OFF Time in Parkinson's: (Your Top 20 Questions Answered)

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Hi everyone and welcome to the Davis Phinney  Foundation's Parkinson's OFF seminar:   What is it and how to manage it. My name is  Dr. Lauren Costantini and I'm a member of the   Scientific Advisory Board at the Davis Phinney  Foundation and I'm really looking forward to   this conversation because we're going to talk  about an issue that is relevant for nearly   everyone living with Parkinson's and that's OFF  times. So welcome Dr. Torres-Yaghi and thank you   for agreeing to be our guest today.   My pleasure thank you for having me.    Just to tell you all in the audience about Dr.  Torres-Yaghi, he's a movement disorder specialist,   an assistant professor in the department  of neurology at Georgetown University   and co-director of the Lewy body dementia  clinic spearheading an initiative   to care for a growing population of aging  patients with neurodegenerative conditions.   He has a broad background in clinical research  with specific training and expertise in Lewy   body dementia and atypical parkinsonism  and has been an integral member of numerous   clinical trials. So let's get to it. So  first question, is what exactly is OFF   and what are the different types of OFF? This  is an amazing first question. So off is something   that first of all you need to be on the same  page with your patient about. I still remember   34 years including preschool is how long it  takes to become a movement disorder specialist   and I was in my 33rd year doing my first year  of my fellowship which is, you become an MD,   then you do your neurology residency,  then you do a two-year fellowship if you   want to do clinical research and in movement  disorders. I still remember my first patient,   what off meant to me was different than what my  patient would off meant to my patient. Actually   off to my patient meant that the Parkinson's  was off. So my patient was explaining to me,   he said, I'm off at these times of the day and I  said well you know we have to fix that because he   sounded happy he said I'm off all the time it's  just amazing and I said okay well that's great   and so I left the room and I said oh well you know  my patient's doing you know very happy but but   he's off all day and I so I came back in the room  I said wait hold on a second so when you set off   you mean Parkinson's off right for a movement  disorder specialist when we think off we think   a return of Parkinson s symptoms right so that  means that your medication has worn off or it   hasn't really kicked in yet and people feel that  their Parkinson's symptoms are back in action,   their tremor, rigidity, stiffness, slowness and  movement, is all present and that can come in   all shapes and forms and they can enter our lives  differently from moment to moment. It's not always   the same, not all OFF episodes are equal and so  you can have it in the morning. For example,   morning OFF means I wake up in the morning and  it takes me a long time to get ready. What that   means to me is that it's been many hours since  your previous dose of carbidopa levodopa, right,   so maybe you took your last dose at 8 pm and  hopefully you wake up at 6 am or maybe even later,   if you don't have a three-year-old like me and you  wake up later and you say, you know I've taken my   medicine and maybe it you know it takes a little  bit of time before it kicks in. That's a morning   OFF. Now wearing off just in general means you've  taken your medicine it's kicked in, it's working,   maybe it works for three four hours, maybe your  next dose is due five or six hours after your   previous dose was given and you have about a  one or two hour period of time where you feel   those symptoms re-emerge. That can happen just  after your dose is given three to four hours for   example. It can happen precipitated by actually  eating. So if you eat a high protein meal like let   s say at lunchtime, you're doing the right thing  you're eating you know some some protein which is   good for your body but it reduces the absorption  and the effectiveness of the carbidopa levodopa,   so that can happen. The other piece here  that's really important is understanding that OFF   also includes the time it takes after you  take your medicine. So that medicine kicks in,   sometimes that can be on average sometimes 60  minutes. So people might say you know doctor   I take my carbidopa levodopa and I feel worse  for about an hour right after I take it and I   say well I don't we have to investigate but  it's possible that what you're experiencing   is that time it takes before that carbidopa  levodopa takes effect. That counts as OFF time.   One more, because look you know 30, 40 years  including preschool, we have to identify these   OFFs because how you communicate with your team  is very important. The healthcare team that takes   care of you, let's not forget, nighttime. Let's  not forget 2, 3, or 4 am in the morning. Our   patients might wake up and feel restless, it might  be hard to turn in bed, maybe their Parkinson's   symptoms are bad, maybe their Parkinson's symptoms  wake them up but then they have to urinate.   That could be an OFF episode, right. So sleep  fragmentation in the middle of the night is also   something that we always need to screen for to  make sure that we're not missing that aspect of   OFF. That can happen at any moment throughout the  day. And it sounds like these different types of   off can happen within one individual at any time,  is that right? Very good question and I think it   can happen differently it can be predictable or it  can be unpredictable and then another feature can   be tolerance right? They can be tolerable OFFs and  sometimes intolerable OFFs and so that's a very   very important question. Every time in the back of  my mind when I was being trained to really analyze   OFF as a as a movement disorder specialist with  sub-specialized training thinking about the   more modern advanced therapeutics we always  need to figure out first of all, is this   happening predictably? Can a patient tell me,  you know it's really happening every three hours   after taking my previous dose? That's a pattern,  right? If there's a pattern that's helpful for us   to know. Or like we said eating, if you eat and  and you feel like you wear OFF of your medicines   more easily that's also an important pattern  and then that morning OFF that can be a pattern,   right? And there's different ways to analyze  how to treat those different OFFs.    