Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel [Official Music Video]
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Channel: NettwerkMusic
Views: 67,187,449
Rating: 4.7425423 out of 5
Keywords: OCMS, Old, Crow, Medicine, Wagon, Wheel, Tell, Folk, Bluegrass, Country, Nettwerk, wagon wheel music video, music video, old crow medicine show, links, facebook, twitter, official music video, official, music, video, lyrics, wagon wheel lyrics, download, group, rock me mama, Carry Me, Big Easy Express, lady antebellum, darius rucker, bob dylan, hey mama rock me
Id: 1gX1EP6mG-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2006
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One of my favorite bands. Try these other two favorites to get a 'slightly' broader picture of the band.
*James River Blues
You should check out the Bob Dylan version. He wrote the chorus. Song was called "mama rock me" I think
Matt Andersen does a great cover.
I live in Johnson City, Tennessee. No matter what bar you go to, there is either a horrid 36 year old singer/songer writer, that doesn't give up, playing it 11 times, or some sorostitute putting $15 in the jukebox and playing this song at least twice an hour. It became something of a joke at first, but now a lot of the bars have a strict "No Wagon Wheel and No Don't Stop Believing" policy.
Top rated comment: This song makes me wish I hadn't divorced my sister.
Am I the only person who had no idea this song was popular among college kids and is considered a frat-folk anthem -- in a bad way? Must be a southern thing. I'm from the northwest and I always thought it was just a good little Americana song.
I remember the first time I heard it I was sleeping in the back of my parents' car coming home at about 1 AM and we were on the freeway and this song came on. I was half asleep but this song really stuck with me for how downhome and authentic folk it was. I liked it immediately.
Against Me! version is my favorite.
It seems everyone only focuses on this particular song, despite the fact that OCMS has a range of diverse songs. Admittedly, this song is OK even if it gets played over and over again.
Mumford and Sons played this as their encore with their opening bands with no mic's or anything. They asked the audience to be silent and it worked pretty well. I just about died.