Fast Tracking and Crashing, PMP - Learn in 3 minutes

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hello friends and welcome today we will learn about schedule compression techniques when our schedule can be compressed using these two techniques first of all we have cross tracking and then we have crashing today we will understand these two concepts by a very simple example so let us understand fast tracking with an example we're all glad for shaking your schedule compression technique and enforce technique activities are perform in parallel and as and as a result project deviation decreases so let us can understand with a simple example so we have here a project 12 days project which has three activities activity a and these three activities are combined together with finish to start relationship so here on the top we have a B and C with the normal duration and here in the below pan we have activity ABC when activity B see all three activities are fast-tracked okay well how did we do the first fecking we simply added the one day lead with the activities relationship for example activity a and we now are starting together with finish to start -1 and then it's finished with start -1 so now you can see that activity B is it was by 1 days and activities also it was by 1 day okay and in this way our very duration is tedious where 2 days similarly when we do the first tracking it increases the Fernet risk so let us consider the crashing crashing is alcohol schedule compression technique and in crushing project duration is reduced by adding more resources to the activities so let us understand a simple example here we have the same project ABC and the duration of the project is 12 this and then you see activities are joined together with finish to start relationship and on all these activities we have one resource scheduled for the activity a once the source is scheduled for activity weeks and one resource is scheduled for accuracy and each resource is costing us $100 so what if we increase the number of resources on these activities and as a result the duration of the activity decreases so let us consider this scenario now here we have the same project with 3 activities and these activities are combined together when the finish to start relationship and you can see that here now that duration of activity is this these these are basically the crashed activities the duration of activity a has now become a two days and the narration of activity becomes two days and similarly the duration of maturity has now become for two days so how did this increase by adding the more resources in the previous case we have the one resource and in here here we have two resources and definitely when we have increased the number of resources its cost has also increased so let us conclude that as we can see that draw crushing has increased the project cost however at the same time yet relation has decreased so in in this scenario we have this project will be completed in six days with three hundred dollars and and in the same project if we have been faced a number of resources the project will be completed in three days and 26 and where much for watching
Channel: Eternity Corporate Trainings Project Management
Views: 525
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 72T8DqBDCMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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