Offset Smoker |Oklahoma Joe Baffles | Temperature Mods Experiment

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today we're going to find out what removing baffles does when you're running your oklahoma joe highland reverse flow and we're also going to add baffles to see what it does when you're running your oklahoma ho oklahoma ho oklahoma joe regular traditional flow smoker guys welcome back to the channel comparison cooking my name's kevin and i'm really excited for today's experiment because as you've seen in my other videos i've had all four baffle plates in and 225 hit the mark but that was like the highest it was getting i don't think it was allowed to have enough air flow in there so today i want to see if i remove one than two then three leaving the fourth one in there as a deflector plate for my reverse flow will that bring the entire temperature up will it cause inconsistencies in the flow in the airflow these are questions i have i'm looking forward to getting the answers to then we're going to flip the switch and we're going to make this a traditional highland oklahoma joe traditional highland and we're going to start adding baffle plates we're not going to add too many probably two at the max but to help distribute that heat so it doesn't just go up and out let's get right to it we are going to start with the three panels for the reverse flow normally there are four panels all right four baffle plates but we already know with having all four in that we hold temperature at about 225 so i want to start immediately with today's experiment with just three panels to see how it does with the reverse flow so we'll start and we'll run temperatures to see how it's holding up and then we'll start removing panels in the reverse flow we'll probably only remove it down to one but we'll always keep one in here just to see what the temperature does if you want to see all four panels working together you can always check out the last video i did on this verse reverse flow versus the traditional flow and that is where i had all four of them in there holding temperature for this experiment we're going to keep the probes exactly in the same location we're just going to remove the baffle plates as you can see as we get our charcoal ready the wind is going to be blowing into the firebox today so that should help fan give me that right type of flow so i might have to damper down my intake vent but we'll see and we're just using kingsford regular charcoal just as a baseline for this experiment lump will obviously burn hotter but this is a good way to just for everyday smokers that see this in the store all the time they'll have a good understanding of what briquettes are going to do lump you're going to take it up 25 to 50 degrees if you're using lump charcoal [Music] we're already about five minutes into our smoke and you can already see on the chart that there's a major change in airflow the side right here is at 216 and back here it's at 261. now when we've done these experiments before this side was at 225 on the great level up here it was 225 and back here it was normally 7 to 12 degrees less so we've already changed the air dynamics that are happening inside so what i decided to do is add a piece of apple mini splits so these are about six inches they i find them to be the perfect size for this type of smoker and what i want to do is when i open up the lid and the smoke is really going i just threw a piece in i don't know if you can see but we're getting a really faint smoke so it's looks like it caught well and we're getting good smoke because the air is pushing into it so i might close it down to let it build up a darker smoke and when we open up this lid i want to see if more smoke is coming from this side versus an even distribution because if we have more smoke in one side that could be an issue you don't want smoke building up and lingering in your smoke chamber you want to go in over your food out the exhaust we're going to open this lid i don't know if there's enough smoke it's very faint we're going to give it a try to see if we see more smoke coming from here or here so i'm going to do a quick to see what happens so that looked pretty normal but we still have major temperature difference between the two probes at great level there uh this dropped down a little but now it's already coming back up we're at 274 right now right here 224 right here and up here we're at 225 to 28 so it's matching up these two are matching up but this one is showing a lot more heat on that side of the chamber so we're not getting the results i was looking for i was looking to hopefully bring this temperature up a little but bring this temperature up a lot more than the 225 so i'm not sure we're going to let this run for about another 10 minutes 15 minutes to see what happens the wood's burning great but i don't know if we need to continue this experiment any further because removing more and more plates i don't know maybe we should give it a try let's see what happens we're 15 minutes later temperatures starting to slowly come down we're at 305 in the back here 260 here 250 up top so i don't really love the way this smoker is running right now with removing that final reverse flow baffle plate but i do want to continue the experiment we're going to remove one more and just run it for 15 minutes see what happens and then we'll switch this all up and go over to a traditional set with one plate then two plates and we'll see what happens there fast forward mode probes in the same spot two plates here i'll add a little bit more fuel and let's see what happens i just added two handfuls of briquettes just to replenish fuel keep the fire going i'm not starting with brand new chimney every single time we're just going to let this roll the way it is and keep adding fuel and keeping underneath the charcoal clear of ash to make sure it's getting that proper airflow we're gonna do the open lid test real quick again just to see if there's any more smoke here than there is here and then i'll shut it but we're five minutes in we got 245 on the right 245 up here and 238 back here my brain's really in a pretzel right now because this isn't the way it's meant to be set up with just having the two baffle plates here open space over here and then reverse following here so let's open it up real quick and see what happens it's hard to tell that's obviously not a scientific experiment right there but if you had your meat right in the middle would there be enough smoke coming up and over and going out or would you have an issue with smoke build up here i honestly don't know the answer to that question even though these temperatures are showing to be really close to each other all of them i still think i wouldn't feel comfortable i don't know maybe i would but i wouldn't feel comfortable running it this way because it's not intended technically to be ran this way you know what i'm saying we're going to wrap up the reverse flow data points uh experiment right now but i'm gonna leave the chart up here so we can go over some of