Ocarina of Time Randomizer - No Logic, Max Random Item Settings

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okay how bad will this be [Music] the lg tunic thanks for 19 months x-28 [Music] i think i said digging strips [Music] also sounds gonna be nice [Music] nice little useless midas house [Music] [Music] uh [Music] up see if the shop has anything eye drops 360. i probably won't need it because uh what's it called bigger one's probably not anything good but who knows but now i can get it for a while anyway thanks for six months in advance funk one thanks for three months puzzle bunks or three months in advance a lot of people using the gift or um like stuffing in advance recently that's interesting [Music] otd comp speed runs what i mean the comping is not a single person effort i'm not sure if it's cheaper or not to uh do 7 advanced oh you know what i should have checked the tree entrance i forgot i'm bad oh i should have got the other route [Music] i don't have anything to kill the sculpture with right i don't have anything cool thank you 25 months except for gospel i think for 13 months cried shoes that i can't buy field yeah okay shield is super important to get early [Music] oh right the pot why do i always i always forget i can kill the skeleton with the pot i don't know why i think i like keep thinking of it as an mm thing i think this is a dj string cheese ooh highland shield 25 cool uh that's very good [Music] oh also i have um warp song locations randomized so that's so requiem is going to take me to a random place too [Music] wow [Music] frames be quick nuts [Music] i need to go buy sticks i can have some kind of weapon [Music] oh [Music] oh nice [Music] okay i do not need zelda's reward i'm gonna wait for night [Music] yeah what is that the normal market music oh no no i want to do richard then a different dog followed me okay make sure 27 months vectrix actually getting five subs chart fingers next for four months thanks for 51 months rmrf i think you're 29 months met there is love android can't even buy it no reason to all right all right i'm just gonna go straight adult dirty skull is useless big orange useless little fortress useless fortress double useless [Music] gotta mark stuff hold on pretty much only six nuts shield oh ocarina medallion oh my god please mark it okay i need dc water medallion is dc robbie's shadow medallion foreign spirit okay i need spirit okay i don't need fire at least um okay actually no i might have maybe i should have stayed child because i had shield as child i hope i get shield quickly as adult oh i gotta check where requiem goes into well and this hammer shouldn't prevent go mode because i don't need to beat fire and at least zelda's reward is not required there is a chance that the song is required but very unlikely oh also another setting i have on um i have a setting for ganon's castle to be open with two medallions there's actually a setting now you can set a specific number of medallions to open ganon's castle so i have gannon's castle to open with two medallions uh but i still need ganon's boss key at six so that'll let me get to gannon's castle so i can just like look around and try to get checks but still need all six medallions for actually beating it uh math quests i have is the same normal thanks for eight months going no i know i'm q dungeons i was thinking of putting it on but i haven't really done any stuff in a while so i just put it off [Music] yeah ganon bosque is locked behind vitara cutscene at all medallions [Music] cool checkpoints wait scammed now thanks for four months cabbage lord thanks for two months joey messy pants [Music] choose that's pretty good shoes do not count as bombs by the way it needs to be actual bombs [Music] thanks for four months mars thanks for 48 months before bits thanks for three months coco thief oh 20. that's really good dude i hate being at a adult kakariko at night [Music] thanks for 9 months you're manually breathing thanks for 23 months tinny barry what uh should i at least check it i might as well yeah graves are grottos bottle not that i can get it right now [Music] useless [Music] well hey i forgot i think dungeon entrance randall lets you enter bomb the well as adult oh wait did they change it okay yeah they used to let you enter bomb the walls adult i i actually can still enter bombables adult but i need to i don't want to waste shoes and i need to do a setup for it and i can just do it later i don't need not in a hurry to check the entrance right now oh wait i i keep forgetting i wanted to do like dc right away but dc is not going to be the dc entrance green juice [Music] come on dude i know you can do this [Music] come on i can technically do stuff it's not worth it oh i should at least check the grotto should i check it i'd use three chews i don't want to check the grotto right now three chews is kind of a lot [Music] hey thanks for seven months swally one [Music] two oh do the camera [Music] the pit i haven't checked recording yet i'll do it i'm going to check correctly i'm once i run out of places to just like walk to i don't want to check the rock maze i don't want to waste my shoes yet uh yeah i do have bunny hood on magic 40 that is very good [Music] [Music] wait can i even do anything in dmc i guess i can go to the top and just check these ooh [Music] please i need full health to get to the top i think [Music] i think that song of time it's either near the song of time but it i think song of time is a little bit darker [Music] after 10 months troubles i just set all the colors to randomized am i gonna make it yeah somewhat scammed there this is one would be in that transaction [Music] okay i don't think i can i i think technically there's a damage juice i can do to get that song but it's really dumb so i'll just keep that in mind uh not really anything else to do up here let me check this hint long storm is near the castle reveals a cow okay okay so grotto near uh grotto in the castle with the web grotto diving grotto bow okay i gotta keep that in mind dmt grotto is diving grotto with bow okay so i know where bo is i know where either song of time or serenade is [Music] i'll actually just get health i've oh bombing myself come on hmm oh it's not even night time [Music] i don't know if i want to waste all my nuts like that ooh more chews [Music] [Music] uh okay that's the worst bottle to get because i can't do anything with it well i guess like go to source domain from here really okay i'm not used to not having a projectile here sucks oh that's boomerang chest that's good i don't need to check boomerang chest in like that's one of the slowest checks yeah everything sucks i've gotten i've gotten almost all hints that have just told me something sucks i've got like no way to hero well i mean i guess i don't know about how uh no logic affects play of the hero hints i don't know song of storms what do i have i never checked punches [Music] might as well grab some rupees oh yeah i think i'll check yeah i'll just check rupium now i think that would be a good time see where requiem goes [Music] uh it's pretty good actually okay i don't need all dungeons then for sure hey wanted to check just in case [Music] [Music] nice wasn't trying to hit the nut miss trainer thanks for two months daniel too shy uh oops i'm just gonna do that again i just want to check shadow entrance make sure 27 wants to throw a bowl wait i forgot the setup was that setup do i not forget hey yeah i love when i think i forget the setup and i didn't actually where was the b press dude i pressed the b button but the game didn't do the b button [Music] yeah the trick is you have to wait until link's body is like the most outside of the wall like while he's you see like his breathing pattern while he's wedge grabbing all right nothing i can do in spirit although this should give me the song oh no i guess uh what else do i do oh yeah i wanted to see if i could oh yeah it's daytime so i need to check day stuff i actually forgot to check deku tree i think i can check it as a doll in entrance rando but i thought the same thing about bomb the well and i was wrong [Music] uh i guess i might as well grab some rubies [Music] i am going to shop next so oh yeah check skulls [Music] i know that 30 is oops i know that 30 is useless i don't know about the others yet though okay what are my dungeon entrances so far i know dc is jabu ooh another maddie both magics and shops 170 though uh jabba is dc shadow is spirit i think that's the only two i've checked so far nothing okay let me go to should i just go yeah okay let me just check valero and then i'll go child thanks for 23 months dark jesus uh okay i guess i'll go child [Music] [Music] thanks diet prelude uh the gamble is whether or not i find bombs in the first hour and so far it's not looking good thanks for five months it's neuter uh actually should i just save work i think i want to just save warp because there's not really anything to do in market i could meet zelda i shouldn't meet zelda because i don't have egg and that can screw me over later if i do that um yeah or should i go to graveyard i can just warp the graveyard doesn't matter mark tokens how many tokens do i have like 13. i think you're five months fisher enter 29 months hp i nick it's 27 months problem okay let me actually check um deku this time she also farms sticks you can't buy bombs unless you have bomb bags so if you just see regular bombs in the shop that's meaningless it needs to be bomb bag [Music] frog's rosary has a small key wait was that frogs in the rain or last trucks okay yeah all songs [Music] camera angle i'm playing random because the impending round change i actually shadow temple cool i actually was playing on doing rando this week anyway but then like the potential new stuff for hundo was kind of just extra good timing i guess i really like the green color for punches yeah potential in these stuff for hundo with new sram applications could potentially change a lot still new still things are being looked at so i'm not gonna say too much yet oh my god come on [Music] might have been a bad idea with no projectiles [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no i okay i don't remember the setup for broken stickers child breaking all my sticks cool uh yeah i can do more in the shadow but it's not really not worth it right now [Music] at least i can go farm sticks again real quick [Music] oh [Music] come on i forgot there's nothing good in this shop right all right i just eye drops and i know big orange is useless oh you know what i should go should i go this way yeah wait no wait i don't know i'll just go this way this way i'll say with you uh stuff like big iron is useless and 50 skulls is useless stuff like that okay so i don't need to bother with that skull [Music] allow you to go in dm dmc's child anyway for the scrub the crate in the crater whoops i was trying to play ocarina and i was double wrong [Music] yeah i'm liking the purple aesthetic of this seed [Music] hmm oh [Music] i wanted to check for a second if i had to hold targeting on because it felt like i had hole targeting for that first scrub but it was just a fast on target uh no i can't do anything it didn't mean yet [Music] i keep forgetting if the rolling goron was changed in rando so that you can get it without bomb bag i think so i need to remember this for sure yeah okay it's kind of useless right now because i'm not going to try chewing the pot but just to get fire out here i guess just to stand up for later i see college games extremely yeah they actually actually i do kind of like it i like the green the green purples are nice [Music] i really should just i'll just here [Music] bins that's cool i guess [Music] okay go to fortress song storm says generic grotto music's gone what does that mean generic grotto is just the the grotto that only has a chest in it like just chest and grass uh nothing else in here right there's just the grotto over there that i need hookshot for i don't want to do the pot um yeah i just go down to keck yeah do coco's do probably check bomb of the well also probably just wait for night time and do nike stuff too garuda valley is kick [Music] um oh [Music] yeah i'm probably gonna