Official 1.0 Release ft. @Sinvicta - Hutts Streams Risk of Rain 2

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hello everybody my name is invicta welcome to risk of rain 2 version 1.0 is officially live now on steam and joining me on stream because those things rhyme is mr hutz gaming huts how you doing what's up everybody i'm doing well how are you doing great so we've uh we're officially celebrating the launch of uh risk of rain which finally went from early access to 1.0 and uh just so you all know here if you're watching this on youtube i did record this simultaneously record this and stream this live on twitch so if you see a little bit of lack of graphical fidelity that is where that's coming from but make sure if you want to check out hutz's point of view and also of course if you want to check out hutz's channels all the links to huts can be found down below in the youtube information section and for those of you watching live again i encourage you all to go check out the squad stream over on the twitch tv channel sub channel thing whatever all right let's start we're gonna hop in yeah so first thing new items apparently a new final boss and a new character that we have to unlock by killing the final boss so i'm pretty excited about that so bring your best characters in order i it might be loader it might be rex for me or murder we all know who who my best character is so who do you think goes best with the playstyle of the hunter huntress uh i would say yeah i mean if you loader loader or mercenary are both good i mean you could also if we want to go super safe we could also play engineer uh huntress that's true uh i feel like rex isn't even that bad like he sucks people into the circle and you can hit him with your little aoe as well but we're going right now for this first round i don't know how many runs are going to be on this uh on in this youtube video it might just be one and just there might be multiple ones um but we're gonna i think our first goal is to try to actually beat the game so we get the last survivor which is clearly the captain of the ship um and uh risk of rain two by the way does have a it does have an intro movie now uh there's all lords a complete game so yeah it's gonna be interesting to see uh to see how well uh the end what what the engine ending is and also who the new survivor is but i'm pretty sure it's the captain of the ship i can't really tell because there's a little like shadow it's too it does kind of look like the top of like a toilet bowl with like a little motor at the end yeah yeah well what makes sense why he's flying in a giant plunger well i'm going to keep it let's keep it to rainstorm for now because we don't want to go baby mode but we don't want to go monsoon either and we should try to pick it up well i guess we're not really rapping right if we're ending it maybe there's not so much of a rush to i i don't know i don't know if there's a uh oh wow they just start you off right away also is it me or is this a different map this is this is a similar one we've done this one before this isn't the same old same old though looks pretty similar to me so for those of you who have never seen risk of rain 2 before this is the sequel to the very popular risk of rain one i've done some videos on it huts has done some videos on it and essentially is a it's a third person action roguelike uh based as i guess is i guess is based in the same world of risk of rain one uh the game's been in early access for quite a while now for those of you who've seen my channel you know that i used to cover videos and it's still a great game it's a fun it's a great party game to play with friends it's a great streaming game the only reason why i haven't been doing content on my channel anyways because the runs just take too dang long like way too dang long yeah but if i'm if you're playing with huts then you know it's it's all worth it because hutz is great and makes the time go by a lot faster that's a radio scanner i have no idea i got a potty or two with some beads of field tee the hunters is a mobile archer character uh who specializes in just getting a ton of attack speed uh my primary top my primary attack's just an arrow like just a bow shot you see right there secondary attack is a is a glaive uh which will shoot out this boomerang and actually deal a pretty good amount of damage it will change to other enemies and then her uh her movement ability is a teleport like a blink like that then her ultimate ability is rain of arrows which is just going to be a giant circle of arrows that will pin stuff down and uh deal a decent amount of damage to it while hutz is playing the loader which is one of the newer characters and she is uh she's quite good she's based on on basically your movement speed which is kind of unique and i do enjoy playing her i should probably give the lens maker glasses to you but i'm kind of in a rush now to get to the i say we hit it up i'm ready to go i did get some brain stocks so skills have no cooldowns for a short period after killing an elite that means that i can just spam my punch ability and just do unreal amounts of uh damage i still don't know what this radio scanner is by the way it's a big old thing here coming yeah so they uh they apparently changed one of the quality of life changes that they did was when at least for the hunters when she when she blinks uh she's still sprinting i don't have to hit sprint again