OceanBlock Ep1 Starting Out

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hello everyone this is direwol20 and welcome to episode one of direwolf 20's new series on ftb's ocean block uh this is a pretty cool looking mob pack brand new uh relatively brand new pack from ftb uh ocean block is a new unique mod pack created by the ftb team inspired by the countless island-based mod pack so pretty much inspired by like your your void blocks or your yeah you know those kind of mod packs uh there's gonna be a lot of changes to what we're used to there'll be a lot of custom structures in the deep depth of the sp of the sea um there's 550 quests in this pack uh so it's a quest based mod pack for sure uh it guides you through the whole pack uh there's there's rafts there's all kinds of stuff for exploring the ocean because apparently there's a lot of structures out there there's a couple new mods with entirely new crafting mechanics there's a bunch of old favorites i see draconic is in the pack i see like a lot of the mods we're used to are in the pack there's some new things that i don't recognize so i'm excited to check out there's a good combination of magic and tech so lots of cool stuff um you do need to get a scuba suit to be able to swim successfully and we're going to be getting a lot of resources so i'm excited to check this thing out it looks really neat um so we're gonna do what we do which is start up a new world um so here's the deal when you start up in the game uh and you jump in a single player you can see i've created a couple test worlds already just kind of i always create a few test worlds before i start recording for a pack because first off i just want to like see that it loads properly you know with ftb you can feel pretty confident that the pack is going to be solid but also i like to get an idea of like what i'm in for so i take a peek at like you know the quest book a little bit i take a peek at the island structure just so i have an idea of what i'm in for right but we're gonna create a new world now for actually playing on and what's cool is there's a few starting islands you can choose from so the main islands category has three it's just a regular island an island with a cottage on it and then literally a skyblock-like island which looks like just a tree on top of what i assume is a dirt block so skyblock button water option two is nexanria uh some islands built by nexandria back in the ftb sky odyssey so there's uh a hell island which is just another aki type of you know area and then uh the end island which looks pretty neat and then there's a couple community options uh easy starter um and then globe spawn in a globe deep under the water that is kind of cool by by man-made that is neat that is oh man that looks like it might be like a fun one to start and i really do think that would be cool uh i was all ready to start on on the normal island just because like this is the default i want to kind of play the pack the way it was envisioned but it does sound kind of like a neat a neat kind of let's start under the water and then like you really can't expand that easily if you're under the water let's start with the default island um i want to say that they're working on it on a hardcore version of this pack as well i feel like i've seen that on twitter so maybe they'll be a hard quarterback version of this in the future and maybe that would be an underwater star we'll see i'm not making any promises obviously um so we're going to start with the normal island here uh i'm just going to call it let's play world and because i know you guys might want to follow along with me i'm going to um do a couple things let's do difficulty hard more world options we're going to use uh dire ocean play is the seed so dire ocean play cool uh generate structures is on all the normal stuff uh done i don't think there's anything else we have to worry about here so let's create our new world looks like fun so yeah super interested to see what like the new like there's there's clearly some stuff in this pack that's very different um as as you would need it to be um i'm curious to see what like the resource generation mechanic is because like every one of these packs has a new take on how to generate resources very curious to see what that is if that's if that's going to be the tempered jars thing um there's also mentions of like sluices and gravel and water and that kind of stuff to get resources so there might be something like that and oh my goodness we found like there's a pretty cool spawn this is a pretty cool spawn there's something right there i have no idea what that is but it's like really close by uh so you start on an island with a campfire and a tree and some sand and some clay of course because it's an ftb pack you know a little overpowered them to be giving me clay this early but i guess they were feeling generous um i've noticed ooh potato don't mind if i do i noticed i literally so what i did before i you know started recording this is i loaded up a test world and spent maybe five minutes just kind of poking around at the quest book and a few other things so i did get a feel for a little bit of some of the stuff in the pack but not honestly i played for no more than five minutes i think i chopped down the stream that was it um so i noticed for sure that there's a lot of a lot of seeds a lot of different types of plants which is cool um i i know we were given a campfire so i'm kind of curious to see what that's all about um so i'm gonna go ahead and just start doing the standard thing now if we check in the book in the quest book uh you'll note that there's uh what i what i noticed is there's not any uh other chapters unlocked yet so i assume this quest book is going to unfold i assume there's more than 10-ish quests here mostly because the you know the the the the intro to the pack said there were 550 so that will be expanded as