the temperatures we experience while having different setups so three plates almost the full four plate you know three plus one equals four almost the full amount uh created a huge temperature spike here by 50 degrees all right these temperatures remain pretty close the entire experiment but as you can see having the three plates for some reason just created a really high temperature here but having the two plates created a very even temperature now when you run it the way it comes with four plates we were cruising at 225. you saw that in my last video uh 225 that was like the hottest it would get it would get 225 over here and about 215 to 218 here so it was close i like that but it was really for that low and slow for a hotter cook getting that 250 275 i really like cooking at 275 lately it's just the temperature that seems to get my barbecue done quickly and still have all that great smoke flavor so that's my new temperature i like to cook at i don't know if i want to mess around with this too much if i'm going low and slow then maybe do the four plates i'm not completely sure leave a comment below whether you think i should let it ride with two plates every once in a while to bring that temperature up or if i should switch it to the traditional model for those hotter cooks let's get into our next experiment oh last thing i want to say about the data points with the chart when the baffle plate is below the probe as you can see on the second probe on the right hand side here it has a smoother climb and a smoother decline there's no peaks and valleys the probe probe number one that does not have any protection underneath of it you see a lot more peaks and valleys does that affect your barbecue probably not but it's just something to note i like to try to smooth out this process as much as possible so i like baffle plates but that's just some more data to take with you in this experiment let's switch it up [Music] [Music] we have major temperature difference with just having the one baffle plate and having it set up as the oklahoma joe highland traditional model we're at 260 here 400 right here at the probe so the heat is coming up hitting that plate and the probe is right over just hanging over that plate so that's getting all that heat so it's 400 degrees down here and then 266 back here so let's add that second plate to it to see what happens with two baffle plates in we have 225 up here says 243 down here and 247 right here i'm not really worried about this probe i'm worried about the great level probes when my proteins right there in the mix and i expected this one to be a little less because we're deflecting the heat from hitting this first and it's going under the plates up into the food and then out the exhaust vent when it was reverse flow it went down out and then it would still hit this thermometer pretty well so that's where you're getting even closer consistency but this setup right now has this temperature lower than both of these this is two plates this is a really nice setup you can see there's a lot of hacks on how to smooth out your temperatures get them more consistent on the great level this is one way to do it now let's lift this up now where they are they're almost halfway to throughout the chamber so if i put my food right here i'm still getting tons of smoke this is good when i removed that one plate we were way too hot so we don't want that and then this over here is doing a nice job also a lot smoother than when we had it the reverse flow method this one the peaks and valleys were a lot higher this seems to on the traditional style to really smooth it out now i don't want to add a third plate to this experiment because then we'd have to have our food all the way in the back here i just don't see the purpose of that most people will load up uh you can still load up your smoker in this method some people will instead of buying the plates because these plates can be pretty expensive they will add tinfoil up to a certain point all right but we want to you want to play with that because as you can see if you only add tin foil to a certain level it's going to create inconsistencies so there is a sweet spot and i think we've hit it right here with this dimension all right so we got two plates in here we're going almost halfway but we still have plenty of room for smoke even if you put some chicken here stuff like that you would still get smoke smoke flavor on it what does all these data points tell us it tells us having the right baffle plates or the right hack you can look it up online there's tons of oklahoma joe highland hack videos of how to get smoother distribution but as you can see with using what oklahoma products are out there oklahoma joe products that are out there the two baffle plates seem to be the magic number actually in both cases with the reverse flow it was very close to both temperature probes and now in the traditional model traditional style we're very close in temperature so those are very good points to take home when you're thinking about doing your own modification to your oklahoma joe to be honest i'm still on the fence on how i'm going to run this smoker i really like the setup in the traditional model like this to get a little bit higher temperatures with two baffle plates but for the reverse flow i don't know if i feel really comfortable running two plates instead of the four so let me know in the comments what your thoughts are regarding how to run this smoker i'm still going to play with it i'm probably going to go back to four plates for the reverse flow and then maybe every once in a while i'll play with the two plates but three plates were not doing that that just had the temperatures all over the place one plate in the traditional setup we're not doing that major temperature spikes between one probe and the other so now we know there is a sweet spot of how you should set up your baffle plates all right it's not just hey i saw this on facebook somebody took a picture and they threw something there you do need to play with it to find that sweet spot that's going to get your temperature consistency a lot better and that's going to make smoking a lot easier for you if you guys like this video make sure to check out these other two videos and this playlist so that you can get ahead on your next smoke and really rock the backyard as always i hope you all are having a great day and i'll see you real soon
Channel: Comparison Cooking
Views: 11,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offset smoker mods, offset smoker mods baffle, char griller offset smoker mods, mods smoker, smoker mods, oklahoma joe offset smoker mods, oklahoma joe highland mods, oklahoma joe highland offset smoker mods, how to run my oklahoma joe offset smoker, best way to use my oklahoma joe offset smoker, can mods on a smoker be overkill, offset oklahoma joe highland mods, offset mods oklahoma joe, offset mods for my smoker, Best offset smoker mods
Id: VbqIfCBgwVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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