HOW to COUNTER the RETRO Glove 🗡️- Slap Battles Roblox

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hello ladies and gentlemen how you doing today my name is Philippine today we are here to count our globe which club is that why of course it's the Retro glow [Music] these are gonna be the awesome people that are going to be helping us out today to figure out what counters what we have bio we have just a person on the web Elia hopefully I said your name right Andrew we have Carl and then there's also one more person joining us while I think Bonnie let's go ahead and let's get into it alrighty so for our first counter here we're gonna have Diamond custom and mega rock all the rocks are gonna be able to save you from retro itself for some reason the video file corrupted and the only clip I don't have is of the Rocks but all three of the rocks are gonna keep you 100 safe as long as you're in rock form so I'm gonna give them a golden trophy test these is an absolute counter give this the golden trophy all three attacks cannot touch a z user the spring glove will counter two out of the three abilities if you're up close and fighting it will not counter the hammer hit it will counter the rocket and the bomb stuff because they don't have that big of aoes the hammer hit has a massive AOE so spring will not counter that so it's a a two out of three I don't know how to rate it you can always use ghost to go invisible and go up and slap them but if they're going to use their bomb ability or the hammer ability they can still hit you so be aware I wouldn't recommend ghosts you could use recall Thanos and adios to save you from falling off the edge but we're gonna be looking for some more offensive and defensive abilities instead of just pure defense so these work but I like better a note with stun is that if they've been stunned they can still use their ability so you're not safe they can still Hammer you I would not use stun so fort's pretty funny because they can't shoot or blow anything up through it so the RPG is fully nerfed by four they can blow up their bomb and hop over it and then they can use the Hammer as AOE so before it's not a counter it's just funny you can definitely use magnet after you get hit blown up whatever you can use magnet right away there's no delay there's no time delay nothing like that you can use it and go right back to the person that hit you or somebody else it can either save you or go for offensive so I love magnet as a counter for a trophy counter as well so Pusher is interesting because it will block a rocket or a bomb hit but it's not really necessarily going to get them off the edge so I wouldn't really recommend it for offensive it works but there's a lot better so space is a awesome counter because as soon as they go to use anything user space ability go way up in the sky you can't be hit by any of the abilities and then you can come down and get that slap on them I'm giving space the trophy to counter so dream is 100 skill based you can avoid the hits from these users the one thing that's going to be challenging is going to be the hammer hit if you know and can time it well you can avoid that AOE but it has such a large AOE it can be hard at times so dream is a counter for two to the three every single time but that last one it really depends on combat skill golden I already tested will protect you against all three phases so there's no need to worry while using golden is a pure counter cheeky does its cheeky thing where it takes like no knockback so all three of the hits that go against ajiki do absolutely nothing so I can absolutely recommend cheeky for a full counter because no matter what ability they use slap bomb rocket launcher or Hammer you're not taking that much knockback so replica is absolutely a counter they cannot be hit by any of the abilities so bomb they can't be touched with they go to use the rocket launcher they can't be touched with and if they go to use the hammer they cannot be hit the rocket exploded right next to it but nothing happens to the replica clone itself nothing is going to happen to that replica clone so replica is definitely a w counter defense is going to protect you from two out of a three maybe even one out of the three I feel like once you get to a lower phase of Defense the bomb use is going to be able to work with t-well so out of the big one here if they go to use rocket launcher nothing's gonna happen to you unless you're right up against the wall the bomb you can stand up distanced and be A-Okay now the one thing that's going to affect you is gonna be Hammer so can I recommend defense no I don't like that they can just swap over to a hammer real fast and beat you out of it so now reverse which abilities can you reverse all right so the bomb Oh reverse I just made a poll about this I'm gonna have to add that and then the hammer yup you get hit by the hammer wow you're gonna get hit by all three abilities here yep all three abilities so bass slap okay the only thing it blocks is base slap other than that don't use reverse so it's rare there's only I think this is the 17th glove that bypasses reverse pretty cool so now shikuchi you could do it beforehand that always works no matter if they're using their RPG ability or not so because you can't use she could usability during the Ragdoll phase I would not consider this a counter you could always use duelist to save yourself from knockback but they're gonna have such a glove advantage that I would not recommend fighting them in the arena so if you see yourself