OKTV LOVE AND MARRIAGE SERIES EPISODE 3 | Pastor Dominic Osei & First Lady Lesley Osei

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and it's one see nothing protects you more than the names of God once you know the revelation of it and force it to work for you who needs protection I'm giving you the answer he said that the name of the Lord is a fortified or a strong tower the righteous run it into it and it's you see you see the problem is that we don't know our God we don't even know his name maybe we proclaim that we do but we don't really know that is why we are so afraid if we know the God that we serve and know his name because nobody say the name of the Lord the name of the Lord the name of the Lord the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it how how does the righteous able to run for the righteous need to know the name and not just know that me he needs to know or she needs to know that word that revelation the mystery behind the name to understand what in me [Music] you [Music] you hello everyone hello are you excited today we are we apologize for the delay oh yes welcome everybody we excited that you join us on this third day of this series it's been a good time it looks like the days are moving very fast for me and I'm afraid that all that we've been talking about has been a blessing so far and we prayed up today also the Lord who use us to speak to marriages and to women and to men as well so I believe today is gonna be a good day so to stay and make sure you tune in don't leave make sure you share the channels I'll share your page make sure you invite people to join today's session is going to be a blessing yes yeah yeah let's pray let's pray let's pray like we always do father in the name of Jesus we thank you we bless you for tonight as well we pray the Lord you will have your way in our midst you are the reason why we have got it here we prayed a lot you will speak to us speak to man speak to woman we pray that today you give understanding in the name of Jesus we are the marriages we fixed today in the name of Jesus we ask that those that are preparing for marriage they will receive the right information in the mighty name of Jesus we pray that Lord you will have your way we come against every plan of the enemy in Jesus name we ask the Lord you cover everything that we are broadcasting away with the blood and we pray that there will be no distractions tonight in Jesus name we give you praise and give you glory use us as a vessel to bless your people in Jesus precious name we pray amen you guys excited today today we are talking about the female bravado oh yes basically the innate spirit of a female ooh the femininity of a female thinking pink basic that means man we need to pay attention if you want to make your wife happy I'll suggest that you actually pay very good attention to learn about the woman so you can be a blessing to the woman that you married to or you gonna marry I think I think the Lord will speak to us today so basically what is your idea of a woman before we get really started I wouldn't know what is your idea woman number one do you think about women I think about beauty and so a woman is a beautiful beautifully made and wonderful me I believe I would say we have fear we are wonderfully and fearful mate I always thought that the woman were the wonderfully made part and then the man will be the fool and so a woman is a beautifully made being caring loving in a sense because of the natural the natural ask for them being able to be a natural babies and all that so a woman brings a sense of home and running man and it's so many things that you when you think about women because you always think about your own mother anytime you are thinking of a woman and so a woman is a blessing to the family and most of the time regard forbid when the woman has left the house you see the gap you see that the family struggle because a woman does so much to keep their family together and so there's a there's something that the Lord has given us as men that is that's I should think if you pray for you pray for blessings the Lord gives you a woman as a blessing and you get a woman as a blessing your life will never be the same so women carry things that I think some of us have not discovered yet from operator today by the way we will talk about it will help us to really understand the gift that God has given to men and I know the yesterday we did talk about men and how you should be we should treat men and all that but I think today we should learn more about women and how they should be treated and the responsibilities maybe you can touch on that as well that could be a blessing to somebody that probably is getting ready to get married and so and all those in marriage so we will try to touch on everything about women and also so that men please pay attention so you can lessen a few things that can be a blessing all right so I wanted to start off with Genesis chapter 2 verse 20 it says so the man gave the names of the livestock the birds in the sky and all the wild animals but for Adam no suitable helper was found verse 21 so the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man and then the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman for she was taken out of me man and so here we see that Adam had already started you know just thing around in in the wilderness where he was he addressed everyone by name and then he realized there was no suitable helper you realize that all these people are animals but I need a company mmm and so God saw fit mmm then I come into your life and I think it wasn't just I don't I recognize that God also saw that although Adam there was a need for that with Adam may here know where to turn and so God saw that I was fit for somebody to come and help him so God initially made the woman somebody that can come in and help but God knew that if the man sees the woman because of the beauty of the woman because of the attraction of the woman he has no choice but to marry her and so when we talked about the beginning stages of marriage when the when the Adam when Eve was made and I know you go into more details on that but when she came when Adam actually saw her I'm not going to talk about that but when Adam saw her see he's like wow this is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh therefore the first time I've seen somebody who's just like me and this one is not just like but she's more beautiful she got shape she got everything that I need as a man so you came out of the rib of the man which is the side here I believe the RIP is more on the front than the back and so guys your wife should be on more this side of you all right this side so anywhere you go if you have a wife she should be ahead of you in a sense you should your wife should be the one to go ahead of you in a sense that she brings favor to you and so when she is very close she's here she attracts favor to your life all right that is what the Bible says that he said what the word yes a men he was he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth favor from the Lord now where does the favor come favor come from the front you know somebody see somebody with a favor the person and so if the wife is always here she attracts favor to your life as a man a woman carried a godly woman should be able to bring favor to not contention and not contention and evil a woman was made to help the man God know that a man need favor okay and so then everything the woman brings is what the man lacked so favor was one of the things that the man lack and so when the woman comes she brings the favor to the man's life and so if you're a guy if your husband listening you the woman in your life is the one goddess ordained to attract favor into your life you haven't seen anything yet if you are if you are not married or you haven't seen anything yet if you are married and you are not treating your wife well you have not seen anything yet the day you begin to treat that woman very well it attracts so much favor into your life they used you know that I did what God have said is true amen and so with that said when we talk about the woman the Bible says that we were made for you it didn't say that it didn't specify that you were made for us but we were made for you yeah and so we do carry a favor and so most people who abuse their wives they are doing a disservice to their marriage and to themselves yeah that's the thing because they did anything that you don't understand you abuse it so they don't understand the purpose of marriage they don't know that this marriage is gonna benefit them yesterday we spoke about men having vision and the woman being able to come in and help the man in his vision too and so you as a man if you understand the purpose of the woman in your life you treat her very well you make sure that the woman is very happy and and is happy to help you you you create an environment where she will enjoy to help you don't make it so hard for yourself so men that abuse women if you abuse a woman that means you lack understanding and you lack you lack knowledge you don't know the purpose of which you were not you married and so that is why you are abusing the woman no matter how bad the woman is a man can help bring that woman to a place where she'll be suitable for him we carried out as well yesterday we talked about a woman being able to bring the man out of man and man also was able to watch the woman and make her perfect for himself and we saw that with Jesus Christ all right so we need to read a book of efficience after all that Jesus talked about in officience let's look at the scripture here if it says 526 he said that he might sanctify and cleanse it with what with washing of the water by the word now if you read the previous verses he's talking about marriage he's comparing marriage with Christ how the are we are married like a man married to a woman so is Jesus married to the church mhm and what Jesus that is does is he sanctified the church he washes every day the Word of God is what washes us and so Christ is always working on his bride so Bible said when he comes he will come for a perfect bride and so as you is our responsibility to make the best out of her to make to bring the best out of our wives if your wife is this behaving is as a result of what you actually have been puttin in her mmm-hmm because yes and women are incubators the same way you you gave out sperm and a baby came out the same way if you keep giving a headache she'll give you trouble and I believe that if we start treating our wives with respect with honor and love and cherishing them what will happen is that they will treat us very well they will respect us and they will actually help us to be the best that we can as God has ordained it so women are very men have a responsibility when it comes to treating a woman well because at the end a it benefits you more than even her all right so we were created for you and so in this sense when we talk about even in terms of our ministry mm-hmm people don't know that um maybe five years ago six years ago five years ago when we started there was not many first ladies on even a flyer mm-hmm and I remember you took a stance and you said that my wife and I have to be on the flyer together for every program that we do as a couple because why there were a lot of men asking you know why don't you put other men on there I wish I could pull out the flyer - I couldn't last time I saw it I was on the first place you know there was a lot of back backlash I mean the men I mean these were apostles and big men of bishops never were on the