How Everyone Can Hear God's Voice Clearly - Apostle Joshua Selman

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[Music] the bible says he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit say yet the spirit say yes the bible says the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times are we together now some shall depart from the faith he says giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of demons in the the spirit speaketh expressly that means one of the greatest you are at a point of advantage the hearing here has nothing to do with the prophetic office it is a grace that god washes your ear with eyes eyes so that you have the hearing aid is it not in your bible that thou shalt hear a voice from behind saying this is the way why because there is a way that she met right if always were fair and right there will be no need for direction the hearing here is a desperate prayer that everyone must cry unto god and say lord assam started ministry give me the ear that hears let me tell you this listen i have studied the church in nigeria for many years i have studied the church in africa i have studied men and women of god and respectfully so i am amazed at the way people move this way when the holy ghost moved that way and their ministries ended overnight not sin not disobedience but but that the spirit of god is going because the anointing goes where the spirit is going wherever the voice of god is that's where his power is so if god's voice and power is going left and you are going right even if he's sincerely so that's the end of it my brothers and my sisters let me tell you your spiritual investment of 20 years can crash in one day if you are not given the gift of a hearing ear you will appreciate this in years to come the higher you rise the ministry the more desperate you must cry moses said don't send us from here moses was not a fool with a rod in his hand thy rod and thy staff he said no way if you would know i need to know you are there just because god said move left yesterday does not mean he will a move left today you must hear him part time and there is a grace [Music] i have studied this subject of hearing god properly i can tell you hearing god even prophets have problem with hearing god let me tell you something about hearing god the gift of prophecy the hearing that comes to prophesy is not the same hearing that comes to give you direction you can walk in accuracy i can look at your name call your number call everything and you will be surprised how stranded you will be to hear the voice of god most people don't know because many of people are prophesying nonsense are lies the hearing here i i have a lot of friends and and and by god's grace i've met very powerful and accurate prophets and you will be amazed at how stranded they are waiting for god to speak on matters in their lives and yet the accuracy that comes from them makes you busy you believe that oh they are just lying down no [Music] where was the hearing of the son of the prophet who died and his wife was about to be taken the children were about to be taken the man was a prophet read your bible and see how many prophets were stranded be careful let me tell you this one day i will teach you how human beings spiritually are like machines i will teach you how god works with men so that just because a man is prophesying and dispensing mysteries let me tell you sincerely okay let's put it this way let's use midwives right have you noticed that you can see a midwife who has been giving birth helping people give birth for years and then when shane she is now pregnant you can be so surprised at the difficulty that she goes through and you are wondering madam with this experience right after her giving birth that almost took her life she will display that mastery again in the hospital prophets cry it's amazing how confused prophets can be i will stand upon my watch and set myself upon the tower listen and i will hear what you will say unto me read your bible and see people who missed very vital seasons in their lives although their gifts and their graces were still there when i learned this i learned this mystery from dr dko lucoya i was listening to him some years ago and he said something he said that one of the greatest prayer you can pray is for a hearing year and i said what is the meaning of that and you see if god helps you and you walk in a dimension of these graces you must be careful because most times we see the flamboyance on the gift and you can join men even to deceive yourself that just because that gift that prophetic operation is at work it necessarily means you yourself are accurate it's not true have you not seen people dying of infirmity and healing others what is the mystery behind it if you understand what i'm this thing is a very deep teaching that's why the bible say walk out your own salvation with fear and trembling one of the unsatiable riches of christ is a grace that can be given to man that you hear the sounds of the spirit spirit you stand and watch and say i've heard him god is saying go left and everybody saying go right use common sense you know you have god when you move left after five years people look at you i have seen a bit of what hearing god can do this ministry today my brothers and my sisters is proof that when men get this unsuchable riches you won't go down i'm not one person who comes all the time and say god said god said i'm very careful now we have especially with young people we have abuse god said anybody just comes and says god said just because you felt like god said no or just because you were under the anointing and your mouth was talking there are tons of men there are tons of angels there is the voice of god and you get what i'm saying now this is very powerful you must learn it there are times when i hear god speak everyone around me knows god has said the voice of god comes with the spirit of faith if it is good that you hear the voice of god will always come with the spirit of faith and the spirit entered me when he speak unto me it's impossible to hear god and remain and sit down there no here and there you can think you heard god and he said go to cano you can say i know i had kanu but tomorrow you just on but you know god is very faithful he will allow you he knows we are students in the school of the spirit just