Octavia St. Laurent - trans model calls out Eddie Murphy & down low men!

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this is me you understand no I'm not a woman no I am not a man I am Octavia only reason why they keep girls like me in the closet I'll change everyone's way of thinking about our lifestyle you got big time celebrities that go around in in in their cars picking up trans having with them and then getting on national TV making fun of them our whole world is being run by Pro Undercovers that run around talking about how straight they are people are so busy wasting their time bashing F when they can be doing something a lot more positive these are the people you have to worry about the name Octavia St laurant has been resurfacing in the world of Tik Tok you know how Tik Tok will ReDiscover an older story and everyone starts to lose their mind like oh I didn't know this and that's been in the rabbit hole of Eddie Murphy but today we will talk about Octavia St laurant whose story has a lot more to do than just the whole Eddie Murphy shade and Scandal and her exposing the industry we will get into her life her tragic end and of course we're going to talk about the people that she exposed and what it meant for the community and what it means for today so I have a very good story for you guys so get your popcorn ready but before we get into this first hey friend welcome to my channel cran elude where we Deep dive and break down the most iconic Stars through history if you're not yet subscribed please be sure to do do so and if you're already subscribed please turn on your notification Bell so you never miss an upload now without further Ado let's get into this video Let's Start First with her childhood so she was born on March 16th 1964 in Brooklyn New York and Octavia St laurence's life was a whirlwind of controversy talent and ambition St lauron identified as a transwoman but insisted on proudly claiming absolutely when asked if she were a man leaving many speechless born with an unusual hormonal imbalance that saw her producing more estrogen than typical for someone assigned male at Birth octavia's unique biology only added to her myque in a 2009 interview with Peter Wallenberg Octavia elaborated on this hormonal imbalance she said each human being is born with a certain amount of hormones Every Man Has 30 or 40% of female hormones the rest is male hormones if you don't have enough testosterone of course the female hormones are going to take over which was my case end quote growing up Octavia found unwavering support from her parents who accepted her identity without hesitation my parents were amazing Octavia said people thought I look like a little girl and my mother would say this is a boy end quote octavia's dream of stardom were deeply rooted in her family history with ties to a legendary Louis Armstrong who was married to her grandmother and a mother who sang with sweetheart in the crystals music was in her blood I want to sing singing is everything to me my uncle was Louis Armstrong my mom used to sing with sweetheart and the crystals she revealed you youry you're the man of my Dreams I'll Never Let You Go aspiring not just to be famous but to be somebody Rich Octavia modeled herself after supermodel Paulina Paris kova determined to climb the ladder of success based on her looks look at all these models on the wall every one of them are gorgeous every one of them are beautiful but every one of them have their own look this is my idol Paulina if that could be me I think I would be H the happiest person in the world just knowing that I am that I can compare to Paulina to stand next to her and to take pictures with her I I admire her you know the the red hot fire of hair and the H bit I think if I could just be on TV or film or anything I do that instead of the money of course I do want the money because I want the luxury that goes with it I want to be wealthy if not wealthy content comfortable you know I want to be somebody I mean I am somebody I just want to be a rich somebody I want to be a star simple as that I had anything to do with this I didn't do this it was done for me all I did was enhance it that's all my father always says if you're going to do something do it all the way do it well or don't do it at all her journey to the top began in the vibrant New York ballroom scene in 1982 where she became a sensation especially in in the face category often string to di in a Ross Swept [Applause] [Music] Away you going tell me you in Super Market and you going to say that's a p [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a central figure in the iconic 1990s documentary paris's burning Octavia captured hearts and Minds later securing a small role in the 1993 film the saint of Fort Washington in 2006 she starred in Wolf Gang Butch how do I look considered the spiritual sequel to paris's burning under the name Heavenly Angel Octavia St laurance life was as dramatic and scandalous as any Noir film she could have starred in she faced Relentless police harassment and arrest simply for wearing gender non-conforming clo despite being targeted she never wavered in her authenticity in a Ked 2009 interview she laid bare her philosophy I don't know if you know this but I very open about my genderism I'm always willing to educate everyone who feels different and help them understand that you got to love yourself end quote octavia's identity was a defied blend of masculinity and femininity and I quote I'm a very powerful man and I've always used the beauty of a woman and put them together it's got me quite successful through the years and it also kept me alive basically I love who and what I am and I wouldn't be anything else end quote her Unapologetic stance shocked many in the trans gender Community who couldn't grasp why she didn't aspire to be a traditional woman you know I am no woman I don't want to be no woman I stand up and piss in the bathroom I don't sit down you know what