about to get hit just use the Ability and it will save yourself from getting ragdolled off the edge if it can drag somebody into it so I like Duelist for that specific reason you could use woe honestly they're going to be doing up close combat besides the rocket launcher it's pretty hard to hit the rocket launcher I'm not gonna lie so using woe you can absolutely if you see them getting close to you or getting ready to use an ability use woe to kind of send them back so if you see them getting ready to use their ability send them back you're still gonna get hit but you're gonna create a distance and that's only by the hammer you're gonna get hit by you're not gonna get hit by the bomb or nothing just the hammer is going to be able to hit you with AOE but as soon as you use that woe you should be A-Okay so like I said before audios recall Thanos are all gonna save you from the edge but we're looking for offensive and defensive can you use blocked and save yourself from getting hit by all the abilities nope does not save you from any of them I'm gonna tell you right now it's the yep over two right now no for three this is gonna be the same thing for Buddies yep I locked in buddies you are not gonna want to use Rocky's a deterrent if you see them coming near you just Chuck a rock at them you know defensifies anything like that it's not really viable so don't use Rocky same thing for coil in a way but I wouldn't use it balloony can be an awesome counter to this because all you need is to create just a tad bit of distance and if they're going to be using their hammer for the AOE that's going to be the most dangerous part but as soon as you see them if you're battling them just jump up in the air guess what they can't shoot the Bazooka at you and the hammer is pretty tough to hit even if you get hit by the bomb which is the quickest ability you still have time to dodge it and if you get hit by the hammer just pop your balloons you should be pretty good to come back and then while they're down there trying to use their abilities and whatnot just hover above them drop on them and then slap them and you should be good to go I love balloony as a counter that was like the perfect time to turn to get hit in the face with that rocket Phantom is like ghosts same thing if you're gonna be invisible you can sneak up to them you can get to them pretty quick but if they're using bomb if they're gonna use their Hammer it's not really recommended you can use your blink and then get right next to them and they don't even know where you're gonna be at you can come up and surprise them and surprise yes I like Phantom but you have to be aware of that hammer AOE track is going to be a deterrent glove if you see them coming after you just use trap they might end their search for you table flip is going to be a counter no matter what ability they're using you can always Chuck a table at them to create distance from you and probably kill them because stable flop has such a hard hit just go ahead and Chuck your Chuck your table and you should be able to create that distance no matter where they're at no matter what ability they're using hammer bomb nothing they can of course jump over your table flip while using bomb but the odds of them timing that are so incredibly Slim and shield a shield doesn't protect against anything so I'm not I'm not expecting much from Shield yeah of course very common Shield L the only thing Shield's gonna protect you from is the bass slap that is it ping pong is going to be exactly like table flip and track it's a deterrent glove that has some power to it and will stop people from really chasing you it's a good glove to use as a deterring glove now can they attack a baller okay so no they can't touch any bit of the baller so baller is the exact same thing as replica they cannot touch a baller they're gonna have to walk up and slap it so baller could be an interesting counter that I do like and recommend slicer is going to be another perfect deterrent glove just like the ping pong glove or the track glow they're gonna be awesome at doing a lot of knockback nothing defensive wise excavator should in theory be able to avoid all three ability hits you just have to be pretty fast so as soon as you see them going to use any bit of their ability just go underground guess what you can't be hit doesn't matter if it's the hammer does not matter what it is it shall protect you so excavator's gonna be a trophy counter because it can do offensive and it's a perfect defense nothing can touch it when you use your ability so with God's hand can they use their abilities during time stop so they can still use their abilities during time stop God's hands not a counter you just need to be aware that they can use their abilities during this is gonna go for all the one shots like God's hand the flex air and Overkill you can definitely win the slaps but if they're going to be using all of their abilities they're gonna be quite hard to catch so just keep that in mind now Thor you can keep them at distance this is like a better whoa so you can definitely keep them at distance with this ability if you see them coming near you just pop your Thor ability and create distance away even if they're shooting something at you or if they're gonna go use their rag doll or if they're gonna use the hammer you can use this as like a tab glitch so as soon as they go to use the hammer you can avoid that knockback with the Thor ability which can work so Thor can keep them distance but they get their ability back so fast