[OFFICIAL] SONIC X Ep38 - Showdown in Space

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last time on Sonic X Prince was trapped on space colony Ark but sonic rocketed to his rescue soon Eggman ambushed the hapless Hedgehog and gave our hero the heave-ho the devious doc issued an ultimatum if he wasn't made supreme ruler he'd pulverize the planet but when Eggman fired up the Eclipse cannon he got a blast from the past a recording from his grandfather professor Robotnik revealed that he had his own plan to wipe out the world can sonic saved the globe from destruction buh Robotnik Rica's revenge find out next on sonic x gotta go fast topaz I'm transmitting my report now over be careful Bruges then space colony is a dangerous place oh you've interfered for the last time alright shadow what's going on here you'll find out sonic your time is running out he tricked me my own grandfather tricked me the Chaos Emeralds the counter marking my final revenge has begun in a few minutes you will be destroyed space colony art will hurtle through the atmosphere and crash into this planet with devastating force you have no time to remain this disaster and absolutely no hope of survival your rulers took my granddaughter Maria from me so I'm destroying everything you care about now you'll feel what I felt when I lost Maria that guy and what did he mean that is professor Gerald Robotnik he was a scientific genius and my grandfather's like this place is breaking apart soon it's going to get a lot worse I just checked the colony's propulsion systems the computers are locked so we can't reverse course looks like there's nothing we can do destroying a planet is one thing but destroying your grandson is another what's going on here if you came here for a showdown sonic forget it soon we'll all be vaporized come on don't be such a quitter Eggman maybe if we work together we can get out of this mess act into the database on Prison Island I found my grandfather's diary revenge that is all that matters to me now when I began my research I only wanted to do good that's why I work to make the ultimate creature but the leaders of the project worried that I'd use it to take over the world so they seized my lab on space colony Ark then they took Maria from me and my life took on a new purpose instead of helping people I would get revenge on them night and day I planned so long after I am gone my revenge will be complete I've done it my greatest design is now complete the ultimate creature shadow my enemies think they've defeated me but shadow will carry out my orders without question now it sleeps but one day in the future it will be reawakened shadow will bring total destruction in the coming minutes as you helplessly await you do do we have any confirmation of this you just received a high-priority message from the director of the Space Agency mr. president space colony Ark is moving towards the planet at high speed the impact will be catastrophic and will cause massive destruction but if that colony hits us millions of lives are going to be lost good luck sonic even you're gonna have trouble saving us this time this is a warrant for your arrest it took a long time but the truth is out the secret group inside the Intelligence Agency in all records of project shadow we didn't have a clue until dr. Eggman hacked into their system and access the file good things do come from bad sometimes the energy from the Chaos Emeralds has transformed the eclipse cannon into a mega bomb if it detonates the blast will be more massive than a supernova the energy from the Chaos Emeralds is also with pushing us toward the planet we have to get the emeralds and deactivate them somehow knuckles what why me because you can control all the Chaos Emeralds with that the Master Emerald I can use it to shut off the power I'll lead the way stay on my heels and do your best to keep up the pace let's get to those Chaos Emeralds before it's too late remember if we fail an entire planet will perish and so will we I hope they make it in time I wish there was something we could do to help Sonic and the others Sonic we'll get them to the Chaos Emeralds in time don't bet on it huh shadow Bostock trees please shadow you can help save us all you believe that your whole reason for being here is to get revenge but think about it when I was in danger back on Prison Island you decided to save me deep down you know you were made to help others and that's the reason you finally rescued me he needs help it's useless I made a promise to Maria and I'm keeping it shadow getting revenge won't bring Maria back so what there's still time to stop this shadow please you have to listen to me how can you blame people alive today for things that happened fifty years ago can't you see it's not fair don't talk to me about fair not after what happened here Maria was my only friend but your ruler sent soldiers to take her away from me I tried to save her but there were too many for me to stop I never saw a poor Maria again Maria wasn't a threat to anyone all she wanted was to visit your planet but she never had the chance it's true there are some but most people are good I know that you'd agree with me if you only got to know them just like Maria wanted to shado please Maria would want you to be friends with people people and be friends with them Maria I'm sure you'll be very happy down there shadow I only wish that I could go along with you the world looks so beautiful from up here in space but my grandfather says the people who live there have to face many problems that's why you were created to help those people and to be their friend he was right about Maria she did want me to help the people of your world there calm down I'm not gonna let that monster get ahold of the Master Emerald leave that thing from me shadow you and the others take care of a Chaos Emeralds and I'll distract it let's go I must remember the seven Chaos Emeralds are the surfers our hearts intensify their power the controller serves to unify the chaos you can do it knuckles Master Emerald I need you to help me please stop the Chaos Emeralds it's gone chaos control that monster is still alive it attached itself to the outside of the space colony it's pulling us toward the planet let's give it our best shot all right we can go in at full speed and finish it off the space colony is still rushing towards us mr. president we're only minutes away from it hey what's that soon the space colony won't be able to escape the planets gravity it'll be impossible to stop it from crashing come on Sonic you can stop it let's hope but I'm afraid no one can save us from disaster now you have to defeat that monster stomach we're all depending movie topaz you read me yes Rouge what's going on there I don't understand what Sonic's up to that large red object is actually space colony Ark glowing as it re-enters the atmosphere for 50 years its existence was kept a secret in the course of our investigation we uncovered a conspiracy within our intelligence services that now threatens the survival of this planet our only hope lies the bravery of two hedgehogs who are now fighting for all of us here give it all you got shadow if you fail the entire planet will be destroyed Tigers those people need your shadow hi I'm shadow shadow Varia I did it for you the space agency just retargeting they said that the space colony has moved back into a stable orbit thank goodness sonic could be charged with violating Space Agency regulations you know after all that Sonic's done for the planet I don't think the voters would like that very much don't you agree yes I suppose you're right my grandfather was truly a genius ever since I was a lad he was my one true hero I always wanted to become a great scientist like him but he shouldn't have tried to destroy the planet how could he do something so wrong I don't know but you helped us all to save the world I'm so happy the planet was saved now I can conquer it and establish my you still want to take over the world operative you are welcome to join us if you would like no thank you we're shadow you know maybe professor Robotnik wanted shadow to stop his crazy plan all along we'll never know but in the end shadow sacrificed everything to save us all you sure did come on Chris let's head back space is fine but I like my feet on the ground the Rockets ready it's time to go sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog sadly
Channel: Anime! on TMS Official Channel
Views: 11,402,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TMS, Anime, Animation, Sonic X, Cartoon, Sega, Sonic, Hedgehog, SONICTEAM, Gotta Go Fast, Sonic Drive, Adventure, battle, Disney, Pixar, future, game, gameboy, playstation, action, Chris, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, Cheese, Cosmo, Eggman, Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun, Station Square, Chaos Emerald, Master Emerald, Chaos Control, 소닉x, соник икс, amyrose, sonic anime, sonic cartoons, sega cartoons, sonic the hedgehog, sonic ep 38, sonic episode 38
Id: 5d0m3UcNnWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2015
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