flyer with and I was the only one with my wife on the flyer and they were like they were fighting the flyer I was like okay if I'm the host pastor I'm gonna put my wife on the flyer and you have no choice but to accept it and so they fought but I kept if I kept a picture on and that was it wasn't something that I saw is something that the Lord was leading me to and one thing about what got us there God has been telling me he's been leading me to do stuff and I think that comes with the patriotic know be the patron being the start of something new I believe that apostolic the apostolic month old Obama life allowed me to start things that has not has not seen and so with the church with what the Lord led us to do not knowing that it was how God literally want things to be and so it helps us to work together all the time it helps us to always communicate it helps us to always move together there are helps us always Quarantine together we always doing things together which helps our marriage yeah because nama wife don't want a war is she doesn't have to argue with me about me being late out there because I'm always with it which helps and I enjoy being with her every minute I don't have a problem as a result people didn't realize that it was drawing a crowd because yes most of the time you see a lot of men on a flyer and you as a young girl you're like I'm not going to this yeah when they saw that it was a husband and wife it actually made them more and kind to come it was a program it worked it worked a lot they worked a lot there because they attract everyone I mean they're like wow this is exactly what we want to see him we've seen men on the forefront all the time where are the woman and so for the first time they've seen a strong woman with a strong man no competition it was is a blessing and and to have that and as a man there was no need there was no sense there's not there was nothing in me to put my wife on the side like I needed to actually be in the front here because the Lord actually revealed to me one day I think I had a dream and I went to work I was working at Morgan Stanley at that time and I came home and we're living on 18 Connecticut Avenue and I opened the door and I saw that you have gotten so many people in the my living room and I actually thought what are these people do here and one of the things that he told me this is go and preach to them go and talk to them and so that the Lord was revealing to me that this woman is a gatherer number one and so God is gonna use it to attract more people to your ministry that you're gonna have to preach to so it was something but naturally I was already gonna work with her but the Lord showed me the reason why I should welcome my wife because we're gonna work together where she the Lord can use her because one of the prophecies that you received before that the law says she will use your beauty to attract many and so it was it's a great cigar as giving you no matter what and so if you are jealous or not it doesn't really matter because whom God has blessed so for me as a husband I need to see what what is in my wife to tap into so I saw them like no we want to work together even the days that she's tired I baby you're gonna preach today hmm you're gonna have to prophesy you're gonna you gonna do this like I need you to do that by force like let's go and so the church that we used to be remember that Friday I'll let you go in and that you were leading powerfully she led a powerful prayer session it wasn't kft was somewhere else but you know and they people saw that like wow this girl is very very anointed and started attracting younger girls older women it started attracting females to the ministry because what was happening was everyone would just be a casual church member in the back oh yeah when they started seeing that you know a woman was also married and submitted under her husband he can do the same thing without fighting with her husband and still being you know pumped on by her husband I think it started encouraging more people yeah yeah yeah so men the woman should always be here mm-hmm all right women are favored if you learn how to position them they would do so much for us God has really given us a gift in women so again men when you're choosing make sure you don't choose a contentious wife either don't choose a wife who doesn't know how to smile if you know you're innocent and one of the things that needs to happen is you need someone to gather you have to have a friendly wife you have to have a wife who is not too contentious all the time there's always some type of drama around or something and so women we're about to get to you we're slowly walking into this thing and so you have to know too that your character precedes you though your beauty will bring you in your character can drive you right back out and it happens in several several circumstances but before we get to that as well too I want us to go back to first samuel okay and we all know the story of Hannah mm-hmm and when we read the story of Hannah we know that you know her womb was shut up mm-hmm and we also know that pnina was there that was the other wife of her husband called Elkanah as we were reading one thing that I noticed is that they had to go to Sheila to go and yeah and so I went back get you a woman who can go back in the Bible and actually look okay can be a woman that can actually go back and get a revelation but I went back into the Bible I went back into the Bible and I started to look at the requirements for Sheila when you go to sacrifice and I realized that it was it was basically men that were required to do so yeah but the beautiful thing about this that really took me was that Elkanah did not have to give his wives anything but because he was a good husband and he's actually a portrayal of what a good husband is I put two wives but even that that was because it was that time one thing that O'Connor did was he made sure he gave a sacrifice to pnina and then he also gave a double sacrifice to Hanna because he loved her so much and so as I was reading the Lord said that this is what one what I have in a husband thank God and then - this is what men should do they should be able to one lead by example and also bring their wife animal alone into the ministry into whatever they're doing and that's what Elkanah did he allowed her and that is the masculinity of a man see the masculine behavior that we were talking about yesterday it's still continuing today his masculinity was I'm gonna nurture her I know she cannot have children at the moment and so I'll nurture her I won't abuse her I won't use her I won't keep her home just because you know she's insignificant but I'll make her feel significantly so one thing that men can do as well for women is make us feel significant take us along for the ride position them position that environment so that she can try she can at least come along of course there are some men that would have you know you stay home just stay home I'm gonna wound up being called for ministry work let me just be the only one in the forefront but if you do that you open yourself up first of all for attacks you open yourself up you you be limited in a ministry because remember that you gotta know the reason why the woman is in your life I'm not ashamed to stand on a flyer or in a flyer with my wife because that is the reason why I'm married so that I can do the work with her so why the society created this whole thing that women need to sit in the back and the man has to be the only one up front that is something that I believe that this generation we are correcting that we should go back to the original intent of wow of marriage is two shall become one if that is the case everything you do your wives should be involved and alleviates a lot of the contention that is there and the unspoken competition that many people try to have people who you know marriages have well you know what the Lord is telling me right now I'm not coming for women so today I want to be on the woman's side but what the Lord is saying to me right now and sometimes the society also rate brings up the woman to a place where they are not able to take to step up and so the way you are raised always say in the back always be quiet and so when you get married now if you husband and say now come to the fourth the limelight you like you know what I'm not used to this and so the way we raised our daughters as well it's very important for them because if they go into somebody's life to help are we raising them for marriage are we raising them to be able to be a help to somebody or they just going to be in a shadow somewhere quiet not being influential no we got an also teach them that they have they matter and that is something that I believe for many generations it changed because some of our parents our grandfathers never took our mothers to school they took our uncles to school but I never took our mothers to school because they felt like a woman should just be home so that's the mindset but now I seen this generation we are changing women are now in school they get in degrees so things are changing yes we also have to change a church need to change so in that area we need to go back to the original it's not like we are doing something out of the Bible there's something that God intended he said Adam you need help and I'm gonna bring you a help and where I'm taking the help from it's right at this sign here in front of you so make sure that that's the position of the woman in your life forever and the church kind of straight away from it but now we are coming back in this generation and I pray that if you're a minister listening it's time for you to involve your wife in the ministry whatever work you are doing it's time for you to get your wife involved and if you're a woman to learn how to help in that area mm-hmm and so in light of all this I want us to get into the topic of them love and so when you learn what femininity is when you learn the softness and the power in your softness as a woman you actually get treated better and I think that sometimes and right now I cancel every spirit of feminism that is about to arise in the name of Jesus okay we cancel it right now right now because I know the minute we start talking about stuff like this there is a demon that stirs up in the minds of this generation yes we arrest them right now by the power of the Spirit of God so today we're gonna talk about femininity and I want you to make sure you pack up all the traditions that you've heard all the feminist banter that you've heard all the wounded things that have went on in your life with men and I want you to start looking at things through the eyes of Christ the way Christ wants you to see yourself because one thing about understanding your softness understanding your femininity is also understanding your power you have more power when you operate in your feminine behavior than when you try to arise as a masculine behavior in the context of your relationship yeah now one I just want to admonish you or enlighten you I should say that when you go outside of your romantic relationship it's a dog-eat-dog world and so all of us have to somewhat function in the area of our masculinity when we are outside we have to make sure that we are functioning you know in a rah-rah Society because it's a dog-eat-dog world but right now we're talking about us in the context of marriage and love that is what we're talking about now and so when it comes to this we have to understand that the more you understand yourself as a woman again you understand your power you get results