gonna get bombs at like 501 or not 101. i hope i don't get bombs at 501 [Music] oh vanilla probably worth checking don't have any keys [Music] uh should i do this i think so i don't know i in the basement okay good dude the seriously turned and didn't let me roll [Music] do i remember this i should [Music] [Music] oh no i don't want isg here don't okay i'll just check and reset okay thanks for 26 months ducks thanks for 22 months hi ruling soldier thanks for 34 months then 10 seconds before that i specifically saved before going in that room [Music] come on [Music] that's okay i gotta check something down here anyway although it is an extra chew you know what this is nothing that i'll just reset [Music] take my shoes winner dang i guess i'm not a winner wow [Music] yeah bottom of the wall usually has good stuff but so far this has been a complete waste of time that's a hard piece yeah [Music] okay i think just that chest that i fell down next to and then dead hand and that's all i can check for now dude [Music] i blame the camera for that now see i actually know that that chest is bombs so i'm just intentionally trying to waste 10 minutes before getting this chest here i'll just play it safe won't even try a backflip wrong storms that is nice come on [Music] dude where am i come on dude [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cool that was the most important thing i've gotten in all of the well for a simple key oh yeah songs forms okay never mind songs forms is actually good wow uh i think i actually want to go wait outside and wait for night yeah i'm doing the graveyard during the day i'm gonna go wait for night time oh you know what no hold on i have a better idea for wait for wasting time what i should be doing is going to get the dmt song of storms grotto no i'm not i mean i am stalling but i'm stalling for night in game not for bombs [Music] yeah so far the seat is rough outside shoes but i mean it's max rando no logic so it's kind of [Music] expected [Music] [Music] cool that's actually bad because i need to make it back to kek in time for damn pay i think i should still make it on time i hope yeah i just have to open this grotto then void out [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] uh that's not what i wanted starting to worry about my chew count [Music] rippy come on this one is she [Music] oh [Music] all right it's basically does danpe have bombs or not a key uh okay i can check that skull and i can get the bottle in the box but i really don't want to waste too many more shoes i'm just gonna have to do that later i'm going to get a bottle sync because i'm going to go towards the main but i really want to be careful with my shoes at this point i don't even want to save scum because i don't have to save and reset and put myself far farther away all right well rip no bombs who lost their life savings [Music] okay i'm actually going to intentionally leave this just in case i want to like try messing with srm later actually no i can't even it doesn't really matter i'll i'll leave it there for fun if i maybe want to mess around later i knew that uh yeah you can do hookshot before two hours sure [Music] uh what's up there another key uh should i go this way i might as well [Music] [Music] yeah i have nothing good [Music] that chews and magic i guess [Music] actually i still need to go look around all the hyrule field grottos i need to do that soon i normally do that like soon after i get shoes but i don't want to waste all my chews i think you're 26 months linked biscuits thanks for two months w40k don't have some song okay some song graves observer for later um do i want to do this yeah i just have to save [Music] gotta be careful [Music] actually having to be careful here is scary because you do go slower as child so it's harder to make it under a minute if i go too slow [Music] okay from here should be fine yeah he can burn my shield that's why i have to be careful [Music] actually this void's gonna be weird right because it's gonna be okay no never mind i thought it was to like put me at the beginning of zoro's river since it was a grotto entrance uh the hint i got earlier said zora's fountain was uh baron right not zoro's domain yeah [Music] whatever wait i actually don't want to get rid of the cocoa actually i want to use it for getting into zoro's domains i don't want to use my shoes wait i didn't even read the hint what did the hint say i just completely ignored it i think it said melons cocoas or something for challenges oh huge repeat melon okay oh mountains obstacle course okay that means cow in house so count house is useless rip rip the best check [Music] slingshot cool i got a farm for it oh and highland shields that's good i can't actually buy those shoes without bomb bag okay um i'm gonna have to farm rupees so i'm gonna have to end up doing the diving mini game multiple times oh well i'm here at least get a bottle [Music] oh dude the music is already the mini game music but now it's gonna change away from it [Music] oh i was not expecting at that rookie thanks for 30 minutes sexting [Music] [Music] okay i have to keep doing this just to form rupees oh good there's a purple [Music] oh since i don't actually have to finish the diving game i just want to collect the rupees for this then it makes it pretty easy to just do this during it because i only need i basically just need the purple and the red and then if i can grab any more bonus [Music] or i can't get any more [Music] no no choosing logic [Music] and then this is also 80 so i have to play for another 80 rupees [Music] can't buy the tune against child [Music] give me another purple red only a red dude that sucks [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm just gonna farm gonna farm this one [Music] oh yeah i should probably be getting more sticks too [Music] [Music] [Music] i might as well get the rookie again too [Music] okay i can check java entrance thanks for watching check job entrance but um [Music] otherwise source domain is found as baron nothing to check besides entrance very found entrance isn't randomized only grottos and dungeon entrances oh dc uh that's very good actually i hope that five chooses enough i think it is oh wait i think it's enough to get to kd but i don't think it's enough to get kd and beat kd uh [Music] what i want to do here do i want to just get to kd [Music] um [Music] there's a lot of checks uh i don't actually know what to do [Music] if only i had hammer i have an idea for one thing i can save choose one okay i i save so i can just try this [Music] good thing i still know how to do that [Music] okay yeah i think this works out i'm just gonna have to skip a bunch of checks [Music] but it's really worth it i don't know if it's worth it [Music] [Music] wait no this definitely isn't worth it [Music] uh [Music] dude this being java entrance sucks because getting getting here as adult without hover boots would suck dude how do i i i guess just use dens again [Music] oh yeah i have a slingshot around your neck [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] i better not fail this yeah i'll go back for the scrub at the bottom [Music] [Music] ah nobody's going to leave on the first day of uh first day of spring so i guess tomorrow will be the last day uh okay okay it's not gonna be worth it to bomb the eyes if i can't beat kd i'm just gonna keep these last two shoes i'm gonna have to come back and do a lot more checks i don't know if it was worth it to waste all these shoes to come over here i was thinking it'd be worth it to beat dc as quickly as possible but it didn't work out the way i wanted it to do i save i mean i did i get anything good in dc or was dc a complete waste if dc was a complete waste i might actually save scum uh i'm gonna have to come back here anyway so i'll know to come back and get spirit key i did i did hit the pillar but um i'm almost definitely going to be coming back as adult and that'll make it way faster [Music] [Music] where do i go next i guess like kylian shout outs to nimpais because i learned that setup from nymphize [Music] wait a second i forgot a grotto or wait is this my dog grotto this might be a dog only i forgot yeah i think there's adult only i think i just wasted a bunch of time [Music] yeah it's adult no it's not [Music] okay it's both oh yeah i think on this version uh all generic grotto hints are dumb hints like non-helpful hints [Music] [Music] i should actually grab some rookies [Music] [Music] oh what [Music] empires failed me [Music] [Music] dude [Music] there we go [Music] what's over there key [Music] i don't have enough rupees for fishing i am going to go this way around like halia because of time of day [Music] no fishing entrance isn't randomized only entrances randomized are grottos and dungeon entrances am i gonna play the brawl demo again uh i actually think it's almost possible to be gannon in the demo so i want to kind of try that i think it's like barely not possible but maybe with some improvements over scale [Music] good i guess [Music] go away i hate having to wait for this guy just to check the grotto this doesn't work with slingshot does it [Music] no i haven't seen the damn big coin icons you've made i've been meaning to check because i didn't want to see if someone could make a good damn pickling thing let me check those out yeah oh i don't have bugs yet i need to go get bugs [Music] hmm [Music] ignoring hints i hate trying to get all the like hylia gossip stones so far out of the way thanks for two years aircraft i already got a scarecrow song although i do need to get um here i might as well at least check this while waiting for the skull i need to get i need to dive for the key need to do fishing and then [Music] okay that's good [Music] key [Music] oh i keep forgetting i need a farm for rupees because i don't have enough rupees to fish [Music] oh my god al's not randomized now [Music] [Music] [Music] voltaic make your two months fiddle soon garuda fishing oh my god that was too short [Music] i did not want him to bite that far out [Music] [Music] well that's useless oh okay what are the dungeon entrances i have so far so i'm in the world's vanilla jabu is dc dc is jabu shadow is spirit deku is shadow i think that's all i have right now no i can't die for the bona i need gold scale silver isn't enough [Music] you see his jawbone yeah i said scarecrow song [Music] oh in vanilla this grotto is in psychic forest meadow i don't know if i should check all of the hyrule field grotto's right now because a lot of them require explosives i don't have enough rupees dude are you serious okay i have a money forming scheme it's too close to [Music] oh my god i was gonna kill i was gonna kill big cell children mine crypto i wish okay i'm gonna buy one and hope that the one gives me rupees or something uh that's still good i guess [Music] oh this is pretty scuffed yeah [Music] but i already have that okay i'm gonna go to garuda valley and then play minuet from there thanks for 30 months namath thanks for 11 months chewie uh it seems like that tree gives rupees every time it's probably one of the things that gives rupees or hearts depending on if you have full hearts or not maybe 14 months doodles i'm gonna have to wait on getting all the hyrule field grottos until i have either hammer explosives or more explosives i guess i wait until night time uh i don't think it's that early day okay you know what i'll do coco jump i doing it with stick is awkward uh how do i want to do this [Music] oh my god [Music] this is probably not a good idea the coming afternoon already and whatever i guess i'll do it and i'll do one shot i still haven't learned the setup for this i just have to do the old school attempt at it [Music] that's not even close whatever i don't care i just wanted to waste time i can check this guy and it's useless [Music] [Music] actually 25 months the only days thanks for 34 months in millio if you think 10 subs shin rinchi [Music] blue does levatia have the hammer maybe i mean if that was the case it actually wouldn't be that bad because i know that i don't have to be able about you um [Music] you know what let me go check before i play minuet i'm just gonna go check uh skulls because