Interesting. So what types of symptoms might a  patient experience when they are OFF besides the   ones that you had just described? You know  that's a really good kind of neuroscientist   question because you got it, the brain is  complicated, as Dr. Costantini knows. The   brain is not, it's not a straightforward  organ. Unfortunately for all of us, right?   You know, it's a very important organ but it  controls a lot of aspects of our body, right?   It controls our neurologic state right?  Our neurologic state's very important,   our brain capacity, our memory, our cognition,  our alertness, right? It also controls our ability   to move right? There are certain centers of the  brain like our Parkinson's circuitry that can be   affected, we might see tremors, rigidity, slowness  of movement, gait impairment, falling, those are   the motor symptoms that might happen. But also  the brain can control our psychology, right,   anxiety, depression, right? This is an  organ that it can affect our behavior,   our neurologic state, our movements, and so it's  very different, it's unique in that in comparison   to the other organs of the body. Also there's  a nervous system throughout our body, right?    Our nervous system controls our other organs  so it really is a multiple system type of   condition especially OFF episodes because it's  those non-motor symptoms, not the motor symptoms,   those non-motor symptoms that also can be hard  to detect and those are the things that we talk   about, things that are very under detected  based on research are things like pain,   right? Pain can be a symptom of wearing OFF  and that's something very very important to   detect. Brain fog. Some patients might feel like  I'm just cognitively slowing down, it's like my   cognitive agility isn't at its full capacity. As a  Parkinson's specialist that also handles cognitive   patients with cognitive impairment, I see that a  lot that I need to be able to distinguish between   true cognitive impairment or a cognitive effect  from a wearing OFF episode if it can happen   episodically, panic, anxiety, depression, all of  these things can be part of wearing OFF. Sweating   can be part of wearing OFF. So all of these things  we have to combine them together to understand   hey is it just one a la carte thing that's  happening? Some patients might experience just   a little bit of anxiety. That could be a  symptom of wearing OFF and sometimes those   non-motor symptoms do not necessarily happen in  combination with the motor symptoms and sometimes   they happen solely motor symptoms that occur and  sometimes it's a combination. So this is a very   intricate conversation, I'm so happy that we're  having it. It sounds more complex than we had   originally thought. So you had mentioned earlier  L-dopa, does this have to do, do OFF episodes have   to do with the types of medication you take and  your medication schedule or both? Obviously, a lot   of patients are taking more than just one type of  Parkinson's medication, does that play a role?    Yes, and you got it, you're just nailing it with  the questions, because it's carbidopa levodopa   you know we think of carbidopa levodopa as  our dopamine repleter right? When I teach,   I m an academic neurologist that's why I'm  stuck in the river, the Potomac River here,   with Georgetown behind me, but when we teach  our medical students, residents, our fellows   our goal really is to teach them  about what it is that we're doing,   our role as a physician is to identify a  problem and think about the therapeutic   solution to that problem. So wearing OFF  occurs traditionally when we think about it   in between our doses of carbidopa levodopa right?  It can either happen like we said in the morning,   in the evening, in between, due to diet, etc,  and so when we think about it, it's traditionally   thought of you know as a function of the medicine  either not being absorbed as adequately as it   could in patients maybe with constipation or  because of diet or it's wearing off early,   the effect as it's in your system wears off too  early, but the way we practice as you mentioned   is to combine therapies right so we think of  carbidopa levodopa and we give that multiple   times a day, but there's a lot of reasoning behind  adjunctive and combination therapy. We call that   rational polypharmacy. Not irrational  polypharmacy, that's not what we want right?   We don't want our patients on a million medicines  you know although that sometimes happens, we have   our patients on so many meds but the idea is, how  is it that we really kind of combine and create a   cocktail approach? We use adjunctive medications,  and those families of medicines can be monoamine   oxidase inhibitors, dopamine agonists, and there's  different medications within each category.   You can think about other formulations of  carbidopa levodopa, extended-release formulations,   to help potentially extend the duration. You can  think about COMT inhibitors, which are medications   that might prolong the duration of effect of  carbidopa levodopa, and now we have multiple other   avenues right? We think about the medications that  are derivatives of amantadine, which can help with   wearing OFF and dyskinesias and then we have  other medications like A2A receptor antagonist,   those are adenosine 2A receptors antagonist,  that's another family of medication,   those are the medicines that we combine together.  And now we have as needed therapies right? We have   medicines that can be given as needed for patients  that need an on-demand or an as needed way of   rescuing them from an OFF, to get them from an OFF  state to an ON state so that they feel better.    Excellent, fantastic. So I'm a big fan of  nutrition and hoping to change the body   through what we eat. As you know, things that  we put in our mouth every day play a role in our   physiology as well as our disease state, so are  there any nutritional choices, like hydration   that can play a role in OFF times and improve or  even cause a problem and increase OFF? Great.   