we uh unlock certain things so step one get some wood as is tradition in minecraft so i'm definitely excited to see like i don't know what that structure is over there that looks very i wonder if that's some kind of custom structure for the pack or if it's an existing uh mod that adds structures to the world i honestly have no idea um yeah excited to find out all right we got some wood everybody's happy boom boom i do need a chest oh and i got a white laser lens how did i get that i have no idea how i got that white laser lens was not supposed to be a quest i thought that was supposed to be a chest sweet all right so i'm i'm chopping down the entire tree and i'm not using any tools yet and the reason i'm not using any tools is i read ahead in the quest book a little bit and it indicates that vanilla tools are not useful at all for anything other than crafting so there's no sense in making an axe because it's not going to be useful but one of the first quests has me jumping into tinker's tools which we'll be doing in just a moment um some of you might be asking at this point is vain miner in the pack and the answer is yes and no uh yes it's in the pack however it's inactive and it tells me on the tool tip there see basic resources slash lost trinkets quest uh to to get more details so i assume that you need some kind of lost trinket in order to uh do vein mining and so we will be able to vein mine we just can't do it right away cool all right tree chopping complete is it technically chopping if you use your fist i don't know but anyway objective completed now we can totally plant more trees right um and we can also do this thingy so that's a thing fyi that you can do let's jump into the quest though so first thing uh vanilla i hardly knew her and this modpack vanilla tools are only good for crafting so we have to get into tinkers so it wants me to make a tinker station and a part builder uh and some patterns so let's get started the old standard for how we get started in the pack i probably want to use this many oh that's cool there's a thing that you can craft like this what's that oh tile oak log crafting ingredient okay neat uh and then we need one of these obviously uh do we have that thing no okay just checking cool so uh can i can i look at that okay valid items can i add to like the jei to do list from here no i can't that would be cool that would be a nice quality of life feature for that um so let's see we just need uh we're gonna need a handful of these which i think we could make i know we need you know a bunch of these so i'll just grab a bunch and then i assume it's something like yep that'll get you your crafting station uh for oak logs now what about the part station which one was that part builder will be something along these lines cool task completed part builder uh tinker station okay oh so this is the crafting table got it okay cool so that'll be the equivalent of this nice okay so let's get this lined up like we normally would so we're going to want the part builder followed by the tinker station would that be cool and then you want me to make any old axe right let's make an axe for chopping down trees that seems smart so we're going to need a small axe head a tool handle and a tool binding so we're going to need a small so we're going to need a tool binding and we should probably make it out of wood because that's pretty much all i've got a small axe head and a handle sweet i like it quest complete booyah so we got some patterns now i'm just curious if like i'm gonna have oh good we get a parts chest sweet uh so far so good on the collecting the right resources um now there's another quest that i want to try and i'm i'm more interested in trying this because the quest reward oh it's a random reward oh i thought that was gonna be an i thought that was gonna be a chest so that is not a bug okay i was concerned because like i saw the chest there and i'm like oh they're giving me a chest how nice of them but it's not a chest it's a random reward so the fact that i got the lens actually makes a lot more sense okay cool okay cool that's neat got it got it never mind never mind that's cool uh dripper the dripper drips fluid onto the block below it in order to turn it into other blocks cool um so if you look at this if you drip water onto compressed stone it makes iron that's neat cast iron liquid mob soles what is that that's made in tempered glass jars or in okay yeah so see there's stuff in here there's stuff going on here 2x compressed stone gets you gold all right so this dripper is going to be one of your resource generators 3x compressed stone gets you diamond okie dokie then okie dokie then that's kind of neat i like that uh concept i definitely do i think that's neat let we'll come back to this one in a minute uh because i want to do some of this stuff first cool uh but now i should have a better tool slightly better than the fist only ever so slightly we're gonna need to get some stone clearly so let's let's do the thing now hopefully there's not enough there's not enough dark spots i hope this island is small enough such that i don't have mob spawns on it i'm not 100 sure oh that's gonna work out should i try and get a sword real quick i feel like a sword is not a bad idea only because i don't know it's gonna be two sticks and a blade so tool handle one two and then a small blade and then your job will be to make that happen thank you so at least we have uh some semblance of protection in the event that bad guys show up all right so basic tools done uh basic resources who needs cobble gens the subtitle's a lie you'll still need a couple gem later um one of the most basic islands one of the standard islands basic resources like cobblestone gravel sand and clay can be found all over the place you so you should have no difficulty getting them if you're instead spawned on one of the non-standard islands like the skyblock nether