come over here it's the same IP same port but this is going to be the important part we are going to need to know which type of ps3 we have as I mentioned earlier I have a NAND system again if you need to check this you can go over to the ps3 exploit page go to the FAQ section and you can come over right here and see what you have now I have a CEC HG ps3 which means I have a NAND ps3 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick the nand HTML file so what you need to do is go over to the same page but do slash nand - 4 8 2 dot HTML hit this and it's going to say your nominal playstation system that's okay and check that out official firmware 4.8 tun and downgraded version 1.0 so we're going to be doing these same thing on here now that we have this working and we can hit this webpage go ahead and make sure your flash drive is in the ps3 on the furthest right-hand USB port make sure that flash dot hex file is sitting on there and we're now going to hit this webpage on our ps3 so what happens when you turn on your ps3 again it's probably going to give you some type of warning saying that your ps3 was not shut down properly you can skip past that you don't need to check your hard drive file systems or anything else but what you can do now is go over to your internet browser make sure again your flash drive is plugged in it is being recognized so I'm actually going to check that real quick flash drive is being recognized and now go to the address bar and we're going to load in our IP again so I'm just gonna pick what we had right here we're going to do a slash and you need to either pick and now you need to type and now you either need to type in nand if you have a NAND system or nor if you have a newer system because I have an and system I'm going to type in in a in D - 4 8 2 dot HTML and once that's all typed in again if you have a newer system type in Noor instead and press Start and wait for this to load up now we'll say this we've detected your PlayStation 3 is running 4.8 - that's great and we're gonna do the same thing once again here so at this point we're now going to start patching our system we're going to click write two NAND flash memory and this is going to be the other thing again we're set a timer for 10 minutes what's going to happen is this could either turn off as it says in a few seconds or a few minutes we need to wait for the system to power down if it does not power down and it's frozen after 10 minutes turn off the system turn it back on and try and run this again so I'm going to press right to NAND flash memory and wait now if it says that the ex-wife failed just wait for it to reload normally it fails for me the first time but let's see what happens so if your system has power down congratulations the exploit has worked what I'm going to do is take the flash drive plug it back into my computer here and I'm gonna do the same thing again I'm just going to format this to get a clean start on everything now what you'll need to do is go into your flash drive right click new folder call this folder ps3 and we're just going to put a custom firmware update on here so again you can pick whatever you want to as long as it is a 4.2 custom firmware or higher so inside of ps3 I'm gonna put in update all capital letters now grab your custom firmware I'm going to use ferox 4.8 - version 1.0 and paste it into here and we will need to rename this once this is all copied over click this and we want to rename it to ps3 up debt press enter wait for that to change and we are going to just load it as a regular update and now go back over to the root of your flash drive and grab that multi man that we got copy paste it over and this will be your first piece of homebrew that you should have on your console so I'm just giving you this because it's available it's easy enough to use and this one the staple apps that you should have on a jailbroken ps3 so I'm gonna do is exit out of that to come over here eject the flash drive and now take the flash drive pop it into that same port on your ps3 and we're gonna do the rest of our stuff on here so right now I just have a stock system again I am getting this air right here saying that I didn't turn off the ps3 properly just press back on this wait for this to boot up and at the moment we have a official firmware 4.8 to system that has been patched to allow custom firmware installations on 4.8 - or higher so with that it's easy enough this is actually the easiest part of the tutorial really go up to system update go to update via storage media and as you can see 4.8 - Farooq's 1.0 or whatever customer you chose pops up here so I'm going to press okay when this comes up you can press right accept it and start and at this point it's now going to copy the update file over to your ps3 restart to flash the updates and then you should have a custom firmware ps3 so wait a few minutes on this congratulations you have done the hardest parts of the tutorial the rest this is smooth sailing you're almost there so after the installation is complete check this out you should have a different custom boot right there which means that you have successfully flashed over a custom firmware and at this point your PlayStation 3 is officially jailbroken so we can do here is now go over to install package files go over and pick multi-man this one that pops up here and press X on it and wait a little bit if you ever want to install any other package files you can just copy and paste them to the root of a fat32 formatted flash drive and you would be ready to go at that point but as you can see that's all done I'm going to press back into multi man right here and do the initial setup so once this comes up you are going to have to agree to the Terms of Use for the software press yes to everything wait for it to install the data and then we can actually get in here and this will allow us to load up games either from the internal drive that we've ripped over or installed over or if you have games that are on a external flash drive or hard drive you can load them up through multi-man right here it all works out you can also get updates from multi-man as well too so it's pretty solid if you have it one thing you might want to do though go ahead and go all the way over to the right scroll down and we are going to look for a certain option this one theme audio press X on here hit disable there you're not going to go crazy as fast now anyways this mr. Mario is sending off thank you all for watching everyone if you enjoyed this video a like would very much be appreciate if you absolutely hated it a dislike is fine as well too but at this point if you have followed along from start to finish you should have a nicely working jailbroken ps3 ready to rock [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrMario2011
Views: 485,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mrmario2011, mr mario 2011, mr mario, mister mario, jailbreak, ps3, minverchk, how to jailbreak, how to jailbreak ps3, ps3 jailbreak 4.82, ps3 4.82, ps3 4.82 cfw, ps3 4.82 custom firmware, ps3 jailbroken, playstation 3 jailbreak, playstation 3 jailbroken, playstation 3 4.82 jailbreak, 4.82 cfw, custom firmware, how to mod ps3, mod ps3 on 4.82, how to mod ps3 4.82, firmware, cfw, playstation, ofw, tutorial, ps3 jailbreak, jailbroken ps3, modding ps3, how to jailbreak your ps3
Id: nSJK5vdYKIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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