Yeah you know I think it's a very important topic,  you know, thinking about the condition that we all   deal with in our world, our dopamine deficiency  condition, thinking about it holistically   and not just you know, I'm talking a lot from an  MD allopathic lens talking about modern therapies,   therapeutics, but there's so much more to life  than medication right? Sometimes it doesn't   feel like it because we have all these you  know wonderful medications at our disposal,   but it has a lot to do with lifestyle and diet and  exercise and so these non-pharmacologic measures   can make a difference in our life. Exercise  is important, diet is important, sleeping   is important, hydration is important, you know  especially in patients with Parkinson's disease   we might actually feel low blood pressure.   So low blood pressure actually can be part   of Parkinson's not necessarily part of OFF,  but you can see blood pressure changes, this   volatility of blood pressure, especially  with OFF episodes we might actually see   sometimes the blood pressure come up and so it's  important to manage all aspects of our body.   Hydrating is important in terms of recommendations  we try our best to adequately hydrate. We usually   say it's kind of that old adage, you know, eight  ounces of, eight glasses that are eight ounces   of water in a day right that's 64 ounces,  a little bit more than half a gallon.   And then our patients say but wait but then  I have to urinate a lot and I say I know,   that's the drawback, right? We do unfortunately  have pluses and minuses to everything. The other   thing we say is that diet is very important,  you know diet actually can dictate how we sleep,   the better we sleep the more deeply we  sleep, the better our days are going to be,   but we usually say for a good brain healthy  diet we consider the Mediterranean diet right,   so the Mediterranean diet is something that  is usually high in vegetables, it's a very   colorful plate right, maybe half of your plate has  color, might be fruits, vegetables, whole grains.   You actually have a lower carbohydrate amount as  part of that diet, and you do in fact have things   like fats and and protein as part of that diet  but then that leads us to the second part of Dr.   Costantini's question is are there any drawbacks?  And I mentioned that we alluded to it earlier but   protein can unfortunately reduce the absorption of  carbidopa levodopa and I don't want to overdo it   because I don't want people, because what ends up  happening is, when you're on a medicine multiple   times a day like a carbidopa levodopa pill or in  any formulation oftentimes we're on it multiple   times a day and patients might say but when do I  eat? You know how am I supposed to eat when I'm   eating, and I'm supposed to space my medicine  away from food, so that's a very individual   conversation and so it's important to know but I  don't want it to alter our way of thinking. And   then one last point on diet. Constipation is one  of the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease   and so imagine, we have our upper GI tract and our  lower GI tract. Constipation is something that we   suffer from but also esophageal dysmotility,  sometimes it's hard to bring food down,   our stomach does not always empty into the small  intestine and so that kind of dysregulation makes   it even harder for us sometimes to rely on the  pills that we take orally, so that they take us   into an ON state from an OFF state and that's part  of the problem of wearing OFF and so that s one of   my first questions, whenever a patient calls us  and says you know it feels like my my carbidopa   levodopa isn't working as well as it used to  or our medications to help us with movements,   they're not working as well as they used to, the  past three days has been really rough. You know   the first question I'll ask, the first question I  ll ask is, are you constipated? And patients will   say, wait hold on a second, and they'll think,  and some will say no and I'll say wait, what do   you mean you're not constipated? They'll say well  I had a bowel movement today and then I go even   deeper I say wait, is it a, was it a full, did  you fully evacuate? If you didn't fully evacuate,   if you're straining, if it's hard to go and you're  noticing even if you're going that still is sub   optimal bowel movements, so our goal really  is, it's a multimodal approach. If we can have   you eating properly, hydrating properly, that's  where hydration is a major piece right? If you're   hydrated, your colon is going to move that stool  down. Hydration is important for bowel movements,   exercise is important for bowel movements,  so all of these things come together.    Excellent, perfect. That was another question  is what about OFF episodes and exercise? Sounds   like that just exercising is going to help some  of these other problems like constipation but   could they have a direct effect with OFF episodes,  exercise in general? Wonderful, wonderful   question because it's a, that is a tough one  you're right, you know making that connection is   a tough one and it's a very higher-level question  because you got it, so exercise is very important,   and we kind of talked about the reasons why  exercise is important for your GI system. Exercise   is also important to help increase endorphins.  Endorphins are good for your muscles, good for   your brain, it's good for your alertness, it's  also, when you exercise based on animal models and   based on what we know, if you see and if you study  the chemicals that are elevated there's something   called a neuronal growth factor that is increased  with exercise. That's very very important for your   overall functional state and it might be really  good that neuronal growth factor might be very   good at maintaining the health of your nerves and  your brain. And then the third part about exercise   that's important is that there's a concept called  neuroplasticity, kind of retraining the circuitry   of your brain, right? We have different circuits  that lead to movement. In Parkinson's disease we   have our basal ganglia circuitry that might be  affected but there's different circuits that   help us move and so you can kind of strengthen the  other circuits and the circuits that are affected   in Parkinson's disease so that we can walk and  move and be more functional and in a more smooth   fashion. So the more we exercise, the better we're  going to feel and that may have a positive effect   on the amount of OFF time that we have. One last  point on that is it's not uncommon for patients of   ours to do what they're supposed to do, they're  all they're trying their hardest, they're trying   to feel better, they're trying to exercise,  they're trying to go to their physical therapy,   we know how important physical therapy is, and an  OFF episode stops them from being able to do that.   