i can get second reward oh and i can get this oh i can check this too check this guy and check this guy i also know the uh thing in the box is a bottle but i don't really want to hover up to it right now [Music] nice okay now that um now that grotto with a bow doesn't really matter that much also giving me a good reason to go adults soon [Music] bundle of arrows see where minuet goes [Music] uh it's good kind of i can get the song storms grotto oh i still can't wake up talon so i don't want to i don't want to go to zelda without waking up talon because you can get yourself screwed over wow i can at least no it's the web grotto right i have dense fire yeah okay do [Music] this oh this also means i can get the hyrule castle as adult that's kind of neat or it should be hyrule castle's adult i don't think it would change against castle i'll test i guess oh i thought okay i thought this was the web grotto not the single cal grotto uh you can get screwed over because you'll get zelda's letter and then if you get uh the weird egg before giving a letter to the guard then you won't be able to do the mass trade quest and so i just don't want to like run the risk of getting screwed out an item um help can't do chew bowling let's go to adult i can't go to adult not really much else i can do i checked deku dc jabu did goron city zoro's i mean swords river lost woods yeah thanks for two months nobody believes the underscores yeah minuet was uh hyrule castle child spirit i don't have a way to get to spirit temple remember that requiem is the requiem location is randomized so it doesn't actually take me to the spirit temple so i just don't have a way to get to child spirit right now except for coco jump which i don't want to do is it really a good idea [Music] oh let me check menu right let me see if this is hyrule castle or ganon's castle just out of curiosity okay it is castle um okay when i get two medallions i can actually go in tank uh okay i think i'm gonna go go around all the dorados all the hyrule field grottos and just save scum if there's nothing good huh oh you're right okay yeah shadow entrance leads to spirit temple yeah i guess i can do that um but either way i'll do it later okay i just saved right whatever i'll do the double [Music] all right hopefully hero field grottos don't suck not a good start all the generic uh generic grotto gossip stones don't give actual hints hmm [Music] tank [Applause] [Music] could be useful in some contexts sorry song okay that alone is probably worth it okay i'll save here [Music] oh i should have checked the one near garuda valley's child i need hammer unless i do some a dumb weird shot which is an extra extra shoe [Music] be good uh i guess pretty cool i can't get that one i guess the only other one to get is one over here is it worth it shoe i don't i don't know before the tube it's like it's only one but at the same time i'm down to a single one um oh i i don't know the second bottle i'll do this later i got this caller again uh okay this there's one got over here is the last one to get right now guess i'll say before just in case yeah mark bgs and sorry song and magic beans okay come on be bombs i can't see [Music] what is it i'll never know [Music] oh my god [Music] part okay uh okay i saved not worth it that's the one shoe [Music] thanks for five months bobbin thanks the subs cc for six months hear it man make sure 20 months black sunday i'm actually gonna i just want to go to gan's castle just to make it tonight real quick i want to go to kakiri 10. uh going to ganna's castle automatically turns into night time thanks for eight months spicer going to believe in 501 bombs yeah oh yeah i can do cac bow minigame yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah i'm just gonna check if uh deca was open as adult or not in infantrando i i swear it used to be but i don't know if they changed it or not they changed okay that decade is open what was deco again i forgot what it was it was shadow right yeah uh oh purple mirror shield more more purple uh is it worth it no i need i need to use my last chew if i want to go down can i at least get like hover boots or something if it's not bombs if i can just get like hover boots and hammer those would be nice substitutions for a little bit oh no hey i feel like i should probably start putting on shoes and logic so that i can buy chews from shops when i do this forest stage thanks for four months mr zjk oh wait it makes grass drop bomb shoes too okay i i'm probably gonna start using chews and logic from now on thanks for six months queso uh where do i want to go oh yeah i still need to check the night skull in uh sfm whatever [Music] i hate using sorry a song but whatever [Music] also check this guy can i snipe this skull from the beginning without jumping up i can't see get it i suck at this i need to learn the actual glitchless strat for this all right i'll mark my shield in a second and there's also a song storm's grotto apologies to funny number lovers [Music] [Music] what yes okay i think zoro's river is probably good to go to now things roars river than a nice cavern hmm no i'm not gonna go afk fragrance i'll probably do like hylia after ice cavern and then check fishing they kill this one on time i don't know if i can get this one on time actually i know i should be able to make it i'll go this way around easier i think i would have made that with master swords oh no i'm not going to make it back in before night time wait i don't have cover boots or i don't want to use my last shoe dude well use my last shoe to go in [Music] um i think i should go from lake iowa no even like highly i need uh well no not i can't really save scum because i'm going to be doing a lot behind there like i'm going to be going through ice cavern and stuff or nellie's going up to ice cavern well i guess i can check what ice camera entrance is okay whatever i'll i'll check his camera [Music] entrance incredible i think you're three months ring master thanks for three months for up i think for six months okay so okay let me think of something else to do um like kylia might be good yeah i might as well go to lake kylie i get scarecrow's song please find hook if only it were that easy um [Music] i think if like kylian doesn't really have anything i should probably go to child spirit oh yeah i was gonna check big po i'll do it later i guess yeah fireworks can be hook shot anything could be anything because it's no logic checked all the shops right i don't think i've forgotten any shops i got new child market plus bomb shoe shop two adult cac porn shop door shop yeah thanks for thanks bark he's in [Music] actually i should have i should have just gone back to child and planted some magic beans magic means to be good at this point actually even this yeah even this uh character song isn't gonna be useful [Music] maybe just check water temple entrance [Music] yeah check water temple entrance and then check uh why am i gonna do the hard way and then i can probably check sun when i come out hopefully water temple's something i can do although at this point i don't even know what something i can do even means can't really do much i'm gonna bet forest temple vanilla uh i think that's bad i guess i can do some moderate safe scumming with the one key i have what do i do for the next hour no not curious words too useless uh i i think we can just honestly do bombs or hook shot again how about both find bombs and hook shot in the next hour or i don't know it should be both or just one [Music] damn right now hammer's useless in this seed i don't have to be uh i don't have to be the [Music] fire temple yeah we can do bomb sword hook shot by the way what was the sculptural in the other room i don't remember i remember it was useless i just don't remember specifically what it was heart piece okay all right this has to be this has to be hook shot or else okay if i don't get it by two hours this this still counts th this will count for two hours no matter what even if it takes me more than ten seconds oh my god dude why is it so hard okay it's still on hookshot okay i think we've reached the point where i can officially call this a terrible seed [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] why are they like that uh not really anything else i can do in this section um still check the sculpture in that one room and i can okay i can check two skull toes i think wait no the one i need to hover for and i don't have enough shoes to hover wait no there's a way i can do it i don't remember if i remember how to do it okay i need to i'll see if i can remember an old strat probably do this with master sword [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] no i forgot if i needed to turn around at the lowest point or highest point of the bob in the water [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] dude all right i'm just gonna give this one more try i don't wanna keep trying this forever [Music] ugh uh i think you're giving five subs chaos twitch [Music] i just won't even buffer it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay got it [Music] this is all just to check the single skull i can't even do the second check back here i can only check this skull and it's a rippy um i think technically there's like two other things i can get and it's not really going to be worth it to try to attempt it right now i think i gotta cut my losses and go somewhere else and i don't know where to go is it time for child spirit uh [Music] i could go to fire temple i'm gonna have to go a long way though [Music] i'll check fire template or you know what no okay it's definitely worth it to just go to child right now because i can plant some magic beans which at this point i desperately need magic bean planting is actually important right now oh yeah poking i should probably do bow game before i do that [Music] oh and i can check the sculpture on top of infant's house can't get it i can't at least check what it is yeah you can equip swap magic beans but there's no uh soil patches as adult so it's useless pekka seeds [Music] so [Music] yeah it was closed because it's nighttime so i just broke in huh oh you know what i can also start checking some of jabu maybe i actually should have done job or okay i'll i'll do jobu next next time i'm adult i'm gonna plant some beans [Music] manure goes to hyrule castle ganon's castle [Music] okay i'm gonna plant some magic beans and then i'm gonna do child spirit which is shadow temple entrance right behind me but i want to plan on being here like hylia and i want to a deathline creator but i need to mega flip it might only be worth it for lake hylia and this right now i do have to check the mc scrub anyway but i mean i only have one shoe left no i don't think i can justify it and think it's worth it [Music] yeah i'm gonna go check online too i'll do that now come on dude i just wanted the west whatever although i can only really um the next sculpture is please tell me i can make it before night time before daytime i'm not gonna make it okay i can pretty much only check the grotto then [Music] of good or i guess in the heart piece i think for 28 months no tools yeah well it would be nice i i at least know that one of the sculptural awards is a wallet but even then there should be two more [Music] and i know the 30 skull reward is it's the 40 skull reward that's wallet so 30 is useless so i'm not going to bother checking until i get 40. i did not miss a hint that is not a hint the generic grotto ones don't actually give you hints right now i have twenty seven hmm [Music] yes it is theoretically possible that it could be impossible for me to finish if certain required items are behind their own requirements then it could be impossible like for example if barinade's heart container is boomerang then i'm screwed or if the cows have something good but the cows also have opponent song [Music] uh no boss he skips unless i absolutely have to uh qba can do rain damage but it works in a weird way where like because of um how certain priority things work with qpa it doesn't it can't actually kill parent or you can't actually use it for marinade not to mention that even if you could uh you would have to hover up to berenade's