understanding your rights the woman allows you to get your needs met easily mmm because what happens is if I'm in my feminine behavior right yeah it causes you to arise in your masculine behavior because we know that we learn in science yes that opposite will always attract attract yes and we are not the same although we have the same spirit we have we are not the same body there's something that is different when it comes to our makeup mm-hmm and so what attracts me to you is your feminine side right anytime you arise in the masculine side then I see you as one of the guys and so then I have to treat you just like one of the guys and that's very important that's a good point that you are making yes and so again I silence all of you feminists because actually feminism or feminists they're actually not of God because God created us for the man and people hate to hear that because they think that it causes them to lose their voting rights in marriage it causes them to shut up it causes them to have to be abused or tolerate abuse in any way when in fact that's actually a lie it's actually the opposite of it well I think I think the feminine behavior is more powerful than anything it is this is the reason why back of the days women can cause war mm-hmm their feminine behavior is the thing that weakens man this is that is why something gave up his secret because the woman showed that feminine side and he became weak so what actually the world is doing to the society our world right now that the society or a woman is they're destroying woman they are taking your power away they think that you had that was so powerful that can turn the heart of a man it's what the world is telling you that right now you don't need you don't need it you just act like another man and then therefore you are having broken homes you have women that US women that are stressed out depressed India homes but it's always a fight and there's so much chaos in our community in our to our children are suffering because now the world is telling women to be just like men but God intended for a woman to have a feminine behavior to be the thing that walk help dimensions to help the man in some way to teach him some things but nowadays we don't see that you know and I pray that if you're a woman you begin to check yourself what kind of work yourself yes what kind of behavior my am i demonstrating in my marriage is that a feminine behavior or a masculine behavior and I'm glad I she's mentioned that and so listen very carefully you know know the difference between a masculine behavior and also a feminine behavior yes you see you have to understand that we both exude this this type of behavior there is a masculine side of each person and there's a feminine side of each person the goal is in marriage you stay in your lane when you go outside you don't stay in your lane sometimes you might have to be the boss somewhere and when you're the boss somewhere usually you are operating in a masculine behavior because men are what they are the givers they are the ones who plants them they are the ones who who basically are the boss the nature of masculine nature is aggressive aggression yeah so when you're being masculine women this is what you're doing you're actually doing a lot of overthinking because that is a man's job usually we are the ones who calculate things and we're able to have about ten things running in our heads at the same time and we have the grace this is for a godly woman we carry of grace to be able to handle it and even when overwhelmed we know to call on Jesus you know I just you know they had this book act like act like a lady think like a man yeah is the wrong title because why are you thinking like I mean God never costs you to come and think like a man act like a lady think like a lady because we making a ladyship or being a lady to be something that is so weak and something that is so bad but I think now we need to revisit this kind of things and to know and see that the woman is very powerful the woman is very powerful she has a lot of control mm-hmm obviously I've seen situations where something as strong man like something was well lost everything because of one woman and who army came after him but he couldn't conquer it's just one woman to conquer one man this man that an army of a nation's army couldn't conquer that is how powerful women are and so anytime you take yourself you use you stray from your feminine your femininity or your your womanhood you you are doing yourself at this favor simply simple you are doing yourself a disfavored we need to go back to the basics and we need to allow God to use us in the areas where we have been made and be caught if you are made if you are made as a woman that's the reason why God made you like that use what you have they always they use what you have to get what she want but literally use what you have to get what you want because the way God has made you can give you stickum can bring so much to your life amen so we need to learn how to to relate to our spouses in these areas and I'm sure we will talk about masculine thoughts or maybe that will also go for the men as well yeah and so when your being in your masculine behavior what you're actually doing is overthinking you're making things happen you're advancing in things you're nurturing because men are nurturers the biggest nurturer we all know is who Jesus Christ and so men are actually more of a nurturer than women are supposed to be but again we like to like twist the world and what they think and we try to put it on us and so that makes our marriage is so hard sometimes but if you are a woman and you are operating like this you are not operating in a masculine behavior as a result what happens is when you those of you who are single listen up when you start to act like you are gangster and you got it together and I'm lawyer boss and I'm doctor boss and I'm this I'm that and what you're doing is you are now allowing the man to operate in a feminine spirit feminine spirit which causes him to lay back and so by the time you get into marriage what happens is you wanted to carry the case by yourself and prove that you were strong and you wanted to do all this and so when you're in marriage and you see other men carrying the case for their women you start to bother your husband like why aren't you doing it why you'll say to you is you've been doing it all this time yeah yeah and and it's a behavior thing this is tender baby lights let's say you live by yourself you as a woman I've been doing all yourself but the moment you get married you need to refer back to your feminine self our memo we first got married and some time ago we going to restaurant and my wife was some time opened a dorm like no babe what are you doing I want to be able to be opening the door for you you know so she was programmed to do that but I need to tell her listen I need even if I'm not there wait like I want I don't want you to rush just wait for me to do it because when you go ahead you keep doing it every time or comments like oh you do it anyway so then I'm not gonna do it so then I revert back to the feminine behavior and say you know what let her do it but as a man I should be able to take care of my wife I should be able to open doors for my wife I should be the one to carry these water bottles on everything take out the garbage do all the manly things that I'm supposed to do but if you as a woman as the one that is doing it all the time it will get the man to a point where he become relaxed and so for many if you're if you allow your husband to be relaxed because of your behavior a time will be coming that you will wish that you didn't do that because that you start complaining that you don't do anything you are too relaxed it's because of your behavior you were demonstrating masculine behavior and it caused him to revert back to become feminine in a sense in his behavior not him as a member the behavior is called feminine behavior when a man is not aggressive and he relaxed and he stay back because what feminine feminine behavior is is we lay back we receive and we allow mm-hmm this doesn't mean you tolerate stupidity and abuse but it means that you you are actually on the chill and so what most of the time happens is it's the girl calling all the time she's texting all the time she's being aggressive she's trying to be his mother when he didn't ask for a mother he actual wife he's trying to do she's trying to do all these things and so by the time she gets into marriage men what men do a lot the masculine behavior is they hold you to exactly what you've been doing all this time men are very good at holding you and that's why most of the time there's so much pressure for women to you know keep their bodies right because subconsciously men really do want you to keep up the beauty they want you to get even more beautiful as time goes on and so as a result many times you realize whatever you started in the relationship that is what will be tolerated the whole time it's so true it's so true because man actually need a woman who's beautiful every man horn his wife to be beautiful so talking about what and the needs of men yesterday I'm I had it I'm just putting that one in there a beautiful woman so you got a key you gotta keep it nice and beauty every every day don't take days off that's along the way from him because I believe that we get on you today and so yeah I think I think men women need to understand that mm-hmm because everything that you are doing is building the foundation as you were saying that one thing that came in my mind I believe is the Holy Spirit is speaking to me is that sometimes when the man is in his lowest place in life this is what women start being more aggressive and I've seen that happen before let's say you meet a guy and he's at his lowest and this is an advice that I can give it to someone some of the woman especially if you are not married and there's a tendency for the woman because the man share his story with the woman the woman then step into a position of his mother and then began to take care of him and begin to be the one that is you know doing everything for and most of the time when it happens like that when the man actually come out of down low estate and he is maybe lifted up he sometimes even leave the woman and go ahead and somebody else and so as we were saying though it becomes a turn-off because for you as a woman you are demonstrating a masculine behavior by being the one that is pushing for him aggression and at that time he was Joey because he's in low maybe he doesn't have money maybe that's not a place to stay so you are the one that is host to him you are the one that is doing his homework you are the one that is doing all those things for him and so once he's positioned on another level when he come out of that position what happened is that he leaves and go and find somebody that he can go for you know me and so that we got to make sure that we are not stepping out of our around our behaviors because it was fact you and it's true and so most of the time when we're talking about this the feminists arise and then you also have the wounded men arising as well too those are the men who have done the things right and they've been wounded by women and so they say things like well she she needs to pay for something too or she needs to take me out too and that is what a feminine man becomes but a true masculine man must see they actually don't want to receive and you know yesterday you mentioned something you said that when when we went to the airport and I tried to like splurge on you