Old box of antique vintage watch jewelry parts. Looking for silver treasure. Good job for a cold day

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hey everybody so I didn't make it to the flea market today I don't know if you guys can see that it's pretty I had the freezing rain last night and a bunch of snow at the other flea market and yesterday I did a bunch of garbage like moving garbage but I did find I wasn't filming but I had this I found this in the trash that I was thrown out it's a 1967 World Championship ticket for Game five for the world series of baseball with the st. Louis Cardinals thought that was pretty amazing I just had to show you guys and I ripped this off of one of the dressers I threw out just because all the veneer was pulling out the the brass drawer pulls do sell for anywhere between three and five dollars a piece so it was four of those and there's one oddball one that I'll put into a mixed drawer pool lot today I did sell this winter I've sold probably 20 boxes no let's see I have I have about 15 boxes or so right here of the stamps left so it means I sold 15 boxes but I just been going box by box sorting out the cool ones so I haven't even touched the ones down here there was I would say I probably did I don't know I probably sell about 60 stamps a week online so it's a lot of stamps there was this box I kind of wanted to go through today since it was a snowy day one of our one of my friends online offered offered me fair money for this he had his girlfriend messaged me on Facebook but I really wanted to see what was in it there is a bunch of silver and gold plate in here so ray Wilson Philadelphia kind of looks like a coin silver spoon yeah it bends like one maybe it's our R and W Wilson it's not ray so first piece of silver right out of the box I was offered $200 for the contents in this but I figured if I piece it out and grab my gold filled that I saw in here it's gonna be pretty close to the same as the 200 bucks that and I get I get the fun of going through it because this is like a nice piece of gold filled right there I have a my gold filled pile that I've saved so far over the last two months is my scales seven pounds no yes six pounds five ounces it's gold filled and plate but I'm only one I guess one-fifth of the way there because I need need about fifty to a hundred pounds of plate I mixed my gold filled in with it just because it's the easiest thing I know they'll pay for gold filled fairly well they paved by the gram normally online if you look at gold filled scrapped it's one of the easiest ways to to sell it this was a box of the stuff like when I was putting it into this box that I pulled out that I thought was kind of cool I don't believe this Danish spoon or it's Holland this Holland spoon might be silver but I'm not sure originally I spent I believe it was $40 on this box of parts and pieces but there was a lot of like the watch keys or the clock keys I always get five to ten dollars for those online here's a pocket watch key and pocket watch keys the small ones are worth a little bit more I would say that's probably a eight to ten dollar key old Indian Head Penny let's kind of beat the heck though but what's not being able to go to the flea market it's always nice to have a box or two this is for a small chisel for that's actually something I could probably use for doing fine work so it just needs the wood handle the last one I had like this I sold for $10 at the flea market but I've been wanting one for me so kind of happy that was in this box there's definitely I if you look up junk drawer Lots on eBay there is a ton of tight um's in this box that would make a good drum junk drawer a lot and they they sell not the they're not the best sellers but they definitely old rhinestones if you put in I like the when if I'm going to make this is a Florida watch fob if you're gonna make a drunk drawer a lot the way I like to do it is I use the scale and I just so you stay under priority priority weight and then I just kind of like mix in cool items as you find them and try to keep it under under 10 ounces ten twelve ounces just for shipping that's how I measure my junk drawer Lots this button hooks really nice Eastlake style is like what see how it has all the nice pretty pictures on it that would be a Eastlake Victorian very beautiful that's sellable so I'm not even a tenth of the way through and I already got count that spoon because I'm not sure it's silver I'll count it as five bucks but if it is silver it's 20 that's probably $10 say ten and I'll say five on that so that would be thirty right here plus the chisel and the watch five will say that's another ten so forty bucks so far I made back the money just on that and I'm hoping that there's enough old gold plate in here it's a good pocket watch movement for parts and pieces always like the the amount of work they do like people aren't gonna see this really and they you can see they carved little leaves and flowers right where my thumb is so I'm gonna try to put together a little watch pot or a little watch part there maybe we'll find military but I'm not sure about that you should go get a magnet to check the trick to see if stuffs this looks like it's gold filled well I'm I'm gonna hit him hit that with a magnet give me a second I'll go get one all right got the magnet so that has a potential of being gold the the rust is not from from that something probably like the movement probably rusted in the case is my guess but I'm gonna put that over with my gold filled maybe to get tested pile I can't see anything coming through the edges so but that's good there's a lot of little Siam tie clip and that's that's in sterling that's another $10 we put that in with the junk drawer a lot just needs a handle nice little probably from the 1890s 1910 I have it's a bronze sword for bronze that's pretty cool like a lot of a lot of good bronzes always have like the you could see this pin the way it would be put into the guy's hand and it probably rested into the ground I don't think the tip was ever really finished but that's actually a sellable because there's a ton of good bronzes out there where people don't have anything in their hands be something too oh yeah there was a ton of hatpins in this box to Victorian ki probably put that in the drunk drawer a lot it looks like