that's good yeah it's kind of nice necessary necesito espacita yep yep i love doing my little ring around the rosy move here one of my favorites by the stone golem so i gain uh shields every single time i just punch somebody if i keep that up i'm pretty much invulnerable it says that right before he dies famous last words radio scanner shows all interactables oh oh so it's no longer an active item it's a tower thing yeah that's that was just an active item last time oh we got uh we got the uh not extra magazine i forget the name of this one yo extra battery fuel cell yeah yeah yeah we don't have uh equipment but if we go fast enough then we can get the uh what's it called a super crazy one in the snow level but i don't think that we're gonna be on time for that uh if we hurry we need to we need to leave the next level by two minutes so find the teleporter and go i mean that was over there that's worth buying uh no i only got i got a crowbar and fireworks over there that was it did you you picked up the lensmakers didn't you uh there was one yeah and i got it okay so should we just head out yep cool go for it so at the end here any money that we have left over you basically those of you who've never seen this game before uh you can look at the top left-hand corner that is our those are our credits and the amount of credits that we get is based on us killing stuff so we kill stuff we gain money use the money to buy stuff and upgrades the upgrades are random and at the end any any money that we have left over gets converted into xp which is also very very important for character scaling and that's something that's a big thing that uh a lot of people don't realize about risk of rain too is that your levels matter uh quite quite heavily in fact in the early game status anyway uh because of the fact that they it scales so well for your damage and just everything so you want to try to find this balance of moving consistently and on time and the game does contain an in-game sort of timer that tells you whether or not you're behind the curve or not in the form of a 10-minute timer chest that you can get on the third level guaranteed and that will give you the plasma tron something i forget the name of it uh it's one of the best ones what the heck is the name of that it's the chat the green cannon i used to know it by heart primordial soup cannon no no early gold portal where was that i'm not sure we really want to do that it's not really necessary for a win prion accumulator that's the one i'm going to open later there you go there's also uh there's also a lens lens makers which i'm gonna buy there you go there you go the meat actually is pretty okay but with me i'm gonna do that uh there's also there's also tougher times here which is great for you so great for both of us but i think that i'm still going to go for the crit yeah do the crit i think because i just got some i just got a harvester scythe so another blood altar get that up yep we got over here there's a lot of 3d printers and actually i did see that they some they have more 3d printers essentially and also who finally upped the spawn rate at the very beginning so you're not just waiting around for stuff which was a heavy criticism of mine of the game that it takes too long for the for the runs to just get going you know yeah yeah yeah uh there's a new thing called the scrapper yeah you can recycle stuff yeah you can choose the gnarled wood spray here by the way okay you can choose something to uh get rid of i don't want that cannon yeah you don't want crowdfunder so i just got an active item this will allow me to heal myself or huts i think we should just pop the uh we can make it now if we pop the portal if you wanted to try to go for the prion accumulator yeah i'm in okay i just heal myself not once but twice the gnarled wood sprite i forget what meat does meat is uh you get healing after you kill something ah which is just good for me to be up close any kind of healing so no spoilers but chat did say that it's going to be difficult to beat the final boss with loader but i take that as a challenge luckily we also have a huntress here the best huntress in a by the way huntress carry yep i think my favorite item is this character would probably be the afterburner hard light after burner so i get a double boost because that's just it's the best move that this guy has this person this individual i got an achievement says finishing touch um what are the guillotines is that this is no this is the execution ones those are gonna be ones that i'm probably gonna want uh because it raises the more guillotines you have the higher the hp is the requirement is for me to instantly kill them for champions yeah go ahead whether it's you or me it doesn't matter but one of us should have both of those you can go ahead and do it rip it okay it's it'll be easier for me and i'm not i'm not being greedy for those you think i i might be it's easier for me to get in range of targets than having huts having to be like jumping around but trying to fight champions that may be like in the air or something i can just sit there and just pop them what is that we're gonna have oh scrapper hey we're gonna have about a minute i'm gonna pop the teleporter you ready yeah i just yeah nice nice didn't want to grab that but we're going execute elites it's joey green victor i appreciate the subs you guys i'll read them out uh after a short while here well this isn't the this