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what's going on dudes lebensmude here today i'm going to go over the umber class created by odin blade you can find the steam link to the mod page down in the description below this class is based on the scoundrel school and is very versatile as it can switch from physical and magical damage at any time making it a great fit for any team first i'm going to show you how to select the class and the character creation screen in character creation there is a preset you can select for the class the umbra skills are selected for you but you can swap out any of them for other scoundrel skills instead the class provides two new status effects that are based on which form you are in order or chaos the order form is the physical base skill set and the chaos form is the magical damage based skill set the only caveat is that in chaos form the elemental damage dealt is randomized so you may even deal damage the enemy is resistant to the elite skills do not change when you switch forms there are 36 total abilities introduced with this mod so let's begin i will show you the order form of each skill followed by the chaos form the first ability is available regardless of your form and acts as a basic attack doing elemental damage the way of the umbra skill is the main ability that allows you to swap forms and change your damage type and it also resets cooldowns in each form [Music] [Music] so um daggerfall and chaos crash are very strong abilities they can do a ton of damage to large characters each circle can overlap and deals more damage with each circle on the enemy so uh now that we're through with the skills let's talk about the class first the class is very strong and scales well into mid game through late game you shouldn't have any issue with scaling from act two to four second some abilities are combinations of prior abilities available in the game that allow them to do even more than the base scoundrel skills third the class is very versatile and can fit well into any party composition with this class if you're looking for a challenge i would recommend using mods that increase the difficulty of the enemies as this mod is a bit over tuned but very fun to use i believe odenblade did a fantastic job creating a class that is fun and unique for the game and i had a great time playing through the story with it if you would like to see an overview of a specific modded class please let me know down in the description below if you found this video useful please consider leaving a like and subscribing for more thank you all for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Lebensmude
Views: 28,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 87zFz3KfGfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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