tentacles while baronade is shooting the electricity at you which is uh not fun and probably tas only okay i think now i just do child spirit [Music] no there's not a chance because that's for the first phase but for the second phase um what happens when you do quick put away on marinade for the second phase is that uh [Music] it acts like it's doing damage to marinade but it's not actually doing damage and it's not stunning either so you can't actually stun marinade with quick put away it just does the damage animation but does zero [Music] damage [Music] [Music] i should have gotten more sticks [Music] beforehand i do not need to do that [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow yeah suzzles theoretically with different uh quick put away values that things could be different you could like potentially beat beat them with different quick put away stuff in fact um in ot 3d quick put away actually has hammer damage so og 3d can be volvagio without hammer don't risk it [Music] um not really that good or whatever i guess i'll take it you can do anything with ace but no you couldn't modify with us wow come on are you serious make sure oh that's not a nut i mean it is a nut it's a different kind of nut [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh wait i don't need to do that [Music] it's a good thing i i went to double checks i was sure that was just a deca nut i was like okay wait let me just double check make sure i can see it very clearly uh oh yeah i do need to push the statue what am i thinking [Music] um i just don't need to do flame storage [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] helros no trying to save a bomb [Music] uh i probably should have just bombed that another rupee um i guess i'm out of here okay the bombs were definitely worth it uh what else do i do do i just go back to adult i think so invisible chest is in the other it's in the same room it's the same looking room on the other side of the dungeon not that room uh yeah dc i guess probably or well dc is in jabu and i need i basically need to go there as adult i could go there as child should i just do dc as child honestly it's probably worth it yeah as much as i hate dc as child oh and also check fire temple entrance and uh um definitely creator now i haven't gotten slingshot upgrade and lost words yet i can get that too you know what i'm actually going to farm for slingshot seeds in graveyard i already know actual dc is jabu although it probably is worth it to i can at least check like two or three quick things in jabu it's probably worth it to go in now [Music] quick shot before 3 30. yeah we can do that all right i remember actually yeah that sounds cool yeah how about iron boots versus hoverboards which one i get first come on give me slingshot seeds dude the one time i ever want slingshots [Music] [Music] [Music] uh din's fire it just spells out dense fire it doesn't like well there's different hints settings you can have it like there's clear hints that'll just say straight out dense fire and then there's more uh subtle hints that i don't even remember what it says for dense fire but most people just use clearer hands so it's just outright says says in plain english and no i'm trying to guess what it means that's not slingshot [Music] [Music] driving with forest temple music is actually kind of cool [Music] [Music] oh but yeah [Music] this i'm actually gonna go back for those seeds [Music] might as well get it [Music] [Music] it's nice to not have to worry about a soft lock going through this room nothing all right i'm out i already know that uh rudo rudo's useless cause the boomerang chest is something useless and that's the only thing rudo's used for in hundo if you get hit by those things you softlock because you have f boots on okay so i got absolutely nothing there right that was completely useless [Music] wow this ledge dude [Music] [Music] okay i already know this skeleton is useless but it's right there [Music] this will double check yeah [Music] wow i just want to refill my health real quick so i can check the stuff down there come on i just want a health refill oh my god anytime i want one specific thing okay [Music] am i a floater or a sinker uh floater i like the hovers uh [Music] bombs was a skull in spirit temple okay fire is forest i can do a little bit [Music] [Applause] oh i have three keys potentially four fire okay [Music] actually i don't even think it's worth it to check anything more this child because i can get here as adult easily [Music] uh time to go to adult i think so uh i can do basically all of four simple as child minus um shooting the paintings it's just that a lot of it is kind of a pain to do and the boss would be require a bk skip which i don't want to do [Music] oh and after i do dc since i have mirror shield i can beat spirit too i wasn't gonna do dc as child uh should i just go back and do that right now yeah because i don't want to do jabba as adult without hoverboats okay yeah i forgot oopsie [Music] okay yeah go to dc go adult probably do spirit after that actually probably do forest too oh i gotta get the soil skulls here too [Music] but i plant the magic bean i have no reason to not plant the magic beans so i might as well dude uh you know what since i just i might as well check that right now since i just saved worked what this is orange up uh that's not bad actually oh you know what i'm sorry song so i can do that right now oh yeah and go on putt i don't know how sorry this song is the one i immediately thought of not goron but [Music] i already did rock room [Music] vanilla [Music] wow [Music] thanks for 46 months uh thanks for 31 months tiger temple key actually pretty good water temple keys are good i think water temple is the dungeon i need keys the most like even with the skips and stuff actually probably probably forest temple but water temple after that actually no spirit okay maybe i shouldn't even said that in the first place ignore what i said uh let me get this first water temple keys are important at the very least [Music] no dude [Music] if i don't get iron or hover boots then the points will just be refunded yeah i got rolling goron oh i forgot this [Music] uh yeah i did ocarina game i mean i guess like after if i finish without either boots i could just like keep looking for them until i find one but i probably wouldn't want to do that at that point oh my god i can't find this the bugs didn't dig oh my god i i very likely will need them but it's not a guarantee [Music] i need to start testing more i keep trying to save bombs when i don't need to thanks for 30 months oblique angle thanks for five months brand [Music] cool [Music] it feels extra disrespectful when it's a blue rupee [Music] it's like i didn't even need to get it [Music] please test all the way up [Music] i should have grabbed sticks are there sticks here i don't think so [Music] uh okay i'm gonna do the method that saves sticks that shouldn't break it okay [Music] this time i should be able to clear out everything i don't have to worry about explosive counts or anything [Music] [Music] yeah that wasn't a z side that was just a weird slide basically the same is just like a weird clip but without pulling out a first person item or a weird shot or something like that there's multiples of the same hints just so [Music] you don't have to literally check every single gossip stone in the game [Music] [Music] up [Music] i forgot can i kill this skull from here his child i don't think so i can't really do anything against these guys [Music] oh boy you know what i'm not gonna i have enough shoes or i have enough bombs i'm just gonna hover [Music] okay not if i do these terrible hovers oh my god i'm getting no height okay there we go that's what hover's supposed to look like [Music] [Music] ah [Music] i might have actually wasted more bombs than i wanted i should still be fine i don't even need light arrows i just need or i don't need hammer i do need lighters obviously yeah i don't need hammer um but i do need what else besides lighters oh yeah i guess i guess i'm like why don't i hook shot i could technically beat the game without hook shot or boss keys i guess because i do want to not do bosky skips oh wait not doing bossy skips so i at least need to find some boss keys i know spirit temple boski is in dc [Music] are you serious [Music] i could have had that a long time ago if i had decided to just use some shoes to do some checks in dc [Music] that wasn't in the first hour though right i'm pretty sure that was past first hour [Music] [Music] i remember already checking these but i'm double checking i guess oh yeah goron tunic uh [Music] [Music] be a cool color i guess but i have to backtrack for it or hover to it and i don't want to do either of those right now [Music] wow no boomerang doesn't reach oh what am i doing [Music] mess that up [Music] uh [Music] [Music] really trying to be all optimal what's left for go mode is uh at the very minimum lighter rows and boss keys because i don't want to do bosque skips but i also don't have hook shot or hover boots which would be very nice and iron boots for that water temple to do but i mean i might not end up needing iron boots or hover boots or anything like that uh okay [Music] yeah i'm basically only doing bossy skips if they're locked behind themselves or like if the rando is just getting way too long [Music] [Music] hmm oh the menu is by pressing a on the item screen it's just when i um when i'm trying to save and i like mess up pressing b then accidentally bring up the menu a bunch [Music] all right see you later nice you mess up pressing b how might that happen what i mean like pressing b too quickly like i'm trying to be too perfect without pressing b like first possible frame and then i do it too early i didn't feel the skeleton did i no no i got them all or i checked them all at least [Music] unless i forgot a chest but i intentionally left no i got everything i got the scrubs i got the skulls or at least check the skulls [Music] [Music] good job slush i don't know if a job slashed [Music] [Music] okay finally be the dungeon after three hours although i can oh wallet [Music] although i can finally start um i'm also gonna get another wallet soon because i got uh i'll get another wallet at 40 skulls okay now i want to go to [Music] spirit adult i think i can do chew bowling i have barely enough rubies i'm gonna be broke after this really it was goron shop [Music] uh not worth seriously what a scam [Music] actually wait how many how many spirit keys do i even have i don't know if i actually have enough russian spirit [Music] zero i need to go through child or i can go through no i was gonna say go through desert colossus but that doesn't work that way um i need a weird shot to go through child and hover boots okay i guess i can't actually do spirit right now okay so then i should do forest or seems like a good choice [Music] oh wait no against castle i can go do gan's castle with two medallions now thanks for 14 months wayne jetski thanks for 11 months of folks yeah bomb the wells vanilla and yeah i checked what i could involve the well i couldn't check the lullaby checks but that's only a few i'll go back if i have to i should have gotten some rupees before i came in here i'll just hope to get some rupees somewhere in here [Music] okay good start i need 40 to check all of the scrubs [Music] i should almost definitely have 40 by the end [Music] and choose very nice and milk some cows soon i think you can megaflip this gap [Music] that's not gonna work [Music] this will be the only one i can really check i can i can like sorta kinda check uh hold gaunt's chest but it's really not worth it [Music] i'm just gonna have to not check it right now yeah you can sort of use the lit big stick but i don't actually remember how to do it right now and i think it's still pretty annoying i'm just not gonna bother [Music] [Music] no no mq dungeons [Music] my house house too yeah [Music] uh no key [Music] nice well i got rupees i made a profit [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] hmm oh my god this is master sword [Music] no boomerang can't grab that [Music] uh center the spikes the spikes are actually like a full