isn't the snow level at all but the prion accumulator is still going to be on this level is it uh i think so i think there's one if they updated it then yeah but i thought originally that it was only on the snow level they should have another one here on in the garden uh they changed the way that bleeding works now too apparently you can really really stack up bleeding but you have to maintain it okay so it's kind of like it's kind of like bleeding in uh dead cells then that was something about this guy something about the fact that if you apply bleeding it'll reset all other bleeding on the on the enemy but the stacks last less time i think so like i said you really have to babysit it if you really want to get some crazy bleeds off but it is possible now i also like how they they sped up the entrance animations to the beetle guards they don't like just take their sweet time and dig their way up through the ground they just pop out okay i found i've got the teleporter up here um you want that uh what is this thing wax quail i do like movement it's probably better for you though you think i mean it's good it's good for getting around it also helps you maintain your your uh momentum when you're moving here's an active item shop what do we have here that's a super massive leech that's new jade elephant could be very good for me invincibility for a short while super massive leech yeah i don't know what that is it sounds maybe like it's if i leech health from enemies that would be perfect but it sounds like a muse album i'm gonna buy it i'm gonna see what it says yeah go for it heal for a percentage of the damage you deal for eight seconds yep that's nice that's the one that i want huge that's actually huge for you yes it is if the liege is instant it's not huge it's super massive sorry i could have been so forgetful there we go there we go bustling fungus rip engineer there's a printer for it would have been hard to take our time now i still haven't found the time chest so i'm i'm yeah i'm not convinced there is one the offensive chest here which i'm gonna go grab i think i'm ready to go actually oh girl got that attack speed syringe and what the heck is that new enemy forgive me please a new item active throw a curse doll that repeatedly triggers your on kill effects what it's like a whole new build that we can do now interesting uh okay i'm gonna hit the uh teleporter yep so this it's kind of like it's kind of like my best friend in a way like it's just it's a deployable it's like dull razor i don't think i have any on kill effects so i don't know if it even taunts or anything but yeah i kind of like dull razor in a way yes i said they're not doing anything ah i just don't want this guy to stomp on me hudson i have have or at least i i've got over a couple hundred hours in the game so apologies if i'm not doing an adequate job explaining what things are dude he will not get off me oh yeah it does it does taunt the boss a little bit the boss did a super attack on the uh on the doll this guy seems weak usually his like arm stomp thing does like 50 of my health seems like maybe they nerfed them a bit maybe that could be it but he's not doing any damage i'm going right through it yeah top speed for yourself you almost killed me just gripping it right on to him not sure i'm not sure if i like the uh gun not sure i like the doll oh i already i picked up one of the lilies already so i guess like take these an elite and get on daisy unlimited punches i love that all right what did we get uh we got there was a left on daisy i'm gonna go back and get the gnar wood sprite that way i can heal myself just in case i get in trouble plus we also have the fuel cell so uh you still want to you want to explore you want to go on to the next one i want this chest here and then i'll be ready to go okay uh chrono bobble that's fine with me uh equipment drone could that be useful with a wood sprite i don't think they're right unless they fixed it how is equipment drone it grabs your equipment and then uses it sporadically oh that's pretty cool yeah try it never farmer i've never heard of it before but that sounds good yeah most of the items just did not work with it but i would assume on their 1.0 that they would fix that crowbar here yeah i'll take it if you don't want i've got two of them already stack it up so for those who don't know after you defeat the boss the uh the timer end well the timer doesn't end but the spawns stop happening um so that's the reason why there's no more enemies but the downside of that is you can't just keep you can't just can like continue to uh to farm over and over again like you gotta leave and the game only gets progressively harder as you can see in the difficulty meter on the top right hand corner now the longer you take the more trouble you're going to be in yep and that is another mechanic that's pretty much distinct of the risk of rain series i'm using this series now screw that scraps oh that's right you get scrap out of it and when you go to a 3d printer it prioritizes the scrap first that's right that's right now i got two free 3d printer uses nice which doesn't give you an immediate benefit but could really be good ooh i got the prion you want the uh the damage though maybe you should take the prion and i'll take my my super massive leech uh okay i mean one of us should but i'm thinking that my leech is just really good for me yeah your leech is going to be pretty important