how would this come I was not he was very uncomfortable now mind you our relationship is giving gift we always give in to one another but because what the item that I was buying him was totally out of the norm price range for him it was like no and that's a masculine trait of course I still bought it because I I want to do that but that's because I'm in marriage and I never initiated anything pasta actually sought me out for months and years and months and yes but we'll talk about the heart to get thing because there's a piece of it that's also arrogant and disrespectful and evil as and so don't think that just because you're on the receiving end it's okay for you to be disrespectful arrogant and nasty towards a man either and this is for married couples too because you know that as a woman your right is to receive does not mean that you take your husband for granted and that's what often happens is well too many times a man isn't his masculine behavior and you instead of being grateful instead of being joyfully receiving you become the I deserve this you don't deserve anything don't deserve it you don't deserve anything and for for us from for men's perspective and let me bring it bring that in it is actually return off force mm-hmm where we are pushing to make you happy and we don't see any happiness mm-hmm all right so make sure that you are joyfully as certain the only make sure you are joyfully receiving from your husband or receiving from your husband-to-be because that is what is gonna cause him to do more and I always say that the way our relationship is with God is how it should be God when he does something for us he wants us to thank him and he wants us to praise him for it so you as a woman also because if you are not if you don't show gratitude God is not doing anything else we so gratitude is very very important you don't have to praise and thank the person let them know that you really appreciate them even buying you a cup of water buying you Justin something little make sure you appreciate it even if it's a card he gave you and your birthday I appreciate it it will cause him to next time buy you something else that you like you know so learn learn to appreciate receive everything with joy and it will cause a man to do more yes and remember this is all in the context of love and marriage because when you go out there and you are your boss and you are the CEO and all of this stuff you do have to operate in your masculine behavior and so I think most of the time that's where we get it mixed up when God called us the weaker vessel it was in the context of marriage it was in the context of husband and wife it was not in the context of how great you can be outside and so many people always say oh what about me and you don't care about the women or no this is in the context of marriage mmm because you guys both all know by now that I'm very fierce when we're on the pulpit business-wise I'm fierce and my husband doesn't shut me down but when we are husband and wife what happens is I know how to become feminine it can a submit and that causes him to arise as a man and so my complaints are very different from many women who want to be aggressive outside and inside their romantic relationships so feminine behavior actually helped a man to be a man because remember the dynamics right the woman should be submitting and submission has to be by the will of the person because if I'm under brother I need to come and if I haven't I'm brother you need to come under it so it's depending coming and so your willingness for me to lead as a man your will s willingness for me to be the covering so you as a woman that feminist behavior will help me to now step up but anytime I'm trying to step up and you keep coming in with a masculine masculine behavior it kind of pulled me back because then it's like I'm trying to now force you and that is where you start seeing abuse because then I'm like trying you by force my fire you need to you need to do this you need and then that kind of things begin to happen in the marriage and so the reason why I sometimes abuse also happened because of the contention may be a moment not knowing which behavior to show to the husband and the husband also don't know which behavior to show and sometimes as a husband you need to demonstrate feminist behavior it doesn't mean that you are soft but just so that you may have peace in your house when their wife is coming with the masculine you pull back and then asset I know analyze the whole thing and then learn how to talk to where to bring her down you know and one of the things that we know you forgot to tell you that that we are talking about behaviors and man and male can behave both ways you can behave as a feminine effect you can have in feminine behavior and also you can have a masculine behavior a female can can demonstrate two of them to a male masculine behavior and a feminine behavior and so and if every one of us can demonstrate at any time it's already in us and it's not wrong to bring it out there are times that you need it and there are times that you you may not need to demonstrate those kind of behaviors and so let's no don't make it don't make you feel like oh I'm being solved as a man and being weak listen every month some most of the time you get soft when you want to sleep with your wife you got to get soft you have to bring that feminine behavior to sweet-talk her that is not masculine that is me trying to get what I want so I need to drink myself down and talk to my wife in a way that she will love you know sweet talk and all that so that she can also allow me to come in the same way so you demonstrated anyway and so learn when to bring it out and then when not to bring it up you know don't come in the house and say oh you know I'm the father and he start talking to the kid the kids anyway they will start disrespecting you learn how to calm down you know when you are work and you know you have you are people working under you you can command them and do all that when you come home you find ways to reach everybody and that behavior sometimes it's what we call feminine behavior where you become very kind of understanding and and not too much control over the woman too much control over the children but you calm down and you begin to understand each other and the work you know so we need to you know know if you're a man listen I don't say that all this family thing it's not for me you know that it is for you God put it there for a reason so that you can help bring your family up is not an excuse for you to tolerate bad behavior from men it doesn't mean that you have to suck it up and it's not an excuse for someone to abuse you and I think again that is the myth behind submission and behind femininity it does not mean that because abuse God does not want anyone to abuse you and so because that is the mindset that everyone has that has been given by the world we just hate when we talk about this kind of loan and so it's just anytime people talk about this kind of stuff it can go left very easily because people don't like to hear about this kind of stuff because men need to arise and be men and then women also need to arise and be women and once you have that balanced eco equilibrium you realize that your marriage flows remember this is all in the context of marriage this doesn't mean that when you go into your office and there's another male there you allow him to talk to you anyhow or come over you know if you are boss there you were boss there but once you come home you take off your masculine behavior and you enter into your feminine behavior and that is the what that is a reason why most influential and powerful women don't have spouses because they operate in their masculine behavior all day long and you will end up by yourself I don't care what kind of nurse doctor lawyer business CEO whatever you are I don't care what you are when you come home in the context of your romantic relationship you need to learn how to become feminine and that means receiving that means falling back that means learning how to be joyful why you appreciate that means smiling more because some of you guys don't smile it's very important you don't know how far a smile can go that's one of our softness that we have our smile can actually attract a man to us our smile can actually attract our husbands back to us and so you have to make sure that every day your face is not stone-cold he didn't make you fearfully made he made you the beautiful part mmm and so you have to now tap into your femininity I don't care who you are when you come home you are no longer the CEO but you are the the wife of you know the toilet cleaner mmm that's how that's the truth yeah that's why she was saying on it took me back to Christ and you know I'm speaking to believe it so anytime we can make reference to the Christ and Jesus was a land and also a lion operating in two different opposite behaviors that sometimes Jesus had to present himself as a lamb for you and sometimes you have to present yourself as a lion and most of time we will see this lion like nature outside more against the devil yeah but when he asked patience with us he how many of you have sick Lord forgive me something that you keep committing the same sin how long did it take you to even get to this level the you Allah said by Christ had patient with you that was the Lamb kind of behavior it wasn't a lion and so the same way we are like Christ we can behave different ways lamp and a lion and lion is very aggressive and then lamb is very calm and this is one person we are talking about and so you also can operate with such behaviors learn which one to be you know learn want to be the lamb and when they learn when to be the lion learn want to be the have the feminine behavior and learn want to have the masculine behavior yeah because I always say people people in Buffalo when I used to go to school they really are confused how I'm somebody's wife because all they got was masculine energy all the time like my behavior was all because that is who I was you came and now they're like swept off their feet and you see what that does it creates it creates a better bond and we'll continue talking about it and so you don't have to be weak to a certain extent you have to be in your marriage you have to be you have to learn when to pick your battles cuz not every battle is meant to be fought mmm you have to know when to get rowdy sometimes and when just to say babe it's okay and you see when you learned your feminine side so well you realize that the Holy Spirit is even closer to you hmm because what happens is now you are obeying the laws of the kingdom and so the Holy Spirit will come and say what did your husband do to you today let me go and force him let me go I'm convict His Spirit right now and you don't have to do it all you have to do is lay back and enjoy the ride and before you know it your husband will come and apologize to you because now you and the Holy Spirit have become joint partner instead of you and a masculine behavior that is not meant for you and now you are arising and even masculine behavior in him and so he sees man to man and so every day you're saying that oh my husband doesn't love me and this and that but one thing I'll tell you is that women who operate in their masculine behavior they will get respected but not cherished and and talking about the Holy Spirit the Bible said that he made a woman say that I'll make you a hell mate so the woman who was caught was made to help and when Jesus was leaving us he said I would send a helper the Holy Spirit so the same word