Obtaining 40 Gloves With 0 SLAPS!😱 - Slap Battles Roblox

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yep you read that right we're getting over 40 gloves with zero slaps you see that 69 770 down there Gonzo to make things easy I'm gonna go ahead and lay this out for you so you have a pure vision of what we're gonna do here three tiers easy medium and hard on obtainability because I'm gonna be using an ALT so I can do a lot of these just by myself with the old there are globes that are going to require me to get some of my Discord members to come out and help me so I'm heavily relying on them for this and then we're gonna have help from Andrew in a large portion of this so shout out to you Andrew I appreciate the help in this thank you so much but here are my three tiers for easy medium and hard in our easy category here we have Spin and default spin is not listed but it's in there we have buddies Rojo Obby Hammer hybrid Rhythm Shard goofy disarm bomb warp acrobat Jupiter moon orbit bus rage and plague all in our easy category because I feel like they're very easy to get if you're just using it all moving over to the medium category these are going to take a little bit more skill and time we have redacted bubble potato Sparky cult Tycoon confusion and RNG and then last but certainly not least we have our hard category where we have ourself Rob counter link leash psycho slapple recall elude jet glitch Boogie phase and flamerang alright so there's 41 gloves that we can get right off the start we start off with two of them the first one being of course default everybody starts with default the second glove that we're gonna be able to get is spin this one requires negative three slaps to be able to use so you can get this right off of get go so just like that we already have two of the 41 gloves we're gonna need now technically you can get more than 41 gloves there's actually 46 gloves that you can get at zero but I'm only gonna go for 41 of them I'm gonna omit five of them and these are the five that I'm gonna omit starting off with mega rock so many people Peep and mega rock video why it's just 10 hours of doing nothing it's such a time waste that's one of the five that I'm omitting the second one right here is hollow Jack because it's Halloween and I can't get it you know next up is Mitten of course same thing the fourth one Bob I can get Bob at a later time if you want me to progress that account even further just let me know and then the last glove I'm gonna omit is gonna be snowball because it's unobtainable for me right at the specific time I can come back in Christmas time and get this glove but for now I can't get it so it's gonna be omitted out of the 46 we're gonna go for 41. let's start off with one of the easiest badges to get and that's acrobat guess what I have it at zero why because all you have to do is join the group it's that simple we have plague and for us to get the play Glove all we have to do is we just have to get slapped by a plague itself which in turn gives us the play Glow the next glove that we can try to get is the Jupiter glove and to do that we need to survive a hit from a God's hand just like that first try actually the next club that we're gonna get is Rage all we have to do is kill this goober head kill streak that's at 50 but with default you might be screaming oh you're gonna get a slap no that voids all of it no it's private server they don't save all right so yeah uh hacker man uh quit tab glitching uh get out of here hacker boy that gives us the rage badge and also my vision the next glove for us to get is going to be the hybrid glove which all we have to do is we have to keep our rage active for a full minute oh come on it's so laggy oh double hit there we go there we go this could be it even during the lag session that Roblox is doing right now come on oh that was so close come on where's okay oh what a lucky Landing you landed there right on top of me oh we hit him way over there too yes through the leg we get ourselves the hybrid glove Uber man over there just go ahead and run off the edge hopefully we get the tourney winner badge I don't know if badge service is actually working so we'll see yes it is okay good so we just got ourselves the moon glove which is awesome the next glove that we can get is the orbit glow and all you're gonna have to do is wait for somebody to call and cast a bob on you once they do that you just go to the opposite side and let the cube do the work once you kill Bob you get yourself the orbit badge giving you the or it gives you the orbit love it gives you the new monster badge is what I meant to say so we're gonna go for potato and Goofy starting off here with the potato glove you need to have a mitten user cast out a present you need to get the reverse effects and you need to have a bubble user come up and bubble you so that they get bubbled hey we reverse the bubble first try let's go now we are gonna go for the goofy glove all right