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we're going to be spinning a wheel with different elements that will decide what fruits sword guns and fighting style we can use for a 1V one battle and the first person to win five times wins wait a minute some of these elements look a little bit suspicious to me I don't know what you're talking about like Darkness I mean some of them we did create some new ones kind of but darkness is kind of scary I'm going to relive my teenage years I'm becoming an emo again okay my darkness build is complete I've got the dark fruit the most Darkness element you can get and then I've got dark blade I hope that I get lights for no particular reason but just like oh man emoji a natural man emoji the only unnatural thing about this is that will let me tell you now I know it's elements but unnatural just covers things like man-made elements like love wait wa that's a stretch anything else oh dough that's man-made literally make it with your hands so I've got spiky Trident and love this is going to be fun this is going to be tough oh yeah look at all that unnatural thing over there yeah yeah oh oh no yeah yeah we counter those we count we still counter those oh I actually did I actually did the power of d y my camera was so zoomed out I could see the pixels of like the Sea Beast over there really some good information no I needed that to hit oh that hurts that hurts bunk oh what a hit ow the wob wobs oh bro this is cooked go best friend oh you hit the wrong person what a d Dodge what a Dodge that was such a sick Dodge from you that's crazy completely not on purpose oh no ow it hurts so bad psych why is it so hard to play with multiple things I'm so used to only having one thing it actually is like we're so used to the just the single honestly I should have put more stats into oh that was sick from you okay time to end this bye-bye oh what a first round my brain cannot compute having more than one button to push and a new keyboard on top of that it's difficult we take one n come on just give me something super overpowered something where I don't I can turn my brain off feel like Poison's going to be op fire's going to be op o water is not going to be op I don't know about that the problem is on this account I have only combat so I can't use SharkMan karate oh you can use Dragon tridon I can also use shark Anor which I think is just better than dragon tridon is there a fruit that you could say is Water Ice is like it's frozen water uh in that case blizzard is just water falling from the sky like a colder temperature no no no no no no no let's not let's not reach that far all right fine I will I'll actually take guys ice with shark anchor that's that's all we can do here how am I going to beat this honestly lightning I'd happily take right now yes yes yes come on a no way nature wow what is natural I know one thing for sure that's the long sword it's a natur like a nature fruit or sort of grassy oh I actually know I have one in mind so do I let's see if we do this yeah cuz you plant trees right it makes sense yep plant trees Mr Beast fruit that's rough for me look the power of nature we got a mushroom oh no I'm so not used to this I'm not used to having like the two things come on oh my oh my God oh my health that was my whole plan this whole time and now we're going to use the cical special that only works on flying enemies though H this is kind of a problem psych oh no you just dodged it cool I just walked slowly to the side fine I'll play your game oh flying he's flying ever so slowly there we go WRA of Sho uh okay okay okay okay I'm swimming oh no so am I oh my nature no into the water that did so much HP I've started to figure it out yes I hear that end of times oh you missed I'm just spawning everything yes tree yes tree no tree this is actually terrifying this is actually terrifying no glorious smash glorious smash no yeah yes the sun pirate win shock Anor is so op I actually love this sword it's so good can we talk about how bad long sword is like I tried to hit you with one of those and like spread the nature and I drowned to be fair it's kind of um skill issue honestly it was an element diff nature versus the ocean exactly I played to my water strengths I went to the ocean actually I'll give you that that's fair but what I'm not giving you is an easy win watch this we're getting poison watch no way no way I've actually cooked I'm going to say this right now that's toxic I you going say it's rigged that is toxic it's rigged as well but it's toxic so I think we all know where I'm going with this yeah Venom but is there a toxic sword I would say there's a toxic gun and there's also a sidm rifle that's toxic that's even better you're right my build is a Venom acdm rifle which is just like the damage over time build I don't even know what I want honestly what beats Venom nothing oh nature could do it cuz I I've got a plan you actually wanted nature yeah yeah now the thing about nature is right it is definitely animal live in nature and I think there's a certain Beast that lives in the nature the Beast outside you know what I'll actually allow that that's genius I didn't even think of that the Beast of nature doesn't need a second thing I mean I don't know if you've noticed but poison does wither away nature you know have you heard of weed killer uh yeah I have oh is the Beast the Beast has gone back inside and now he's out again it was all a bait to get you to come close Okay that's actually annoying the Beast inside bro I thought this combo would be say what is going on I know nature you just you missed your chance with n wait luk where's your transformation I did that on purpose I wanted to try and hit you with a freeze but it's