cylinder hitbox that is pretty much exactly the same size as them so it's not like their hitbox is small or anything it's just that rolling can abuse their hitbox so much [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i get 25 minutes behind all medallions so i'm not going to be able to go finish the game or anything i just want to check this one chest [Music] oh uh where was i going shop right going to fire temple oh actually wait i want to go get that uh bottle that i can get um in uh graveyard [Music] actually i should probably just go get a [Music] what's it called uh po bottle and i can get a few cows on the way [Music] [Music] hey as far as i can tell the seed seems beatable there is a possibility of it being unbeatable but nothing suggests that so far [Music] tickle um do i want to do anything else right now how many skulls 37 um i can get the cows at long lawn right pretty sure they're there as a doll oh and i can steal a pona and i can go do burrito stuff oh i never checked this grotto actually no i think i should go do fire temple stuff first for forest i guess [Music] [Music] yeah let me go do that first [Music] i know go to fortress's baron but uh there's still um a dog brutal valley and gtg stuff and going to spirit but i want to go here because i know there's a serenade slash actually you know i should probably check the rock first there's serenade or song of time i'm not actually sure which one but serenade or song of time is over here i can go with the magic [Music] oh 3d range got released nice that was just all rupees [Music] oh how convenient okay [Music] [Music] hey here i'm going to save right now and just check serenade and then save save scum after just checking it thanks for giving us a duck oh uh okay well this is good for when i want to do po bottle like after i check um after i check uh forest temple um i'm gonna do po bottle stuff and hyrule field stuff and then griddo and then check over to spirit i already checked up there okay with three keys i think i can do everything actually wait uh i can if i skip the one key but that's going to be awkward without hover boots eyeland shield [Music] actually this is going to be kind of weird without hook shot it's definitely doable without hook shot but maybe a bit awkward [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so they must have added that back which is kind of cool uh i can't even hook shot up there [Music] oh i can should be able to do this okay let's just skip the key [Music] uh okay thanks for 17 on this guitar for life air wait no it won't [Music] not entirely [Music] skipping half a key a key is a key you can't skip only half [Music] fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] it is 40. i can go get the wallet [Music] uh okay i guess i'm just gonna have to hover up here [Music] e i guess i'm just gonna have to ignore that key for now uh how do i wanna do this [Music] just gonna have to do the risky way [Music] no that's not a good way to do this um okay i could have cut something right if i can get up there [Music] first okay i have an idea no i wanted that shoe to run on the wall and then target it [Music] yeah i might do quick put away hovers if i can get this right in here okay this should work come on target target please [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] bless you thanks for giving 10 subs [Music] boomerang trail [Music] hey oh yeah i forgot the floormaster okay i can get it again right here [Music] nice [Music] the two or one ess okay it's two [Music] yeah now i can go get another bow i can get my 50 quiver uh i did not think about this room without strength or um hover boots i guess i'm gonna hover this one's not too bad i guess [Music] guys if i do that [Music] [Music] really okay don't try to do that [Music] uh this is gonna be hard or i can do okay i can do this yeah uh that was bad i'm not gonna risk it oh you know what i remember something about like one of the there's like some weird blue bubble interaction that can crash the game here when doing this hover please don't crash forgot how it works but sometimes when doing this hover there's a chance it can crash i think everything's fine yeah everything should be fine [Music] right after three months the little hell sound is like a quiet beep what nice how's the seed been uh it was very bad and then it got a little bit better now it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good fight yeah i know logic means that it's totally random and it could even be impossible to beat if things are in really bad places but so far there is no indication that this might be impossible to be [Music] hey [Music] no i've never actually had no logic that turned out unbeatable the only unbeatable seed i've ever had was a multi-world seed and it was only because the generation actually screwed up the seed it was like i forgot exactly what happened it like tried to make a seed like partially based on the new seed and partially based on a previous seed like it got super screwed up it was like an earlier version so it's probably just a bug with the generator but that's the only unbeatable seed i've ever had that's not how i was supposed to go this wasn't the music before what was it [Music] what oh yeah i actually want to check wait okay yeah this is wait do i want to do this yes okay i have an idea i know how to do this i just need a check of this i need to check this chest which i couldn't check in that hookshot it is useless [Music] and then to get back [Music] no that's not a bounce wrong direction thanks raymonds ace ace dantura [Music] no i have to collect the boots not just find them unless it's like a matter of i will probably get them like if i find them like or wait we're not doing a time limit on this one okay yeah yeah i i have to collect them then [Music] okay this uh wait yeah like this should work [Music] okay mirror shield was a sculpture on the house in kacuri forest as adult actually that just reminded me i completely forgot a skulltula as child inky forest i'm done [Music] hey [Music] [Music] no you can't stand on top of the falling ceiling it's one way [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] i always forget that skeleton was in the perfect position so that we try to shoot it while moving forward it'll move down and dodge it if i had hover boots i could skip this fight but i don't have hoverboats so i don't think i chose to do more damage to the pose pretty sure the pose or a set number of hits rather than hp or something like that [Music] hey i always forget which switches where [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i think i checked everything in forest i liked all the skeletons did i check any did i forget any chess [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah good boss music [Music] [Music] what i thought i got isg [Music] thanks raymond's fair dance why'd i bother [Music] okay i can go be jabu now i think i should probably go beat jobu or okay i was gonna do the hyrule field [Music] yeah let me do the hyrule field stuff and then actually no i'm really close to yeah i should do i should be driving first since i'm pretty close [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] actually what was above here was it a skull token yeah never mind if there was a skull token that was just gonna get it anyway just because it might be neat might be useful [Music] yeah i'm gonna go get a wallet after i beat uh job you i just need to do the checks back here [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] my iron screen still looks so empty i got bomb bag at like two and a half [Music] hours what yeah boomerang chest is bearing but this is in boomerang chest and that is definitely not baron that is a very good item but now i'm done with jaby checks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i checked the scrub this isn't my first time i did a bunch of checks earlier that was a bad angle [Music] can't do this [Music] [Music] dude [Music] oh i'm doing the child setup right wait what's the adult setup again oh my god i don't remember the adult setup was it just like just do this [Music] adults still do this yeah okay [Music] pretty sure this was useless yeah it was a ducky shield [Music] i still haven't gotten any strength ah [Music] into three months sir sir saffron thanks for giving us a tequila [Music] okay i have spirit bosque right so and i have two spirit keys now so actually i really only need water boss key and light arrows um okay i'm gonna do i honestly should probably just do spirit right now [Music] yeah cause i can fold clear spirit i think or i'm about full clear because of keys but i can get wait no i can't even get past the first room without strength or hover boots yeah no okay you know what yeah i was going to go to i was going to do the hyrule field stuff and then make my way over to desert colossus and i think that'll be good and then i can enter like from the hands um and do there's the low percent strats i forget it every time i don't want to relearn it again um but i could i guess i mean honestly the low percent strat would kind of solve all my problems oh right opponent's already or i guess cows yeah let me do the kills [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i didn't get the wallet whatever honestly it's not even that important i don't think i don't think i even have any uh important items to buy but maybe a key or something [Music] i already got a hint for account house being bad though worry about that cool [Music] running out of bombs actually maybe i should check like hialeah first actually yes i have gold scale and bow and i planted the magic bean [Music] and i can farm bombs there oh okay what are the cows i still have left i got the cat cow or in lawn lawn and i don't need uh i don't eat cow in house so garuda valley the lone cow and the web grotto these are the ones i still need i i didn't think she was gonna make it over there [Music] for only max item settings but no uh entrance randomizer like i think three and a half hours [Music] and it was a relatively good seed [Music] you can't get the skull to load but you can get the heart piece [Music] [Music] okay i think i should probably make my way over to the another bottle i'm gonna make my way over to the sun before fishing cool just because it'll probably be the right time of day although if it's anything good i'm gonna have to hover yeah that's every bottle can i kill the skull from over here i can chew it is this even a good idea well i can check it at least [Music] a key uh probably not worth trying to hover over that right now just if i end up uh starting for keys i guess i know where to go can i boomerang this actually i don't think so no is the way that goes up high enough i wonder if i can see this from far away is that boots that's hover boots are you serious oh my god um wow uh i'm gonna have to come back for this there's no way there's just no way i i can't hover to that right now i'm not bomb hovering up no okay how about this so i'm only gonna get that if i actually get actually wait let me let me see where the how this passes by it let me see how close this passes by maybe i can like boomerang it wait no i don't think it gets close enough did that i think i got it no no i didn't i think i can get it i think this can work i think this can work [Music] this might be hard though i don't know [Music] ah this is gonna be tough [Music] i think it can make it i don't want to give up on this but [Music] my this might take a while [Music] [Music] it might actually not reach like i really can't tell [Music] i think it should reach just barely oh you know what i can do um wait i don't know if this is a good idea okay i'm gonna try something [Music] it depends on how far i can target it i might be able to do this i might be able to use isg stand in the air as close as i can and then target it and throw it or if i can't target it i might be able to just like aim upwards but i don't know how close i can actually get i'm just gonna like uh yeah this is the best i can do probably oh that's not as close as i was hoping okay that's not gonna work i need to see if i can get closer at the very least that's probably close enough to kind of hover to it i