Odd Facts You Didn't Know About Golden Retrievers

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if you boop this golden retriever puppy's nose you're probably going to get bit golden retrievers are famous for being the sweetest dogs so you might be thinking that i'm crazy for telling you this but it's true golden retriever puppies are some of the worst biters gold retrievers were bred to use their mouths to retrieve birds and all puppies bite a lot so when you combine those two facts you get a cute innocent looking puppy with a surprisingly bad mouth and to make things worse puppy teeth are much sharper than adult teeth so it's not easy being a golden retriever puppy parent and here's something else you probably didn't know about golden retrievers they hold two world records in 2020 finley from upstate new york set the world record for holding the most tennis balls in his mouth at one time with six tennis balls and he actually broke the record that was held by another golden retriever auggie who held five tennis balls in his mouth yep golden retrievers have big mouths which probably helped with the other world record they hold charlie a golden retriever from australia holds the world record for the loudest bark ever by a dog his bark was measured at 113.1 decibels which is about as loud as a heavy metal concert as a golden retriever owner i'm not exactly thrilled that they have this record but thankfully goldens don't bark all that much and the good news here is that they do make a pretty good alarm system although if somebody broke in your house they'd probably greet them with slavery kisses and tail wags but it's not just their mouths that are impressive their brains are impressive too golden retrievers are the fourth smartest dog breed i know they're pretty goofy dogs but don't let that fool you dr stanley corn did a study where he ranked dogs based on how well they follow instructions and he found that golden retrievers are just behind border collies poodles and german shepherds for the world's smartest dog breeds of course there are pros and cons to having a smart dog goldens are relatively easy to train and they're intuitive these two traits plus how cute and sweet they are make them some of the best therapy and service dogs but because they're so smart they're often mischievous and know just how to push your buttons if they want to play but you're being lazy and laying on the couch then they might steal the tv remote or your socks and trick you into a game of catch me if you can our friend archie is a pro at this and he's pretty stinking cute when he does it goldens are most likely to do this when they're puppies but here's the thing many people say that golden retrievers are puppies for life bigger dogs typically mature slower than smaller dogs but there's just something about golden retrievers where they seem to say playful goofy and full of energy for longer than most other dogs this can be a great thing since it's fun to have a playful puppy around that always brings you joy but it can definitely be tough since they need a lot of exercise a fully grown golden is a pretty big dog for having so much youthful energy and many people say that females mature faster than males so if you'd like to get to the slightly more chill adult dog hood time a little sooner a female might be a better choice plus females are typically smaller so it's a little less dog to manage and here's another thing about females many people say that it's easier to potty train females than males these are just personal stories not exactly facts but it is an interesting difference to think about if you're about to get a golden retriever puppy and you want to potty train them fast i'll drop a link where you can download our free potty training cheat sheet down in the description now although goldens are so great and they're arguably the most recognizable dog breed in america they're surprisingly not america's most popular dog breed golden retrievers are america's third most popular dog breed according to the akc french bulldogs have soared in popularity in recent years and they're number two and the most popular dog breed in america right now is a labrador retriever but us gold and retriever owners are obsessed with our goldens here are some fun facts for you we did a study recently and found that 48 of golden retriever owners have had more than one golden in their lifetime and five percent have had six or more goldens in their life we also found that 56 of golden retrievers sleep in the bed with their owners which is really saying something because they take up a lot of room but it's probably best that golden retrievers aren't the most popular breed because of this next surprising tip golden retrievers have a great reputation for being sweet and easy to train but they are not the easiest dogs to raise the hardest thing about them is that they are big and they have tons of energy if you don't get them enough exercise they'll get bored and if they get bored they get into trouble they might start chewing up things in your house digging demand barking jumping or just generally being difficult to deal with many gold retriever rescues actually require potential adopters to have a fenced in yard because they know that a golden who doesn't get enough exercise is going to be hard to manage and the fact that they're so big means you really need to put in the effort to train them if a five pound chihuahua jumps on you or tries to pull on the leash it's really not that big of a deal but if a 75 pound golden jumps on you or pulls it's going to be a much bigger problem plus goldens are needy they need lots of attention they hate being alone you need to brush their beautiful but thick coats a few times a week and they're not exactly the healthiest dogs they often suffer from hip elbow and heart problems and then there's a dreaded seaward one american study found that sixty percent of golden retrievers will be impacted by cancer but one study from the uk found that 38 percent of goldens will die from cancer either way goldens are among the dog breeds most affected by cancer thankfully the morris animal foundation is doing a huge study on gold retrievers to solve this problem it's called the golden retriever lifetime study but until they find a cure it does put a damper on being a golden retriever owner many golden owners will tell you that they're worth it despite all of these problems but it is something to be aware of one of the biggest reasons that dogs get abandoned is because there wasn't a good fit between a human and the breed for example if you like to chill around the house watching netflix all day an active golden retriever probably isn't the right dog for you but if you get one anyway and then realize that you don't want to be so active with them and they start acting out then there's an increased chance that you'll have to give them up which will be heartbreaking for both you and the dog there's absolutely nothing wrong with not being a good fit for a golden but it's so much better if you know that before you take them home so that you can get the right dog for you now speaking of english golden retrievers let's bust a big myth about them english cream golden retrievers have become really popular recently they are cream colored have stocky bodies and blocky heads and they have super sweet personalities but here's the funny part they're not actually from england all golden retrievers came from scotland in the mid-1800s dudley marchbanks bred a tweed water spaniel and a wavy coated retriever to create the perfect hunting dog which we now know today as our beloved golden retriever and to further bust this myth what we call english cream golden retrievers in america often come from dogs imported here from other countries in europe besides england countries like spain france hungary or denmark and this leads us to busting this next common myth about golden retrievers there's actually only one breed of golden retriever people like to talk about english cream golden retrievers american and canadian gold retrievers field bread and show gold retrievers but they're all the same breed golden retriever since people have been breeding goldens for different purposes all over the world for the past 150 years a few different types or styles of golden retrievers have evolved which has made things a little confusing especially since they can have different color coats like light cream or dark red and speaking of their coats here's a fun fact about them and a big mistake that some people still actually make golden retrievers have a double coat which means that their coat has two layers a thick fluffy undercoat and a long flowy outer coat the outer coat is waterproof and keep dust and debris from getting to their skin and the fluffy undercoat helps regulate their body temperatures yes even in the hot summer their thick coat helps keep them cool some people think that shaving their golden when it's hot will keep them cool or help them shed less but that's not true when you shave your golden you're robbing them of their natural body temperature regulator and you're robbing them of their protection from the sun so they could overheat and get sunburned if you shave them i know it doesn't really make sense to us humans because when we get a haircut in the summer we get cooler but dogs are different than us we sweat when we get hot and when the sweat evaporates from our skin it cools us down but golden retrievers don't sweat like us they do have a few sweat glands in their paw pads but the biggest way that they release heat is through panting and you're watching this video because you love golden retrievers but if you want to know if your golden retriever loves you too see the 10 signs your gold retriever loves you in this next video thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Golden Hearts
Views: 18,989
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Keywords: Golden retriever, golden retriever puppy, golden retriever training, golden retriever puppy training, golden retriever puppies, golden retriever facts, golden retriever puppy facts, golden retriever tips, golden retriever puppy tips, facts about golden retrievers, golden retrievers, golden retriever owner, golden retriever video, golden retriever fun fact, golden retriever puppy fun facts, golden hearts, golden retriever care, golden retriever training tips
Id: koaIQE6B9eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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