Just Pan Things | Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome back to more storybook ball we're playing super pan i like this character number one number two it's a fairly safe character if you're just aiming to get like top four um which i kind of am so i'm down for that i think if you're trying to win the lobby taking something like sir galahad or mad catter would be better but super pan does have high rolls and getting second or third place is still not that bad um the benefit of super pen is he starts at level three he's like skipped the time skipper in the early game but he doesn't scale up as well in the late game right because you're not getting the level four five and six heroes um the upside is you're only level three so then you can really maximize your chances of tripling things because you're not seeing as large of a character pool and you can take advantage of that by the fact that a lot of the level three treasures are quite good uh oh getting a vein fire pretty early is also nice so we're gonna go sherwood sure shot that's also gonna flip the frog then we can lock then we can take vane pyre and then we can like front line vane pirate backline sherwood and then we can take the frog this is actually a really decent setup for pan um at least for the early game and then basically these are going to be like the only level two characters we plan on buying and then we get all the level threes and just start going off oh and we attack first perfect perfect sorry opponent uh ooh princess white not that good actually in in this type of situation i was excited for a second i do probably still lock for the two cost five five though um princess white's fine like we could get a bunch of dwarves and then she'd get bigger and pan does work well with the incremental like boosting heroes but the thing is you don't really have like good dwarves to scale into except maybe like doubly or yeah tripoli or whatever but i don't know maybe i can see it but i'm gonna take the sure things huh um and go from there we gotta slay there and now we do lose the sure witcher shot battle i don't think there was a way i guess if i attacked the sherwood first there was a way for me to win that let's go with frog prince and polymorph is kind of weird let's just take earthquake and then roll uh we can take dark wood creeper is pretty good with vane pyre it means that we start scaling pretty strongly so i guess i will lock we can go dark wood creeper and baby root to just start making these dudes get like really big and that's pretty nice i also am kind of interested in sleeping princess again to go with the dark wood creeper plan she has huge toughness and she'll get strong pretty fast klingen's gwen always scared of gwen they just like randomly pull out with like this huge upgraded unit oh man that was devastating for them i didn't even need it but it definitely was devastating let me go trees um i guess i want to do something like this so that the sherwood sureshot can attack first and then the hope is that just these dudes get attacked a bunch and get huge attacks that's a fun name all right we get the sleigh we get a boost a frog dies no boost the tree gets an attack boost and now the tree's gone so now vane fire's not going to get all this attack we're actually fairly weak still this needs to attack the frog okay then this gun needs to go here okay actually we could win this oh we do oh no we don't oh we do what a roller coaster i'll take it i'll take it every life point matters kind of a lot okay so now i think we're gonna do this a 213 is ridiculous it's also a three cost we can get a second one um given that i think i guess i could just run the frog prince now and we want this to run like over here somewhere uh we probably want the spell weaver as well because this is something if you're playing super pan like one of your main benefits is casting spells a bunch obviously we haven't been doing that um we're going for more dark wood creeper incidental stuff but once you start going with that spell weavers are the unit really that will carry you into the late game so i'm just wondering if that is something i want to pick up it's a three-five currently it's going to become a four six range that's probably good yeah it's gonna become better than frog prince pretty quickly and it's a three cost so now we can start you know going for level three treasures even better because we're just looking for uh pairs in that regard we kill their polly they did get a sleigh but we're just growing growing our units here that's kind of a weird sentence i don't know if i like saying that goes there we are gonna win this fight okay so we get this dude i don't think there's any point for going for the eenie meenie miney mo we could take a trash can we could take doubly look for triples but i think i would rather oh this is pretty nice do this get this and then we could even sell the sure shot and look for baby root triples but i think i'm better off rolling and ooh dark wood creeper plus falling stars is really nice so we get two five six ranged uh we can put it here and i guess i don't really need that toughness boost anymore so something like this seems reasonable and i want this to attack before the sleeping princesses do yeah something like this seems okay it's not the strongest comp ever and we're getting close to retiring this vampire because like why run in 11 8 when you could just run like a giant ranged character because we're gonna get like a lot of attack next turn but we'll see if he keeps slaying and starts growing my shadow assassin more then i'm not super opposed or if we like find a way to triple him or get a pair or something some reason to keep him aside from like he's just kind of big sometimes also that's a giant spell weaver okay don't love seeing these hits so far is that going there is seven six uh oh well we barely lose that's like the theme of my life though and then we could get this guy by the spell all right there's the vampire pair so i guess i'll take that uh nothing amazing here going for a double frog is not great all right triple spell weaver i think i just want let's sell this uh i have to sell one non-paired unit what am i gonna sell well i could just not sell and i couldn't lock right i could