could probably like side flip over okay this time i'm actually just gonna wait and just like see if i can notice like what the exact best time to get off is okay that right before that turn is the best time probably so like pretty much where i got off in the first place i probably should save just in case [Music] oh you know what i should actually i think it should be like one ess turn to this maybe two like to take advantage of the boomerang's curve okay this is good okay yeah that definitely doesn't make it okay yeah okay so at this point i'd have to hover actually that's i think that's still too far away to realistically hover i mean not realistically hover but like this is gonna be an annoying hover [Music] [Music] dude [Music] hmm [Music] no [Music] hey [Music] good no turn the other way i don't get how to curve it dude i'm not gonna be able to curve it the way i need to this is an enormous waste of time my last bet uh okay i need those shoes back i saved right before it [Music] but uh i'm not really close to it or i think i think this should be the quickest way back to lake hylia dude single bomb hovers without hover boots and without a wall behind me is very bad i do not want to do those hovers and also you barely get height off them and i need more height serenade is randomized it's not going to take me like kylian [Music] oh actually i need to wait for a night anyway and i need to get the uh night skull and what's it mean so i'm just going to wait here [Music] i probably should have went to ganna's castle first to make it night i'm gonna hydrate [Music] hydration oh my god turn knight what time is it oh my god it was like morning what i still need a water boss key and uh light arrows pretty much hook shot would be nice i am on track for having to beat this seat with that hook shot yeah you can be more for that hook shot not fun but you can do it okay i definitely should have gone against castle first i'm just gonna save as soon as i turn tonight in case i need to do this again [Music] okay let me check this first see if it's anything good oh i guess i shot king zoro too actually you know what i never checked ice cavern entrance i guess i should probably check this whole area let's play okay so the thing about hover boots for like cover boots first iron boots okay so here's what we're gonna do so if i find iron boots before that kind of ruins what i was gonna say or okay well i might as well just just go get it right now i don't need to wait okay what i was gonna say is that um if i find iron boots before hook shot then it counts as iron boots first but if i find hook shot and then i find iron boots it'll count as hover boots first because like just in case i wanted to like find hook shot and then keep doing something else meanwhile dude please [Music] but yeah it's gonna be hover boots unless it's an ice trap which would be the greatest ice trap of all time i wonder if i can snipe it like this i don't think so [Music] might as well use this to get the key too no dude [Music] okay that's gonna make it really annoying to do this for hookshot jump then i'm gonna have to do this real quick okay [Music] thanks 11 months porky thanks for the year falling outside all right hoverboats [Music] and fire temple key okay now i was gonna do fishing i have scarecrow song now [Music] do water tunnel bk vs lighter since those last two need um kind of but the thing about lighteros is that i can get a hint from ganondorf about where they are but i guess i can only get that after i beat all the all the dungeons after i get all the medallions so oh wait i forgot i forgot to do something very important so i guess i would need watercolor bosque to get the lighter hint anyway oh what am i doing no i'm stupid i don't even know what i'm doing yeah i guess you can do that i guess we want to do uh water temple water boss key versus light arrows yeah if dry is still here if you want to set that up come on bite you idiot okay cool no [Music] yeah water became sliders which do i find first [Music] might as well just call upon [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hi or serenade [Music] hmm finally [Music] i think for three months [Music] okay shadow temple not water [Music] oh let's see if i can do an old trick i remember how to do this nice the double fence off opponent is a cow hey really back almost back to back [Music] [Music] to get that earlier i would have had to [Music] megaflip over the bridge which is very dumb and then even then i have to hover to it oh yeah i forgot the grotto i was literally telling myself get the grotto like as i was jumping over the the bridge and then i got distracted by long shot [Music] dude it's not my fault i got distracted by long shots [Music] don't need a pony [Music] i know that uh fortress is barren i just need to check gtg that's not the way i wanted to go but actually this is probably better actually yeah this is good i guess i might as well just check what's in this chest you know i don't really need to three three three three fire temple uh should i bother with fire temple right now i can show you a little bit [Music] you [Music] hey [Music] [Music] funny [Music] [Music] oh nice the switch ruined my weird shot [Music] uh how much should i really look into fire temple like fire tunnel is not required but i mean i can check it i can check everything [Music] i might as well it's it'd be annoying to come back coming back would be slow so i think just check it now although really i don't know i think i think really i should be doing spirit first and then because water temple bk could be in spirit and then at that point i'd be in soft go mode i still need light arrows but i could get the lighter at that point oh yeah i never checked our boots [Music] what ready [Music] you know when i say fire isn't required i just mean beating fire temple like the reward from beating it is not required there could still be important items inside fire temple not that it's barren just that it has a spiritual stone which i don't need [Music] i know what language og was coded in i'm pretty sure according to d pump guys it's nc hey [Music] [Music] um being stupid again please [Music] what [Music] actually this is annoying without uh froze wind [Music] i don't know why it's specifically my stream everyone says it's either only my stream or my stream is much more frequent than anywhere else i don't think i'm doing anything wrong like i'm not dropping frames on myself i mean i sometimes drop frames but when this happens i forgot this thing going every direction the wrong way [Music] [Music] no it's not my internet no no water bk i just got iron boots [Music] i got shadow bk [Music] only absolutely required items left are water decay and lighters okay there's a thing i can kind of do actually i don't remember does this actually work no okay never mind if you summon the scarecrow before falling um it's possible to hook shot him from the bottom but you can't see where you're hook shotting which makes it awful but i just have to go around [Music] come on [Music] hey yeah however big speed rnd [Music] okay i mean if it's something if it's my streaming software like i'm using the latest version of obs like i always update obs when needed let's see if i can get the snipe barely missed it [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] gonna have just enough keys to get through everything thank you i wonder if that's actually faster lens in case something is the chess game oh you know what i can do something cool [Music] i just switched to hover boots and then backflipped and the hoverbits kept the momentum and it was essentially like a megaflip through the fire there's a pseudo megaflip through the fire frames please [Music] [Music] hey oh my god i think bombs took like two and a half hours to find [Music] yeah before bombs the seed was terrible after i found bombs things started looking up hasn't been too bad since then like i'm on track to finish this probably depending on how long water vk takes uh maybe a little over five hours [Music] i mean it could be sub five but again depends on how long a water bk takes uh okay i think i was gonna go to spirit yeah i can finish up spirit now oh wait no no i was gonna go to the colossus because i'm in gerudo right now i mean go to fortress [Music] yeah let me just go check what spirit temple entrance is [Music] what yeah i could do spirit from colossus but i mean i also have a warp song to get me right in front of um spirit temple so like because spirit is a shadow entrance and i have a song that takes me to graveyard so it's not like i don't have a good way to get the spirit but i'm going to colossus anyway so i might uh just like do spirit hunter or something [Applause] i'd really like uh furrows wind right about now frozen would help a lot can i hiss [Applause] no i can't oh my god i used to be good at this oh no i actually forgot to put a carpet salesman shuffled i i meant to but i actually forgot [Music] hmm [Music] let's see thanks for seven months [Applause] dude i just had a really bad turn i don't think i got any hint about 50 skulls i either didn't get a hint for it or i got a hint that said it was bad i forgot which [Applause] there we go not washed [Applause] oh no it's early morning isn't it [Music] i need it i need to be nighttime and i'm gonna have to wait all day after i leave grew to fortress [Music] what's on top of the rocks i can't see is that a key let me just see okay deku i don't need to beat deku but it's free checks i guess becca's really quick checks might as well just clean it up [Music] cool i'm actually gonna have to change shields because mirror shield doesn't reflect this guy's nut and i don't have hammer [Music] okay no you can't hook shot only the nut reflector hammer works [Music] okay i shouldn't do this is that a water okay wallet okay that means my wallet at um how's the skeletal is the biggest tycoon wallet oh finally the egg [Music] i can finally go meet zelda oh [Music] okay [Music] uh [Music] hey i'm not used to doing this without pauses you could technically do that without a pause i'm just not used to it uh tycoon wallet i think gets added when you add um shop sanity [Music] i think adding shop sanity um forces tycoon wallet [Music] just in case i messed this up you can actually soft block if you mess that up if you weird shot through the crawl space then you can't actually escape [Music] [Music] hey [Music] it should put me outside of spirit temple right just in case i don't want this to put me in the curry forest ruby okay yeah uh i guess i'll wait for night okay i'm i'll try the stupid awful weird shot while waiting for night oh my god i actually got it [Music] oh [Music] okay the last two cows i need are both child only [Music] come here [Music] uh yeah for the weird shot crash with certain tunic colors i think what they did is um they made it so if you're using glitched or no logic then it makes it impossible for it to randomize the tunic colors that we crash [Music] oh my god twitch please nice work [Music] let's see where an option goes nice [Music] all right now go do spirit [Music] could be able to follow clear spirit and then if i don't get the water boss key in there then it's a water boss key search i have dense fire [Music] [Music] thanks for two months skin tags uh two keys okay i probably won't be able to full clear it but i should be wait actually maybe uh [Music] okay i think if i do this right i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to take a weird route free spirit [Music] hey they don't want to give me bombs [Music] i think we're throughout the spirit but i think i should be able to cut uh enough keys for actually i think it's only three you still need three total keys uh i'll see what happens huh is this that weird problem with spirit temple loading stuff did i play did i play opponent song okay that would explain things my game's broken dude i didn't do anything wrong my game was just broken [Music] [Music] hey to be fair there are documented issues with certain spirit temple loading although it's primarily in mass requests but i think there have been reports of it in vanilla as well okay i'm not going to open that door [Music] i'm gonna go up spirit temple from