I'm saying I'm not trying to be a woman just beautiful end quote despite her natural femininity Octavia credited her masculinity for her survival it's my natural masculinity that gets me by and people don't pay me any mind because my ways are so child pleased people see me as as feminine naturally most Queens overdue trying to be a woman end quote her transparency earned her respect from her community my whole neighborhood knows that I'm a guy and they know I'm a guy from me telling them she recounted one time these men were in the car and they politely pulled over and asked me excuse me we heard that you're a man are you really a man and she said absolutely when you stand up for yourself like that people respect you end quote Living in a time when being openly gender non-conforming was dangerous Octavia experienced a brutality firsthand when I was in Connecticut I used to go and talk at colleges and I used to explain to them I came from a different time so everything was hard today living as a girl is not a big deal but then honey cops would arrest you just because you was a boy end quote her recounts of jail time were Hing saying I've been to jail a couple of times just because someone said that's a man they treat me like the damel in distress at first and then all of a sudden when they realize I was a man they'd come right back and say put your hands up behind your back you're under arrest end quote but I am real I am here and nothing can push me aside nothing can change what goes on in this world this world is for me too honey and they have to understand that it's reality you understand when I take off my clothes there's no pads or towels falling from my hips they are my hips my measurements are 36836 none of my girlfriends have my measurements I have a right to be here just like everybody else see their problem is they don't want you to know about me because first of all I get too many hard simple as that the only reason why they keep girls like me in the closet I'll change everyone's way of thinking about our lifestyle personally I think homos are the most creative intelligent and the most social people out there yes we make mistakes but they make mistakes too this is me you understand no no I'm not a woman no I am not a man I am Octavia I am a girl with a little extra I'm extremely emotional I'm extremely sensitive I love myself for what I am and who I am I'm beautiful I'm talented and there's no woman out there that can stand next to me and if they can bring it on down despite Octavia saying she is a boy she still liked to be called her and she especially during balls she remained honest with people who didn't know but she did represent herself as a woman in her professional and daily life women don't go out of their way because they are women I went out my way because I wasn't and I felt that I wanted to be the best I can be this was not a game for me or fun this is something that I want to live hopefully God willing by 1988 I fully hope to become a full-pledged woman of the United States Octavia St laurant was renowned for her Unapologetic honesty about her gender her identity and she had zero tolerance for anyone who wasn't equally upfront so when the scandalous story of Eddie Murphy hit the airwaves you can bet Octavia had all the juicy details on May 2nd 1997 4 years into his marriage to Nicole Mitchell Murphy Eddie Murphy got caught in a compromising situation that could have been ripped from a Hollywood scrip at 4:45 a.m. police pulled him over in his Toyota Land Cruiser alongside Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood a notorious spot where G people you know would sell themselves his passenger shalomar a trans woman of the night a trans Lady of the night and a familiar face in Octavia Circle Murphy then 36 years old he was a mega Star Riding High from hits like Beverly Hills Cop and trading places he wasn't arrested or charged however his passenger shalomar described by the police as a known trans Lady of the night was picked up on an outstanding warrant Murphy's publicist scrambled for damage control claiming the was just being a Good Samaritan giving shaloma a lift home she asked him for a ride and Eddie did so like he had helped people in the past and quote a skeptical public wasn't buying it and SNL even aired a sketch mocking the incident with Tim Meadows playing a community service-minded Eddie desperate to salvage his reputation Murphy granted an interview to People magazine with his loyal Marty singer yes the same guy who represented Bill Cosby and toe Murphy spun a tell of insomnia and boredom saying he was about to buy magazine sces when he encountered chalomar I saw this Hawaiian looking woman and said what are you doing out here she said I'm working Murphy recalled I said you shouldn't be doing that soliciting and bada bang I'm never giving anyone a ride again end quote Eddie Murphy tells ET that his wife and children were out of town says he wanted something to read and went to a late night newsand he stopped here and picked up the suspected trans at 4:45 in the morning he says he thought he was aiding a distraught woman I love my wife and I'm not gay and I'm not you know and that's what's weird about this to have your sexuality question and your moral fiber question and all that when all I was doing was trying to be nice to somebody looks like a pretty Hawaiian girl in the corner crying looks like she was crying go oh Eddie she noticed him at the light she recognized Eddie Murphy Oh my God so I go what are you doing why are you out here working the street so late she goes oh I'm I'm on my way home can you give me a ride home Murphy says he has often stopped to try to help proes but here is what he said in an impromptu news conference on the set of his new movie being a Good Samaritan blew up in my face basically what happen I'm never giving anyone a lifting oh Eddie thought she looked he looked Restless on the side just being a good Samaran at 4:30 in the