so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get hit by infusion and once we do we're just gonna get hit by it oh get hit by a goofy glove which in turn gives us the goofy hey how about that now let's go ahead and let's get the cult glove really fast and if you don't know how to get the cult glove you're gonna go over to your potato glove right here you're gonna click this to equip it reset go back into the normal Arena then you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna slap a goober doesn't matter which goober you slap they're gonna come slap you back all you need to do is just die to your own potato once you die with your own it what's okay once you die with your own potato you get the good job edge meaning you now have the ability to equip cult so the next glove that we're gonna get is gonna be golden slapple pointed out by Andrew I didn't even see it good looks Andrew the Golden Spa Apple yeah oh yeah hey big W's the next goal that we're gonna do is we're gonna get ourselves The Shard badge all we have to do is we gotta go over to these overkills right here we have to fall five overkills in under a minute it's so laggy there we go we got it the next one after that is gonna be the swapper so that we can get ourselves the warp glove so with the swapper glove we're gonna have to save someone falling off the edge yours is gonna look different from mine this is very laggy hey and that's how you get the warp glove now for a sneaky one to get bomb we're gonna do the same process with the swapper but with warp here we go we have to time this here there we go so that is how you get yourself the bomb glove so the next glove we're gonna get is gonna be the RNG glove I just got up to 585 thank you to Andrew I'm sorry I had to hit you so many times for that we have to hit 100 power on the dice to be able to get this globe there we go that'll do it it took us 152 attempts to get that now we're on to the bus club and how do you do that well you go conveniently over here to the space glove which is not conveniently where I was you're gonna equip it you're gonna find yourself a bus user luckily we have the awesome Andrew helping us out here and once you see the bus use your ability and you get yourself the glove now to obtain buddies what you have to do is you have to go over to the golden you have to equip this and you have to use Golden's ability and slap three people once you activate it and you hit your three Ubers you will be awarded the badge that pops up on the bottom right hand side so now we're looking to get disarm right we're gonna head across the aisle right over to Reaper here all we're gonna have to do is get 20 kills with Reaper in one life without dying and we will get ourselves disarmed we've got the wings face we got the heartbringer of death which is a part of something that we need for bubble and kill streak there we go all right now for bubble we need to get to 250 on the kill streak and 250 giving us the 250 award the next glove on our list is gonna be recall and to get this glove you need two reverses both running at each other both using the reverse ability and they need to slap each other to get into this realm I said we're gonna get in two turns who are you isn't it obvious well what color is your name in chat yeah it's persimmon you forget that you were pressure memories yeah six equals three come on that's common knowledge how many slaps do I have 57.92 yo that's a trick question bruh Simon says if the word is what you seek you must dance on top of the right staircase Crystal ing up the right side would be over here so the right side would be over here I had to go look at my own video there we go hey always good to check a pillow fight video coming back to this Dimension here we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go for psycho you're gonna go down these staircases and you're gonna do this hobby parkour up here and you will come back after beating the parkour and get the psycho glow this is the get struck by lightning Island ouch yeah come on Island come on Island no way oh I almost didn't make it back it's right about there that's when we jump exactly that's why you pre-time things I was certain I was gonna mess that up I don't know why look at it and all of its Glory next up on the list we have our self-redacted we need to survive one of these portals and I think if we go into this one right here we just will die foreign there we go finally it took so long for no reason I walked through each different exit like three times each we're grinding slaps right now and I just spawned Bob I didn't catch it on camera but I cannot believe I spawned Bob for the second time and it was on the wrong account and ladies and gentlemen the time has come we are gonna hit 20K Andrew thank you my boy [Music] okay 20K in a private server that is ridiculous so all we have to do is come over to the air stand right here equip it and we get ourselves the air glove award meaning we can go all the