and one you will instead have to create a cobblestone generator immediately and then hammer down the resources you get from it um there's an ulta miner trinket yes the lost trinket's quest cool uh enables the use of ftp ultimine when active rarity epic so that's cool so i just grab a little bit of everything here and i'm good nice now i can also make a hammer any hammer uh stop overused joke time hammers for ftb sleuths can be used to crush down blocks pretty much your standard hammer mechanic of cobble gravel dirt sand dust sweet so let's get let's get a shovel and a pickaxe here real quick um only because i feel like that would be cool right so we need a binding for the pickaxe how about for the shovel i think this thematic is used um yeah the matic is a pretty good one to use so that's gonna be a pickaxe and an axe with a with a with a thing so i'm gonna want one two of you we're gonna want one binding uh we're going to want an axe and probably two pickaxes cool and then we can get one of you and we can get one of you now i may or may not need the axe and this was something that always bothered me like why is there an axe if the matic is just an axe but we'll see like is there any benefit to the axe over the matic uh i mean i guess it's uh it's it's a weapon does some decent attack damage like it's 7 attack damage it's slow it's slow but it's decent attack damage at least so let's go get some resources shall we stone age mission accomplished oh there's some cobble already here that's neat i'm gonna leave the mossy cobble just in case nice all right so that's cobble and gravel now i think clay was also on the to-do list you wanted gravel i'll get gravel as a reward but we can make any hammer so i can make a hammer with two of the stone that i got so i'm gonna do that uh let's get some more of you guys i'm gonna put you in slot number six cool so quest complete hammers that gets me some gravel which coincidentally completes the quest for gravel which is nice was clay on the to-do list up there uh for this guy it was not actually so i'm not going to waste time with clay right now but i can uh i can at least hammer up and get some dust if i if i so determine that i need to i think dirt was on the to-do list though wasn't it yes it was all right so then i'm going to [Music] plop down some sand and turn that into dust and that completes the quest which will get me compressed gobble which is cool and ulta miner sweet i like it now enables use of ftp ultimate when active now the lost trinkets oh i have to right click it to activate it and then options controls category trinkets open twinkies ui is r but that didn't work so is there a key binding conflict toggle sale for small ships okay is that going to be cool now small ships huh interested in that mod that sounds cool there we go so i'm going to add ulta miner to my active trinkets list and now i convey mine which is cool now do these things get experience of any kind pro it doesn't look like it so there's nothing i don't even know if that mod exists in this version of minecraft but yes vein mining is now a thing or ultimine depending on you know now how about this recipe is that a cool recipe it is a recipe yay all right let's put all these seeds in the chest and then i'm going to want probably just a second or third chest here one for a bunch of materials and and blocks and then this guy can be um just some miscellaneous stuffs i don't need much of that just yet i probably don't even need you no mores okay so that's compressed cobble actually i'm gonna hang on to that because it looked to me like there was some useful stuff with that awesome cool all right so uh you know missions completed it um neat getting string in order to start producing versus at a meaningful scale you'll need some bits of string to make a mesh for your sluice the two simplest ways to either create a mob farm and kill some spiders or to grow and harvest some cotton or flax plants you may have gotten from clearing out grass on your island depending on swan it might be better to go for one approach over the other ah cool okay so we just need to get four pieces of string and we'll get 16 more so we need cotton or flax is probably the method i would like to go with so hops corn flour cotton seeds that's cool have we gotten any flax yet not yet but we can plant some cotton seeds now if i remember correctly this thing can also be used and i should be able to oh that's beautiful this thing can also be used uh to tell some fields right no that's a grass path okay maybe not aha so that makes grass paths it does not make plantable seed things so i guess i need a hoe now it said i can't use tools much this item is for crafting only okay so which tinkers tool can i use to be a hoe i guess the comma yeah let's do that small blade tool handle tool binding small blade tool handle tool binding and we will get ourselves a comma so we can till this field okay hops cotton cotton is what we want for sure cabbage oh we got some wheat there tomato spinach i might as well plant wheat right why not it was worth a try right are there watering cans of any kind uh there are but the most basic one's gonna require iron but yeah that's just gonna have to be a patience kind of thing cool uh now what about this lost trinkets well any loss trinkets item will give you good effects such as preventing you from taking damage or following increasing health gives you a feeling you learn the trinket by holding the trigger hand right clicking you press r to open up the trinkets interface i agree so i guess the ftb ultimate one that i got doesn't count but that's cool all right uh how about clay and water balance let's make this dripper because that looks neat i want to try this out because i want to see what this mechanic's all about while i'm waiting for those cotton seeds to grow cool and then the other seeds that i collected can all go in my seeds chest sweet