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splatoon to octo expansion exactly two years ago today it was released wait hold on god damn it okay so I'm like a month off but still splatoon to octo expansion has been out for over two years and I decided we should take our annual visit back into the octo expansion to explore some of the dangerous difficult challenging levels in the deep-sea undersea metro sea area of the dia DLC [Music] before this video begins we need to talk about valuables this is a wah-wah gift card it's worth about 25 bucks but it's the most valuable thing that I own because it's important and this is five dollars both of these things are valuable to me and I am NOT gonna put them in some leather Foley thing no I'm gonna put them in a Ridge wallet got a bunch of cards Ridge wallet let's say you need to store your cash Ridge wallet carbon fiber burnt titanium thirty other colors with a lifetime warranty come on man come on man we used to have so many good times I mean here we used to go to Walmart and stuff to get ya up Ridge is offering a 45 day trial and if you use a link in the description with the code jmo G you will get 10% off your order you know they can block like signals from digital Pig Parker's yeah digital pickpocketers they make those now Ridge wallet it has been a long long time since I have been here god how claustrophobic and uncomfortable this train is oh boy do I not miss this at all okay so we can go pretty much anywhere I normally I would just start with the easiest levels but I think we're a little bit better than that we're just gonna go randomly somewhere we're gonna go just through a random map not even looking at the name just gonna go it's gonna see where the where the wind takes us let's see what's the hardest weapon you can use this one's got the highest reward so probably this it'll splat charger oh it's an 8 ball one oh it's this one I actually really like this one except that it's extremely annoying and extremely difficult watching me nail this oh yeah baby I've got a refill right there I'll do it I could do this easily this is not even a challenge come on octo expansion simple as this too too simple is this mm oh boy oh boy okay let that you can't let any of them fall okay good I remember now I remembered it that was a test run give me a break it's been a year since I've played this okay I look even more success this way boom baby oh and it's right where I want it to I guarantee you I'll nail this you know what I bet you I can even get that other one too I bet you I can look oh yeah that's not good BAM are you kidding me this might be a little bit harder than I thought it was okay here we go okay I don't know I don't know what that uh I don't know what I was trying to accomplish there but okay dude it's okay though actually this could be quite easy from this angle do you do that um okay oh wait maybe I can figure this out don't fall off the edge oh that's not what I wanted to do we can use this to launch off of there go there you go oh I never got that one I'll do wait I could get this I could totally get this only gonna do get this guy out of here set him up perfectly like that oh this is an easy win right here there's no way I can mess this up what why if I jump I don't think it's I don't think it's gonna work oh it almost got it it was so close I set myself up perfectly for this boom I am baby that's what I'm talking about okay maybe maybe this is salvageable we just get close enough and hit it on them no I didn't I slipped off the edge I gotta continue I'm pretty sure the first five times that I've played this level when the expansion first came out I did not have this much trouble you hit this one at the right angle there you go there we go that's good that's good that's good okay oh it didn't even really mean to get that one but sure I'll take it okay and look and then this one goes this way okay wait wait wait wait wait don't wait though wait I might be I might have this though oh this is my chance this is my chance I can't mess this up what it went through it it touched it I saw it this is what I get for returning talk to expansion after all this time huh are you kidding me I'm gonna lose again this is not the perfect setup but this is this right here is exactly where I want it get it oh my god I'm gonna die I guess I've got another chance here it's just gonna fall off the map though it's not gonna hit me dude how is this this difficult like this actually a good setup though you hit this Oh double wait wait wait this might be really good actually okay just don't fall off the map and hit the goal do it there's no how could that have possibly not work how did that not work okay get it okay okay okay so now we just have the other ones to get I've still got an ink tank left I'm I am set for life right now this is gonna be a nearly impossible shot but I'm gonna try and use this one to bounce off of that one to hit the goal oh well it did something wait wait before you do that think about what you've got here think about your your odds of winning this there you go one left I don't have a good shot yes I do wait yes I do it's right there it's set up perfectly the ultimate victory is right there just get it oh my god Oh yikes I forgot about these guys what are these in real life are these real fish do these really exist ill ill they they converse how do these things mate how do they reproduce you know what that's a question that you that's a loaded question you shouldn't ask that when you're learning about new species imagine this is your life how do you survive in society how do you even get that shirt on captain are you not bothered by this you're not bothered by this thing swinging in front of you a lot of people have revered girl-power station as apparently one of the most difficult stations or difficult challenges in splatoon period I would actually argue that this is not one of the most difficult Maps ever in fact I would say it's one of the easiest all right I wouldn't say easiest it's definitely not one of the easiest however I bet you I can beat this in one try we're gonna grab a charger I know very interesting weapon to be using okay but listen first thing we're gonna do we're gonna grab the splashdown that's extremely helpful next thing we're gonna do we're gonna stand up here wait for her to break the box get that snipe okay okay okay now what you got to do is you got to just go in and then you kill you got to kill them okay they have splashdown that's what the splashdown is for use it when you got it they're gonna kill her we're gonna kill that one I don't think I actually killed anything hold on well that's great that's just great isn't it that's just wonderful awesome okay alright we're gonna try that again but this time I was wrong with using the charger we're gonna use the splatter shot hey wait hold on oh no the rain is bad rain is really bad rain is really really bad okay just heal up it's no problem they're all dead they're all dead so everything's fine hey hey get off there get off that are you kidding it took them no time to get the health down on that okay fine I was wrong