keep playing around but the day his majestic voice lands on your life there is no power that can stop you let me tell you god is not always speaking god speaks but he's not always speaking a lot of people he said god is always speaking speaking no sir are you always talking at least you are created in this image now in the fifth day of the sixth month the word of the lord came the word of the lord came the word of the lord came [Music] i've had occasions where god has spoken to me and you have seen it even some of the messages there are messages here that god gave me the titles and i was i've been surprised at how they seem to have carried an unusual grace because god said it i stand here many times and i tell you this is what god is saying and then you begin to see the strange things that he's doing let's be careful with this god said let's not reduce god to become a man now it doesn't mean that you can't hear things there is the knowing of the spirit there is the weakness of the spirit they all look like voices you have to be very deep in the spirit of spirit to separate between impulses and speakings they are very different just because you had a spiritual communication does not mean god spoke remember that in the realm of the spirit the voice is not the only way to speak light is a way of communicating love is a language it can speak [Music] so i can hear that's the reason why regardless of how sure you think you are stay for verification when god spoke about calinonia to start three days we had set up the department god has granted us grace i remember if you remember that time i was telling you god told me this and that and that people will come from nations and people this is what god said i remember saying it that time as at the time i said it i said i saw cgc this is not what i saw i saw it broken expanded what is this that i'm seeing i saw they saw people standing parking feeling the roads and no as usual every time you said god said you need grace yourself to believe it because there are times that you just sit down and say okay now i'm come it's like you you smoke what they call this thing and so you went high and to you you can't even say look at the nonsense that i said and you listen to your own message and say hi it's not exactly god and god said what are you saying i'm the one speaking we were preparing to start packaging our messages i was thanking god and trusting and blessing him for the anointing he had given me and just saying oh god thank you because you are going to use our media ministry as a very major stream of income to bless the ministry and victors and here comes the voice of god no in this season you are not going to sell your messages facebook that time it was i mean it was even the first head of media's facebook page and he said just carry your messages and put them on mp3 put them on facebook don't put the videos just the audios and i will give it wings and it will go to the nations of the earth that's it my brothers and my sisters when god says sit back and watch the power that created the universe push things in your life there are things god has said listen to me there are things god has said when god talks notice that god doesn't care what you are seeing he tells you what you will do and he will do it [Music] so i stand upon my watch i'm not in a hurry to move god what are you saying in this season that's the reason why we have workers retreats that's why we have our own retreats a few weeks now i'm going to start my end of year retreat i'm telling you you don't know how excited i am that i am at that time because many of you have got no disturbances i just shot my phone and sometimes you need to get out of the busyness of life to hear god because there is as it were many voices many sounds and none of them is without significance the voice of house rent can interrupt what god is saying this spiritual haziness has a science the encumbrances of life can push you your child school fees your life and god is saying fast for three days i say is he god is it a demon is it yes there are times that you check against the word of god but let me tell you there are times only god will help you because even you you don't know whether this is god again [Music] most people are not spiritual enough to get to this realm that's why they don't understand yes i go i've shared with you the story i had limited transport fare from kaduna back to zarya and i took initiative and i went and ate human beings also with the money i mean why sit here till we die remember the four lepers at least i should do one i already know that it's only god that will know how to take me back home and i believed with all my hearts that i was acting by faith and i did and i stood in front of the junction near wyatt office in kaduna and a car just stopped and the holy spirit told me enter public transport [Music] i told you the voice of god comes with the spirit of faith is until the act has been done when you turn back on hindsight you say it has to be god who led me like this when you are you are passing through it you don't see the gravity of the faith you are exerting is when you look back and say i entered that car i was just in rest rest you are supposed to be afraid you know how some of these are brothers are around and all of that until we passed charging i knew there was no hope you know if it's ternary you don't have or 20 naira you come back but i mean when you don't even have up to 20 or 30 percent of what is the transport fair and then they now said everybody bring your money and people were bringing their but my god is my weakness my heart was at peace this is what happens when is god is speaking you're living to be responsible for the world i just obeyed and that was how someone brought up paid my transport fare i dropped i'd fly over here and got the boss happy because i felt at least whatever it is this one i'll pay and someone knew me in the car and paid i stopped in front of not get with the same money i was with there it was a message god was saying look i am god by myself i can't do it anyhow there are times i can send a helper to give you money there are times i say the helper is in the car enter meet him there it doesn't matter where the helper is believe god enough to go there are times he passed the waters there are times he says walk on it let it just