it was soldered must have broke at one time soldered or welded they didn't do a bad job fixing it though I think when I bought this lot people said this was something I'm not I'm not sure what it is if anybody knows what that is let me or send me a comment I'm gonna put it in my items to be to be listed not sure it looks like silver to me nice and pliable that's just silver silver plate you can see the brass on that other side somebody tested it already so this looks like a little badge almost it says es th e ry maybe s tree I don't know or it's just super interesting I'm pretty shorts and sterling and it's very old anybody has any ideas on that let me know I'm gonna put that in the to keep pile I guess we'll put the to keep pile in there I'm not gonna try that online until I figure out what that is city seal of Philadelphia I was a pin it's missing the back now so junk drawer a lot even though it's got the enamel somebody might want to set it into something another piece of sterling Siam that's pretty cool so we got two pieces of sterling Siam but this is a pendant so I'll sell that separate that's bigger I'd almost say that's $15 put the pump or the pipe with the pipe with the juncture a lot I like this ring box these are enamel actually might be gold I'm not sure it's a very nice post that's the only thing that makes me think they might be gold that and their enamel maybe I'll have to get those tested with that watch so two pieces of maybe gold and this is this is fun somebody cut that but it's 1886 it's a little a religious medal of some sort another for a lot peace I'm gonna try to keep all the watch that's a looks like it held the pendulum there or something I'm gonna try to keep all that stuff in its own little drawer I think I'm gonna keep that spoon just because it's made in Philadelphia it's too early to scrap unless it's got the monogram yeah it does have an early monogram but I'm still gonna put it aside nice little compact definitely seen better days but a good drunk drawer a lot thing I do save all my keys I find and I put them in to put them into nice Big Lots they seem to sell pretty well I find a lot of keys in storage rooms this is actually a nice stainless steel bracelet men's like be gold filled looking for a mark on it because it it's early enough I don't know I'm gonna call it stainless steel but it's shiny like gold filled like the white gold filled I've been selling these little watch movements for $1 each maybe a little bit better dollar fifty for the the women's watch movements there's some pennies for Darwin we're gonna go cash in our change soon because we're going on vacation and I guess when I bring in my change from all the storage rooms Darwin's gonna take in his pennies he's starting to get it get a bunch of them it's a little cameo I think it was a pin at one time but you know be part of a drunk junk drawer a lot it's another food looks like a key wine pocket watch back put that in with some of those pocket watch pieces uh sure pins kind of cute definitely over 100 years old that was probably my favorite thing about this box everything in here seemed to be at least a hundred years old another pieces sterling I guess boxes like this are getting harder and harder to find that's a really nice our hand first clock I know this one is gold filled it's not stainless right here they scrap out really well they're pretty close in color but the filigree on this I mean it has a shot of being gold but I don't think it is I can open it up and see if it's marked inside little wood spool put that in at the junk drawer lots I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish this whole box today there's definitely hours of fun and I have to get to go load up for the market for tomorrow I'm waiting for as soon as all that ice melts I figure it's gonna be dry enough and warm enough to go outside this is an early early it's like a British coin doesn't look American well it's to beat the heck for and kind of make out the face probably put that in with my junk drawer a lot too all these old watch faces have been selling also fairly well what I'll do is I'll make a big pile with everything and then then I'll go and try that with the gold filled or gold plate then I'll zip lock bag everything up [Music] this is like a badge holder or button holder or some I'm not a 100% sure what it is but it's 1905 may 16 19 oh five is when it's from so it is a very early safety pin try that thinking like a badge could sit on there somehow I might be able to get a whole key lot out of this I think I have to go get a garbage bag and it's old pearls but the glass beads underneath them are really nice you can see where the Pearl had the pearl coating try that and jump drawer somebody might want it I trying to think how many people have messaged where's my eBay account I am trying my hardest to get everything together I've been so busy with all my clean outs and everything else that I've been I'm gonna get somebody to help me do the eBay for YouTube just because there's no way I can get that done get everything out efficiently I've been getting home and just it's just been a lot of work recently I mean it's good and I I'm gonna blame you guys because I definitely been getting out there a lot more than last year this is a very good pocket watch key it's got the brass with the steel just because it's been I've been motivated to go try to find new things and get people to motivate to come to the markets that is actually I really like it I might be silver I think I'm gonna keep that keep pile I do keep some things but I don't keep very much just because it's so so easy to have way way too much stuff in in your life when you do this everything that I have pick is for sale it's just some things I have to figure out what they are like that before I sell it but I don't have a I don't collect too much anymore that's really nice it's a old pocket watch gold filled it's got the Goldfield marking there make sure it's not a 10k sometimes they they are and it sure looks like filled those sell for five ten dollars every well I'd say ten dollars because it's gold filled and it's Victorian more more cases I don't know what that one doesn't look like it's filled to me or plated this looks sterling and it's really nice it's got a nice shell cameo see pieces like this what I was thinking