for you how did you use it on the boss i did um why i didn't really even lose that much health on the boss okay so 193 do you have that uh yeah i've got 826 okay because there's a big chest here could be important another equipment drone so i suppose we could give the prion accumulator to the equipment drone and see what happens we could i'd be willing to try but yeah it is really good though with the double charge i mean you could probably wipe out a whole boss with it and i mean i'm it's up to you i don't care wow another another left on daisy or banner got a huge buff you're guaranteed to drop one on top of the teleporter oh that's cool all right i'm going to just do it i'm going to give them the brand accumulator see what happens okay do you want to touch this just to have a touch off yeah there we go touched it let's do it let's roll all right what's that down there gasoline printer yeah i'll hold on to my scrap you could probably get to the portal faster than i can we're not i'm underneath help i need help okay oh god i missed whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a templar here ambush i'm dead i'm just straight up dead he killed you yeah no way there's no cover he's he was right there and i had nowhere to go well i made it out that's cool nothing lost swanky cryo not sure it goes here only here for brett and mass thank you so much the subs appreciate you guys and venoms that's real cool game pretty neat how uh you spawned a templar after everything was already dead i think he was just maybe hanging out because he was such a slow walker get back here son okay there's a we got the wander the wandering uh what's his name wandering badge who is a crowbar printer if you would like that cuts gaming yes hello wandering vagrant so i said what'd you hear okay so i just did uh what was it 50 of my health and then i used my leech and then i power punched a bird and i got full health it's just in one go okay oh it seems pretty good i'm currently fighting the wandering vagrant who has the high ground on me i might add wandering vajay grant you send complaints to hutzgaming at at yep uh why did i get no money for that i killed a burning elite and it didn't give me any money that's weird he was broke it's tough times man in a millennial enemy yeah in 2020 especially a male enemy if you will uh i forget what the horn does the war horn i don't know oh hydrating equipment gives you a burst of attack speed huh would prefer to play on drizzle it says what's that about it says try playing on drizzle mode for an easier time but the game spawned an enemy after the freaking level was cleared it just says for you this adventure can't handle life so would you mind another freaking day oh 3d printer for uh oh will the whistle yeah i'm all about that get rid of these freaking days i'm just dead and probably won't take my scrap for this but i should try rip dude dude i got i got two shot oh the flaming guy these are all flaming you're probably on fire okay it didn't take my my stuff rip didn't take my scrap for this was this a challenge shrine where did these guys come from i i don't know i didn't spawn them but all i know is that i was running towards the wilderness printer and then got two shot was dead everybody's flaming right now you see this yeah brain stalks just op as hell man loving that though okay i should probably just finish this up then i kind of i kind of hate how the leech is just like hooked on your neck oh geez i'm not looking forward to this no you're with the loader you're fine brain stalk me i'm another champion here okay why are there so many fire champions [Music] i'll be your friend somebody to brainstorm some complaints to here we go butts with the big time blaze to carry the team because apparently the huttress uh has no hp yeah i'm not oh yeah it was the burning probably that did it dude it was instant i'm telling you it was one two dead i didn't even have time to move i was there i'm saying it was uh we were surrounded by champions i'm not sure how that even worked out because there was like i don't know six seven eight people all burning champs yeah we didn't see it though yeah you have to see it to feel my pain all right i'm sitting here like yeah i believe it you're like no you don't you weren't there man oh hey we're done what is this molten perforator chance to hit uh to fire magma balls well thank god they gave the mag warm something like a unique drop now yeah i like that i mean i can't say it's any good but balls are probably good i mean you know i'm gonna rephrase that a little bit that's gonna be good take a step back and about that sentence in a minute well you're about to be on impossible going into the fourth level i can just uh get the hell out of here if you want to get back in but i figured maybe i'd scoot for like three or four items yeah see if you can get anything anything of use as i accidentally killed the uh nests and spawn the watcher i'd prefer not it's an accidental there's still a couple eggs so i think you're you're okay yeah no we're good all right i just i literally see nothing so i'm just gonna leave look at that thing that was in the cave oh there's a chest there big money big money no whammy no whammy stop yes hey this one's pretty good good job hutz carrying scrub victor as always even though you know i couldn't do anything yeah that was weird what is your hp by the way 441. maybe not do that uh trying the mountain yeah i would