Oh the glamorous life of a pet groomer | Two beautiful Golden Retrievers 😍

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today we're grooming two golden retrievers this is Dina she's 5 years old and this is Jack he is also 5 years old neither one of these dogs have ever been professionally groomed before so this will definitely be an interesting experience and for the first time ever I'm going to attempt to bathe two dogs at once I'll be bathing Dina she's very small in my bathtub and I'll be bathing Jax he is a little bit larger in my shower so I'm wearing gloves today which is something that I don't normally do but my hands have been very dry the last little while so I'm trying to save them a little bit I'm gonna warm up the water hopefully she doesn't freak out because she is a little bit skittish when I went to pick her up she panicked a little bit it's okay let me touch you with the water it's okay it's okay good girl good girl good girl Dina oh Jack don't worry it'll be your turn in a second I'm definitely going to film their reaction to picking up their dogs because whenever you've never had your dog professionally groomed before it is quite the experience when you pick them up because they're so clean and beautiful it's okay it's okay don't panic I know you've had a bath before your owners told me you had plenty of bath than girl okay the reason why I don't normally wear gloves is because I like to feel how soapy the coat is and when you're wearing gloves it can be hard to feel that however because these are two retrievers and their coats aren't that thick I shouldn't have an issue with bathing them with gloves today if I had a big giant farm dog in here with a lot of hair I would not be wearing gloves cuz I would never be able to tell if the coat was soapy enough I am using nasty Critter I think I'm going to end up using deshedding on Jacks I don't think I need to use deshedding today on Dina although I have to make sure of that and a moment when I rinse her just because she does not seem to be shedding that much she seems to have maybe probably already blown her coat so I don't think she needs to have two shampoos but Jax seems to be shedding quite a bit so I will probably use both shampoos on him so I am going to rinse her down it's okay Jack [Music] good [Music] [Music] girl okay I am going to spray her down and conditioner then I'm going to let her sit while I go work on Jacks good [Music] girl [Music] turn okay you can sit there little girl while I do your whiny brother no no oh absolutely not down you stay you cried so much and now it's your turn look at that big suck okay okay I think you are the more anxious one of the two it's okay it's just water it's just water good boy good boy good boy you're very stinky it's okay it's just about good boy way come on okay okay let's rub this in then to give you some deshedding good girl Dina she's just sitting there staring at me not moving a muscle come here oh you're muddy there's a lot of mud in here de shedding okay we're going to do your face good boy come here poing retrievers are usually usually some of the easiest dogs to groom their temperaments are usually very happy and loving it's rare for me to come across a retriever that is aggressive but a lot of them do not yet a lot of them do have really bad anxiety and a lot of them are very obese which can make grooming them difficult these guys aren't he seems a little bit anxious but he's being really good so nothing that is going to make grooming difficult thankfully [Music] now I'm going to spray him down in conditioner and then I will let him sit while I finish off Diner don't you dare whine you just want attention and get jealous when I give attention to somebody else do you good [Music] girl jack are you being a baby Dina was a rescue and they've had Jacks since a puppy now we're going to rinse your face and rinse your body okay ja you're ruining her Spa it's rude [Music] no stay got to [Music] stay [Music] [Music] I'm just going to towel dry her and then finish off Jack all right so Missy is going to go into the crate dryer then I'm going to finish off Jack's and then I will completely blow dry Jax then by the time Jax is finished being dry I will take her out of the crate dryer and she will have minimal drying to do the reason why I do this is because it's more efficient when you have more than one dog at a time rather than her sitting and waiting for me to blow dry her because if I do that it's just going to take me even longer to complete both of their Grooms so as a pet groomer when you're grooming more than one dog at once the best thing you can do is utilize your crate dryer you're very loud so that you can actually get through more dogs in a day that is of course if the dog is okay with it which I asked the owner and she told me that they are both crate trained so that shouldn't be a problem also I said she wasn't shedding and apparently I lied okay good stay you're going to wait here until I'm done with your whiny [Music] brother thank you for waiting until I got in the shower to do that it's greatly appreciated I have to rinse you you're full of conditioner no no you're not coming out of the [Music] tub okay let's get you [Music] dry no no you don't like