morning in a neighborhood where're hang out okay we have other news tonight yes we do thankfully Murphy insisted he thought shalomar was a woman and emphasized it wasn't about seeking companionship it wasn't like I was looking for someone it was a person I assumed was a girl at the corner end quote he called the situation embarrassing but asserted I'm not sitting around depressed going oh people are going to think I'm not Eddie anymore I'm not a man I know I'm a man end quote Murphy tried to paint himself as a nocturnal philanthropist claiming for years and years at night I'd get in my car i' drive all over Manhattan I'd give darix money I'd stop and talk to homeless people I'd go to Corners where there females women set selling themselves and give them $5,000 to $10,000 to go home and get off the streets it's out of the goodness of my heart end quote but then he bizarrely undercut his charitable narrative right all that charity went out the window by admitting he scrubbed his car clean after shimar was taken away by the police I'm obsessive compulsive with cleaniness he said after I got home I wiped off the door handle and the stuff that person had touched end quote he called her that person the Scandal turned Murphy into a punch line and left many questioning his true motives meanwhile Octavia St laurant ever the beacon of authenticity likely watched the drama unfold with a knowing smile understanding All Too Well The Perils of living life in the public eye without a mask Eddie Murphy wasn't the only one with a story to tell shalomar had plenty to say too the national Inquirer reportedly paid her $115,000 bill in exchange for an explosive tell all in their bombshell article titled Eddie Murphy's secret sex site Shalamar claimed she was out looking looking for clients when Murphy pulled up once in his car she alleged that he placed $200 bills on her leg and asked if she liked to wear lingerie when she replied yes Murphy supposedly asked can I see you in lerie shalomar flirtatiously responded whenever I have the time Murphy's reply I'll make the time the conversation allegedly turned more explicit with Murphy asking about her sensual preferences to which she responded everything end quote the Scandal exploded prompting Murphy to SU both the national Inquirer and the globe for 5 million each accusing them of Lial slander and invasion of privacy over interviews with multiple trans ladies of the night claiming to have had sensual intimate Liaisons with the star Murphy eventually settled with the globe and dropped the suit against the national Inquirer even having to pay the tabloid's legal fees yikes so his lawsuits went nowhere he tried to sue them and I guess either they had too much information that would have made suing them seem you know ridiculous and expose more about him so they end up dropping the case or he just saw it wasn't financially worth it to continue and was making it worse putting him in the spotlight even more I don't know comment below your thoughts Murphy also targeted shamar's talkative cousin with a $1 million lawsuit for spilling secrets to the tabloids though the outcome remains unclear surprisingly Murphy's marriage initially weathered the storm he told People magazine that Nicole Murphy was shocked at first she was like oh Eddie this could get twisted in all kinds of ways end quote despite the Scandal they stayed together having five children before splitting in 2005 there were Whispers that the old Scandal might resurface during their divorce settlement negotiations but those rumors fizzled out and ironically Nicole ler lost $10 million of her divorce settlement to a con man in the aftermath Murphy retreated from the public eye during an appearance on the Hollywood reporters Awards chatter podcast he revealed that he stopped reading about himself around the time of the Scandal I I haven't read a newspaper in 20 years Murphy said I don't read stuff about me if there's an article about me someone has to read through it before they even give it to me I don't want to read any of that is so I don't know what y'all think end quote Murphy also claimed to stay off social media and shunned modern technology admitting he doesn't own a computer or use email as for shalomar her story took a tragic turn almost exactly a year after her Infamous encounter with Murphy she was found dead on a sidewalk outside her apartment building wearing only lingerie shalomar reportedly fell while attempting to swing from the roof to her apartment Window using a towel that doesn't even sound right and although police identified her as female due to her transition conspiracy theories about her death abound though they remain speculative does that story sound right so she was trying she locked herself out of her house accidentally how did that happen we don't know and she was using a towel to try to swing from the roof into the window and fell and died so how do they know that that's what happened to her that she locked herself out who was able to say I don't know before her untimely demise shalomar spoke candidly to the Village Voice insisting she respected Murphy's privacy and hadn't profited from the Scandal she lamented that the worst part of the media frenzy was being labeled a drag queen by the press a mislabeling that really stung her deeply and of course there was a lot of conspiracies stated that did Eddie Murphy have something to do with it who knows many conspiracies came out that Murphy had shalomar ended because her death just did make sense the trans Community was visibly distraught and annoyed by the whole Saga with Murphy including Octavia St laurant who was a little bit more popular had more clout and her speaking out really shock things octavus St laurance said a lot without saying much as she fired back at Murphy that just like a boomerang what goes around comes around you got big time celebrities that go around and and in their car far as picking up trans having with them and then getting on