they would make good rings like if you have ever got into soldering what rings or something like that because figure I have probably 10 years where I can go and be moving all this stuff that I'm moving then either I have to hire guys or slow down a little bit and if I slow down a little bit I would love to get into making some jewelry or and stuff like that so pieces like this would make a very awesome ring or you can set it in the wax to make your mold and then you can probably put a whole bunch of them together to make a bracelet or something like that that's one of the one of my thoughts so I do horde a lot of the really cool little pieces for myself one looks like it's a smush piece of Sterling I don't know scared T it this corner - it's probably to a old watt or clock it's got gold plating on it it's mostly brass I hope ya guys think it's pretty interesting going shopping and stuff I I do have fun doing that and I I do that all the time like probably if I get out there three times a week just so you because you always need fresh inventory for for online like there's you know this box even though I'm taking my time and going through it it's still a lot of work to to sit and list all this for 10 dollars you know and when you can go buy one thing out at the market that you can make a hundred dollars on it's a you know listing a lot less a lot less than it's a lot less work sometimes maybe I'll find gold or something like that it's always fun getting out there though that's pretty cool it's got a signature on it the clasp is made really nice - I'm gonna okay oh it says eight hundred silver that's eight hundred silver little gondola I'll put the little it's a Sunoco coin put that with the junk drawer but like that fire back I got that's probably my favorite pic of the year I can't think of anything that I mean I've picked as old of stuff but I haven't picked anything that cool looking at it I think it's old there is the cast iron is very very smooth it's a token UTA I'm going to try that by itself online Mike might sell might not but that fire back would be fifteen I think they said fifteen ten to fifteen seventy is when that was used like that symbol with the it's a burning salamander not a dragon but I'm gonna probably bring it to I'll probably bring it over to Brimfield and try to sell it there put a nice number on it and this is 1903 I believe or its 1893 I can't that's 1903 moose lodge moose new stuff sells pretty well moose Elks all that does does pretty good another gold plate or gold filled watch movement or watch space here's another piece of sterling its March right there sterling uh I guess traditionally always followed gold I guess it's been only the last eight years is where they kind of like separated but sterling always was twenty to one to gold so be here's a nice full of a face would be interesting if it moves to catch up with gold or if it stays where it is is like a melted little and get for from a jeweler it's probably silver see where it made the little bubble we'd have to get that tested and I'll put that with the gold maybe anytime I find those little ingot balls I always sometimes you can get paid fairly well for them somebody made soldered a piece of whatever to a nickel I've had a couple of those spike wines where it was an actual coin made a little made a little canister I guess this might be the first silver thimble it's that or plate but it's where's my Magnum my magnets right here yeah I can't tell but I'm gonna try listing that going back to my eBay so probably in the next probably right after I come back from vacation with with my family we're going down to Florida is when we're gonna start listing on Blue Bus Dave pretty full-time I'll probably save all this until then this and the other small items I pick the other day with like the blue glasses and all that other stuff just because I think it would be interesting to see if it does any better than like a normal B Bay account I mean I still have to pay the the fees but I don't really have to rent a store so to me it's a almost a fair trade I've had a had a couple stores in the past and they definitely eat up money pretty fast like Billy's I think I paid three or four thousand dollars for my outdoor space in New York so it ends up being way more than my eBay fees and I had to be there all the time so even though I guess they do charge a arm and a leg right now for fees 3 3 9 that's pretty cool HN looks like H&K company that's actually a very nice tag look at this one Sky ray that's probably 1949 1950 somewhere in there it's a great little pin that's a good good little online piece XF 4d it says almost looks like it could be silver I know where's the magnet it's not magnetic his head silver says sterling Scott's head silver - so my guess is it's a it is a sterling looks like it says sterling right there by my finger all the links are soldered that's something you always want to check like if you if you're have a question about something like is it gold or is it silver if the links are soldered has a good shot of being seeing that so alright let's see what else we get alright we'll see if there's I think these things are silver they've had those little stones I don't know why they clamp that one to death this one's really pretty it's all filigreed put that second time I picked that up it's kind of busted I don't think it's silver that sure looks like it is it was a bar pin so it would be the same thing on this so it looks like I have to be about done the ice kind of now is all melted off the trees definitely uh warmed up a little bit since when we started thank you very much for watching I'll have this section on eBay probably a third week of March is my plan so it's only two two or three weeks away all right everybody have a good day peace thank you very much for watching and if you haven't yet leave me a message and thank you if you've shared any of my videos alright I still have a ton of stuff to go through in this box I can't believe how much stuff still there I guess that will be another video also you
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 25,159
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: vintage jewerly, looking for sterling, box of jewrly parts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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