it I'll take it off but we got to [Music] try so we can clearly see that Jax is very stressed out for the blow dryer and I can tell that Dina is a lot less nervous about the dryer so what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch them I'm going to put him in the crate that way he can relax a little bit and he doesn't have a strong blower blowing at him because the crate dryer is a lot less strong and a lot less nerve-wracking for dogs that are scared of the dryer and then I'm going to blow dry Dina and then by the time Dina is done Jax should be mostly dry and then I won't have to subject him to Forest drying [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] yeah for [Music] these are long but Jax's are even longer not much hair coming off enough but you're not really shedding all that much paw pads I think I am going to turn the dryer back on for Jack because he still looks pretty wet and I think he's going to be very stressed when I dry him I will have to unfortunately finish drying him because the crate dryer won't get him dry enough but it'll do a decent job so I'm going to turn it back on because then hopefully by the time I'm completely done with Dina here he will be mostly dry unfortunately that means that you guys won't really be able to hear what I'm saying cuz it's going to be so loud so I guess just watch as I complete her most of you know all the steps by now and then you'll be able to watch me finish jacks [Music] for [Music] so he is mostly dry but I'm going to go through him with a brush and a small dryer to try and get him completely dry I'm not going to use the high velocity on him because it really stressed him out so this might take me a while but I think he'd be happier with [Applause] it [Applause] [Applause] yeah all right buddy let's clip those very long nails of yours Stay Stay okay stay buddy stay why these ones are not your back ones are not long but your front ones your front ones are very long no no no hey stay you'll notice that he's slipping and sliding but that's not actually because he's slipping it's because he doesn't want to be standing up or in this position so he's sliding on purpose hey in his attempt to try and get away you're scared of everything I thought it was just going to be the blow dryer but looks like it might be the whole groom good boy no good [Music] boy you're okay stop being so stressed out you're almost done you have a lot more hair than your sister look at you slipping you're so ridiculous stop it it's not a real slip guys I swear if I take this off all of a sudden he'll know how to stand perfectly fine they all do it I didn't get this on camera and that was solely for the viewers benefit but Dina right after I groomed her she jumped off the table and then she went over to the other side of my shop and had explosive diarrhea all all over herself so of course I had to wipe her down cuz she was covered in poop and then her tail got in it and she's a very happy dog so she wagged her tail excessively which made liquid diarrhea poop fly onto every inch of my shop so I just cleaned that all up and that is the Glamorous Life of a pet gmer thank you for that Dina and this guy here blew his anal glands so he smells like gross fish right now his nails are extremely long I just trimmed them but I'm not sure that I can go any shorter without quicking him so they still seem quite long I might try to go a little bit shorter sometimes when their nails are this long and their Quicks are this long it can be really hard to tell where their quick is and not quick them but I just feel like they're still too long okay buddy his coat is one that does well with the undercoat rake I could already tell that this was going to take quite a bit out of him just the it's very soft it's a very fine textured hair and the undercoat rake usually does a really good job with that texture fine soft hair big baby you're scared of everything pour you I took Dina's ear hair shorter but that's because she didn't have much it was very little he has a lot more and if I remove it all I'm really going to change his look which I am unsure whether or not the owners would want that considering they've never had him professionally groomed before I don't think that they mind the long ear hair so I am going to leave that on him it matches the other parts of him that are really long where Dina has a shorter coat so these long ear hairs kind of were out of place and that's the reason why I trimmed them on her okay buddy you survived your first grooming I know that that was terrifying I know that that was a very scary ordeal for Jack but he made it right buddy we're going to go outside and play now the two of them cuz they deserve it I'm going to give them some treats they really like treats thank you guys so much for watching watching and I will see you again in a few days there you go they're so fluffy look at oh they look great did your Grinchy feet go away oh yes no wow they're so soft yeah really soft my go good boy yes okay okay okay
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 637,644
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Id: tpy2weQPeJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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