So it goes both ways. We need to tackle OFF in  order to exercise and we need to exercise in   order to kind of beat OFF and so both of those  things are very important that that piece of   if OFF impairs our ability to exercise or OFF  impairs our ability to go for our physical therapy   session, that's an important point and we have  to be able to have maybe an on-demand strategy   in case that were to happen in an unpredictable  fashion because I don't want my patient to miss   their physical therapy appointment. I want  them to be able to feel better if they if   they're in an OFF state maybe we can get them  back in and ON state so they can exercise.    Yep, mind body connection, it's important. So  one question here from a patient is are there   safe ways to extend the life of your carbidopa  levodopa so you have less OFF time? Sounds like   the goldmine question there. Yeah, you know and  that is a debated question. Yeah, it's a gold mine   question so you know it's a tough question because  there's different ways of looking at this because   it's a very much, it's very much an individual  conversation and it's a personal one in many ways   to everybody, but the way I kind of describe it is  we want people to feel as functional as possible.   And so as we mentioned, we don't want our patients  not to be able to move, not to be able to walk,   we want them to be at their optimal capacity, so  that they can exercise, so that they can walk,   so that they do maintain functionality over time  and how we do that is to try and maintain what we   call dopaminergic tone. We want that tone to be as  steady as possible given our oral medications so   that our patients can feel that stability and so  it's very much I believe, it's very much dependent   on each person, but we don't want also, we don't  want to overdo our dopaminergic tone, right?   There is a therapeutic window that, our goal is  to stay within that therapeutic window so we don't   supersede that threshold into dyskinesia and  then so that we don't undershoot so our patients   are experiencing multiple hours of OFF time in a  day and that's where that multimodal approach to   therapy comes in. There are ways to extend our ON  time you know with therapies, exercise, lifestyle   modifications, that can, all of those things  can help kind of extend that duration of effect   throughout the day, but the overall longevity  of that effectiveness from our medication is   very much dictated by the way the condition  progresses. So if the condition progresses,   that's the true function you know when you think  about the the function of of the cause I think   the idea that medication may not last in terms of  longevity, in terms of effectiveness, over many   many years is very much based on how the condition  itself is progressing. That is the, you led me   right into our next question on the list here. Do  OFF times increase when Parkinson's progresses,   is this a function of the progression of the  disease? Or because the medications are no longer   treating symptoms as effectively? Yeah, great  and I, you know, there's a lot of ways of looking   at this and there's data out there you know about  the utility of using dopamine sparing medications   versus just using dopamine or levodopa, dopamine  sparing strategies. Now more recently there's   been a lot of scientific and clinical discussion  about kind of this continuous dopamine type of   therapeutic strategy, kind of keeping everything  as continuous as possible and so there's different   ways of thinking about it, but what we do know  is that over time as the condition progresses,   we know that the overall amount of medication that  is needed can increase in order to provide benefit   and we're seeing more and more OFF  time as the condition progresses   and so anywhere between five to 13 years after  either disease onset or the time that we start our   medications right there's different start points  that have been studied, but ever since because   when we think about the progression of the  condition, because it is a progressive disorder,   we have to think about the more and more need to  address OFF as the disease progresses over years   usually 5 to 13 years after, we might see more  and more OFF time start to develop and and another   way of kind of categorizing OFF time is actually  talking about it just as return of symptoms right,   peeling off that extra layer, just saying return  of symptoms in between doses does tend to progress   become more pronounced and the duration of  those time periods does tend to get worse.    Yeah, so what are the most effective ways to treat  OFF currently? Pharmacological, you mentioned   a couple I think people want to hear a little  more specifically about some of those on demand,   and are there any non-pharmacological  or even surgical ways to treat OFF?    Yeah, you got it. So this is the joke is the 34  years including preschool, this is why you know   neurology has become so sub-specialized right?  Clinical neurology has become so sub-specialized   that a movement disorder specialist can be very  helpful in analyzing these sorts of scenarios,   similarly an MS specialist for multiple sclerosis  would be much better suited to be able to handle   a 2021 case of multiple sclerosis because  of the advancements in therapeutics both   in movement disorders and multiple sclerosis  and so this advancement in therapeutics has   kind of paved the way for the need for more  sub specialization within neurology. So the   positive about all of this is that, hey, look  at all these medicines that I mentioned right?   Dr. Costantini was like wait I just asked one  quick question and you're talking too much with   all these things, but you got it there's so many  families of medications and now there's different   categories right you said we want to hear more  about those on-demand therapies, hey, look, just   since 2017 you know there's been this development  of on-demand therapeutics. So let's start there,   right, so on-demand therapeutics so traditionally  what we may have done back in the 1970s   and 1980s is, hey, take an extra dose of  carbidopa levodopa. Hey that's a way of thinking   about treating an OFF episode, right? In between  your doses if you're having an OFF episode maybe   you can take an extra dose, right? Here or there  and that's again very individual so it has to   be planned by your healthcare team and each  individual person. That's one way of thinking.   