Oil Change On The Off Road Truck

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well it just does fit under the shelter i drove this home yesterday we're working uh right down the road brought this back to the house i need to change the oil in it i got a uh little project to help with a friend of mine he needs to move some dirt on his farm so he's actually going to send the lowboy tomorrow to come get it and i want to change the oil in it uh it's well due for a oil change so i'm going to go ahead and pull the drain plug out this one it does take a while to drain for some reason so i'm gonna let it drain overnight and i'll go ahead and change the filters fill it up with oil in the morning we should be good to go to load it up and carry it on let's see how much i can spill or can't spill well the good news is that was not super tight for some reason the the oil drains out of this truck like extremely slow that's literally how much will come out for about two hours i'm trying not to get splattered that's a good sign there's no uh contaminants on the dream plug and now that will sit there and drain and drain and drain i think this thing holds like 10 gallons of oil so i'll let it run for a while and then i'll uh swap out containers so this one does have a three oil filters on it so i've got two of them are the same and one of them is a different so i'm going to go ahead and take those three off and fill those up the new ones up with the oil and at least they'll be on the truck ready for it to finish draining and put the drain plug back in and fill everything back up i swear if i didn't have bad luck i wouldn't have any luck at all sometimes so i started pumping a uh i got a half a gallon pumped out of the uh we got a big stock tank of new oil and uh the uh the the the other half of the pump tube fell off down into the tank and uh it's two feet in oil and it's dark and it's six o'clock on a saturday and yeah i can't see down in there to get it so i'm gonna have to macgyver a piece of pvc i'm gonna tape it on there it's gonna be makeshift but i'm gonna i've got a coupler that'll fit on there and i found a one inch piece i'm gonna cut about um two feet off of that spray some brake cleaner on it clean it up real good tape it on there and uh hopefully be back to pumping hopefully you literally can't make this stuff up i mean the nearest parts place or uh home depot or whatever it's like it's like at least an hour round trip and it'll be dark and ain't nobody got time for that so i've cleaned everything out real well spot right there we are going to macgyver this together in fact i'm going to make that a little bit better a little brand new roll of tape doesn't want to come apart oh that would just be great if my only roll of tape was bad oh that's good all right let's make that a little bit tighter make a gasket here that way it's a snug fit look at that then keep it from falling off sometimes you just gotta do what it takes to get it done i didn't even want glue to drip on it so i'm just going to take that joint in electrical tape will work wonders at least it's out of the oil so it won't like degrade down but all right all right i guess the moment of truth is gonna pump hallelujah save the day i guess i'll climb that tube in about a year i'm not finished pumping the oil down that far i think it actually pumps faster than it did before i guess it was sucking air oh yeah that's a lot faster hell that's a whole gallon right there that's what it was that thing could come loose and the second air down in there oh well just another adventure on the farm every day's an adventure all right let's take these filters off and go ahead and change those come on oh this is the one that has like zero clearance okay all right seventy seven ninety one's gonna go on this side 1690 on that end so guess what's on that one it is like things here all right another ring stuck on there that's good that is good well we might as well do it or they come off i like to pre-fill all the filters because these three filters literally hold probably a gallon i think this one here is going to hold a half a gallon all right a little on the gasket and sit back on there please so i'm going to have to get the other gallon of oil for the last one so pretty much if you didn't fill these uh filters up with oil it would i don't know how long it would take to pump a gallon through the system but you'd be running the motor with no oil fill these filters up i like to snug these up actually kind of good because this thing does bounce extremely bad and they will kind of come loose a little bit you don't have to get crazy just snug them up a little bit whoever designed that did not have to change the oil and the last one i gotta get the other thing oil all right that one is good they definitely filter the oil good on these trucks all right now i can write the date and the hours on it are you not happy about the weight buddy say something are you pouting i know you've been waiting like 20 minutes for that or just one no good boy winston well day two on the oil change ah there's probably a gallon or so in there so i filled up one of those dumped it out filled up probably three quarters of it and there's another gallon in that so uh i'm gonna say we're somewhere around about nine gallons or so come out a gallon a piece for the filter so that that's about right so i guess it's time for me to uh fill up a bunch of oil jugs and go ahead and start dumping some oil in here they're clean they've just been been sitting there well the inside of the jug they're clean the outside is not supposed but uh i figured somewhere about 10 gallons come out so i'm gonna dump seven gallons in here and see if it's even on the stick big motors hold a lot of oil so at least it doesn't take long when you have a one inch old feed tube you don't have to put the drain plug back in but if you ever want to fill up it does help so i put that in before i started filling that up you'll know pretty quickly if you don't it just won't fill up this one you'd probably fill it up because i can dump it in a lot faster than it runs out we just be flushing the system a little bit i do use napa filters it's old enough now it's not under warranty so uh doesn't really make sense to buy a hundred dollar volvo filters because those right there are like 350 bucks from the volvo dealer so pretty much this oil change would be five or six hundred bucks if you bought all factory stuff pretty expensive oil change you do the two fuel filters right there you can those all the filters if you buy the two fuel filters and the three oil filters is like five or six hundred bucks this stuff's expensive all right let's check it and see if there's any even on the dipstick i think i need to go fill about two or three more jugs up probably two that held over a gallon nothing on the dipstick yet that was seven gallons eight about eight eight gallons and a quart what's in the system right now it might be actually i think it's on there it's so clean you can't see it actually i think it's right there where it needs to be wow i got lucky on that one the rest of that ran down in there this truck i've never actually been able to get the kit to take all the actual oil that it says it holds so it must hold it in the motor or something i'm actually just about a quarter of an inch over full that's not the end of the world filters probably aren't slammed full so i'll start it up and let it run for a second and uh check it yeah i'm about a quarter inch past full which i don't think is the end of the world all right let me start it up glad i did check it though that's why you always check it and uh let it run for a minute so [Music] all right i'll let it run for a little bit and ran it down the driveway and back up here and let it sit for a minute or two so let's go check it and see uh the level is that make sure it's okay should it cycle through there enough now where it's turned dark and you can actually see it on the dipstick i'm gonna set you right here it's warm right there where it needs to be actually it's still about a quarter inch high that'll be okay though they'll probably use something i don't know this thing actually doesn't use oil all right ready to go back to work and we are all loaded up heading to a project mr donnie's taking it through the countryside well we didn't dry ground that's a good sign so then my you
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 86,549
Rating: 4.9683766 out of 5
Keywords: volvo, off, road, haul, adt, dump, truck, motor, engine, oil, change, filters, filter, maintenance, heavy, construction, equipment, work, shop, garage
Id: aBi44kkVmoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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