be that he sees him [Music] are you hearing what i'm saying now you will need this for ministry when god sent us to go for our crusade we got up and moved like mad men what you see today my brothers and my sisters is a product of the voice of god you need the grace to hear god not grace for prophecy lord let me hear you you look you can pray and say god search my frail person what is the most accurate spiritual mechanism of communicating your voice to me help me in that area there are some of you that you're hearing you have not trained your hearing if you if god speaks through your ears you will not hear and so you are going to say lord give me a kind of dream that i will wake up and find myself standing i will know that this one was not a dream let me tell you if your heart is right god will give you there are dreams that no devil can tell you your mind mind how many of you have had what we call prophetic dreams you know this one is not my mind this is the voice of god unsearchable riches [Music] the hearing ear the seeing eye one time the storm was boisterous i think it was peter or paul [Music] and it was very obvious they were going to capsize and all of a sudden the hearing air and the seeing eye an angel appears to him and speaks to him and says don't worry there shall be no loss and he calmed the people down say yes relax an angel has appeared to me and he has said to me that there shall be no loss and the bible says that the storm calmed down and they went safely and arrived an island called melitta when you hear god you can sit in the midst of fire and be singing and people are saying excuse me sir this is fire you say no i'm sitting on the voice of god roasting someone by your left roasting another person by your right and acting as if the fire is not seeing you sooner or later you will need this with this message sooner or later you will carry destinies come darling you will carry destinies that are behind you and you will need to hear god on behalf of them one day you will have children one day you will have grandchildren and that day this spiritual blessing will be tested one day you will be a man of god with a crowd of people now all of you are waiting for the prophetic word next year whether i tell lies or not you will believe it's left for me and god and if i lie you will punish me and you see how risky it is many of you say we are praying for you but you know you are not even serious about what you are saying because you are saying apostle the god that called you how you have been hearing him before let him help you just make sure you hear well for us [Music] you share wrongly as a man of god for members and see the way their lives they will obey you against god just because you are fasting for a long time does not mean that your ears will hear it is a grace like earphone god will just put that spiritual earphone and start dictating this is how 2019 will be do this do that do this do that and he said god but like like alia this is good and god says that's exactly the strategy satan wants to use next year use this route and you come out and you say people who are ready to go and they look at you and say ah just like that and god says don't mind them that's always how that's how the nation of israel was that's why moses was angry because he will suffer and hear god and come and talk to them and they would doubt [Music] husband please learn to hear god for your wife and your children otherwise one day god will be saying move left and you come with your degree and masters and phd nothing wrong you move left until life change you in one position position change your wife change the destiny of your children many of us sitting down here if our parents had god you shouldn't be at this level is that true there are a number of us who are going to pray many of us were victims of the lack of hearing [Music] many of our parents were called into ministry they ran away not hearing and the blessing that would have come to us if they obeyed god it would have been easy you would have been born again since four years but they are disobedience now you got born again at 31 look how hard it is for you to learn the things of the kingdom the hearing here is a grace man of god please whatever you will do with god i don't care what is not going on in your life if you can hear god share god on who to marry hello hear god on who to marry you if god plan four children and you give back to seven you will take care of four he supplies his supplies follow his voice i know you think i'm laughing this is how our lack of spirituality has cheated people in the world before kings went for war they would inquire of the lord is it in your bible shall we go and god will say go and give them the strategy we have lost this in our generation so we just step out and and life just beats us into nonsense what of relocating a place where you want to be domiciled in where your family will be raised in you don't hear god i've told you that when the devil wants to destroy some people he will give them visa visa to germany visa to europe just because the interview was easy doesn't mean it's god there are times that satan can give faith favor to kill you there used to be a guy who used to drive me years ago like maybe four or five years ago he was desperate to go to germany i said what is it for i got to find out that you did one funny arranging where you do some kind of marriage with somebody there on contract then you come prepare papers and then fight divorce and then from there you have your papers and i don't know where that guy is now but he's a classic representation of grace to grass there are pastors that started well they kept navigating ministry well mighty men and women with anointing and then something happened in their life they didn't hear correctly or they didn't hear or they went based on the pride that results can bring no matter who you are if you trivialize the voice of god your head must must touch the ground i'm telling you this it doesn't matter what level you get to in life and ministry please hear god as if you are just starting don't say because god has given me this my name is joshua selman god has given me results in ministry if you hear me talk to you like this i know what i'm saying lord should i push you lord is this your will for me is this your will for me oh there's