Now, but that still doesn't bypass the problems  that we that we run into with the gut dysfunction,   right? And so you might be doing the right  thing by taking your medicines orally   but what are the medication options that are  on-demand therapies that, as needed therapies   that might help us bypass that GI tract. We have  injectable apomorphine right? Apokyn. We have an   inhaled option with Inbrija or Inbrija, right?  I've been told Inbrija because it's supposed to   bridge you to your next dose, depends if you're  what coast you're on but I guess I say Inbrija   but it really kind of has this idea of bridging  you till your next dose because you're using   an inhaled option in an on-demand way for OFF.   And we have a sublingual apomorphine that's   helpful, it goes under the tongue, and it can get  you from an OFF to an ON in a more reliable way   than using those oral therapies um that we that  we traditionally used to use. I'll stop there   and and clarify any answers Dr. Costantini has.   Are there any non-pharmacologic or even surgical   approaches for OFF? Specifically? I don't think in  my knowledge that there is but Yeah, so well   you can think about them as maintenance therapies  right, so surgically yes, those surgical treat,   we call them surgical treatment modalities,  right, you got it so that's exactly kind of   where we there's a now a a continuum right? So  we think about the condition as a continuum.   If we are experiencing motor fluctuations or  wearing OFF and and we're at a stage where we need   to consider surgical treatment modalities there  is a medication infusion port that actually gives   carbidopa levodopa intestinal gel on a reliable  and consistent basis through a medication infusion   port directly to the small intestine where the  carbidopa levodopa gets more effectively absorbed   and that's pumped it's a pump basically that  infuses medication on an hourly rate and that   allows us to fine-tune you know the amount that  we're actually giving by 0.1 ml increments, which   equates to two milligram increments. Imagine being  able to titrate, go up and down, by two milligrams   per hour. That's an infusion port. What we have  also at our disposal are three kinds of deep brain   stimulators, right, so there are the different  kinds of deep brain stimulators that we can place,   and you put them in different parts of the brain  depending on what sort of condition we're dealing   with. There are three main targets, there's more,  but three main targets that we think about when   treating tremor and Parkinson's disease for deep  brain stimulation. Excellent. Okay well we're   about halfway through our timing and we want to  now switch over to questions from the attendees   so Leigh is is typing them out for me here we've  got five questions so far, so I encourage all of   you listening to start typing in your questions  in the chat, so first question from our attendee   is what is your experience with the Neupro  patch and does it help with wearing OFF?    Yeah, so, great question. So Neupro is a dopamine  agonist right so it's a patch it's transdermal,   we call it transdermal, through the skin, and  what makes it um unique in comparison to the other   dopamine agonist is that it is a patch but also  that it's an extended release formulation right?   So we think more extended release, right, we think  about more extended-release carbidopa levodopa. We   like to use perhaps um depending on each case but  extended-release formulation of dopamine agonists   but the Neupro patch is a helpful tool to help  kind of think about you know creating some sort   of stabilization of benefit so it could, yes,  dopamine agonists like Neupro could be helpful   in extended-release form to help reduce wearing  OFF, that's the short answer. There are risks and   benefits to each drug class right and so we think  about dopamine agonists as their own drug class   different than the other drug classes but  really what dopamine agonists are and so we can   conceptually think about them as a pharmacologist  right if we put on our pharmacology hat what they   are are molecules that they're like dopamine  imposters. They sit on dopamine receptors   you know these are receptors by the way or like  little cups and then the molecules sit on those   receptors on the neurons and act like dopamine  would act they they are not dopamine. Levodopa   actually enters the neuron and converts  into dopamine. Dopamine agonist might be   used adjunctively or as monotherapy on  their own without any other medications   to provide benefit and reduce symptoms.   Excellent, great. Another question from one of our   webinar attendees is does strenuous exercise  quote on quote burn through the carbidopa   levodopa quicker which invokes OFF quicker? Can  you actually burn through that and cause the   medication to be metabolized quicker if you're  intensely exercising? Well I can tell you in   my clinical experience I hear that from patients,  that on days where they are expending more energy,   right they might actually note that they're  wearing OFF potentially more. It's almost like,   yeah, I have not uncommonly heard this from  patients and that's kind of more clinical   experience kind of what I've heard from just  having we have 12,000 patients in our clinical   practice, very big Parkinson's center, we're  very busy we have a high volume and you got it.   I've heard that and it's not uncommon for  me to hear that now it's possible that maybe   when we're trying to exert ourselves we're  noticing that maybe we're wearing OFF rather   than if we were just sitting there not really  exerting ourself, maybe we wouldn't necessarily   feel that wearing OFF effect as strongly or  it's possible you're right with expenditure   of energy you know your metabolism you're using  your cells are using the energy that you have and   our medications help us but it's possible that  we are kind of somehow in certain cases kind of   exhausting some of those energy that some  of that energy capacity that we have.    