that was used for the woman to be the help was the same word that was used for the Holy Spirit to be the help so that means that the Holy Spirit and the woman behaved the same way and the Holy Spirit is a very quiet gentle spirit he gets his point across he influences us more than anything else so that is the power of a woman you don't need to shout but you can get your face what you can get things going you don't sin when the Holy Ghost gave greed you know it's a dangerous thing for her it goes to be greed and so you must do everything to make sure you fix that kind of problem when your wife get quiet that's the worse all right now we have women that will be always happy happy happy we have women that will move into their feminine behavior and get quiet for me as a husband when my wife get quieter Sally I feel like the world is about to end just quietness can just shut everything down in my house so you know I try to get rowdy that's when pastor ignores me actually yeah well if you get rowdy then vo but you know me so for me her softness is what gets me to do what I need to do mm-hmm you understand so when she gets like that he actually works more for me than if she was arguing me me I like to argue we will argue for days but she will not give me that we go because she she covered she covered em and at the time she got a demonstrate the feminine part of her and so it actually helps me then I need to check myself what am i doing and then it provoked me to also enter into a level where I need to calm down so I'm moving to my feminine behavior now and then learn how to approach it nicely and talk to her and then bring it back up again and that's my responsibility as a man to make sure that every time my wife is going or it's mad or something happens I need to find out why don't say that every time you a man know you as a man have a responsibility to know what is happening to your wife that is number one responsibility of us men we need to know what is going on in our families we need to know we are responsible we need to be the one checking up on her all right making sure that you know the Bible said that Jesus would never would not come for a raincoat church the bride would not be wrinkled and so you as a husband you gotta make sure that all the wrinkles on your wife is straight so that it's because she is your glory she would Jesus Bible said that we were Jesus will remove all the wrinkle for himself so the child should be for him and so what Jesus is doing is really fixed the church for himself the same way we as husbands need to fix a woman for ourselves once you are married and as issues going on learn that is your place as a man learn how to fix that problem don't ignore the problem don't say that Oh she'll be fine no get in there find out let her know that you care for the family because one of the things that women need is security in your family to make sure that your family is secure commitment from the man so commitment or family you as a man being committed the family is one of the biggest need of a woman when they see that while my husband is committed to make sure that I'm fine to make sure that the children are fine that helps a woman and so don't ignore the wrinkles don't ignore the anger don't ignore the emotional things all those things are there for you as a man to be able to work on all right because like I read here he said he sanctified the wife and cleanse cleanser with the water by the word I love that the water by the word that means that we should have words in our mouths that can cause we used to be flowing yes when your wife is mad at somebody what word can you give her to bring it to a place as a Christian to calm it down even when your wife is even mad at you do you have a word for her because Jesus is continually watching us with this word so we also should be also have a good word to say to our wife especially the Word of God as a man do you actually know the word to give to your wife you understand I remember when we were think when we got married and I was working at rvs Royal Bank of Scotland and one day I was talking to you and you have an issue with somebody all right that time and I believe I spoke to you and I gave you a scripture and one thing about the Word of God is once you release it and it works now you know we talk a bit you got to do this this is what the Lord is saying in the word I was able to put the word to her and I guess then you know she was a woman of course I'm sure the Lord was dealing with her by the word that I released and the next thing that she called me that she actually called a person and I and fix whatever needed to be fixed and so now I'm making my wife a better person by knowing what were to release to her anytime she's you know wrinkled up a little bit and so that is our responsibility wife is you still have a you a woman you have work to do you need to always make sure that as well she'll be emotional some days she'll be tired some days she will get frustrated now it's crazy non crazy all of that and so if you are Christ in this situation you have to know the roller coaster yeah yeah so we as always the project eyes it's a work matter we just work don't come and married and think that it's all about the sex it's work you need to be working on your wife every day the Bible said the true Shah becomes it for this purpose a month shall leave his father and his mother and enjoying with his wife and he said and the truth shall become what one that word become means that you gotta work you are becoming it's not like you became you becoming the two shall become is present continuous you every day you are becoming it and so you've got to be working on your wife every day together to a point where you know you know that ok wow this is my project this I've done this we also have a project in the man yeah I want to make sure that it we're not working I'm gonna make sure the man I work you can say wow what a beautiful woman I bought this I'll do this then you take pride in that as a man know this is your handiwork and so you see all of this in the context of marriage it allows you to win as a woman and most of the time women don't like to explore this feminine behavior because we've been taught that it makes you a doormat it makes you this it makes you that no you can still be the President of the United States of America and still come home and submit in your feminine behavior yes it's ok you know to a good man knowing that is what marriage you need to do your due diligence the reason why most people are strongly about did the background to check the kind of person they were married and so what marriage demands they are not able to provide or fulfilling marriage is a lot of work before you get into it make sure that you do some background check make sure you take your time make sure you because it would demand submission it would demand love it would demand a lot of things that you need to do so don't get in blindly and say you know what I think I'm the age of 35 no man is coming so any jacooz calm I'm calm you say and I'll give a few pointers later on on how exactly they should pick their men hmm I'll be good yeah I'll be good yeah and so and so there are many truths that men can have towards one another but if they address it let's say this is where men have to really learn what feminine behavior is the way you talk to other men men are very direct with one another mmm women are very direct with one another but when you are talking to me the way you just said something to another man that to your wife and so most men where they get it wrong as well too is they bring the masculine outside inside and they forget that they have a feminine in here and they think that that's another masculine and so they start getting rowdy today was a bad day I work and sit down and reveal oh yeah that kind of behavior that kind of behavior can get you no no yeah and then it can also deter you from your prayers going up remember anytime you offend the wife anytime you offend your wife the Bible states that your prayers will not make it to heaven hmm they are hindered and so you have a responsibility as a man to always make sure that the way I just approached a brother or my homeboy is not the same way I approach my wife because she's different material you must understand that and if you even look into your parents or other people's relation ships that were kind of turbulent you realize that the father always came in with aggression and that's what you were saying that you know fathers will come in and they'll get aggressive with their kids even like sit down I just came from work I'm tired I'm missing that we didn't ask you all that we're just happy to see you yeah yeah so dark that is learning what to do so you know they are saying if you see you or work make sure you take that hat off and put a hat off a husband and a hat off a father when you enter the house all right and so you know the way God actually cement how men should be is to have the right word to say all right men always should have the right words you say and that is why it's very important to find somebody who knows the word mm-hmm all right somebody who knows the word to know what kind of words I can give to my wife yeah extremely important yeah because I figured I I'm a bible thumper as they say I love the Word of God I love the presence of God and so I couldn't have somebody that I had to drag along I needed somebody who knew way more than I do and it helps no other word will help you in your marriage because some days you know we may be arguing about something oh I need to do is maybe release the scripture hmm all my wife made it said okay the scripture here and then you you gonna now you dinner with God now it's nightly you talking to your wife you dinner with the Word of God are you dealing with Jesus and so the Word of God will help you in your marriage it will it will help you to avoid many arguments and because once oh this is what God is saying so all right you you deal with that and God would deal with you when when the word is released so God actually see the man the qualification of a husband is how much word you can give to your wife how much word and and I know we talked about women today but how much word you as a husband can give to your wife and how much word did you as a woman have in you to to you know where it messes up surprise sometimes you know some people are so empty so empty now when you give them the it doesn't do anything to them because I never knew the word and firstly I always say the reason why most people catch the holy ghost at church is because they've encountered God probably that morning and when they came to church the same word because a spirit is one the same where it came and so when they hear that the emotions just go crazy like they God to speak to me personally and the Holy Spirit brings things into remembering yeah the word remembrance means you have to have it in you for me to bring it out of you and so most of the time the issue is a man who knows the Lord will go and find a woman who doesn't know the Lord you call a jacuz school sister a job Cusco sister you'll give her the word and and it's amazing and some of the people because the woman has the ability to incubate all right if she can absorb the word she will bring out good things out of her all right but most of the time if the woman don't have their heart full or even when you say is that you are telling some story and she's not able to accept the engrafted word bubbles are the engrafted word which is able to save your soul she's not able to incubate the word in her abraham who