harder than I thought to hit a left click come here Luke I don't want to I don't want to yes oh you're poison now I am oh we can talk about this can we no you're right we can okay you know what I'm best two out three in this round there's no way that's great are you sure yep I am I'm doing it as soon as my pvp's on we're running it back I was going to say my my health is full so let's go there we go fire one of those and miss all part of the plan all part of the plan he just made up oh there we go okay now you're slow that canceled my move now you're nice and slow yep okay that's not good it looks pretty oky doy to me oh take this there's no way how is that missing how is that missing uhoh I almost walked into that are you in there somewhere no the Beast I'm outside inside outside no woo this is tough actually you're making the Beast scared I'm putting fear in the beast's heart for once get a bit of poison damage and run away oh oh you needed that Runway you did but the Beast doesn't care run away what a Dodge the Beast is healthy actually the Beast is super healthy is he now is he now I was trying to pretend to be strong when I was weak well you know what it's not over yet there's still one more round and the Beast he doesn't like losing well too bad Mr Beast let's do this Mr Beast is here come on come on how did that Miss then easy I just side stepped it what did you side step that how about that no I I didn't want to okay hit one of these you can't Dodge that I dodged most of it somehow might have to play on top of the mountain again get a little bit crazy n that's so cringe how did you dodge those again hey L please finish one of these yes I dodged all that ah someone's not a beast anymore no I've never been a beast no no no no no no no come here lukee no no no I'm left clicking yes yes okay now I just need to hit my asdm rifle that was a less than ideal encounter for me yes you got a bit of slowness now sen no I'm still fast actually oh you afraid is the Beast afraid no the Beast is never afraid he's just taking a a break he's merely tired his his towel is hurting rest your weary legs in the afterlife oh no oh no oh what a shot how low were you I had like 2,000 HP that's what I was backing off no way poison was so close the Beast Never Dies just know if I get nature again I'm using Mammoth oh wait bro is actually getting light oh that's good I'll take this so for lights obviously I'm picking lights but is there anything else I can take I mean there is a a sword a certain cural Katana one of them is kind of was it CD actually it wasn't cdk it was true triple Katana I think one of them had like the light attacks oh yeah you're right sad it's going to be me after I get my wheel spin and get nature three times in a row you know what I've been eyeing up death for a while now give it to me no way let's go I really want to see what you pick for this one because this one is crazy death's easy I mean honestly the first thing I take for death is Ghost we go for Pure damage of ghost next up hallow scythe and to finish my build Soul guitar yeah that's pretty death so light versus death that's actually crazy that we got this it's going to be real interesting yeah hiding there good idea I didn't I didn't oh that doesn't go as far as I thought okay I'm learning I'm learning bear in mind like we never play with multiple things in the same like hob bar it's hurting my brain oh what a wait that wasn't you oh no oh no oh my yo relax Mr death man I know which one's you cuz there's only one holding a hollow Scythe that's fake news true air slash come on W that was that was so sick from you and you don't even know it I don't even know what happened are you on your next life I can't tell no I'm not not yet what yeah definitely not yet I my brain couldn't like couldn't figure out how to use three different items at once oh man death had so much potential but my brain let me down I really want death because there is a fighting style that I really want to use in that element o Darkness I think I can make this work so for my darkness sword I'm going to take the dark dagger and then for my darkness fruit I'm taking Shadow and it's becoming nighttime bro rigged this no it's just conveniently SL time set nighted no no no no no no no no no no I don't know if you saw the wheel but dark was slightly bigger than everything else giving it a slightly higher probability of being selected I mean maybe if you get your eyes checked you'll see that they all look the exact same true I am blind but you know what we're going to take Earth this time an Earth Bender no wait let me cook what could Earth be I think I'm getting sand as my fruit that's as much Earth as you can get and gravity came because you slam people to the earth oh it could be actually it could be yeah you know what I think I don't have a choice I think I have to go gravity G and then for my gun there's no Earth gun I'm so I hate to break it to people it doesn't exist yeah you know what this is fine this is definitely not rigged all right Sandman or earthy boy whatever I'm going to call you I'm Earth man I'm actually kind of happy with Shadow I'll happily take this oh wait that counter was insane I saw it coming so I had to do it okay one of those that's fine I think I just counted your move oh no I'm playing so bad because I'm I'm trying to use too many buttons W domain expansion oh man I I literally there's too many buttons my brain cannot figure it out you letting me take the 3-2 you let me take the lead yeah I can't win with this okay don't mind if I do 3-2 okay I don't even know what I need actually I do give me the strongest element fire right here right now no way no way a no way oh my God wait a minute I'm I'm thinking about this