one conference that i have many great men and women of god some of my friends around within this nation are sometimes they have innocently felt apostles let's put a program let's put for this and that and that people have come to tell me apostle what are you waiting for it's in the blueprint of the ministry to start sunday services what are you waiting for i remember one prophet of god very powerful prophet of god met me and said what are you waiting for start church and i just look i said god bless you but this year i can't claim i hear everything but my goodness there are things things this year can hear we are going to pray and when it's time to pray you are going to cry if it means you laying hands on your ears to say lord i am ripping the fruit of my not hearing you it's very clear that my life is the way it is now because i'm not hearing you are we together you need to hear god when you begin to hear multiple voices come down none of them is god let me give you a big secret i don't care what you are trying to hear the moment you are hearing multiple voices shut down none of them is god the majesty and the jealousy of god will not allow you to hear many things his voice is mighty upon the waters when you start hearing many voices rose magdalene mary janet shut down my friend you are not hearing god just shut down lord what is the devil try to do you are going to abuja today next tomorrow you are praying and it's like you saw the map of kano and then it's like you now saw london shut down lord what are you saying please hear what i'm i'm teaching you this based on the word and based on experience most people who get into trouble ignore the voice of god consciously somewhere along the journey [Music] this is true for marriage this is true for jobs this is true for geographic locations there are men of god that just stand up and go somewhere and just say well after all i'm a believer in christ i love the lord we are going to plant this church here and they find out they are struggling for a very long time it was bishop poetical that was saying how that there was a time that they started the church in ghana living faith was blossoming doing very well and they started the church in ghana and there was so much struggle after like four was it five years or six years or so so the increase was not there and he was struggling everything he said he went there by himself to preach and still nothing worked and he went back and said god what is the problem and god said i am not dead and he says shut it down immediately there are some of you from this message tonight you need to go and shut down a lot of things in your life because if you check it you will find out there's nothing wrong if you thought it was god you are a student in the school of the spirit oh i thought this business was god but now i'm hearing this is not god i thought i was god that said i should start the ministry i remember years ago when my well friends and all of that you know not really close friends who made me as a person with the kind of grace you have started tv ministry start this i told you about pfn when we had our first crusade pfn was willing to give me pastors and give me an auditorium to say start start a church we need you be careful not every good thing is god things don't have to be bad for you to leave them sometimes they can be good they are just not god there was a time i was preparing taking my birth years ago i had a meeting i don't know if it was in carduna or one of these places i had prayed fasted prepared a powerful message as as i was taking my birth all of a sudden my peace i will come to that will discuss peace peace as one of the mysteries in the kingdom to bail men out the stubbornness of men will not allow them understand how the peace of god works he said he will speak peace peace is a voice peace can warn you and say you are landing in hot water peace can tell you man of god this association you are joining is what will destroy destroy you it doesn't mean they are fake it doesn't mean they are not of god but this association is what will bring down your grace man of god be careful peace [Music] that's why i told you that these are the systems by which the saints dominate so you can see that you can have a dream and in your dream you saw a mecca dying but in the physical it will never happen because there is a mystery that shields him the dream you saw was the intention of satan but there is a fortification of a mystery you can have a dream and see joshua salman die in a motor accident and stop praying and say hey so this how apostle would die i i guarantee you to remain as a dream you don't know what is covering this man that is standing it's not pride do you know how many times death has tested me [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] if you have been unfaithful not faithful without righteous mammal who shall commit to your trust the true riches of the kingdom these are the mysteries we do ministry with these are the mysteries by which kings rise and you look at a man and you see the wonder that is life at me and needs and you're saying my god how is this thing working my brothers and my sisters these are the systems paul said me who i am the least of all the apostles was this grace given that i become a communicator of the unsatiable riches i have learned these things and they have helped me they have delivered me from evil that prayer lead us not into temptation but deliver us one hearing from god can deliver you and deliver your children's children our parents went head-on some of them were the colleagues of some of the men of god in nigeria today and had they continued hearing god well they would have given us a good shooting but the inability to hear i have seen pastors men of god that i knew years ago men of fire and seeing them and their shadows of themselves how can a man's yesterday be better than his tomorrow because of one of these spiritual blessings no wisdom some of us have lost destiny help us that can change our lives because of the wisdom to be given to navigate free [Music] you
Channel: Revival Alert
Views: 7,191
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, Revival Alert, How to Hear God, How to grow spiritually
Id: 60ZC_g-onz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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