the child side to save a key since i already opened that door i'm gonna do old hyundo strats this is hundo no srm strats oh my god if i can super slide [Music] [Music] [Music] and now i go over here i need a real quick mirror shield except don't use mirror shield here you can actually crash by using your shield here if you happen to use mirror shield and burn two suns like right after each other it crashes the game because it's like trying to spawn two chests at once you don't actually want to use the mirror shield for this come on oh my god [Music] what yeah it is pretty annoying to use mirror shield on the directional beams anyway it's not like you're missing out on much [Music] uh wait which direction do i want to go up spiro temple i think adult side right yeah [Music] yeah child side has a key door wait this side has it okay hold sucks either way actually i wonder if i could have done some extra pro strats [Music] oh well [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] uh i think i'm just gonna miss out on like food checks actually might just be one check [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] thank you i shouldn't have bothered my knuckle [Music] whatever [Music] hey okay well no in this case it's not hammer because i don't even need to beat fire temple it's actually a water boss key although i guess if you are just saying like what main item always comes last i mean i guess i haven't found hammer but i don't need it okay nevermind i was wrong i could do every check i think i was thinking match requests again for some reason master quest like what doors are locked and stuff i get confused with match requests way more often than i should [Music] [Music] weird shotting here is really weird actual strut [Music] let's see if i can do this the head clip [Music] oh wait i didn't equip power boots [Music] whatever uh just have to hope it works [Music] now i don't need to try it like this but i just want to do it because it's cool also i was thinking i might need to beat the seat with that hook shot since hookshot was taking so long so i was like mentally preparing to do this that was way early [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] the cool uh rando specific twitterva entrance [Music] the dub the triple [Music] that was a better turnover than any of my hundo runs sick i was probably my best twin robot in years and i got it in a random no i'm pretty sure rando didn't buff them it's very hard to buff like [Music] randomness that isn't just like said that like enemy ai is very hard to change and like make less random [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so at this point it's a search for water boss key i technically light arrows but if i get water boss key i'll be able to get the hint for that i'm if i get water boss key then i can beat water simple and get the hint for uh what's it called and for lighters so basically i just need water boss key um you know i never got a sun song oh i don't have something yet i was gonna say sun sun grave like the grave i play sun song for but then i remember it i still don't have suns on um okay let me get the wallet not that i think i'll need it at this point for 200 bits this mono glad you enjoy it [Music] huh you know i never did chess minigame but i've kind of been avoiding it uh in vanilla sturdy yeah but in rando they changed it um where do i go i guess water necks i guess just try to fold clear water oh you know what i haven't been doing the fairy fountains i should probably do those uh which one is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i hate this trick [Music] tank it's not a hint generic grotto don't [Music] defense [Music] [Music] hey there's the hammer we're just talking about that not that it really matters that much in this scene [Music] i have them on for the sake of um for the sake of like if i needed to do unloading stuff but i'm not actually gonna do them unless you just mean like did i check gannon's castle which i did except for uh i shot ganas castle except for gold comments just thanks for seven months so i still never got this skeleton do i want to wait all day i do not what do i do [Music] dance castle [Music] i didn't do much in shadow i will probably do shadows soon but i think water is higher priority since water i actually do need to be i might as well try to go full clear water right now and then i don't find anything in water probably go check shadow [Music] i also never found ice cavern what dungeon entrance have i not gone in [Music] um i went in fire i went in jabu i went in dc i went in deku i went in having gone to forest that's it forest temple i should probably go there forest temple's probably a scavenger uh i didn't go to zf as adult but i know that it's barren although i guess i don't i don't remember if an area being baron counts the fairy fountain or not but maybe i should still check for his win fairy fountain and i needed i don't think i ever went to uh ice cavern entrance anyway i'll probably do that after forrest i also haven't found gtg i guess ice cavern and forest are probably one of them's ice cavern and one of them is gtg i guess i think yeah i i can go through gtg real quick should take like five minutes with weird shots [Music] oh it should also take like five minutes with eight keys what am i doing eight keys and i still want a weird shot fire is that every boss key besides water [Music] yeah no bk skips [Music] bk skips can kind of make these kinds of randos unusually short like i'd already be done by now and i could have been done like probably an hour ago if i did that oh i forgot a thing [Music] because like the thing with no logic is that for no logic you have to use a ton of glitches but then using a ton of glitches also means you can skip a lot of stuff you can see a lot of requirements and so i feel like uh adding requiring boss keys like make it so that there's still a few extra things that you're required to do without limiting your glitch potential or i mean you are eliminating your glitches but bossy skips are like [Music] it just adds a lot more makes it much more interesting [Music] and it's pretty unlikely for a boss key to be behind its own boss key or like its own boss door it's possible but [Music] unlikely [Music] whatever [Music] uh you don't do adult door time skip without hover boots power boots is required for it [Music] yeah elliptic that would be my um my ideal uh randomizer setting i think glitched logic which logic actually is pretty comprehensive with what it accounts for but there are some weird things it doesn't account for it like weirdest and there's a good reason for it but makes it kind of dumb like i think glitch logic doesn't account for ocarina items because there's a chance you could delete items with that which is like [Music] if you're doing glitch logic you're probably not going to delete items without going to items but for the sake of beatability they have to make it like that but like uh [Music] glitch logic is like almost there but no logic is just at least for me better i think it's gonna be better to go the other way around actually no i think this was better wait uh yeah go this way actually no can i uh just make a decision [Music] hey oh no i still don't have strength i'm gonna have to do the stupid silver block skip i hate at least i have hammer [Music] cool [Music] [Music] i'm gonna do this with bts [Music] okay [Music] [Music] thing uh okay i'm gonna do this in a little bit of a weird order i forgot is this scarecrow stay around after i reload the room idiot [Music] i'll find out i have to fall down anyway i just wanted to do this to test [Music] [Music] hey he is okay that's good [Music] i'm gonna do the silver block thing last so that i can save warp out of it and just leave [Music] uh [Music] come on [Music] dang if i did this in a different order i wouldn't have had to save warp out of uh i would have had to say warp out of the toilet room and sun song is the last song i haven't gotten cool [Music] yes hey okay now for this stupid trick [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] [Music] dude [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i should really learn the proper way to do this instead of just kind of guessing [Music] [Music] that was almost it [Music] come on i actually usually get this like within a few tries come on there's gonna be nothing behind here too [Music] okay we're ready for absolutely nothing oh the korean rupee okay that's not nothing the most important item [Music] double defense that's interesting i guess [Music] thanks for 20 months lord ratatask thanks for gifting two subs jbella and thanks for 21 months okay i guess go check ice cavern i'm guessing ice caverns vanilla i've already been to ghana's castle that's not bombs i know shadow's not foolish i just haven't had a reason to go to it like it's not a dungeon that i needed to be and [Music] uh until i got hooked shot in hover boots which was pretty late um it would have been terrible to go to [Music] yeah i couldn't go back to bottom of the well [Music] dude i want to do a cool thing [Music] whatever shadow does have a ton of chests but when it's not a required dungeon and it's out of the way it's still better to do other stuff like it's better to check in dungeons that are required than it is to go out of the way to shadow but then the same thing kind of applies with stuff like fire temple which i did do but that was just because like fire time would have been annoying to go back to so i thought might as well do it but um gonna take a little bit of a weird way around zoro's fountain but i think this is fast hey i assume ice cavern is vanilla yep [Music] all right should be able to hunt those strats and get this done with pretty [Music] quick yeah i scavenged his master is different in master quest [Music] [Music] this is weird because i'm i'm essentially trying to use hundo strats but in hundo i have big one sword on c right instead of b and so like um almost pressing bow every time i want to do a quick spin or something [Music] finally strength not that it matters at this point [Music] do i even need no i don't really need fire and it actually would have been decent whatever it doesn't matter that much i am looking for water bk and light arrows but more importantly water bk since i can get the lighter hint once i beat all the dungeons [Applause] hey [Music] wrong arrows um [Music] i mean it fits a nice cavern ice there's a nice cavern [Music] okay now do wait was i gonna do i was gonna do water water if nothing's in water do shadow if nothing's in shadow lose all hope yeah i guess chess game would be what i do if i if uh it's not in shadow go to child and do some obscure child stuff [Music] where am i going [Music] oh yeah no bunnyhood yet either oh that reminds me did my egg hat i did not uh is there logic for making sure that bunnyhood doesn't like overwrite egg or [Music] something okay four keys i should be able to do everything oh bun hits vanilla i thought it was like an item you can actually find randomly oh it is in the shop okay then it's just because i haven't done uh just because i haven't done any trade quests then [Music] [Music] there's a curie sword [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] what hey why'd i do that and i knew that was gonna happen [Music] i checked the map chest earlier this isn't my first time to water i came here way earlier when i was very desperate and had basically nothing but was trying to find checks anyway [Music] ah [Music] okay save scum here go check the bosque chest [Music] i have long shot doesn't matter that's probably faster actually [Music] oh [Music] and i already checked the sculpture don't worry i'll find two more probably [Music] huh i already checked the skeletal now [Music] no no i wanted to go fast and it resulted in going slow you guys want to see something funny come on fine i'll do with this [Music] he's one in the air and he can't move okay you can barely see it because i turn around okay that room is terrible yeah you basically stop walking [Music] uh [Music] hey julian no double defense doesn't affect darklings health [Music] i haven't gotten anything so far in in this water temple section right [Music] nothing