right there's a certain fruit blue fire blue fire doesn't count there's magma that does fire there's also a kid a that has flames everywhere and you can get the the fox lamp yeah I'm taking the fox lamp best believe I'm taking it and you know what to go with that I'm taking bazooka only way I'm winning this is if I get fire as well oh I'll take this I'll take this that's so good you got to take pv2 surely yeah I guess I do don't really have an option wait Coco probably better any lightning guns oh not the bizarre only the Z move has lightning I'll okay I'll use the Z are you ready y let's do this heat seeking shots hit me missed it literally has meant is meant to heat seek yeah that heat seeks I'm kind of overwhelmed right now there's so much stuff in my hot bar yeah you may have too much going on there we go wait oh no I don't know what combo where is bro nowhere what yes that's the fox fire uhoh oh wait bro I just cooked W oh GG it was fun while it lasted ow ow ow what a Dodge I don't know where you are you went over there you sneaky bugger no you're Sky camping huh I have to why are you a bit low I'm definitely not low I'm actually full HP I'm so dead I'm so dead no come on come on come on come on no I thought I killed you no it was you that died not me anyways fre getting a little bit too close for comfort this is my spin yes yes dodged the bullet there honestly you haven't just you wait okay first things first SharkMan karate okay not bad a respectable fighting style next thing Dragon Trident there we go that's your build that's my build that's it imagine only having two things couldn't be me come on you know I really want toxic this time I got a plan I mean poison not again not again I've actually got the perfect idea for this Skull emoji don't forget the skull emoji yeah yeah true that that's actually me look it's time for something a little devious wow you've changed like fully you've got the cosplay going yeah look sanguine time I I've actually never used this in PvP so um I'm about to get C it's not going to be a good first impression you ready yep let's go let's do this hit you with one of those real quick oh wait that's sick watch the AOE of this and then you can't escape I'll pull you in I'm dead I'm actually already dead that's crazy does this heal me there we go I'm remembering what my thing does sorry wow you want a best two out of three to be fair I I yeah I was stuck I there there's no way I win that I I don't remember what my moves do and that's match points oh no this was a mistake no son I don't think death is made for you I no I think it is made for me that's the problem ooh a natural man emoji oh not again what else is an unnatural Thing music kind of that's crazy I'm going to take D are there any cool swords that I could use I found it portals are unnatural they're not menade I think I need something crazy right now if I don't get something crazy it's just it's over come on this is what I want yes you got the test tube no I know exactly what I'm picking one sec where is it I'm picking this because it's actually toxic oh Venom Wow real original yeah I'm super original and then I I don't think there's a sword honestly that that reeks of toxicity but there's definitely one more gun up bow right yep and that's what I've got I'm ready all right let's do this I got to stay very clear of your oh Sky Mammoth is toxic that is such a reach that's crazy it's going to win me the game so it doesn't matter okay win you the game is it not when I've got the I missed my combo I'm actually going to lose and then I'm going to cry missile jab I'm going to left click with your name on it s oh that was close Okay bigger Target now this is fine oh no this is fine come on wait what's happening to me no I missed my combo no no no no that pulled me back in Y come on I'm dead GG yes best two or three oh he's calling it I have to it's the last round otherwise okay transform straight away this time no Ming about I mean I did it last time as well but and what difference did that make doesn't matter does it not matter huh oh you're too good right now I'm locked in wait I'm actually locked in I'm actually locked in no get locked into that instant jump oh no I'm cooking bro Mammoth isn't delicious stop oh what a hit oh you un transformed you silly silly skeleton n no it was all part of my plan yo W that needs to hit that needed to hit no yes you no yes I'm not losing like this I'm not losing like this go ay no way come on come on come on come on come on that's it that's it oh mammoth's on the menu today no is it that was crazy easy it's one1 it's one one let's do this that's that hit me directly okay do one of these into one of these I don't even care if you've transformed it doesn't matter to me it matters to me because it's just some resistance hit you with one of those into yeah that was all part of my plan to be hit there was it was that part of your plan oh it was oh it was wait you're dead you're dead You're Dead die F no wait that hit that hit come on combo please no no no no no just yes oh my god oh I had a z lined up I was spamming I think I broke my new keyboard from how hard I was hitting that Z button a I guess the only way you can win is if it's unnatural the only thing unnatural is the fact that you guys haven't picked up my new plushy that just came out yeah that's right go pick it up don't buy that that's toxic
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 488,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, plushies, blox fruits plush, plushies blox fruits, plushy codes, plushy codes blox fruits, plushies blox fruits opening
Id: VbFNr26iYkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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