be able to bring out the woman in her the greatness in her because any word that enters because the woman is able to incubate you bring out something good because like we show you a new release a sperm to a woman she'll bring out a baby you know me you give her a home a house you make it at home for you woman had the ability to do that buy some groceries you make some mail for you they carry that that's a woman and so if you give a woman a headache like you are in trouble and so the reason why your wife is acting that way it's a sign it shows me what you've been putting in her as a husband the things we've been the things we've been putting in your wife is the reason why she's behaving the way she's behaving yes and so I think if we change our ways go back to responsibilities man we are the ones responsible to make sure that the family is running well you don't believe you can't put that on a woman you need to find a way to fix your marriage if there's something going on wrong you need to find a way to fix it because you are the initiator and because what you've been put in the woman all right so it's good to talk about some there are some people that don't talk about sex but they are married listen learn to talk about all these things if you didn't like it last night let your wife know let your husband know that thing that you need to start sharing but this is for this for grown folks so if you are listening to me and you are not married just do this cover your ears all right but these are things that helps because yeah you know you can have a marriage where the sex is not there well and the man is just charming no find out you did step up as a man talk to the woman find out what is happening why you are not being attracted and and then make sure that is fixed don't allow anything to come in between your marriage to destroy the marriage because at the end the Lord will definitely question you for that yes and so when we're talking about masculine and feminine again the men are the givers and this doesn't mean that when we get into marriage I never give I never buy I don't do nothing no I'm the helpmeet I'm supposed to do all of that I'm the one who takes everything he has I receive it compute it and then I birth out something for him yep so when passes like you know death and resurrection is coming up I'm like you know we're gonna have a whole week program oh did you talk oh you need to just take a computer yeah and that is the help that God will still be able to share your vision with the woman once you say she has the ability to make it happen she will make it a reality for you but the ability to give it to her so that she can make it happen you know the men don't like to talk which we will talk about it another time we need to learn how to communicate to these women that in Lord has given us because this and I know your business you want to be the one running the whole thing but if you bring that woman into that business you see how far you get a million dollars first you Hey oh yeah and she's a good woman even with your career she will help you out see like okay this is we should come up with a strategy and once you tell them on your strategy your plan you are no you know she's gonna remind you of it the minute you tell me something I process it I'm like to do to got my outfits ready got your outfits ready got everything ready we we just on it this whole week and that is why when you are traveling with a woman you know they already know what they're gonna wear for the whole month but you as a man only know one that one that the one that you are wearing today so that should tell you that man if you disregard your woman you are in trouble learn how to bring that woman here in this position here and get her involved in your life all right and so that's why most women end up saying you know what about me and my vision and my dreams and this and that and that think pink the conference this was something that I've known I've always had this pink mentality in the back of my head I just didn't have a man to be pink with that was all and so that was my vision and so when we came together I submitted my vision under his vision and therefore think pink is under kingdom for Tabernacle as a result when we both have that when we have the conference is both of us there we're both doing it and I was even telling him that you know if this ship I don't get nobody you are the guest speaker because I know we roll together that's how it should be that bringing divisions together right the woman can always find her purpose under the man's vision that is how God has made it stop with this 20/20 mindset yeah the woman can always find himself now within this ministry this is a big ministry look what she can birth out she can do more she can do our government active then everything and she has an umbrella over her that would support her vision throughout but imagine if she wants to go on their own now women will not even respect you as much she's gonna talk to my baby where's your husband they'll ask that question marriage you understand so see what marriage would do where we both come together she's helped me God speak for you if you have a marriage ministry inside of you may the lord give you a husband so you can actually speak it and have proof evidence God is with you in your marriage amen that's the prophetic word [Laughter] so ya know learning how to bring your visa once we submit anyone we follow God's order and God's Word we would never be proven wrong it always positive at the end and so don't think that oh so what if I submitted what's gonna happen you are submitting that you are obeying God God wants you to submit so you submit God wants you to love so you love I don't want to go woman today man God wants you to love so you love your wife no matter what all right love that woman what does she's cooking or not you keep loving God would be the one that out there with her God will always fight for you when you up obey Him all right but their goal I know it's a lot of single people here don't just marry to marry because like I said it comes with work imagine if I had a wife that I have to be polling right we wouldn't be here within five years once we got married the ministry I didn't have to put my wife she was already equipped to come in there and push this thing so when we got together and we we've read this Sunday thing she's like baby let's go and I was ready she puts that yeah and being ready to go and then look what God has done within five years all right now if I had to go and pull somebody guess what is being delayed their destiny I'll be on sending Missy our booze your wives there wants to be your girlfriends make sure they watch it from the beginning all the way to the end okay make sure you send it to them if you just got the link that's because we told them to send it to you yeah all right you would you be delayed in destiny so because the work that comes in because once you married a woman then you are forced love her lover you are commanded to is a command it's not by choices it's by command you the lords they do it so marriage comes you being commanded to love what are you are whether the person looks good or not what are the view you'd like the present or not the fact that you're married to her you suppose the lover but I'll give just a few more things and then we'll wrap it up so if you're giving you are in your masculine just so you understand if you are giving you are in your masculine especially those of you who are now about to start dating or in a relationship you're courting to marry and all of that you got to be careful and you as the man has to learn how to set the tone let me protect you let me provide for you and I want to tell you that you know that money is the lowest form of giving mmm money is actually the lowest form of giving and so I think any time when we say give people think it's money money is the lowest form of giving time effort gifts security ideas plan covering protection that is what your woman needs from you and that is what you need to be looking for when you get a man mmm-hmm and I repeat that one more time time effort gifts security ideas plans covering and protection that is what every man needs to be giving to a woman in the beginning stages all the weights of thy kingdom come when you marry her and that brings me to another point something I had to learn myself through my marriage is that the woman needs honesty and openness guys that is number one most of the problems will be solved if the woman knows what's going on in your life so please remember this share your life with a woman tell her your plans to every move tell everything she she she needs that as security is important needs that it's like she don't want to feel like she's living with a stranger there's nobody elders should know more of you than your wife so if you've been talking to even your own parents that is not how God ordained it your wife need to know more of you than every woman doesn't tolerate me I don't think I've ever complained about you in all honesty to my mom because she's so why she's like don't mmm I don't want to hear it unless it's the extreme she does not want to hear you see and a wise and let me tell you guys if your mother or your whoever is very wise when marital issues come up they will never side with you hmm they were always side with your spouse because as for you you're their child and that goes for the men and that goes for the women and so if you have a mother that if you go and complain to about your wife or your husband if they side with you don't tell them anymore that is because they will break up your marriage the recipe for it would now step into your marriage and break you up your parents always have to side with the other person and even when it comes to spiritual parents I remember past the same he sided with you for every single thing and I use the side I had like he made me understand you will always be my daughter my mom makes me understand you will always be my daughter no matter what my mother did the same cat I'm like yeah like like you know she even though she felt like maybe I may be right but she still would not side with me I got it I had to come and fence and I proved what she wanted me to do so you know it's better that way because what if she stopped falling on my side then it's like then she she become a team to fight her mm-hmm but about time realize now you have a second person in your most people their marriages are bad yeah and so they're like oh you're not about to go through the same thing I'm going yeah yeah no so yeah woman needs that they didn't need a woman would need you to be honest with her it shows your it makes it trust you don't be lying to your wives if you said I'll be here at my work I'm at school wherever you are make sure you tell exactly what is going on it helps her to develop trust for you and she needs you to be open openness is the key and Men we were made to be quiet we are made to just figure it out by ourselves and so it's half wash to open ourselves and so one of the things that we need to learn from this class whether we are in right now is for us to learn to open up ourselves to hurt the kind of investment you want to do to her what what do you wanna do what you wanna do with your family just tell her everything everything we're here to take in compute and birth yes and one of the things now though you know we talk about woman that can also help us is at least get closer get closer to us sometimes go to go go go on a walk with him sometimes go and run with him get to do the things that he wants to do