Office Hours: A real world example of crashing a project.

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[Music] alright I'm here today to talk to you about crashing not the kind of crash and it will happen on a busy interstate for the type of crashing that we do in project management and that is where we're spending some money in order to get our project done in a shorter amount of time now it's important for a lot of reasons but sometimes it seems just way too abstract when you're reading about it in a textbook I want to show you an example here this was done by a local construction company and you'll see here that I'm at an overpass and you can see here there's this weird part of the overpass or is not part of a bridge that's because when they repaired this bridge segment they actually made the bridge over here then demolish the previous bridge it was there and then slid this one over into place by doing so they were able to reduce the amount of time that their project took and especially the amount of time in which the project was interfering with traffic and that's a big thing for departments of Transportation so by spending a little more money doing this they were able to capture an enormous amount of incentive fees and really make much better profit off of this project certainly there's risk involved in doing this the first time they did it was on a project on an interstate south of here on i-70 no I'm sorry it was on i-40 for I'll link to that video where you can watch how they slid that entire bridge over into place it's pretty amazing but this is really what we talked about we talked about crashing so it's a way to spend some extra money but we're going to get our project done in time it can be done for a number of reasons one just because we got to meet a deadline because we've got our bring our project back on track it can also be because we're going to suffer some severe penalties in our financially from our contract or we're going to be able to capture some incentives it can also be because there's high indirect costs and we want to just get things done quicker in order to end those indirect costs but I just want to take a little bit to hand this very very cold day it's freezing out here I don't know if you can see around everything is covered in ice and very very treacherous actually but I just wanted to give you a clear example of why people do this and that it actually is done [Music]
Channel: J Scott Christianson
Views: 183
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Project management, Crashing, Incentives
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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