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hey guys so the otv video we didn't do it in a japanese accent chinese chinese then it's not offensive i don't know how to do that did you say the mandarin no how about we all go down the line and do it in our respective races i cannot imitate it okay celine could go first hello welcome to another upland tv video we are going to be eating this delicious meal given in front of us by the one holy begotten god thank you jesus god dude i thought you were speaking another language in like the first two words hi guys welcome to another offline tv video today we have a special guest star smith and aka celine thank you for joining us now we're not sure what we're gonna do exactly but brodin recorded a quirky little video for us to watch so we're gonna go watch that right now let's see what it's all about should i put it on the table yeah hello brodin here again lily i swear to someone watch her anyway i am strengthening my immune system in preparation for our trip to japan with japan around the corner i felt it necessary to test how fast you can adapt to other cultures so today you will split into teams of two and compete in three challenges of culture to incentivize you the winning pair will fly first class to japan while the others will get to study and coach good luck i can't believe he called me like how did he know he called you up perfectly did he know that was exactly right on time yeah how did he know right i was so shook i need to message him right now no we're doing a shoot oh sorry so we have two koreans how about the koreans are the team captains no no no no yeah we have a pair of koreans so oh what kind of chinese are you 100 just ask what kind of chinese i am as if you were like a non no there's multiple kinds of chinese it's like asking you like what kind of korean is the same thing yeah i like to say noise don't put that in you know what people will never expect that me and michael are gonna [ __ ] smurf like yeah we're free are you good at chopsticks i'm hella good at chopsticks i'm also really good at chopsticks yeah you know sit with her [Music] whoa that was racist are you talking [ __ ] to me and you're not oh no we're in line and it's okay she talked me down too just there why is she so short and i'm like my hero thanks to expressvpn for sponsoring this video you know when you use incognito mode to visit those sketchy websites and think you're being sneaky well i hate to break it to you but your internet service provider can see all the sites you're visiting not only that anyone with admin access on your network can too you really want your mom and dad to find out what you've been looking at the good news is that with expressvpn you can rewrite your traffic through their encrypted servers so nobody can see what site you're on with the ability to connect to servers in whatever country you want you can basically access the internet as if you're from that country this is our favorite part about using expressvpn because it allows us to watch movies and shows that haven't been released in the us yet like k dramas that are only available on disney plus korea or anime only accessible through netflix japan so if you want to surf the web with peace of mind or just want more shows to watch find out how you can get three months of expressvpn for free by visiting offlinetv or clicking the link in the description box below [Music] in the first game you and your partner will put your chopstick skills to the test one of you will have to pick up as many grains of rice as possible blindfolded while your partner has to say ah for as long as they can when they run out of breath the time is up the team with the most grains of rice wings perfect you see you have great vocal cords but i'm very good with my fingers that's all i'm going to say okay okay it's your turn okay you guys try something our turn wait we don't need practice all right like a shovel that is not how you you i've never seen someone use your eyes five fingers you're not from china i think you guys should swap groceries [Music] wait you were just talking up your hands yeah so i'm gonna say three two one yeah and then we pause for a second and then yeah three two one [Music] i'm not hearing any clinking noises [Applause] learn from their mistakes that's so far okay that's so far three two one go oh my god what dude it's so hard to do [ __ ] but lily's got the vocal capacity oh wow am i even hitting the club oh my god you're doing like eight of the times yeah [ __ ] okay without some training that's so good yeah it's really good oh my gosh oh how much how much twice five thirteen fourteen fifteen sixty seven whoa i saw that when she was counting she flipped one back how much did you count 17 okay 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15. 