Excellent, good. This is not in the clinical  journals but you're hearing it first here folks   from clinical experience. So, next question  is when OFF time occurs late in the afternoon   would adding a late afternoon dose of  levodopa be as effective as switching   to an extended-release dopamine? So yeah,  so there are different ways of evaluating   OFF time right and if we're seeing that throughout  the day we have a predictable experience, where we   are wearing OFF of our medicine or we're feeling  like a certain time of day we can predictably say,   hey, I know I know I'm wearing OFF, right, this  is it, I found it, this is the time, it's not   unpredictable, it may or may not be intolerable  right? Those are the two factors that kind of   when we have those two questions in the back of  our mind about how we, when we add therapies. You   know it's not uncommon for us to do two things at  once right, it's a dynamic condition and sometimes   we need a dynamic strategy. So we are thinking  about now that we have all these categories,   definitely, hey, how do we improve our OFF  time, improve our ON time, reduce our OFF time.   Extended-release formulations of of carbidopa  levodopa for example right those are those   are ways that we can help prolong duration  from our previous dose. Data has shown that   uh the more extended-release formulations of  carbidopa levodopa like if you think about Rytary,   it actually can show based on clinical data  extended duration after each dose in comparison   to the immediate release carbidopa levodopa if  dosed right and done properly. Now what about   patients that we have that in the back  of our mind where we're thinking about   extended release formulations of carbidopa  levodopa, maybe we've added an an adjunctive to   reduce OFF time right? These ON extenders or ON  augmenters, the different families that we mention   but we're also maybe thinking in the back  of our mind well let's have an action plan   similar to what an asthmatic might have right? You  have, or a diabetic person might experience right?   How do we combat these sugar fluctuations that  despite being on multiple formulations of medicine   that might tackle diabetes, we still might need an  as needed plan to kind of modify that sugar level,   same goes for asthma, we might have our patients  on three or four different doses or different   medications for maintaining or preventing asthma  crises but if you have an asthma crisis there's an   action plan there to help reduce the symptoms.   Great analogy, yeah, now we can start using an   asthma protocol for maintenance versus as needed  that's excellent. Looks like we're going back on   our next question to diet, you struck a chord  with the protein and says how much time should   you avoid protein before and after eating to  allow maximum absorption of the levodopa.    Yeah, so yeah, it's a good question. Sounds  personal. Yeah so, it's a good question and   it's about so what we tend to say and patients  that might be experiencing that is protein   if taken within half an hour to an hour of taking  your carbidopa levodopa may actually reduce the   benefit from those doses and so we tend to say,  try and space your carbidopa levodopa half an   hour to an hour away from eating a protein-packed  meal. What I tell patients though is if you're   hungry and you gotta eat you eat right and maybe  think about that knowing that it's protein mainly   try and find out you know what are those kind of,  those meals that may not have a lot of protein so   that you can maybe eat something, but it may not  affect your absorption or benefit from carbidopa   levodopa. Yeah, have a big salad with lots  of vegetables and a little bit less protein.    Yeah, that's a good thought. Next question is  about sun downing, so my father is having some   evening symptoms that we thought were an extreme  OFF period, but an experienced in-home caregiver   is suggesting maybe a sun downing effect, can  you speak to the difference between OFF symptoms   and sun downing? Yeah great, and they could  be the same. You know, it's possible just as,   it's a multi-layered process right and that's why  it's possible that in the evening hours you know   we might be seeing an increase of neurobehavioral  changes right. So it is important to distinguish   sundowning from an OFF episode and it's possible  that there's a cycle there right? You know   maybe anxiety and panic is setting in because of  a wearing OFF episode and that can kind of then   trigger some neurobehavioral changes that seem  like confusion or brain fog. Those things can be,   sometimes they're non-specific, so they could  be wearing OFF, but sundowning is an important   an important topic to discuss because cognitive  change is also part of our condition in certain   cases, and so it's important always to evaluate  your patient's cognitive state, their abilities,   their cognitive abilities, their neurocognitive  kind of level. If there's cognitive impairment   or if there's dementia, we may be more prone to  sun downing or confusion in the evening hours   and it's important to know that because if we  have cognitive impairment detected on either an   MMSE or a Montreal Cognitive Assessment  those are ways that we can determine our   patient's cognitive status. Let's not forget  psychosis, right? When we think about psychosis   that is part, can be part of our condition and can  be made worse or caused by our medications and so   understanding the cognitive overall, all those  components is very much a part of understanding   our movement disorder. You need to know about your  cognition in order to help your movements and vice   versa. Yep, sounds like a balancing act. You  had talked about this a little earlier how much   wearing OFF should you tolerate before  increasing your carbidopa levodopa?   Do you worry about obviously dyskinesias caused  by the higher levels, how do you strike that   balance or is it a very personal thing? Yeah,  you're right, and that's where it is personal   and it's individual for each person but there's  different strategies. You know you you might   be able to think about a strategy to help  reduce dyskinesias and improve OFF right?   