do something like this something like this potentially it's gonna be a seven six this is gonna be a lot bigger but if i'm doing that i think i would rather just have the comp that's going to win i'm gonna lock i think yeah i don't know i don't know about this we're gonna probably lose this fight but we're gaining a bunch of attack on our characters i also have not targeted sleeping princess yet so once we you know give them plus eight attack that will be helpful don't you dare medusa my things ugh it hurts we do okay getting extra attack boost on sleeping princess is always very welcome we actually might win this somehow yeah attacking there we win okay that's great getting the greedy turn of double darkwood creeper falling stars and still winning the brawl is huge treasure map eye of aries haunted helm uh treasure map can get us a level 5 treasure i think i want to be like strong right now we'll take the haunted home we can grab another spell weaver which honestly i'm not super against yeah i think i oh i don't really have any of the hat ball combos yet i think i'm gonna wait for a turn [Music] all right there's another shadow assassin i have like all of the possible pairs you could have now we take the spell and we need to figure out how to make this comp this is a six six this is a really awkward composition i guess i maybe want um the weaver up front because it's so strong could do something like this but we were just going to get hit a bunch and get a bunch of attack from the dark wood creepers it's a pretty strong unit i think this actually i like this okay they picked my guy but honestly picking more of this early they're level six what is going on how is that possible i guess yeah i actually don't know how they're level six as long as they don't attack my spell weaver actually we just win anyway nice okay well they might just die all right now's the time to start tripling characters um spellweaver again you can sell this frog i will buy the spell weaver and i'm just gonna get the gold no we'll wait uh i'll take a lens lamp that's like a lot of buffs on the spell weaver all right triple v empire you love to see it crystal ball perfect i regret casting the spell but here we are we'll get the chicken nothing man i really regret casting that spell early nothing are we not hitting triples that's the crazy thing uh yeah this seems fairly good like if we could just triple any of these pairs though we can like consolidate our board because like these characters are pretty weird um [Music] the shadow assassin is kind of just hanging out yeah i don't know i think this is actually well they're about the same we'll just run this one because they can get an extra buff in case we do long term end up wanting shadow assassin for some reason yeah there's the good boy that we're scared of it blocks their whole team we do get double slay but this is like yeah how do i win from here i guess i have 111 cats but yeah their their comp is just too big all right triples looking for triples any triples i guess i don't really want to like go in on those guys this is pretty good do this we can transform this um i can cast this to give my whole team plus two attack again i guess i'll do that all right triple shadow assassin perfect merlin's hat i have aries ancient sarcophagus dwarven keepstone mine i guess i take ancient sarcophagus for now um i could have seen skipping for gold as well because again we are just like all in on finding triples that's tripoli is interesting he is gonna very quickly i should have bought one maybe last turn uh he's gonna very quickly outscale the princess this is a 10-7 [Music] uh we maybe need to focus on winning i have the falling stars over this turn i'm not gonna put the character in kill that that goes there that's unfortunate but we do get the sleigh which is helpful that goes there okay we do win this fight and it's actually not even that close all right we finally get the triple triple this merlin's hat okay perfect now we're going off uh let's get rid of ancient sarcophagus and we want to start buffing our bad units 28 24 is big but we can do better that's pretty good uh let's roll so now we don't really care about triples we're just looking for like targeted spells things of that nature uh taking another spell weaver is good make this evil sure get a free spell sell this for a tripoli um 311 sheep and wolves clothing so i think at this point we maybe move off the dark wood creepers and doubly's there so we can start targeting him with some random spells he's really bad in this current board but that's okay and like our squad's decent we're playing against the top ranked character which i'm a little bit scared of but if we can hold on for this turn we have a decent shot also like our whole squad is ranged which is hard to counter i just really want to get another turn because we're going to be very strong very soon oh no they killed my strongest dude oh and i think i like died exactly almost this is going really poorly okay kill that that of course attacks my strongest that goes there i need to kill this am i dead no come on oh my gosh i mean they were merlin doing hat ball things we did get the win i suppose ah it was like the turn with the combo we died we get plus two rating so close with peter pants one more turn i think we would have really really popped off but that's the game thank you guys for watching see you next time if you made it this far into the video you're clearly enjoying the content so if you want to help support me being able to make more content there's two ways to do it the first is free and very easy just following me on instagram you get you know to see cool stuff like this cat made out of trees or this dog that's an island some very interesting or trippy videos like this one which it's not for everybody um the other one is just going to my store my cell art like the ones i've shown so there's a lot of cool stuff there you can shop the collections and see things like this i'm selling t-shirts and i would really appreciate it thank you
Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 3,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: Y-vVNkphWa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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