that I honestly really wouldn't even use Thor because once you use your ability it takes quite a bit for it to get back so I don't know if I can really really recommend it so if you're gonna use ultra Instinct the only thing that it's gonna have a 50 down trade against is the base slap it's not going to do anything against the mount back don't use ultra Instinct acrobat could be interesting it'll definitely counter two of the three if you're fast enough but I don't think you're gonna be able to get away from a hammer usage so if you're in the middle of a battle fighting slapping doing whatever just use your ability roll out of the way now if they're gonna go use the bomb or anything you can still kind of like Ragdoll but they use their ability so fast it's gonna be so incredibly hard for you to time and it's pretty much not gonna be worth it because you're gonna be slapping and then you're gonna try to roll away the hammer if you see them start to use their ability like that use it as fast as possible towards the middle you're still gonna get hit but you're not gonna be right over here so it's pretty good to try to do that if you time it right 100 bus works but I'm looking for better phase the glove that saves you from legit everything yep don't get hit by the bomb don't get hit by the hammer and you're not gonna get hit by a rocket launcher I got hit but the phase was okay definitely use phase if you're trying to stay safe warp could work I wouldn't recommend warp but it does work if you're in the middle of a battle if you've already slapped them doesn't matter what they use if they hit you you can always warp right back to them so warp Forks in that sense because they're not gonna be able to ever do anything ridiculous against you nothing that is gonna make you fly off really crazy to where you would never be able to use warp if you slap them prior but again you have to slap them prior so I don't recommend warp for that the bomb bubble jet Shard and Bob loves are massive deterrence Moon I don't think is going to protect you the way you want it to I think it can definitely Dodge two out of the three but since you have such a slow drop down it's not worth it because it could be so easily timed for that I don't recommend Moon I would definitely recommend using spring over moon now Jupiter is going to be a massive counter this is exactly like cheeky where you're gonna take reduced knockback from every bit of this ability that they're gonna try to use against you with the Jupiter if you don't go far with hammer you use the rocket launcher you're not gonna go that far and with bomb guess what you're not gonna go that far that is just a good thing with Jupiter so we can definitely recommend to use Jupiter for that knockback reduction same exact thing with cheeky the hybrid's yellow mode is exactly like Jupiter so I can recommend hybrid for that now slapple can you be in a tree and avoid a hammer AOE alright so if they're up in a tree yep now if they jump yes okay so it's hard to time I'm not gonna lie it is very hard to time but as far as jumping up there I don't think that you can actually jump up there oh you could get wow you could I might be wrong there you can use the bomb to jump up to the slapple wow so with slapple you're gonna have to pay attention because you can get hit by the hammer if they jump time it which is not easy to do so I'm not really worried there but if they also use the bomb and they do the jump and then use that and then slap they have a good chance of hitting you and that's a lot easier to time than the hammer so I don't recommend slapple I don't recommend dominance you do get a speed boost but it's not gonna save you from the hammer the bomb probably the rocket launcher yeah it's gonna be a little bit harder to hit you but if they just walk in there with a hammer you're gonna get destroyed so now with charge which just gotta buff I believe the ability is shorter but it does more knockback I believe you can use charge to get towards a user and hit them faster than they could react to you coming so seeing as the user is coming you could still hit if you time it seeing them coming a charge user you could blow them up but charge is going to win most of those battles due to desync glitch is a great deterrent glove as soon as you see them just pop them up in a glitch if you do that enough it might deter them from coming for you more but not a counter when you have yourself a Larry can they be hit with ban hammer or anything we'll see you all right so the lary users running they're running they're running um it will not knock the user off it will just snap them towards the user who used the Retro ability the same thing is Thor that kind of ability also shouts out to Krypton all thank you for the help at the very end with going back and getting some of the clips that were corrupted big W's now elude I don't think you can dodge any of the abilities just the base slap so with the base slap we can see that if we go over to try to hit them oh even if they were flying away um yes nothing happens now if we go to use the Ability they still get hit by the ability itself no matter what ability it is no matter what ability they are going to be hit by it fish I'm gonna label this as a top counter because you get your abilities back pretty much at the same time you might get the Retro ability before the fish are not gonna lie but fish is still just a massive W it doesn't matter what it is even if you're using the band Hammer if if you hit them they just flop right back into the