men will tend to talk more and what we are doing right we talk more when we go to a gym that's what we want to talk well we you know those same I mean running that's what we want to talk it's only when you do those things go on the back ride with your husband when you are doing those you're able to put all those information he's able to tell you a lot and don't just when they come on with this person is here that know if you get closer so that he can talk as well Anthony will help because remember our nature is required so if you leave us alone we will be quiet and live in this blank empty box where we can stay there for hours and not say anything but you as a woman also can put up out of us and so please sometimes help us out and let us be able to talk to you as well yes so money is the lowest form of giving but time effort gives security ideas plans covering and protection are different ways man can give to you and so those are things that you have to make sure that if you're entering into a relationship someone has asked you for their hand your and marriage these are things that you have to know but do you know the highest form of giving for man mmm the highest form that you can give me as a man is to cherish and adore me mmm that goes back to the scriptures the love does love you ardor you would love and your wife that is the best gift you can give to them that's what feminine women want and the masculine ones we don't want they get respected and so I will respect you and so you will probably end up respecting me but you'll never love me hmm and so every day I'm like why is her husband hugged up on her and doing all these things but my husband is like hello good afternoon I was working to initiate a lot of yeah yeah yeah I got moves now mm-hmm one look and go could get a man like ready to fight and so yeah you're right so when a woman enter into a feminine yes you know nature in our tracks with it's attracted to a man and so this society I want to be equal partners that I don't want to be equal obviously everybody stadion I think I think the woman naturally have more power than a man yeah initially so now that you want to be equal so you want to be more powerless you want to come to my level all right so go and pick up the pick up the water bottle pick up the water go and pick up go do this open your own door and now you have a generation already they don't care because we are the same so nobody you're not going to receive the love that you want because now you want to be in the same level as me you have women playing sports and and and looking like men now which is another thing but after you see because the sport is so aggressive they leave them with the masculinity yeah let me come home and they forget you forget idea woman and so just a few basketball players and soccer players that our females actually have a solid husband and some children they understood it and yeah you can and you what do you see that you can see the feminine apartment and then you have ones that are and so ladies when you are actually in your feminine this is things to consider when you are being approached by a man and if you are married these are things that you need to now start to identify in your husband and that is one does he meet my needs because when you become feminine now you realize I'm supposed to be given things right again it's not just money but his time he now needs to give me some of his time and so as he meeting my needs and you can usually pick this up month one you can usually pick this up year one you can always ask somebody within the first year is he meeting you're neither no he's not yes he is it's very easy yeah and then also does he cherish and adore you you see my husband has the way he knows when I get Rara cuz sometimes I just have to unfortunately I don't know when I get up there he knows how to just squish me with his words with his big arms he knows how to just calm me down again that's another thing does he cherish and adore you and then does he pull out your feminine because remember we're in a masculine world and so sometimes you will forget you will end up like you know on your high masculine horse but then when you see him I shared a story today where pastor came to pick up my things from Buffalo that was a manly job guys that was straight masculine traveling I'm I went to Buffalo and I'm gonna move all your stuff new to Connecticut and guess what there was no truck for me yeah for me to rent and I'm like I'm stuck here what am I supposed to do but the Lord opened the door for me the last minute we packed everything everything in the car and I literally saw him drive off and I left that because if you have to go to work that day so I'll come home later yeah you have no choice so you know and that I was used to being in a masculine behavior because I I do everything myself after college I've been paying my own everything working and all types of jobs and all this stuff and so I was used to that so even when we got married and we are about to have our white wedding because we do a traditional one it was like babe do you want to move here and you tell me no we're moving to Connecticut and you are and he was like hey I'm here I'm coming to get you stuff and I remember being so shocked to see that all my belongings in life was in a truck moving back to that side of town and I sat there and I said Wow he knows how to bring the woman out of me and so it's very important when you are and also men can she bring out the masculine in you I think that was really good I did a good job for me to actually travel yes about eight hours nine hours two hours to get there to pack your things because some men what I like you know when are you gonna move in you pack and come you're me like which most people do and that is a feminine behavior from a man to say leave your wife there and let it do every behavior because if you marry me now all my stresses are your stresses let's go get my stuff because words anionic nature you where is the man that is protecting where is the man that is aggressive where is the master that this is my wife you are not strong with that and so then that is what brings division and a marriage where the man feel like okay you need to pay this amount and I need to pay this because initially she is shown he doesn't really care for you so now this is gonna be a relationship of of 50/50 but it should be a hundred hundred where you as a man take your place as a man go there to what you're supposed to do for your wife you shouldn't let your wife go and get a u-haul truck packing on things and drive to you but you know for her it should I have a man in my life they are same thing that I don't have to do anymore you know yeah I have somebody that can can you know be there for me to to take care of me because now if this guy can travel all this mouse to come here and pick up me pick up my stuff remember does he meet your needs does he cherish and adore you does he bring out the feminine inside of you men does she bring out the masculine inside of you as well - and the more masculine you are that is the less masculine he will be and so this is for my single ladies if you realize that your booth thing is very lacks it's very like when is he gonna propose to me when is it that means you are not doing what you have to do as a woman mmm that means you are not doing what you have to do she's not touching the heart there's like a masculine switch yes she hasn't touched because in his mind he's thinking yeah see he's having doubts yes he's having more questions than answers with you you don't want a man to get to that point mm-hmm and if you a man having more questions I advise you to take your time don't go yeah and so you need to have all these questions remember we're supposed to complement each other when we think of a puzzle puzzles go in each other mmm and so if you even see the body of a female versus the body of a man our s is meant to go into their crevices there all of that yeah and so everything about us is designed to puzzle into the man and we become one yes and so even my big belly is not meant for to be flat and so it's very important that you pull out the the greatness in one another mmm and then let me see what else I can say before we go if you're given um your masculine mode you will always attract a feminine man and so those of you who are always saying that he's too soft and I can't believe he's doing this and doing that and he doesn't really care and it's like he's passive-aggressive that's cuz you're too aggressive mmm yeah I think you're too aggressive and that usually is nowadays the women most women we have higher education rates than men do and so you think that your education will keep you warm at night when in reality it will not and so you have to now remember that no no no I'm a child of God because we are all Christians here and I now have to go by the precepts of the Bible which says that I need to learn how to submit I need to be more feminine I need to be more caring but not too aggressive because that's his job even when we get into a marriage you see that most people most women end up having issues with their husbands when children come in because they're like you are too lacks you don't do this with the kids you don't tell them when to stop you know if they're hittin somebody you just sit there and we end up becoming aggressive when that's not the nature God told us to be anything they should be able to run to us after you yell oh yeah yeah so for the man I think sometimes too we also need to work a little harder because if the woman is that educated she she may be making more money that is when you have to work hard because everything that woman is was made for you so you need to learn how to manage that woman in the sense where you you you there are things that you can do to bring her to a lab to a place of her understanding one he sees married to you all right a woman like C say me at least the woman should get to a point where she's being respectful and all that but you as a man if a woman is educated and it's highly you know she may be ahead of you in education and everything you don't be don't be threatened by nobody threatened by that you need to know that that all that education is to come and help you that understanding need to be there that all this equipment all these things that the Lord has made this woman is for me because remember the Bible said I need help so if I'm getting I'll get somebody who was also more educated somebody who's who's stronger in a sense so that my life can move forward all right but an understanding is the key I think both need to understand each other and know why we are both married I think that goes a long way all right so don't be threatened by somebody's accomplishment especially if it's a female wounded men say is that you know I'm not giving her nothing it's 5050 blah blah blah and that's because they probably done it before with the wrong person because they didn't consult God with and that person broke their heart as a result and the next person has to suffer and then the women who often don't like these type of teachings as a result of they were maybe wounded by men and it's a bunch of different men because they've always been the aggressor they've always been the one who is always giving giving giving giving giving and they attract very feminine men and so you gotta be careful with that that is yes as I've been getting with the wrong person who took advantage of you so then the next person that have to suffer and so that is why we should get healed man you it's possible it's gonna affect your marriage