So there are medications that we might think about  for that, there's FDA indicated medications that   are FDA indicated for both right. So a medication  like an amantadine derivative might be thought of   during that time. So but but there's different  ways of thinking. You can even sometimes lowering   the dose of levodopa and making it more frequent  thinking about extended release formulations,   adding on extenders, those adjunctive medications  that we've talked about can be helpful,   but sometimes then we push ourselves into that  threshold of more dyskinesias and that's where,   whenever we're having a tough time with our  combination therapies or just our therapies in   general, finding our way to thread that needle  into a narrow therapeutic window, where small   changes make big impacts, that's a very important  conversation to have and understand because that's   exactly when we start having that conversation  about surgical treatment modalities right? So it   doesn't mean we're not going to still think about  optimizing our oral medications, but we might   really start thinking and having that conversation  about, hey, you know these are the options for   surgical treatment modalities. Which ones make  more sense you know given the individual?    Yep, personalized approach. So what meds may  be coming down the pike that can help with OFF?   Anything in development that you've been hearing?  Your clinical trials or in your network?    So there's plenty of so this is one of my favorite  things is to talk about the momentum in clinical   research, right? So as an academic neurologist  we have one foot in clinical research at all   times and and we have to think about this as  an ever-changing field, as a dynamic field,   and as a field that has all this research momentum  behind it and we've talked about everything that   we can prescribe in clinic, but you got it,  there are there's so much going on. We have   clinical research, multiple sites  throughout the country looking at   an extended-release formulation already of  an extended-release formulation of carbidopa   levodopa. We have so maybe a medication that might  be in the future taken less frequently but maybe   you know successfully of course we still don't  know, but maybe we'll take it less frequently   and and get similar benefits to a more immediate  release alternative that's given more frequently.   We have different types of devices right we  have a dopamine agonist subcutaneous pump that   is being studied in the United States and we  also even have a subcutaneous carbidopa levodopa   device, that's subcutaneous meaning in the  skin, that might be able to deliver a continuous   infusion of carbidopa levodopa. That's not  to mention all the other clinical trials   looking at how to target the proteins within  the brain that are causing the problem   and all the other clinical trials that have to do  with devices, that implantable devices, and where   to target in the brain, so there's a lot here  in movement disorders and in neurodegenerative   diseases that's being studied. So exciting,  love it. A couple more personal questions I have   OFF times when I don't move much for a long time  like when I'm watching a movie is this common?    Well you know what happens sometimes also in my  clinical experience that I hear8 from patients   is that you know when we have long periods where  we're not moving, sometimes, we can kind of feel   rigidity and stiffness set in and so it can feel  a little bit like you know to get moving again   you kind of have to, to feel fluid again and  less stiff and rigid you kind of have to walk   and stretch out those muscles and you're right  so you can you can combat that with exercise,   stretching, core exercises, things like tai chi,  things that are gonna be good for your core.   Stationary biking is something  that's both safe and effective   but yes it also could be a wearing OFF episode,  right? So stiffness and rigidity can be   a sole symptom of wearing OFF and that's where  a strategy of kind of writing down when you take   your medicine throughout your day and how you feel  on an hourly basis can be very very effective,   that's a nice effective communication tool to  be able to kind of hand your health care team   a picture of what of what you might be  experiencing. Ah interesting, excellent.   My husband has fatigue when he is OFF what can  he do? Yeah, fatigue is a symptom that may have   many causes. So when we think about it, we really  have to kind of put it all together and try our   best to determine that if fatigue is part of OFF  then we can target OFF and maybe fatigue improves.   It's also possible that fatigue may actually be a  symptom of low blood pressure, right, so low blood   pressure can happen in Parkinson's, might cause  fatigue. Fatigue can also be caused potentially   by, if you eat a, it can happen to anybody.  If you have a big pasta meal at lunch time   carbohydrates can make it so that all the blood  from your body goes to your brain to absorb all   that food and carbohydrates are usually harder  to absorb and that can lead to fatigue too, so it   could be induced by food. Another type of fatigue  can be caused by just overall tiredness right,   low energy, that can be part of Parkinson's  disease, kind of hard to pinpoint,   or we really really need to think about  remember I said let's not forget sleep,   we think a lot about our day time but what  about our night time, remember Parkinson's   patients might have sleep apnea and that might  make them feel fatigued or insomnia during the day   they might experience REM behavioral sleep  disorder they might act out their dreams   making them sleep less soundly. And then  that sleep fragmentation right if you're   waking up several times at night because  maybe your dopamine levels are low right   because that's what happened overnight or  you need to go to the bathroom a lot urinate   that's going to contribute to daytime fatigue and  so you got it, it's so many factors and that's   why you kind of have to think about everything  as a whole and get to the bottom of each one    Right and that actually leads to the next question  if insomnia is an OFF problem how is that treated?   Yeah, so you got it, and so insomnia can be  an OFF problem. Restless leg you know can   be something that we feel it's kind of like a  sensory issue that can happen um where we feel   like like it's hard to control our leg or feel a  discomfort that could be a wearing OFF episode.   