way down here and we can equip ourselves the link glow yes the zero slaps link so I'm not saying I have YouTuber privilege but I did call upon the community here but we are here to get the confusion glove we need to equip spin we need to get hit by a Reaper when there's five seconds left we need to blow up a tycoon and then get hit by a bus it's wild whoa now we're on to getting Sparky by the way shout out to the people that are helping right now how to get to the Sparky glove you're gonna need to have a dream you need to get hit by a Reaper then you need to get hit by a conveyor then run full speed and Overkill which gives you this badge our next badge glove we're gonna acquire is gonna be Abby we're gonna be a diamond we're gonna get hit by somebody using Rocky once you've become a mega rock you're gonna need 10 different users to run into this mega rock what's this number 10 right here yes make sure I give a shout out to Andrew drip monkey Minecraft lover fine cyborg popper helicopter Noob star big W's so now we're doing flamering one two three four and is this five yo yo buy some shout out to this group of people right here these are all awesome people if you see yourself you're a w I'm not sure if paper made it in but yes shout out to YouTube next thing to get on our to-do list is gonna be Tycoon I didn't know that you could actually do this in a private server if you had seven people in it but you can you just gotta stand on this plate for a whole 600 seconds you could get it right about now yeah so the next glove we're actually gonna do the leash glove I didn't know for the longest time that you could do leash in a private server it still boggles my mind but if you get 14 people all equipping coal you can 100 get yourself this badge we should get it right about now as soon as he joins it yay so we got leash that's crazy now we're on to Boogie which requires us to be in a public server which is why you see Zero slaps down there in the 20K gone which was hard it was very hard to leave a server with 20K but you need to have 14 people dancing in order to get this badge hey let's go leash and Boogie was not expecting to get that tonight but the bill of Fire me too strong man bio lupus Noob muck and even the goober who was just slapping Rojo is the glove that's up next we need to get hit by a Reaper then get hit by a nightmare and then have a bob user spawn Bob on the cube so that we don't even have to run and that's how we get ourselves this badge W's yeah I got it it's the engineer that's that's hammer down oh no okay so I have an elude here but I don't have my map we're gonna go off a core memory here already failing fantastic all right nice core memory serving me well for some reason hey look a lever should I press it no all right back at the start we got the one at the top now we need to go get the one on the left hand side we should have our second find right here nice and here is piece number three let's go the same as like the other rounded Corners are going after and it is yes let's go I can't believe I did this without a map I thought I was gonna need it but nope we are back here what up last time no [Laughter] that's sick I love that all right counter let's get it all right so it should be on the opposite side of this wall over here hopefully you're coming from this way okay quick Precision turning oh he's close [Music] oh God I'm gonna need you to chill out brother I don't know where to go oh God oh God all right no Pim I'm gonna need you to not kill me you're joking darn you know what you just took away my keypad brother there ain't no way I'm sad now people are do we have the full 14 I stole it no way [Music] character oh no all you had to do was follow the Train by Saving Grace I hear it right here [Music] wow with 50 seconds to spare after freaking out and messing up like everything but I'll definitely take a counter that is pretty good nothing like searching for phase and then hearing it get picked up 780 but in the same server no way I just heard somebody collect FaZe yo here we go jet orb perfect this dude chasing me with to the left here this ghost he's been a goober but these pushers to the right they're bigger Goobers uh-huh that's mine you've been trying to Target me too oh wouldn't you look at that I joined a whole Sleeping server oh it spawned okay oh no no no no okay all right well um this is mine I'm sorry I need it yes let's go a quick shout out to Cosmic they're really chill person that I met waiting for the orbs we are just two gloves away from completing our goal we need Rhythm which we're gonna do right here with this awesome Lobby of people and then we have to get robbed so to Get Rhythm all you have to do is place down a boogie and slap 10 people in one life it has to be 10 different people [Music] our last battle wash ER this is the best setup you have two people one standing on the left one standing on the right where we are and then two on top of the Tycoon that's like your safest bet