and i should probably have these apples on me okay so i got the dripper which has a random reward i got oh an obsidian boat doesn't i feel like that would sink i'm gonna put you in here this was literally specifically mentioned uh in that there's obsidian boats so i'm assuming that's an important thing well good night good news we survived the night without a single mob spawn on this island so that's pretty neat um so i've got this dripper now let's try this thing out so the next quest says balance 16 clay water and clay are both going to be crucial to this pax progression so it's important you know how to gather them on most basic islands clay can be found all over the place so you should have no difficulty finding it there uh well how required use the dripper instead to get clay in that case you need to drip water on a dirt gathering water shouldn't be an issue for obvious reasons but containing it might be depending on your island you may either start off with a bucket immediately have to craft a clay bucket to get yourself or have to transport water around using a wooden bowl until you have enough clay in the bucket okay so let's do let's do the clay and the bucket e thing all right collecting clay oh come here you oh that's cool look at that look at that o2 indicator that's awesome the oxygen indicator is pretty neat it's how deep this island goes too pretty cool what happens if i run out of oxygen oh i start taking damage to no one's great surprise i also get mining fatigue 3 and slowness 7. holy cow that is some significant slowness what happens if i run out of oxygen dire said i just wanted to see you know some some mods make it so like you instantly die or something so i just wanted to test that out what's the big deal uh so now i need to get a bucket of water so a clay bucket will work uh so let's do that clay bucket which looks like it's simply just three clay easy enough sweet and then we scoop up some water and water does it's infinite yes good i mean it was already infinite because look i was just curious if like you know for some reason they disabled that whole two quarters equals an infinite source thing cool and i got a random reward which is blessed earth spawns that's cool that's cool i like that what's mini utilities because that sounds neat there's cursed earth that spawns fossil mobs blessed earth with ones and blessed earth which spawns all mobs blurst earth blurst earth which spawns all mods alright that's cool that is cool this looks like an extra utilities-ish this looks extra utilities-ish doesn't it it very much does it very gives me a it's very much giving me an extra utilities vibe i i would be surprised if this wasn't inspired by extra utilities for sure i mean the name even implies right not that there's anything wrong with that i am not even in any way disparaging that like that's a cool thing i like i like that someone was inspired to bring back extra utilities cool all right that's a good thing why are you no middle click or were you just being slow okay you just weren't refreshing all right so that's the quest there uh animals e-i-e-i-o optional milky bucket enabled this side quest of old mixed stevie's farm in this pack passive mobs only spawn in deep warm oceans in the overworld okay cool so let's check out the dripper thing and see what we can do also there's a quest that's complete that oh my goodness there's a lot more expanded here many utilities blessed earth bless you my child spawns passive mobs and i get a random award for that and the random award i got was an advanced compressing factory from mechanism that truly is quite random yes random indeed look there's a whole exploration section now set sail uh a storage section which is cool storage drawers and crates sweet uh a miscellaneous section here stone wand ooh nice i assume that's for building things uh and spikes and mob crusher and all that good stuff awesome let's stay in the getting started quest though because i really want to check out this dripper thing um so the dripper can turn compressed stone into iron ore with a 15 chance i kind of want to try that one compressed cobble if you drop lob on it makes magma okay you can get diamond from 3x compressed you can get gold from 2x compressed it says it's a 3 chance i assume i assume what that means is it like drips and there's a 15 chance to turn compressed stone into iron right and then it drips again then it drips again and then it drips again and every time it's a 15 chance so it eventually will turn right um that's neat dirt turns into clay and magma turns into blue magma from the fpr ftb jar mod okay sweet now what did i get from my roar i got compressed cobble i'm assuming we're going to want to smelt up some stone at some point so i'm assuming furnace right i mean yes that's a that's a thing we're going to want to do are there better furnaces by chance or is it are we just relegated to i mean there's some there's better end forged furnaces oh there's mystical agriculture in this pack that's cool there you go that's a good that's a good starting point for some good furnaces but yeah let's just use uh let's use the regular old vanilla furnace uh i'm probably just gonna convert you into i can always convert you back if i decide i want compressed gobblegum no reason not to do this uh and let's start getting some let's start getting some coal that's like a plan well charcoal to be more accurate but yes oh combination of being able to quickly grow plants and vane miner equals a very nice start to a sky block slash ocean block style mod um so we've got this good to go let's see uh we're going to want to smelt up more charcoal more than likely that looks like a good number right there yeah definitely good sweet now i did want to test something can i repair this directly in my inventory or do i have to bring it back to this dude to do the repair i think i have to bring it back to this dude to do