national TV making fun of them our whole world is being run by undercover that run around talking about how straight they are people are so busy wasting their time bashing when they can be doing something a lot more positive these are the people you have to worry about everything you do in life is like a boomerang when you throw it it eventually comes back don't with me she stated this Boomerang comment because at the time Murphy starred in the movie boomering which was a huge hit so it's kind of like you know and one thing about laurance she knew how to throw her Shades so that those who know will catch it in a way she was making it clear that we know who you are and we do not accept your statements that you cleaned up your car when Shalamar you know got out of it and we just know we know it's Tea St laurant was very vocal about how men in the industry would pay for the services of fam trans women but in public would be so anti-lgbt it wasn't that she was exposing these people it was more that she wanted them to live in their truth and it was unfortunate many people started calling Octavia bitter for her comments towards Eddie mury started call her bitter in general but I don't think it was bitter I think it was more so watching your peers or your people you know die in the worst way get um talked really negatively while people supported the very people that were doing the ACT this reminds me of my Karen Stefan video I will pin that in the comments for you guys and in the end cards in screen all of that check out the Kent stefins how Tyra Banks and everybody was coming after her too and ignoring what the real culprits the people who were sleeping with Karen stefin was cuz she was a video vixen who exposed everything this story just kind of reminds me of it because people were calling Octavia bitter they were attacking shalomar calling her you know a drag queen and all these very troubling names to her and people were kind of like giving Eddie Murphy some Grace there were people that were holding his feet to the fire into task but for the most part people were really dragging them and it was like why are you guys coming for them and not focused on the real people the real culprits you know because if I was Eddie Murphy I just wouldn't have said anything if I was you know caught doing something that he knew he wasn't too proud of I would have just not said anything right but to go and say I clean up the car as if she was filed it's giving what they used to do to the stars back then where they drain like um Dorothy Dandridge was in a hotel and they drained I did a video for her to check that out but they drained the hotel's pool they removed the water the white people because she got in it cuz they thought she was filthy and they used to do that to black stars a lot during those eras where they'd get in a pool and they Dr the pool and give fresh water before the white people would be able to swim in it it's kind of giving that it's kind of giving that Vibes cuz why even give the person a ride if you're going to go if you're obsessive compulsive but let's leave that alone let's move on okay another thing that annoyed St laurant um because she was speaking out a lot she was annoyed that call her bitter is that she was vocal on how hard it was for trans women at that time to progress in their careers especially in Hollywood most female identifying men in that era were reduced to being private call girls for the rich or down low men most made their livings by doing you know work being ladies of the night this unfortunately led to many of them Contracting HIV she explained in detail in her 2014 interview about her days and starring in the documentary paris's burning and all the friends that she lost due to the virus well paris's burning was believe it or not a really bad time in my life she said I was a addict with substances I was young was part of a history that I'm grateful I survived Paris is burning has become the national anthem of the gay community of my generation it's just creeping up to this new generation now I have children calling me saying they just saw Paris is burning I just was in the state of mind then that I am today I am grateful that I lived long enough to see the great changes and learned so much about myself and life around me paris's burning is doing its thing in this in its world but that's not me anymore I don't look at it the way other people look at it I look at it as is a turning point in my life the documentary is a constant reminder to me of how far I've come in my life and that I'm here today to still live and say I was a part of that I took life for granted for a very long time I'm just thankful I got a second chance a lot of them didn't a lot of the girls didn't live to appreciate it end quote the interviewer asked her basically stated you're one of the few people from the documentary that is still around today that is still living and she said yes basically I am one of the last there are a few that are alive but but they weren't in the mainstream of the movie hundreds of people that went to the balls are basically all dead willly ninja passed away a couple of years ago me and Willie grew up together I was shocked that he died he really allowed himself to go we're in a time now where you don't die from that anymore whatever he was doing was not Kosher he was doing a lot of things he shouldn't have been doing it took him out finally he was a wonderful individual and a sweetheart and I'm sorry he's gone I've known Willie ninja his whole life I've known all those kids I just got off the phone with Paris 10 minutes ago Paris Dupri the one the movie is based on he's going to be 79 years old end quote Octavia St laurance Journey was as tumultuous and heart-wrenching as any Noir film marked by the highs of Fame and the devastating lows of illness sadly her life wasn't immune to the repercussions of heavy substance use and intimate encounters with numerous men this lifestyle ultimately