Early symptoms suggesting Parkinson's Disease

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hello today we are going to talk about how to recognize Parkinson's disease in other words what symptoms might indicate that you have Parkinson's disease or you might be at risk my name is Dr sayas I'm a neurologist specialize in movement disorders [Music] do you know what is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world it's not Alzheimer's it's Parkinson's disease and this is why this is so important to talk about this topic let me start saying that there are certain symptoms that could indicate that you are developing Parkinson's disease or you are at risk of having Parkinson disease many patients start having non-modal symptoms years before starting having the motor symptoms when I say motor I mean the resting Tremor the stiffness the balance and walking issues or the slow movements so let's talk about four of the non-modal symptoms that many times patients start having these issues years before the moral symptoms number one decreased sense of smell very common in patients who who have Parkinson's disease to have at this decreased sense of smell and it's not because you have a sinusitis that usually that goes away now I'm talking about permanent number three if your partner tell you that you are acting out during your sleep so for example you are having a dream and usually is a very unpleasant dream like somebody chasing you you are chasing somebody or you are fighting with somebody and you are acting out during during a sleep you are punching kicking moving a lot and screaming that means that you most likely have what we call Ram REM rapid eye movement sleep behavioral disorder which is highly associated with Parkinson's disease number three constipation is a big one too very common number four depression and anxiety so when I'm saying anxiety severe anxiety remember anxiety is a normal phenomenon we need actually a little bit of anxiety in order to perform well now I'm talking about pathological anxiety and especially when you start having these type of issues depression and anxiety when you turn 60 50 70 out of the blue without any reason remember I don't want you guys to worry about uh if you have only one of those symptoms you you need to have a combination of those symptoms plus the motor symptoms I'm going to talk about that now now let's talk about five characteristic motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease number one tremors but not every Tremor is resting Tremor when I say resting Tremor is the Tremors that happen when the muscles are relaxed when you are not Contracting the muscles the the the muscle that that are involved in the trimmer right so the best way to evaluate for that is uh you stand up and if your fingers have a Tremor while you are standing up with your hands next to you or when you walk that's a resting Tremor okay that's characteristic of the disease Parkinson Parkinson disease the frequency is something like this okay something like this the second uh common symptom is when you're handwriting handwriting is changing but this is different because it the in Parkinson the handwriting gets smaller so they start usually relatively normal and then the handwriting gets smaller smaller smaller smaller so there is a decrement right if you put patients with at least moderate to severe parkinsonism and you put them to do uh Loops they start relatively normal or maybe a little bit small but the the key here is that every time that they do the loops and they continue doing the loops it gets smaller and smaller that's characteristic of having bradykinesia which is means as low movements number number three lack of facial expression so very easy to understand this if you see a picture of Muhammad Ali or a video actually a video of Muhammad Ali when he was fighting okay and then like one or two years before he he passed away so you will see the difference between a patient with Parkinson's disease and no Parkinson disease the facial expression is very very clear um the other one is a freezing of the gate freezing of the walking so is when you try to walk and the legs doesn't respond well doesn't want to move well it's like having glue so that's a a another feature of parkinsonism specifically Parkinson's disease now the other one is pain in the shoulder and especially when the pain in the shoulder is associated with decreased arm swing okay most likely you are not going to realize that you are having this issue of decreased arm swing somebody had to tell you about that but you might start having unilateral for example right shoulder pain um so if you out of the blue um start having this issue and you are not moving well the arm when you walk that might be an indication that you might be having rigidity stiffness of the shoulder which is one of the characteristic of having uh Parkinson disease if you have any combination of those symptoms the motor and no motor symptoms that I just explained please try to see a neurologist a specializing movement disorder see you soon [Music]
Channel: Dr. Luis E Zayas, MD PT
Views: 85,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luis Zayas, Luis E Zayas MD PT, Tremors, Parkinson, Motor, motor symptoms, Having parkinson disease, Decrease smell, Depression, anxiety, constipation, REM
Id: 5b4oyM8fRyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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