Old Cultivators vs. The Einbock Cultivation System | Cultivator + Row-Guard + Finger Weeders

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[Music] if you'd asked me six months ago if i thought a cultivator finger weeders and a roll guard were worth it was it worth the almost 80 000 investment i would have said no but i had a huge opportunity to use this machine even my dad who's 65 years old said this thing is worth every dime so we're going to talk about why we like to einbach on our farm i'll show you what i like and what i don't about these cultivators and and what's significantly improved on on the einbach we we have right now a case international 183 it's an older one we use it as last cultivation and basically we keep the sweep set wide high speed i think last round has gone 10 miles an hour most older equipment is going to have a lot more acres on it it's going to be a lot sloppier you wanna see more it's not gonna allow you to get nearly as close to the road because when you're driving down the field you have to basically set it to as wide as the slop on it i guess if that makes any sense uh instead of knowing that your gangs are going to stay where they're supposed to be so you can really really tighten that up the next piece of equipment which is a john deere an 845 as far as today's used cultivators go it's a pretty tight machine we still don't set it super narrow there's probably still nine to ten inches maybe in between so there's quite a bit of movement there granted we set it wider we actually like to put nine inch shovels on that's how we that's how we close it up instead of adjusting everything we just put different pound ons nine inch pound on so again we'll do the uh the tightness check and uh you know not too bad but they all got some acres on them [Applause] none of these pivot points are greaseable over here and i'm sure they designed it so the steel wouldn't uh wear it out but it does when there's no grease metal on metal creates slop so now we're to the einbach first thing i want to point out is that the uh the einbach has a greaseable zerk on each pivot uh that makes sure that your row units stayed super tight the second thing is the tube on this machine is significantly smaller which equates to less weight i don't remember if it's 7 000 pounds but it's a lot lighter than say like a john deere 856 is just a mammoth uh don't get me wrong those are probably one of the nicest cultivators you can own compaction really really does make a difference and if we can lighten the load by say you know five thousand pounds with a cultivator probably not such a bad idea okay so you know we got our parallel linkage here we got grease zerks on all four points uh one of the cool things actually if you're in the field and you just want to service this row you can just grab this bugger and uh pull it up here and you can lift this row unit and hold it off the ground say if you want to change a shovel or something down here i can demonstrate that for you quickly i'm not gonna lie that kind of pinch my ring finger in theory it's easy now now that it's up it's not on the ground we can check out the slop or the side action on this if we look at the shovels they're only moving maybe a half inch and that brings me to another point of shovels they're really thin and small i was of the mentality that it's you know it's bigger it's better you know let's put an 11 inch sweep here on the on the john deere and i was actually pretty impressed we put about a thousand acres on this machine and we haven't worn through a set of shovels even in the track tracks uh and track tracks get pretty packed so they're really thin i'll give you a quick comparison here there's the einbach shovels there's john deere's side profile quite a bit thicker i actually did not think i was gonna like about this at all you don't want a thick knife so when you're cutting weeds off at the root i showed it was skinnier it is it does a better job cutting and does actually a better job cutting through compaction in the tracks and the wheel tracks we've struggled with that with all of our cultivators actually for a number of years and this was the first one part in part the season and when we planted how dry the ground was but we've had the best success this year if you'll notice there's actually five of them up here and they're a lot smaller smaller shovels actually require less force i never thought about this but they require less force to hold the same angle in the soil so if you hit a rock or you hit a hard spot that's gonna cause your shovel to dodge left or dodge right it's less area you know a nine inch sweep would maybe have to go three inches around something and these would only have to go a short amount i didn't i didn't think that i would like a five inch shovel but it's got to be a higher quality steel than john deere's for two they last they cut they're they're great i actually bought that second set of shovels because we did we ran this over a thousand acres and we have not put any on yet pretty impressive actually as far as that part goes like the 845s or 856s have the handles that you crank to change your depth on your wheels the einbach always also has that um you know like my international does not have that it has the bolts you loosen the next thing that we have on this einbach cultivator is their roll guard system uh it's a camera guided system and you pick your rows you can do multiple rows you can you know if you if you have a twin row planter it knows that it's watching for twin rows or single rows at 22 or 30 you you set all the parameters how tall the crop is and it does a really good job they do make a link that goes with this so you can put this on say your john deere or say your weed burner that's on a painted green 183 toolbar uh it does have a lifting capacity of i believe it's 8 000 pounds so if you have like a john deere 856 16 row that's like 12 to 14 000 you're gonna need the hd um which is just a bigger model the same thing there's a monitor up up in the cab up here again you just have the parameters and it tells you how good it sees the crop it's really nice it takes it takes a while to set up um if you're really really going to get it dialed in we're on hillier ground and that's that's actually what i liked about it the most was you know when you go on your hillsides and you kind of have that draft that it pushes that cultivator up to where it belongs [Music] they have the older version of the newer version and i'm sure everybody's gonna want the older one after i tell you this but old camera system which does not see 3d the new one does which actually when you're out in the fields with the weeds uh you can detect a cornrow better uh we were able to use finger weeders this year as these wheels yellow wheels upside down here your crop row runs through here and it actually heals up [Music] so yeah the finger readers ultimately they come through they push up dirt uh you know you can set them a little closer a little tighter a little further from the row however you want to do it with depending upon your conditions and uh you can actually move some dirt with those and and mound up and and bury freshly grown grass they you know they do a great job of mounting healing uh cleaning up they actually reach within the bean roll if you have any sorts of hills at all i mean it's very important that they stay very centered on the row just the challenge of trying to keep that cultivator especially these finger readers are at the far back end of the cultivator you really want to hold that up up the hill if you're on a side hill uh you want to keep them centered because that does an absolute beautiful job of weed control i know if i had any any hills at all i would absolutely buy a road guard with the finger weeders last year we couldn't have done it with just how much rain we had this year was perfect so it's you know it's not a tool that's great for every single year but organically speaking we need to have about 85 tools in the toolbox just so when we need that one tool we have it on hand you do want a row guard it's constantly moving it's constantly monitoring you know probably a thousand times a second just to monitor where that crop row is in relation to uh where it's bullseye is you know where we call center now i know everybody's really good at cultivating but i'm a lot better at it too and one of the nice things is is i'm actually less afraid to throw like my nephew or something in there that understands technology than like my dad i mean if he did throw my dad i can show you a picture of that too but it frees you up and allows somebody maybe more inexperienced at cultivating to do well better than humanly possible job same as having gps in your tractor for how straight you can plant another thing on shovels i was showing you guys we're like 9 10 inches on the john deere uh the iron box we had it set i think to 5 inches from the center of the row crop over two and a half inches is where we were cultivating so five inches total of uncultivated soil if you tying weed einbach makes those two that gets within the row and then you only leave out five inches man you've cut down a significant amount of weeds plus then you have these shovels that can cut giant rag that's up six inches to a foot you really really minimize the amount of weeds that have a chance out in the field the two tools that you should have as an organic farmer a tine weeder the second one a cultivator that is actually tight that will do a good job that you can get very close to the rose uh it's allowed us to have the best weed control that we've had almost ever so you know a lot of it's the year too but i'm very content to say that between the time leader i picked up this year and the cultivator with the roll guard and finger readers this thing is worth every dime i like it [Music] you
Channel: Crop Fertility Services
Views: 16,665
Rating: 4.6697249 out of 5
Id: NZjTp_GBwKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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