led to her Contracting HIV and later battling cancer diagnosed as HIV positive Octavia transformed her struggle into a mission becoming an educator to spread awareness about the illness she candidly discussed her battles with substance Hugh you know being a lady of the night virus and Wolf Gang Butch LGBT documentary how do I look her openness was both shocking and enlightening revealing the raw truths of her life in 2008 fate dealt another cruel blow when she was diagnosed with cancer seeking Solace she moved in with her sister and found a quiet refuge in Syracuse New York there she began performing a one-person show at Spirits gay bar describing it as a tranquil place where she could find some peace amidst her struggles March 2019 Octavia gave what would be her final interview via phone despite her dire circumstances her words were filled with hope and determination saying my only thing is I'm not ready to die yet until I'm going to do bigger and better okay paris's burning was just the first step honey I've done a lot of things I've worked with a lot of celebrities done a couple of movies but to me that's nothing I want to accomplish something that no other girl like me has ever accomplished you get what I'm saying and I am going to do it through music because I can sing I always know I could do better and they're going to be like what end quote Octavia planned a triumphant return to the spotlight post recovery saying soon when I get back to normal I'm going to do what I need to do start all over again and this time better than ever I can't do anything right now because of the cancer I'm just resting in Syracuse which is a quiet place from the start my stomach is really big from the steroids it feels like I've got something strapped to my stomach I feel large my arms and legs are still slim but my butt is real big I got to get back to normal I don't want to be seen by the public until then end quote defyant in the face of medical prognosis she declared they're not giving me any time frames I've had time frames my whole life okay you know how many times these doctors have been telling me I'm going to die child please I'm not going anywhere I don't pay attention to human beings it's God I think about live life live life and do not take anything for granted because what you have today can instantly be gone tomorrow and don't settle for nothing but the best end quote those were her last public words tragically her fighting Spirit couldn't save off the inevitable on May 17 2009 just a couple months later at the age of 42 Octavia St laurant passed away after a long battle with cancer she was laid to rest in a cemetery in Queens New York her final interview remains a haunting echo of her ambition and resilience a poignant farewell from a woman who dreamed of breaking barriers and achieving greatness and this is all I have to say about this story and like I said I really think it's sad that a lot of people want to call the victims bitter when they're you know like Ken sens really check out that video it just it kind of like if you're going to hold people accountable hold everyone accountable I don't think she was bitter I think it was kind of annoying as you know a lot of stars and celebrities are down low they do what they do for whatever reason they don't want to be public about it even if they catch the virus themselves they're still not public about it they make up a lot of things as the reason why and I feel like the public um is kind of okay with it but in today's society everybody is if someone is still being down low in today's society I mean Hollywood has pretty much made it okay to be that you know so there's really no reason if you're still you know not living your truth I'm thinking of what's happening to Diddy right now many men in the NBA NFL whatever they're all you know wearing their nail polish carrying their bags and purses and stuff and it's kind of like okay to be you now you don't have to pretend still because I think it hurts the people that they're keeping secret and private and it hurt women like Octavia and shalomar it hurt them a lot to where they were reduced to you know selling themselves not really having a future Etc being dragged by people it hurt them you know and also it hurt the wives of the women that are with the men that are down low it really hurts the wives cuz many women have become sick from them living not living in their truth or not being honest you know so it's just um tornado of hurt all around and all these hurt hurts could be prevented in the words of Octavia St lauron if people just was honest just be yourself and that's all she wanted like you don't got to hurt unsuspecting women you know that don't know about their husband you don't got to hurt people like shomar like her life was ended I don't care nobody say her life was ended that was weird you don't got to hurt people like that and you don't got to hurt yourself just be who you are or if you are that ashamed then don't live that lifestyle don't live that lifestyle if you're that ashamed end of story right right what do you guys think am I you know being weird comment below do you agree or disagree but check out my current Stefan video I love you guys so much thank you for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karine Alourde Biographies 🇭🇹
Views: 240,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octavia st. laurent, octavia, laurent, octavia st laurent, octavia st laurent voguing, octavia st laurent paris is burning, octavia saint laurent, eddie murphy, eddie murphy snl, eddie murphy stand up, eddie murphy and more, eddie murphy gay, eddie murphy raw, eddie murphy scandal, eddie murphy saturday night live, eddie murphy pulled over, eddie murphy on johnny carson, Eddie murphy shalimar, Shalimar Eddie murphy, Shalimar, Shalimar octavia st laurent, Shalimar conspiracy
Id: 6sLQ1la1ffY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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