what what I was on I was on no way wow okay I gotta be careful now big rock oh man why my boy I'm the freedom look at that yeah go ahead Smackdown for me though that was awesome I thought it was gonna be right when it happened I knew that was coming I got caught in that Loop I knew I was gonna have the rock for this okay so now I can't I can't slap I can't do anything oh no yo no way how did I come back from that stay away from me I can't get a single slap I'm so terrified oh yes they are popping off down there keep going keep going oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh it's not a hole it's a mountain but Heidi Mountain our little boblight got stuck back there oh no so I don't know how one got caught up there but archwise Arc wise I don't know if you're in charge of this realm or not but uh make whatever is over there not clippable yo we're good we're good all right did it really break this close to the end that's tragic brother that's tragic and with the final smack Bob sends me into the grave on a glitch to run that he has made [Music] oh we back Bubba let's get it [Music] so I like it during these runs when you have both your Gods hand and your Tycoon and just pop up on the mountains and let Hulk of the Reaper and The kill streak just absolutely go on a tear down there let me get there in time no no no I'm trying so hard to get there yes [Music] yes nice very nice on the Rockets these are massive hits every rock is landing you cannot do any better than that on a bob run where you have every single rock hit big props to this team right here rip the reaper it's not your fault you were lagging [Music] wait zero slaps let's go shout out to the kill streak GG you were doing very well with your killstream solid the entire way through link was doing awesome there at the end and shout out to jaybox so here we are back in the lobby we have ourselves zero slaps all around let's see what gloves we ended up getting all the way through we of course start with acrobat we got plague I've got redacted bus phase warp bomb bubble jet Shard I have potato I'll go show a clip right now I have potato I have the Colt glove I've got buddies moon Jupiter we've got rage yep orbit hybrid slapple disarm we can't do dominance because it's slap Oreo and can't get in there with fake slaps we have link that is one of the craziest ones we have Tycoon confusion glitch we have elude RNG we got Abby we have goofy can't we got leash that's right I forgot about that we can't oh we did get flammering we can't get oh we did get Sparky I've lost the last three we got Boogie we've got recall we can't get quick we've got psycho we can't get Kraken because we can't get it in a private server unfortunately we've got calendar we've got Hammer we have Rob at zero slaps we have rhythm we have Rojo and unfortunately you cannot get Hitman in a private server so in total 41 gloves that I am able to equip with zero slaps that that is crazy massive shout out to everybody that helped me you guys are for real the MVPs ladies and gentlemen what a journey this has been the past two days I am completely grateful for all of my Discord members that came through in the times that I needed them to help me get these badges you guys are absolutely amazing y'all are so awesome could I have done this without my Discord members and these amazing goobers next to me absolutely not in no way shape or form could I have done this without them at all this is a joint operation between everybody here so massive massive W thank you so much I'm gonna keep this account at zero I know it says 120 at the bottom but I promise it's not who knows maybe I'll go for Bob I don't think I'll go for Mega Rock 10 hours is a lot of time that's a lot of time maybe in the future we'll see but for now absolutely massive massive W from you all thank you so much this was a very fun project I loved working on huge shout out to Andrew for sitting there and dealing with the punishment for hours on end getting linked I also like to show where it looks like I'm talking to the crowd ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this I hope that every single one of you have an amazing rest of your day or night whenever you are watching this and I shall see you in the next one later the chaos that breaks out right after the w
Channel: Bilify
Views: 303,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bilify, bilifyYT, roblox, roblox funny, funny moments, slap battles, roblox slap battles, slap battle, glove, new slap battles glove, glove leak, how to get, new glove, new sb glove, getting 40 gloves with no slaps, how many gloves with 0 slaps, how many gloves do I get, slap battles 0 slaps, 0 slaps, slap battles no slap, obtaining 40 gloves with zero slaps, boogie with 0 slaps, leash with 0 slaps, link with 0 slaps, error with 0 slaps, bilify 0 slaps, no slap badges, badges
Id: 3aGvuttM5a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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