the repair not a big deal of course not a problem sweet grow all right so i'm gonna let this charcoal cook up i'm gonna look at the other quests and figure out you know what else is involved here and then we will be right back all right now that i've properly broken this tool uh can i replace the components here i'm assuming i can do this right it may need to be repaired first okay no i just have to replace them one at a time sweet i like that i might as well get a new uh sword handle too right maybe a new pickaxe head well i didn't want to but i got to by mistake sweet okay that works for me i'll leave this in here i'll probably wind up to sporting it i decided what i should do is kind of clear out some terrain so one of the quest is to get passive mobs going so i'm gonna do that um and i'm going to also collect me some dirt so that i can um set up a mob farm area like a passive mob and set up an area for uh farming that sounds like a plan i think that blessed earth stuff that i got was a really good bit of luck so what i'm doing is basically clearing out a little bit of this island so that i have mostly a bunch of resources to build with mostly i'm after the dirt here but i mean might as well kind of landscape a little bit right looks good sweet we've got like a stack of dirt that's cool so what i was thinking is we could have now can i make that wand i think i can make that wand now right that was a quest too a builder's wand type of dude quest complete and for that i got the random reward of elevators nice you know those are some of dyer's favorite items thank you quest pack more cotton seeds by the way which is cool more potatoes which i'm going to plant by the way uh but what i'm thinking is like we'll just start expanding this island a little bit uh let's put you here for now let's get a nice just a little bit of landscaping and then will you be so kind nice two three four five six cool and then i'm going to put something like this around it and what i'm going to also do is make sure that there's some grass connecting those two so this grass should hop down here i would like this hill area to turn into grass cool oh my is that a drowned it is hello drowned you're carrying a shell for me thanks dude whoever added this underwater sound when you're swimming that is cool does your o2 go down faster when you're sprint swimming it feels like it does maybe not maybe i'm just imagining that oh wow slowness six maybe that's not from drowning maybe i'm not meant to be swimming at all i'm gonna bring this up here let's see see my o2 didn't go down that far and i got some significant slowness and mining fatigue i don't think you're meant to swim all that much oh i just killed another drowned and i got a mob soul which apparently makes liquid mobs holes which can be used for all kinds of things sweet that is a to investigate in the future kind of deal so once that turns into grass i'm going to set up that blessed thing here i assume it won't turn into go right into into grass until daytime right the other thing i think i'd like to set up is a better farm over hereish i'm just going to clear out a little bit of this and expand the farm area a smidge now we don't have all that much dirt well we have a bit we have a bit of dirt so that's three let's do one more line of this cool okay and then what i'm gonna do with a space and then cool so going into the water isn't the end of the world clearly um but you should be a little careful about it so that time i didn't get a debuff oh but i did get some inferior messengers that's cool all right and this will be my you know plant farm excuse me sir you're in the way cool i like the looks of this so one two three four one two three i need a little bit more dirt excuse me oh hello mobs do spawn oh that was close i got a hat though so that's cool oh wow my slowness is for reals today this is why we're setting up farms and stuff also how about i get my charcoal and light up this island a little bit better that sounds like a really smart move i'm just going to get a stackish of torches i'm just going to you know light it up a little haphazardly and this will be fenced in in the future but just make sure i cover up you know all the all the dark spots and now's not a bad time to remove a lot of this but this way at least we won't have any mob spawns except for the drowned i assume which i can't probably prevent from happening too much yeah a little haphazard it's it's it's it's dire i'm not you know going to nuts on this for now i'll just light this up like so and then we'll do better in the future because that's not a fully fleshed out thing so how about we do this i think it's probably getting to wrapping up point right we're probably along those lines so let's wrap up the episode here i'm just going to plant some plants between episodes uh and get that little you know plant farm going that's probably a majority of the grass on my island it doesn't hurt to clear a lot of it out and that will get me more seeds so i can pick out which seeds i want to plant right i think that sounds cool all right double 27 hope you guys enjoyed the episode hope you're excited about this new series because there's clearly a lot of exploration a lot of tech mods that we haven't played with yet a lot of magic mods and some custom mods that look pretty interesting so for now donald trump signing off hope you guys enjoyed the episode let me know in the comments please comment tell me what's up tell me what you think say if you're excited or not please that would be exciting and awesome to hear from you guys alright take it easy
Channel: direwolf20
Views: 368,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mods, 1.16, Forge, Modded, Tutorial, Addons, Lets, Play, LetsPlay, FTB, FTBPack, Oceanblock, Ocean, Block, 1.16.5
Id: 1iVPHw7wSls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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