Oda CONFIRMS Luffy's Next Power Up, That Will Change One Piece FOREVER

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Luffy isn't strong enough yet to become pirate king. As we now know, there is still a level above what he's currently capable of. That goes for his devil fruit, the voice of all things, but most importantly for his haki abilities. There are still new and even more incredible powers for Luffy to unlock and master before he can claim the throne of the pirate world and liberate the world. The final power ups he will get before the end of the story. And Eiichiro Oda, the author of one piece, has just revealed what these powers are. Now, saying that Luffy still isn't powerful enough might admittedly sound like a quite bold statement after he just took out the strongest creature in the world. Kaido was physically the strongest Emperor among the original Yonko, with an incredible devil fruit power and next level haki. And Luffy managed to defeat him in a 1 vs 1 battle. So what's the problem really? Well as you well know, this fight says very little about the enemies that are still to come. Kaido's title of the strongest creature conveniently ignores two types of people: Those who he has never fought before and those who have just recently become stronger than him. Luffy of course falling into that latter category. Someone else who just recently has surpassed Kaido at least as far as we know, is Luffy's arch nemesis Marshal D. Teach. I'm sure you agree that when LUffy will inevitably face Blackbeard at some point, it will be an even harder battle for our straw hats than the beast pirates. Blackbeard has not only 2 of the most powerful devil fruits ever inn his possession, the darkness fruit and the earthquake fruit, but also has been building an army of the strongest and most notorious pirates of this era, feeding all of them powerful devil fruits. Luffy right now would not be able to take on Blackbeard. Similarly, I think it's fair to argue that someone like Akainu is also not going to be an easy win for Luffy right now. I've discussed this in more detail in my video on the enemies that Luffy still has to face, but Luffy getting a chance to fight Sakazuki and revenge his brother's death is almost guaranteed to happen at some point in the story. And he's sure to pose a real threat to anyone who'd face him 1 vs 1. And then of course there is the man, the myth, the red haired legend himself. Shanks has shown to us, that while he doesn't wield a Devil fruit himself, haki wise is on a completely different level from Kaido as well. And that brings us already to the first major power-up that Luffy will get now that Wano is over. And for that I will also be getting into some of the details revealed in the special one piece volume 4Billion, that was distributed for the release of film red. It's not related to the movie itself really, but the info revealed about Shanks is legitimately canon. And it's probably more than we have ever learned about Shanks' true power in the regular story itself. Shanks' conquerors haki is the strongest in the story. We already pretty much knew that much, since his legendary encounter with White Beard. Not only did anyone outside the top brass of Whitebeards man faint, remember, those are men who have been sailing around the new world and are well accustomed to its dangers, but simply Shanks presence there damages the Mobby Dick, whitebeards flagship physically. The planks literally crack under the pressure of his will. And this is Shanks coming for a peaceful chat. In other words, that's just his default mode. Luffy himself finally learned about the true potential of conquerers Haki during his fight with Kaido. He figured out to use it for fighting. You can coat yourself and you attacks in conquerers haki to deal devastating blows or defend yourself against your opponents attack. It's what made Kaido and Big Mom almost indestructible. The users kingly will manifests physically, which is why we see the sky split whenever two yonko meet. This explains why WHitebeard's ship took actual damage. However Shanks takes all of this to the nest level. His aura seems to be significantly larger than that of luffy or Kaido, if it affects people and objects of a 5 meter radius wherever he goes. And most terrifyingly, if you see him anywhere, like right now, and you are not subscribed to this channel he will drink all your booze. But Shanks isn't just passively oozing his conquerers haki, he has control over it like no other character in the story, as he impressively demonstrated during his driveway of Wano. When Ryokugyuu was coming for Luffy's head and facing off against momo and the scabbards, Shanks was able to identify Aramaki's precise location out of all people on wano at that moment and direct an ultra-precise burst of his haki towards him across many miles from outside the country. Shanks' conquerors haki attack was so powerful that it paralysed and scared Aramaki, forcing him to withdraw from Wano. Let me repeat that: Shanks used his haki long range to scare off a marine admiral, who had just proven his terrifying strength. That is a whole level above Luffy's and Kaido's pay grade. But it gets even crazier: Because we have now learned about two other of Shanks abilities from the special volume 4Billion, that's probably named after his bounty. Shanks has mastered an ability