with using a spider shot you want to go for the charger again Oh oh my god I didn't even see it was stupid okay the strategy is to go with a blaster look at instinct kill but watch this hey that really that really screwed me over I shouldn't have done any of that risky knock it off you tube brush girl knock it off knock it off there you go okay grab some ink armor stop stop stop it stop she can't do that stop that what that's not fair I don't have that actually I could I could have that way I can get specials right and gets back it's too late doesn't matter okay try this out let's try it you know what I bet you splatling can probably do my strategy correctly fill that bad boy up right there stop it stop that oh you wanna have a dog fight huh I'll have a dog fight there go where okay this is not going as well as I thought it would be this I'm not very good with this special like I thought I was keel the ball that's the priority right now is heeling the ball hey can worry about them now take her out just heal it's just heal it just heal it timers done that's it that's done I quit I win I did it I did the job I barely got by but I did it oh never again girl power station okay so yeah maybe that was a little bit more difficult than I the hello Oh aren't you a cutie oh I forgot about this guy I really appreciate the fact that the developers put the extra effort in to make sure his uh his gut has its own jiggle physics you imagine that view let's see let's go to this one ball or size station I like ballers baller is a fun special to use this should be easy here you go this is what I like dude this is no no weird challenge no no eight balls just a regular linear level you can progress through and have a good time with that's how things are supposed to be boom baby come on you can't tell me that's not the coolest thing ever and I'm gonna go chica doodle look at my skills dude what do you mean there's eight seconds left can I get more time somehow I can okay checkpoints give you more time that's I thought I was about to lose instantly I was like dude how is that fair at all there's ten seconds left Lisa me there's a checkpoint there we go okay see it's fun it's like sonic except it's got you know our copies and ow and torpedoes that have squid tentacles and onion rings made of squid that you collect it's a little different than sonic but there's their similarities there don't do that don't do that okay well it bounced back at him so I guess that's good enough we oh you guys are gonna regret the day that you mess with me wonders let me through let me through let me through let me through it there we go oh that was fun that was like a nice cleanse after dealing with the last two levels whoa whoa big guy on campus yo it's your first day of Community College you open your dorm room and this guy's in there and he's your roommate what do you do I think it would be a day one college dropout if these were the guys I was working with and there's this guy who looks like he just recently got fired why the long face dude seriously dude that thing is like six feet tall how did you get how do you how do you eat no kid in there playing house party station that sounds appropriate no kid no plane that's what we do all I gotta do is just kill all these guys which is not that hard oh if you're good like me oh my god watch this not today but ow hold on hold on let me shoot first okay we're fine last wave where are we going where are we going what's happening oh this guy oh he'll be dead quicker than you can say ow we did quicker than you can say BAM ah it was much cooler the second time when it actually worked whoa whoa whoa whoa Oh every time I leave a level and I come back to the Train there's just some new weirdest every time right along and pop all the balloons oh I mean I'm great at these I'm great at these ones these are these this is easy watch me bing bang 360 boom hold on hold on wait because really hoping I can make a sick 360 no-scope there but I'm not actually that good and that one okay see this is no problem and got it I'm not missing one am i oh there you are this helpful arrow is very helpful where we'll wait hold on I missed this one I couldn't even get it there's there's no way I could have got that for the right moment the opportune moment if it's suspense give it suspense give it suspense got it thought I wasn't gonna make it huh thought I wasn't gonna shoot keep your viewer on edge now not nothing not over the edge on the edge oh no wait 360 okay for just to just get it trying hard to get it 360 but I can't do it I will never be able to do it watch that dude this guy sucks that guy's an nailed it um okay all right I'm starting to see where the challenge aspect of this is I'm just now starting to understand that this is supposed to be difficult stop stop stop you're not cool nobody thinks you're cool literally no one is friends with you okay can there be a heavier insult than that literally no one is friends with you what did that just that cuts deep dude I'm not missing any this time right now okay I'm not I just wanted to really double triple quadruple make sure I could see the end yes it was a very slow 360 but it was a 360 nonetheless I know I said girl power station was one of the hardest levels or is at least revered one of the hardest levels in splatoon as a whole but there is one other level that is considered the most difficult challenge in all of the game in all of history oh look at this this guy thinks he's so cool you know what if he just like landed and just like he just squished like his hedge is it swim when he landed that'd be funny okay I'm Way better at this game I've competed in LAN tournaments I'm okay I've competed at LAN tournaments I fought my best fight I am way better at this game than when I first tried to beat this I think I can do this in one shot well not one shot cuz I already I did my first shot already but I think I can beat this guy like now okay just okay okay two shots made three shots I could probably beat him in three shot dude what get good grow literally get good you're so bad the trash talk inter aids in three like he's a real player okay maybe I shouldn't do that bad bad bad bad get him when he's close there you go be oh man I was doing so good there you go there you go no no no this is that J this is bad day that all Obama's coming for you okay are you I was miles away from it okay okay okay deep breaths deep breaths guys gonna do this thing reads jumps a million times oh but I've got a strategy I'm unstoppable this way yes no I'm not I'm not oh yes oh so easy dude wasn't even it wasn't even challenge which so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 422,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, splaton, splatoon 2, splatoon two, octarians, octolings, splatoon 2 octo, splatoon 2 octo expansion, splatoon 2 dlc, splatoon dlc, splatoon downloadable content, nostalgia, octo expansion 2020, splatoon 2 2020, commentary, gameplay, funny moments, playthrough, nintendo switch, jaymoji
Id: i5ydOTLr9ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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