16. that's so weird weird did that happen that went from 17 to 16. i think michael's going to do pretty well actually yeah michael's got a tag can we do this what are you doing oh whoa you just have to make your mom laugh yeah three two one go [Music] keep going keep it going like the last atom [Music] oh that's it how much is that is that it's a wall that's a significant one okay okay oh it's a good amount that that does look less than six doesn't look a little less [Music] one two three four five six seven oh yeah you're right oh 12 15. oh [Applause] that's crazy that's so crazy so it's 17.60 [Music] in the second game you and your partner will practice your tea pouring skills one of you will be holding a cup above your head and your partner will be behind you blindfolded pouring you a refreshing glass of ice cold water boiling water okay for this i'm not gonna be the one holding the cup the team that gets closest to the water line wins overfilling is an automatic disqualification but can i talk or am i silent you feel the way here and the weight here the weight will always be equal i'm fine i can't i can't hold the cup because you're you're on your own you're holding it yeah okay so 300 milliliters which is about 300 grams of weight imagine this 300 grams lighter can i touch it yeah ideally you do like water torture okay it's like you're anticipating the water but it's not coming okay i'm telling you i'm putting it i'm getting ready [Music] keep going keep going okay chill do you feel 300 grams worth of water was poured out of that i wouldn't say it was about 215. okay get a little more in there then oh my god i'm getting a little wet i don't want to miss it do you think it's overflowing or you're just missing because i got a little i got a little splash do you feel like i should touch it again it feels empty like when i when i flick it it feels like you get a little more water in there i feel the hollowness okay yeah again you're pouring it down was it in your front or your back it was on my left so a little to my right okay wait wait that's my bag the [Applause] [Applause] yeah keep going keep going okay okay you know what that i like that that's like 300 yeah like that okay okay we're done [Applause] it was really funny [Applause] just a little wet i feel like i'm getting punished that's how he felt don't worry yeah right okay that's a little high okay uh where are you oh no no it's gonna be perfect oh no it's okay lily i'm gonna be fine no no yeah it's not too late to reverse just just pour i have trust yeah yeah but i still worry a little bit what am i touching oh that's you're all good lily you're good you know maybe try to like connect the nozzle to the cup maybe uh yeah the good angle change [Music] oh no wait it might go for the for the faces [Music] here she's such a champion that's all good lilly i believe in you still [Music] okay keep going keep going lily yeah oh gosh keep going okay okay i'm sorry oh [Music] it's all good okay so originally the strat was you pour and then put the teapot in front of my face so i could see the reflection but now i think the strat is a combination of that an echolocation because you can flip the cup yeah and tell where there's water and there's not oh yeah right right right yeah you know maybe maybe a vodka potato awareness is better than i thought my special awareness why did she start laughing here yeah why did you laugh sleep why is she live remember the strategy we talked about yeah what is your strategy yeah like this was that what lily was doing to me yeah yeah oh [Applause] based on the sound it makes for more oh oh [ __ ] oh my god oh the smurf no way oh [ __ ] that that kind of feels like a lot yeah [ __ ] okay calling it yeah right yeah okay yeah all right all right oh which one's tall that's insane this is the same thing as the one grain of rice man i think we're like i think you guys did you guys got a little bit crazy that is crazy no no no it's a little bit below a little bit oh just yeah just like a tiny bit that would chase no you don't want to do thanks for thinking of this i just feel bad most game shows the last challenge is worth two points right yeah double jeopardy the third game's the final test of you and your partner's bond one member will be blindfolded and has to feed their partner a bowl of bouldex spicy noodles the team that finishes the most on their plate in one minute wins i feel like i should eat i feel like i can shovel it more than you you're so difficult like a princess we invited her to spare because i think the poor cities our participants are allowed to lean forward i have a strategy okay okay but you have to use the chopsticks three two one be sorry okay there you go i'm lifting it scarf get it boy okay lift the little arm okay slowly get it okay okay with the little eye more more oh yeah you eat that [ __ ] years ago when i told myself don't ever eat it again like that's how bad it was for me you're going kind of fast there for a second the lace still says i feel awful as she shoves it slowly wow this feels so bad so i was just holding it up for her that's it [Music] so congratulations to the winner of the two business class tickets to japan michael and yvonne michael uh had to ate an entire ball spicy ramen what was your contribution there i shoved it into his mouth and during the rice part what were you doing [Music] i poured the water anyways thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you guys in japan next in japan [Applause] here's what you do you just go um until you feel something in your mouth okay all right all right come on squirrel okay yeah hey [Music] how do you want it to [Music] where is it did you eat it okay okay [Music] here we go [Applause] i found out today [Music]
Channel: OfflineTV
Views: 2,591,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, Scarra, Poki, Pokimane, Lily, LilyPichu, DisguisedToast, Toast, TwitchTV, twitch, Streaming, Vlog, Fail, Epic, Gamers, Streamers, OTV, OTV Plays, OfflineTV plays, Michael Reeves, Michael, Reeves, offlinetv blindfold, blindfold, minigames, blindfold game, blindfold challenge, challenge, otv blindfold
Id: 3M0s8AO1IAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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