OCRWC 2021 - Live Stream Highlights

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[Music] huh [Music] one every obstacle course racing world championship that she is me matilda eat a matilda with bildy i'm sorry she's around like that you can pick her out anywhere and oh okay balcony store a solid 20 seconds behind lindsay and she was really pushing her wow that's a while that they actually called that out at the moment that's amazing they did it the officiating here has actually been tremendous by the volunteers they've been doing a great job so lindsay's just about to get up through here now you got to think after going across rose might have some problems in there so let's see okay that is coming through now eat i told you her grip strength is incredible is fantastic at this and this is a gap that she could probably make up rose has really left ascendants at everything chris if you don't know she was volunteering at this obstacle all day long she was doing registration help last night for volunteers from europe you're really not going to know who they are we're trying to you know down the festival area you know trying to just meet people on the start line just to figure out who they were i believe we weren't nearly prophetic and i don't think we are because she's uh yeah she's making much yeah she's making work quick work for this all right so she's off the board to the next one is a pretty good reach so it seems like she's figured it out here all right once you get that first ring you're pretty much good to go she can just hang on and okay so it looks like lindsay's about to cross the finish line and rose is on ricochet right right now so rose must have neck and neck on ricochet right now utility slight lead they are both on the last part of the ball rose struggling trying to get any power through it but she's coming over look how fast she got up there a big flick up and ringing the bell that is the difference in this race as rose tumbles down to the bottom but she's gonna sprint this to the very finish because she knows time trial racing you have [Music] there's rose and a little bit of lache to the first one [Music] hanging pipes [Music] really got us get a nice swing there the men coming through kind of hard to tell who's who is that sunlight there's that's definitely vj's swing dj [Applause] it was definitely out on the front deck here the dude was quite prominent on the ground [Music] i saw somebody who was a much stronger runner than me right next to me slip off [Music] nice rolling technique [Music] [Music] logan taking a second to skip that first ring [Music] and i know there were discrepancies oh he's kind of getting hung up there there are discrepancies about it oh they're telling them you gotta touch at least one of the top ones [Music] and here comes kimson making up some time i believe or he's about to be on to it [Music] looks like logan going through the low rig now low rig not too tricky i love low rigs you know being able to use your feet really takes your weight off your hands so it feels like you can do some even more amazing things [Music] and after [Music] the low rig and be right here so awesome [Music] favorite chris rogloski from the grid fitness pro team she is right on lindsay's butt she is really really close oh no she misses the transition nice save pulls back to get the momentum on the for the forward swing yep she grabs it this time no problem she knows that's gonna cost her precious that's when it was more difficult i don't expect to see any difficulties here let's see if she changes any technique yep she's going to skip a ring she's going to go right down to that bottom one and then up yep boom see how she keeps her arms close to her body keeping that tension second place female we know lindsay has this wrapped up in the bag she has a commanding league let's see oh there's eda i believe that's eda yeah it is from denmark look at her what a beast um sky boom there we go okay she's gonna close this out until we get more footage of second and third place yep she's been through this obstacle a billion times yeah it's a pain when those yeah you expect them the one a circular [Music] they're curious what they don't even think about that yeah i don't remember being a problem in the past but i also don't i wasn't there to cover wwc last time sorry absolutely incredible the first obstacle the platinum rig [Music] [Applause] all right mexico making an awesome pitching every second yes beautiful vijay that's kind of lead you got to maintain you got it yeah no pauses [Music] very interesting to see so many leave the camera on them for a moment while i go try to get a zoomed in shot [Music] getting through these obstacles quick make a quick work of them jumping in skipping as me doesn't use any legs oh he is gonna use some legs oh no okay no late let's go baby no into the into the thing oh no he's got the snake's hammer great shot here from under the net i love this oh somebody fell oh what is what are we seeing here superman through the finish line [Music] in the speed section for the code [Music] [Music] expected [Music] straight through and then wow that's yeah smart [Music] save look he already made up some ground that's the same thing look yep oh but he gets there there we go i don't think he's quite got the reach to make that yeah so here you go wow look at that jump [Music] [Music] team coming through and they're really playing it safe here making sure she gets through first when rose could probably start by now he's got a co-ed team finishing up with them got two teams finishing together possibly [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The OCR Report
Views: 774
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iR_YsNaQ0pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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