if somebody else you know you dated somebody didn't go well it's forgive that person number one forgiveness will help you to relief release yourself from all that bitterness so forgive the person so that you can move on if you don't forgive there's no way you can move on in that matter in your marriage your wife will feel it your wife will see it in you because you were hurt by another woman and so every man we need to forgive our forgive our past girlfriends and fiancees who disappointed us girls that we spend money on that still played us it's okay same thing for you yeah you don't want your queen to be affected by things that she had nothing to do with and you don't want your king to be affected by things that he had nothing to do with cuz it's not fair to both of them and so we all have a responsibility to make sure we heal from our past hurts and really look at it as a seed that you sown for your next relationship and/or marriage and so as a result you'll find that many women enter into marriage and they have they already have preconceived notions and they end up hating their husbands through the course of time when the husband probably didn't do nothing they are just now suffering from what someone else did well your king should not suffer for a bunch of frogs ya gotta be careful with that listen if you've been in a relationship that was not good that is one of them that's your responsibility to make sure that you get into one that is that you not bring the baggage of the old to the new if you if you allow that to happen you will suffer in marriage and it will it will limit your joy in the marriage to learn how to relieve yourself release yourself from the old relationship so that you can enjoy the new one and you see another thing is when a man is is truly ready to when a man is truly ready to get married and really be serious one thing is he wants to know that you can receive from him because one thing that happens is when they see it when they say that I'm ready and they realize that you don't know how to receive you don't know how to receive their love you don't know how to receive their time you're always playing your little heart to get games and every day you're playing these caddy games and you're being arrogant and you're doing all these things what often happens is you you are rejecting him and men hate rejection oh and so if you are feminine you are very conscious of a man being rejected and so you don't even get into something if you know you don't want to be in it and so it's very very important that yes the men have a responsibility to pray and ask God should I move forward but you too have a responsibility as well to to pray the Lord is this worth it because I don't want to break his heart I don't want to reject him and then cause another woman to suffer hmm men cannot take rejection at all we I guess that makes us the softest oh we can't that's why a man cannot be cheated at all because it's an act of rejection now your wife has rejected you for another man and so for us rejection is not good so you know then let's learn not to be rejected many men so masculine men don't want you initiating the giving or starting the giving he wants you to be a service he well he wants to be a service to you he wants to please you he wants to cherish you he knows that doing that will bring out the man in him and so sometimes if you want to boost up a man's self-esteem you really do have to learn how to be feminine and you learn how to praise him even the little things that he does because the more you praise him you'll realize that you are you are building his to do more things it's very very important as well - I remember you are the egg the egg doesn't move hmm the sperm comes and finds and fights through all these tentacles and all these cells and all these things and enters the egg and so be still women be still stop being so aggressive and really trust God and then lastly I'll end with this the spiritual aspect of things mm-hmm when you become a wife when you are in your feminine nature what happens is that the Holy Spirit is so close to you and I always imagined Abraham what's his name Adam laying on the floor and God literally taking his rib and creating the woman and so the vision that I get is that pastors laying down and then I'm standing over him right and as I stand over him I'm the first one to see him naked because he was asleep and so as a wife as a feminine when you are truly in line with the Holy Spirit what the Holy Spirit does to you as a wife is now he begins to show you the nakedness of your husband so you can cover it he begins to show you what the enemy has planned concerning your husband so now you can be his secret strength and his secret weapon and so you have a responsibility in your feminine to make sure that you know the Word of God understand the Word of God worked in the power of God and you understand what covering your husband looks like in a feminine manner hmm many times I'll have a dream and I'll know that it's targeted towards my husband and I'll tell him I sense danger in this area please don't go far and him being a masculine man who understands what my purpose is that I take compute and birth he understands the Holy Spirit just Burt's something out of this lady's mouth so let me take heed to it as a result you realize he's smooth sailing all the time whereas there may be other men by the grace of God he's smooth sailing but there may be other men don't respect their wives or don't cherish their wives and don't cherish the words that are coming out of her mouth and so when she says something it's like what do you know I'm the boss I'm the apostle of the house I'm the head I'm the priest shut up your words don't matter and then the girl comes and seduces you and your ministry fails but the thing is that you know that you are the apostle we know that you are the priest but you need to help something to think about you you can be all that you think you are but you need to help that is why I'm here mm-hmm and I have the tools to help you I am the teacher here I'm about to help you I'm not a bully I'm about to help you to become that even the priest that you have been called to so God will never negate the woman even when it comes to revelation for their family Babu said even when it came to Isaac and Isaac was a promise child and he had the Covenant I was upon him that Isaac couldn't have a child and so when the wife went to the Lord and when Rebecca was having a baby there was there was a struggle when a wound and Isaac didn't know what was happening by the woman knew and she went to the Lord and the most spoke specifically to her I said never heard what the Lord said to the generation that was coming but a woman knew you understand so there are things that God will reveal to your wife that's gonna help you if Rebekah would have told Isaac it would have negated all that what happened you know so you as a woman also learned how to said the things that the Lord revealed to you know that it's not just for your own but it's for the entire family you as a woman when you're feminine and you're being in your nature you're not being aggressive you're saying that honey we need to talk we need to have this conversation you need to be the one who can actually bring out the conversation in your husband mm-hmm and so these are all things spiritually we have an assignment as well in our feminine nature mmm and so we'll talk more about this I think pink mm-hmm also what about you wanna talk about how a woman needs a financial support from maybe finances today or maybe tomorrow at this point I realized we have a lot of different topics and we may have to do this like next month or something again because there's a lot of different different different different different different different topics from married people that I have like a plethora of questions and in the single ones and those were quarantine phone lines yeah okay alright so yeah women we need to cherish the woman they carry something men that can be a blessing to us woman can be a blessing to you and so make sure that you are cherishing her you are loving her you are door in her yeah make sure that you are making a happy alright whatever you got to do to make your wife happy and what we always say that a happy wife a happy home right and so if you have a happy wife your house will be joyful amen so let us cherish the woman you know amen and so think think is our annual Women's Conference you can go to www.petland.com or you can go to KFC Church calm or you can go on our Instagram or on our Facebook and they'll give you all the information it is happening August 13 to August 16 and so we are praying and I want you to pray with us that Corona does not spoil our plans we're trusting in God that it won't and we're gonna have a good time it's four days it's it's a lot of good teachings like this mm-hmm so make sure you come all right so god bless all of you tomorrow's another day yes tomorrow we be answering questions god yes you have all your questions we'd be dealing with them tomorrow all right so make sure you don't miss tomorrow also feel free to if you wanna if you want to sponsor anything feel free to do that as well when I give any offering you can also do that as well all right so god bless everyone I praise for good marriages I pray that even as these teachings are going on that marriages will be amended and fixed for the glory of the Lord we pray that anyone that is going to any kind of struggle in their marriage major Hoover himself visit them today in the name of Jesus we come against the forces of divorce the threat of marriages will be fixed those that want to get married may the Lord open your eyes may you not make a mistake yes in the name of Jesus may you not make a mistake major hava speak to you even through these stitches in the mighty name of Jesus father touch every marry that is represented here make every marriage glorious we come against any attack on any marriage in the name of Jesus Christ protect every marriage that is here in the name of Jesus cover us in the name of Jesus we pray that those are only away Lord even as now you begin to prepare them yes in Jesus mighty name we thank you bless you and give you all the praise in Jesus precious name we pray somebody say Amen a many many many man I know we didn't take the traditional approach when it came to this love and marriage series I believe the Holy Spirit directed us to do it another way and I believe it has been a blessing to you guys and we will get more into it and we'll probably do another one next month or two months who knows whenever and Friday guess what we've been doing Friday we are praying for marriage kabaah and so make sure you don't miss it Friday it's gonna be pray out for marriage and no jacuzzi Oh Mary do we allow yeah so we're gonna destroy marriages that are not nun relationships that are not godly needs to be broken Carlene relationship need to stick the next step and even if you are already in marriage in anything that fights against your marriage you will be praying against it so make sure that you are here this coming Friday amen I remember one time we went to a camp and the man of God was like everyone raise your hand and we all raised our hands and he said anyone who is a relationship that is not I break it in the name Jesus brick any relationship that is enough
Channel: Kingdom Full Tabernacle Int. Ministries
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Length: 106min 50sec (6410 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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