called KenbunGoroshi, referring to observation haki, which in Japanese is Kenbunshoku Haki. Goroshi simply means killing. In other words, Kenbungoroshi is literally observation haki killing. It's a technique that allows shanks to use his conquerers haki to prevents his opponent form using future sight. This is of course a complete game changer. Up to now it was always a question of who has the stronger haki in a fight. However suddenly we know that it's possible to actually nullify another persons haki using conquerers. As you've probably also just thought about, that means that someone like Katakuri who has mastered his observation haki, would be pretty much helpless against someone like Shanks, completely robbed of his biggest strength. Especially for someone who has integrated such an ability into his fighting style, it must come a complete shock to suddenly not be able to rely on your most potent ability anymore. And let's not forget that Luffy also relies quite a bit on future sight in his fights as well at this point. But that's not all, Oda-sensei has also revealed that Shanks is able to coat his sword Gryphon in a fiery aura when fighting against his opponents. And we do know for a fact that neither Shanks nor any of his men have eaten a devil fruit. So, Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me that sounds like either one of two things: Either shanks sword has eaten a devil fruit, which would be pretty sick by itself, or, OR, Shanks is able to generate flames with his Haki. What does that remind you of? Exactly, Luffy's mysterious fire powers he uses with red hawk and red rock. Shanks has opened up an entire new level of power and fighting in one piece to us and as you well know, Luffy won't be able to become pirate king without reaching that same level as well. No matter if Shanks is actually chasing the one piece himself or whether he will simply test Luffy's power, I made a whole video on that as well, reaching this level of mastery over his conquerers haki will be a must for Luffy now that he is moving towards the final island. But Haki isn't the only thing that our captain still has room to grow in. There are still other power-ups waiting for us. Like with Luffy's devil fruit. Yes, Luffy has just awakened his fruit and used his gear 5 for the first time, which he himself called his pinnacle. However, Luffy's devil fruit awakening was active for a couple of minutes at the peak of his fight with Kaido. I think it's pretty fair to say, that Luffy has not mastered the true potential of the Nika devil fruit yet. What we saw him do with it was incredibly impressive, absolutely, but I think that there must be more to its true power and potential for the Gorosei to want to erase it form history. The ability to shape its surroundings and the fact that Luffy has been revealed to be a zoan fruit open up so many possibilities. What exactly IS gear 5 even? Is it Nika awakened? Is it simply Luffy's transformed form into Nika? What does his hybrid form look like? As you can see, there are still so many unanswered questions and things we don't know yet about the Nika fruit. And Luffy himself doesn'T even know yet, that he is a Zoan user. Once he finds out, he will be able to do so much more with it, than right now. I think we really only have seen the beginning of what this devil fruit is truly capable of and why it plays such an important role in taking down the world government and changing the world. Then of course, there is the voice of all things. This power is still incredibly mysterious and seems to be even rarer than having conqueror's haki. Luffy so far has used it only in a very limited way. He is able to detect peoples true feelings and intentions and is able to communicate with animals. Which is a huge deal, don't get me wrong, but there must be more to this mysterious power, that might well be related to the D. Clan itself, since Roger had it as well. We do know for example, that Roger was able to understand the poneglyphs to a certain degree using this ability. So what else is it capable of? It might actually be the key to finding and using the one piece. The secret ability of the D clan. And let's not forget the ancient weapons. We know that Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus are all connected to Joy Boy and the void century. All three are powerful enough to destroy the world. Terrible Weapons that can be used for either good or bad. But in the end, it sounds like Luffy will be needing them in order to fulfil his dream and create a new world where everyone is free to live a happy life. These 3 weapons are truly mysterious. However, we might already know what their secret is and how they work. These weapons might be more complex and sophisticated than we all could have dreamed. They seem to include genetic engineering, gigantuous monsters and colossal vessels. And if you really want to learn how they might work, you really shouldn't skip this video right here.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 453,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luffy power up, luffy new power, luffy advanced haki, luffy awakening, luffy gear5, luffy gear 6, luffy real devil fruit, luffy, ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, luffy gear 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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