arena A-Okay it could beat the bomb it could be anything they can use the Ability and get back pretty quick right back into the arena Harmon fish W if you build an Obby high enough you can avoid all the hits but if they're chasing you not the best now what happens with Voodoo some questions here we need to figure out what we are here to figure out is if our ability will hit a voodoo doll all right both of them got hit and oh no way so it doesn't hit oh so it does hit but it has to hit somebody else and then the explosion off of somebody else can hit those voodoo dolls that's it it doesn't affect them just by themselves the hammer doesn't work the Rocket Launcher doesn't know none of it no parts of this hit so seeing how Voodoo cannot be hit by the abilities and only the slap I can't recommend a duo with Voodoo in retro I wouldn't label it a counter I wouldn't label it a deterrent I wouldn't even label it as like a Teen Wolf so with leash can they use their ability while leashed alright so I can't change my ability oh so when you're leashed you cannot double jump to change your ability whatever ability you had before getting leashed is gonna be the ability that you're stuck with uh so bomb can be interesting it didn't send me up again you just kinda explode a little bit so leash isn't a counter considering they can sit here and spam their abilities so Boogie can be an awesome counter I don't know if I'd give it a gold star because they can still sit outside of your Boogie with hammer and hit you but if you run up to them and get beforehand you can absolutely take away their ability so they can't do anything like that but if it's too late it's not gonna work out well you can always come over and use this or not there it is use that and they can't do anything they can only change their ability on the outside if they are on the border on the edge and then they use their Hammer you're pretty much okay as long as you're underneath the disco ball they could also still shoot rocket launchers at you while you're in the Boogie so that's also another thing to watch out for so you can always be troll no matter what you're doing keep that in mind with Boogie so not a perfect calendar but can work if you get to them early so recall is going to be exactly like adios and Thanos it's just something that's going to save you from falling off the edge nothing on offense alrighty so with psycho will the levitation save you in the double jump also what happens while you're being dragged can they use the Ability oh the levitate doesn't save so you can still use abilities while being levitated psycho is definitely not a counter kraken's a deterrent glove this is not a glove that you're going to use for defense it's all offense because you have the greater reach at this certain point but beware they do have their bomb to get closer to you a lot faster keep that in mind now what happens with counter I think the abilities are just gonna do a ragdoll and that's about it we have bomb and in that ability it just does the Ragdoll does nothing else yep does nothing with the hammer it just does the ragdoll yep just does the rag doll so don't use counter it's not gonna work on this go rob should be an absolute counter nothing can touch rub and it's gonna go to eat you rob should be magnificent doesn't matter what they're doing when they're in this Rob form nothing is gonna hurt them not the band Hammer not the bomb nothing you are dunzo so Rhythm can be interesting for the first portion it's not gonna be fun as a rhythm user but once you get into the later portions where you start getting the yellow tiles and you start having the knockback it can kind of make it like an even fight but counter no during the Rojo ability you can't be moved except with like a pusher wall or something like that no outside kinetic Force like an explosion is gonna do anything to Rojo so during the Rojo ability you should be good everything else no no no hitman with a gun is Gonna Keep distance and keep you a little bit more safe especially if you have the Golden Gun you can erase a retro user but as far as a counter I would not use it to be honest with you then you could always retro a retro user and that'll do it ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching which glove was your favorite calendar and which glove surprised you the most let me know if I missed one down below I'm interested to see as well massive shout out to all the people here that were helping around a lot of them were goofing off but we got to the end and it was fun while we got there so thank you everybody it was fun shout out to every single one of you you see yourself from right to left from left to right and all the way up top massive W's I hope that every single one of you have an amazing rest of your day or night whenever you do end up watching this I'll see you in the next one later
Channel: Bilify
Views: 41,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bilify, bilifyYT, roblox, roblox funny, funny moments, slap battles, roblox slap battles, slap battle, glove, new slap battles glove, glove leak, how to get, new glove, new retro, new retro glove, slap battles retro, how to get retro, how to get retro glove, slap battles retro glove, sb retro, retro, how to counter the retro glove, counter, counter retro, retro glove counter, what counters, how to counter retro, retro glove, counter the retro, sb, retro glove 🗡️, 🗡️, retro obby
Id: GpYh8r3Yt2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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