was in long shot chests that was terrible okay uh i think i have enough keys to just save anyway uh i hope i'm not making a mistake [Music] thanks for nine months hannah [Music] ugh [Music] i should probably load the room [Music] [Music] please [Music] okay i think the uh i think the central tower stuff is the only stuff left [Music] uh yeah lighters and water bk with water bk being higher priority [Music] [Music] you thanks for 26 months ben thanks for the sub charles um shadow next i guess [Music] hammer was a fairy fountain uh double defense fury found i think [Music] yeah lens game i'll do if i don't get anything in shadow i'll go back to child and do some child stuff including one's game [Music] [Music] deca tree is open it's adults [Music] yeah and vanilla decade is closed it's specifically with entrance randomizer that um they make it make it so deca trees open okay five keys i don't even need to worry about saves coming i sure would like ferro's window that 69 [Music] [Music] trying to update stuff while walking around [Music] i think there's 21 space frosty [Music] thanks for 16 months nazareth yeah when you get gauntlets it auto it updates instantly so when you pick up silver gauntlets it looks like you're also link is all already wearing silver gauntlets as he's holding them no no more skull counter updating it will stay as it is oh i'm not making it 70. it would make so many people sad i can't make the people said [Music] unless it's not doing the bell i'm not doing not doing uh muting chat or putting chat knee but only mode during twin robot death cutscene um you know any of those things here to create chaos things [Music] see you bit a kitkat horizontally to create chaos last week that is i don't even know what to say to that it's like so desperate for chaos but at the same time so actually chaotic [Music] hey there's a reason why you're dark zfg true [Music] oh my god i'm getting the water temple small keys okay i swear back area of shadow this area of shadow always has something important it's got to be here either lighters or water boss keys gotta be here actually gotten light arrows in this section like so many times like it's oddly common here for me [Music] i always freak out which way [Music] yeah cows are randomized [Music] sorry but i already got a hint that said ocarina of time is useless oh it can't be that alright well nothing in the back section of shadow [Music] no i can't equip hoverboats quick enough here it's so hard to equip poker boots really fast okay [Music] oh no ice arrows sorry yeah ot is two checks the song and the actual lock arena but i've got a hint for both of them and they're both useless [Applause] [Music] okay that's up to you like the first half of shadow thanks a sub the immortal dow [Music] oh oh my god please [Music] oh i'm on track to almost have to get ocarina of time anyway please test about to do this part of shadow do the mega flick for the fans [Music] [Music] go got it not washed aren't you thank you thinking five subs [Music] cool [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh hey [Music] come on thank you [Music] there we go um [Music] technically i should i probably should clean up the rest of shadow just in case light arrows are there but i mean it's probably not so i'm just going to go be water as quickly as possible just go beat water just take the lighter of him yeah that was water tomaboski yeah watercolor velocity wins sorry light arrow betters sorry lighter oh gang [Music] [Applause] tackle [Music] ugh take i don't know if you're if i'm even saving time with this i don't think i am no now i'm especially not saving time oh my god fun fight that would be a good final bit uh at this point i don't really think there'd be a good one we could only do like where could lighters be but um i don't know it's you have to pick a specific location in dungeon or not in a dungeon even that i don't really think is a good one powdery dog would be weird though because it could be could be an area where i could get it as both and that depends on which one i want to get it as no it's not gonna be sub six it'll probably be like six ten [Applause] how helpful is again i mean it it's pretty direct uh which one is it's minuet that's gannon's castle oh wait i need to not forget the boss key i was almost going to go to against castle without the boss key [Music] uh was it bolero yeah it was bolero might as well get the prelude check too just in case prelude might possibly be light arrows [Music] okay let's see if i can hess in don't fall in the lava oh no i was doing it dude okay dude i still have ferro's wind i'm gonna have to go all the way up to ganondorf get the hint and then have to climb a second time [Music] if i had froze wind i could just set it there and warp back hey no i don't have trials off just in case i needed to use the light beams for unloading stuff because like trial skip isn't exactly a big deal i guess i should probably just save right now and then like reset as soon as i see the text box that gives me the hint bottom of the well it is it was a return ship to bomb the well so i went to bomb of the well early on but i didn't have zelda's lullaby and i did all the checks i could do without lullaby so and then um i just i was thinking of going back after a lullaby but i was doing a bunch of other stuff oh yeah i could have warped songs i have a or i have to become child or yeah i have to be child um but i have uh nocturne yeah i think nocturne was a warp to kakarika also i realized i thought the warp song randomized warp song location is going to be interesting and it kind of is but i think it would have been better with randomized entrances they're like over world entrances randomized [Music] major 100 bits though thanks for 11 months all i feel is paying makes us a mighty maxwell [Music] yeah this is go mode i have the lighter hint [Music] oh and i can equip carry sword for no reason i only have one key i gotta save scum this well if it's either key or a lullaby i guess i should check well by do all by checks first or i mean i don't have to do it first or second i can i'll check this one first then lower the water back the wall by checks and if it's none of those then it's the other skeletal there it is first try uh my first hit to bottom of the well was way earlier i didn't have i didn't have lullaby and i didn't have any keys so it's not like i could have gotten that one on the first trip it's not like i was dumb it was legitimate just like i was planning on making a second trip at some point but things were in the way and it took me a while to get lullaby in the first place i mean it didn't require lullaby but i wouldn't have gone back until i got lullaby at least [Music] so yeah that was just rando being rando that's not like i forgot something obvious hey fig [Music] uh which one is my guinness castle anyway i always forget which ones which i don't even know if this is really saving time but yeah now i actually think i played the seed decently i don't think i really like made an obvious or no there's the dc bomb bag thing if i had done more checks with my super limited shoes in dc that would have saved a lot of time but otherwise i think i generally played it well it's just max rando is hard the hoverboat's boomerang i don't know maybe it was technically a bad thing to try that [Music] i also could have gotten hook shot way earlier but zoro's domain as adult is not really a place that's good to go to especially when i was super low on shoot there was actually that one time where like i had one shoe and i was thinking of going into zoro's domain and then i failed the megaflip actually failing them like not failing that megaphone probably would have saved me time maybe if i practice right now you get better at it yeah of course but i don't know rando's just in a way i almost kind of want to get better at like max randall like there's part of me that wants to like grind max rando and get super good at it but then another part of me is like for what purpose because it's not like there's you know max rando tournaments that happen regularly or anything like that it would just be kind of me doing it myself there's occasionally races but like it's really rare but i mean yeah it is fun but well the thing is i i partially just want to keep rando as a fun thing i do every now and then and not be a serious thing but then like part of me wants to do it seriously with max rando but then there's not exactly many people to be serious with it in the first place [Music] uh don't do that don't do that either yeah glitch logic 2.0 is probably going to be good too just organize the tournament with a large prize i mean i did organize um a max right now no logic race a while ago it was probably like almost a year ago at this point and people did like it and like organizing more of that could probably be good and i know there was another one like a bit more recently but and i wanted to enter it but like i ended up not because of scheduling or something like that but yeah it's something that like there could be more hey [Music] sub 604 oh actually i'll save just in case i watch explorer log after this [Music] oh i never even checked off water medallion or a light medallion i guess i think they're 29 months i think you're too much autofile [Music] okay that was still under the time of two consecutive hondo runs that's still pretty good unit colors i don't know i never got either of the tunics all right let's check spoiler log actually let me check cosmetic log [Music] okay uh first thing you need to check i guess for us when the neighbors live dmt gold skull slide above dodongo's cavern i'm kind of mad i never got that that's a really simple one thing although i i never passed by there during the daytime though that's the problem because i never got sunsong so where was that longline ranch gs house window [Music] that one time remember that one time where i was too late to lawn lawn to check the night skulls that cost me well no because i didn't have boomerang at that time i couldn't even use boomerang to get it but even then i i definitely could have checked it at some point next on some grave see if it doesn't even show up as some grave whatever uh phyros [Music] bottom of the well underwater left chest so i wouldn't i would have gotten it if uh i didn't like immediately warp out a bomb of the well oh so light and light and fire as we're in the same place both in bottom of the wall um what else uh oh yeah chess game [Music] multi bomb of the well so like indirectly if i didn't get the other bomb of the well key that would have indirectly been required [Music] yeah i guess the other strength [Music] uh shadow early silver rupee chest that's when i got shadow temple falling spike switch chest so if i continued in shadow temple i would have gotten the second strength upgrade right after water temple boss key and then ice cavern gold's castle of heart oh yeah i got that one the one in ice cavern yeah i got cause i got two not one okay yeah the other one was in the shadow temple room that i left right after water temple bosque uh what else let me check the largest heart container out of curiosity arrows 30. yeah i got all three bomb bags uh frogs were both uh junk items [Music] tunics yeah i know goran tunic was in dc i just couldn't get it uh zora tunic was gannon's castle light trial wall by chest so if i had one more tunic in ganon's castle i would have gotten it it was in the the room the second room in light trial where you play lullaby but i didn't have a key oh yeah let me check um battle trial gold gauntlets chess gold skulls token okay so gold gauntlet chess was the only other chest i didn't get and it was just a gold skull token um thanks 11 months joe where was stone of agony i didn't get stone of agony the whole time most important item rid of fortress archery range and i didn't do greater fortress because i got a hint that it was barren
Channel: ZFG
Views: 490,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Speedrun, Glitches, ZFG, OoT
Id: f9HR3w31Zl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 369min 8sec (22148 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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