prefer not hopefully we can just we can just one and done this and open unlock the new uh survivor so i never have to play the game again but you have to play another one you got to play another one to play the new one okay well i have one more game after this also why is the why is the seeker watcher here i'm really hoping that it's not another melee character yeah it needs to be a combination of the commando and the huntress oh there's a magma warm here now yeah i wouldn't mind a commando that's better the heck is that oh it's just a it's a corpse oh i can't even see the things he's putting on the ground i'm being slowed right now i'm on fire i need a backup like everyone and their mother is on me right now thank god i have the the wood sprite i feel like they nerfed they nerfed the cooldown of blink for the huntress not sure you want all the info no i don't want spoilers yeah keep spoilers out of chat oh i forgot about these guys parents oh god horrifying a lot of things up in the air too if you can shoot those down psych i got him i got my own problems right now i love the uh the punch on this the upgraded one that does a aoe shock so strong the falcon punch oh oh the elder lemurians these guys are so op it's burning damage that's the real problem pepper times is coming in clutch tons of squeaks where nothing was trying to flame me yeah i really wish that i had had the rose buckler speak of the devil nice what is this that's the tone for treasures on kill i saw my first fireballs babies first the green vendor up here uh i'll let you know if there's anything that you need or want buckler i got one for you down here uh there's also the skull [Music] i didn't mean i was meant to thinking that uh there's lead siege bro another rose buckler and then the death mark i forget what the death mark does i got some burning parents over here oh my god that's a lot of burning damage i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out made a captain finally got some movement speed that's the only movement speed upgrade i'll take cause i won the one soda pop no no no i don't know how that hit me but okay yeah we're just we're just getting more and more spawns should probably get out of here oh here's a backup magazine printer by the way okay what does that give me more right click i'm gonna go back and get the rose buckler i don't that's worth my scrap we have an ice parent as well yeah i saw him what oh i don't have the money oh my goodness this is overwhelming right now i think i think we should just go probably i don't know where you are but uh i'm running the head oh is this the teleport oh this is a teleporter primordial teleporter uh it's over here i pinged it oh my god dude i can't get out of here i'm coming i'm trying to get to you oh there's a burning pairing what the heck hit me all right i'm there i'm there dude this guy is teleporting behind me it's just running up with me it's not even there's so many parents right now i'm not sure how we're gonna get out of this one alive they're doing like 50 of my health like per hit yeah this is crazy maybe we should activate the boss and try to hit and run everything i'm just i'm just running right now in between uses of the gnarled wood sprite these burning parents will not get off me should i activate it or no yeah just activate it i'm gonna die though dude they teleport and they teleport and slam at the same time there's nothing like how are you supposed to dodge that i don't know we got more magma worms too so i'm not sure oh brass contraptions up my booty too so oh geez that's the wrong spot to land whoa okay i guess i'll go up here you say so i've got all the parents together what is this thing oh active item job oh my god the freaking the mega worm landed right on me off screen oh my god dude screw these freaking parrots dude they just teleport and slam teleport and slam i need to focus on my brain stocks here no wrong spot to beat oh my brass contraptions too i just said like 30 balls laying next to my face i'm trying to gorilla this i'm trying to just run into a punch and get out but man this is not easy this is on this is on freaking normal rainstorm yeah more like brainstorm not to mention like the 35 mushrooms in the ground elder lemurian now enters the the battle what am i supposed to do with this well the good news is that we've i'm dead i don't think that's good news i don't i i don't understand how the hunters are supposed to dodge all that damage like when the parents are sitting there teleporting you and then they immediately come down with like a fist slam before you even know that you're being targeted by them oh yeah by the way they stay behind you by the way woof bro yeah he just teleported behind me and just fisted me right in the butt i mean back of the head all right well there you go everyone hope you enjoyed risk of rain too uh check it out on steam available now for version 1.0 and uh yeah time to uninstall thanks for watching everybody i guess we'll do one more run for this video
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,576
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Risk of Rain, risk, rain, rogue-like, rogue, indie, platformer, pixel graphics, online coop, perma death, 2D, side scrolling, boss, magma worm, character, unlock, item, best, top, 3d, risk of rain 2, mul t, hunter
Id: yKxIF-Vozlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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