So wearing OFF prior to bedtime sometimes can  contribute to sleep onset insomnia right and we   have to distinguish between sleep onset insomnia  and then maintenance insomnia, in the middle of   the night, sometimes our patients can fall asleep  easily but then they wake up predictably at the   same time every night or maybe there is a pattern  there. Maybe their last dose of carbidopa levodopa   was at 6 pm but they're going to sleep at midnight  right and that's been a long time potentially and   if you're uncomfortable you're not going to sleep  you're not going to be able to fall asleep easily   and then a third point is depression and  anxiety can very much affect our ability to   fall asleep and stay asleep and so if we're  not screening for depression and anxiety   then we might be in trouble because you kind of  have to in order to regulate your circadian rhythm   you have to tackle anxiety and  depression too. Absolutely.   Next question is does chewing medication help  decrease wearing OFF, do you have any suggestions   as to what to take levodopa  with to enhance efficacy   prevent or help with OFF episodes and this person  has said I've tried vitamin c, orange juice as   well as carbonated drinks which sometimes help. So  how can they take their medication differently?    Yeah you know I'm not sure necessarily about  the the true clinical trial data but you got   it you know we we use strategies right we  think about it like so in carbidopa levodopa   s case/immediate release, maybe we tell people to  chew on some carbidopa levodopa, maybe think about   taking something with it like orange juice or  lemonade right because maybe there's something   in terms of that acidity or citric acid that might  help with absorption potentially right, maybe,   so that's something that we used to try. There are  different formulations like Parcopa sometimes that   patients might feel, the oral disintegrating  tablet of carbidopa levodopa, but again still   goes down the GI tract so we're still even though  we are doing those strategies with oral therapies   we sometimes you know we're still reliant on  that absorption in the small intestine, so our GI   tract does still need to be functioning properly.  Rytary is actually a medicine that's encapsulated   that you can actually in patients that have  difficulty swallowing you can open the capsule   sprinkle that into something like applesauce  and take it in patients that are having trouble   swallowing but those are things that we think  about you know just in clinical practice to   depending on each scenario we run  into. Perfect. One question here,   does OFF feel different if you're taking a  dopamine agonist instead of carbidopa levodopa?    Yeah, you know well the the answer I have is  you know I don't know, you know, I know that   we know the half-lives based on clinical  research half-life is how long each   medication administration if absorbed  properly is in your system right.   So we know that carbidopa levodopa might have a  certain half-life and and so which means it's out   of your system after a certain amount of time and  so it might not be giving you benefit. We also do   know that about dopamine agonists. So you can  if you're taking an immediate release dopamine   agonist the ones that are given three times a  day orally then you actually might feel those   though that dopamine agonists wear OFF too just  like you would carbidopa levodopa but that's where   potentially depending on each case of course we  really start thinking about more extended release   formulations of both carbidopa levodopa and  dopamine agonists right or we think about those on   augmenters or extenders those the newer  COMT inhibitors, A2A receptor antagonists,   those combinations of how is it that based  on all the clinical research these adjunctive   medications that are added to carbidopa levodopa  that might extend ON time and reduce OFF time.    Great and the last question we'll go with today  is, this is a general one get ready, please   explain the three kinds of deep brain stimulation  surgical treatments. Yeah, so yeah I'd love to.   This is a three-hour lecture right Dr.  Costantini? Saved the best one for last.    I can't believe it's the last question already  that time flies, so thanks for making it so   fun everybody and Dr. Costantini, but you  got it so there are three right right now   readily available in clinical  practice at least that I know of   we have Medtronic, we have Abbott and we  have Boston Scientific and and we might think   about the different technologies differently. So  Medtronic has what's called a closed-loop system   that can help us actually potentially understand  some readings from the brain, potentially, so   there might be some data that might be captured  by the device. Now what that data really   translates into right now that's TBD right, to be  determined, but there is a capacity for Medtronic   devices to actually capture some electrical  information from your brain after being placed.   A deep brain stimulator like Boston Scientific  actually there are eight contact points so eight   places to stimulate in comparison to four contact  points for alternatives so that might be something   that might be seen in a Boston Scientific deep  brain stimulator and the Abbott device has   directionality and they do remote programming  that's something that's newer to them is being   able to program a patient remotely through their  tablet and so they do have approval to do that.    So each system has its pluses but their  effectiveness really you know is tried and tested   through clinical research and before anything  is FDA approved of course they go through a huge   vetting process of safety and efficacy, but each  each device may have different pluses and minuses   at any given moment but of course technology  is constantly evolving right technology moves   faster than this lecture right. Something new in  technology might have come out just in the past 50   minutes where we've been talking and so all these  all these different devices might evolve, and each   company might have different things in comparison  to the other at any given moment in time    Excellent. Well thank you so much Dr.  Torres-Yaghi, this was so informative,   and you made everything so easy to understand  you truly have a gift for teaching.    Thank you, thank you. I hope everyone  got as much out of it as we all did   so thank you so much again and hope you  all have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's
Views: 56,131
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Keywords: Davis Phinney Foundation, Parkinson's Disease, Living Well with Parkinson's
Id: TunPzh2Lw3U
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Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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