OBSESSED with Judy & Nick in Zootopia, these two are the dream team❤️️

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what hang in there can I oh my  Lord you want to play for you I   was hoping you could today oh God this is painful hello everybody and welcome back to my channel  if you're new here my name is Mary and today I'm   watching a movie called zootopia or zootropolis  because that's what it's called on Disney Plus   for me and I'm in Australia I looked it up and  apparently they thought that zootropolis would   be a better name for UK audiences and Australian  audiences I don't know why I was so confused I   was looking for this movie everywhere and I  couldn't find it until I searched zootropolis   on Disney and that's what it was called so anyways  zootopia zootropolis whatever it is we're watching   it today it's got a very interesting cast Idris  elbus in this film Jason Bateman who I know from   Arrested Development Jennifer Goodwin Jennifer  I'm assuming it's Jennifer but she plays the lead   role of Judy Hopps we've also got Jenny slate  who was in Parks and Recreation Nate Torrance   Bonnie Hunt Don Lake Tommy Chong JK Simmons  as mayor Lionheart so lots to look forward to   lots of voices to look forward to hearing this was  directed and written by three different director   writers Byron Howard Rich Moore and Jared Bush  and this movie is also rated quite highly on IMDb   a lot of people seem to really love this movie I  only heard about this movie a few days ago but to   me it looks like it has a lot of Promise so I'm  very keen to get into the story before we jump   into the movie though I want to quickly remind you  guys about patreon if you guys want to support me   the link is in the description bar and in the pink  comments down below over on patreon we can watch   a library full of uncut movies including this one  you just need a copy of the film so that you can   watch it along with me there will be a timer I  will be on screen maybe we can be on the other   screen on patreon there's also early access  to my content bloopers BTS polls down below   you can also find all my social media handles as  well as my two other channels my gaming channel   Cherry plays Emma Vlog Channel very Cherry so  guys let's jump into zootopia or zootropolis   if you like a world where Brave we're scared of  predators still what it's like today thank you oh my God it's so dramatic  oh my Lord dramatic love to   think of the spelling of vicious wrong oh wow oh Utopia make the world a better place doctor oh small minds yay if only it never happened I never  wonder how your mama me got to be so   darn happy nope well nope on our  dreams and we settled right Bob   oh yes that's not a good message if you  don't try anything new you'll never fail oh what a cute little ambitious carrot  farming is a noble profession all of   them are just carrot Farmers all the  bunnies hey the little bunny wants   to be a cop right now oh no you're not a  cop yet Little Bunny Raiders used to eat   pray used to Hillary and staying still in  our dinner I'm pretty much sure [Laughter] that's so mean oh wow she clapped in  the back oh no I can't believe he did   that one stupid carrot farming  dumb bunny oh that is so mean   she got the tickets oh don't give  up on your dreams I don't know when   I love that 15 years later she kept her  dream alive I'm so proud of her oh not   everyone's dead pretty brutal oh my Lord  she's so little oh I can't even reach the   toilet I must say I love her perseverance  and she thinks outside the box too oh wow buried rabbit officer officer  very first congratulations Judy wow [Music] City Center okay Officer hops  not congrats just good luck and foxes   yeah the end was a jerk we made you a little  care package to take with you oh that's sweet   check this out oh my God she has no tasers  still okay why is it specific to foxes I   mean you stop talking Taser work on  any creature hi Judy good daughter I'm so proud of this little bunny oh  Shakira oh yeah oh I need to download   this song isn't it just beautiful too so cute  oh this song's so good what a big wide City oh did you know it's also an  animal that's the animal gazelle oh great she's gonna need earplugs if she wants to sleep   you're gonna bring the fox Away really  just bring it just in case your neck what the heck it was a full  donut in his neck try everything LOL everyone here is bigger than her   tea you probably forgot but I was top of my  class at the Academy didn't forget just don't   care I'm not just some token bunny that's brutal  that prejudice is real she's got more to prove that's one okay I can't keep count anymore  let's go way too fast going above and beyond   oh nice oh what's the fox up to well at least  the sketchy music's turned on so I am sauce   what the heck ew wanna buy a jumbo pop for my  little boy oh that's cute what looks like she   had Prejudice too your joints in your part  of town he loves all things elephant wants   to be one when he grows up oh that's so cute  don't send him away it's just racist [Music] fifteen dollars kidding me I don't have my wallet  oh that's so sad birthday ever birthday two   oh that's so cute so kind really you're  making a difference oh well that is   cute anyone can be anything oh that is heavy  you're gonna wonder it was 15 bucks it's ginormous   what's going on what are they doing oh that baby's   driving obviously something is not as  it seems what are they doing oh oh wow kind of smart wow what a  business so they pose you kiss voice on him not trust foxes naive little  hick decides I'm gonna move to zootopia   whoopsie we don't all get along whoopsie number  three no one cares about her or her dreams   ouch man a lot of truths there well look  she doesn't give up everyone comes to   zootopia thinking they can be anything  they want kind of like New York Sly Fox   dumb bunny live Fox indeed and  that's not wet cement oh no oh no all the wrong music I listen to  her iPod again microwave dinner just one   ever hoped absolutely yeah no no this  is just a temporary thing it's the same   the safest job on the floor oh they're happy that went terribly depressing music did you hear a  conversation she was like a failure   oh the worst neighbors yeah but it might  be worse I can even eat her whisper I honestly hate meter officers oh  look at her face she's so happy to be   out of that meter maid outfit stop in the  opening oh wow this place is good for her yeah she's a real cop she studied she trained  at least she can see what's going on in this   little miniature town oh they're destroying  this place though oh this poor rats oh nice oh no oh saved I've never got  away oh or not oh you done did it   go the weasel my husband  has been missing for 10 days I will find him oh [Music]  he can't say anything now mammal inclusion initiative someone  should tell the chief good note good   note she just got saved from  being fired the resources none   I hope you didn't stake your career on  cracking this one ah yeah she kinda did The Sly Fox ah someone steal a traffic  home it wasn't me so condescending I   hate it and I also know that somewhere  there's a toy store missing at stuffed   animals so why don't you get back to your  box fine Jesus respect unfortunately lying   on a federal form is a punishable  offense five years jail time dang 365 days she's smart I love  this bunny sweetheart oh used his game against him [Music] um  we're all good on bunny Scout cookies I'm so sick of people in the city  I mean animals in the city cheese oh we're a naturalist Club in zootopia anyone can  be anything these guys they'd be naked oh my gosh   they're all naked it's so shocking but that's  just how animals look like to me hate this space he's wearing a green cable knit sweater  vest all of this information is great no   you didn't happen to catch the license  plate number hopefully this guy has a   great memory has a mind like a steel trap  uh that's actually you that's just so weird so this is gonna go really slowly then that's  just great oh my god oh no this is is so annoying   oh nice too oh my Lord oh my Lord too oh my  God what hang in there can I oh my Lord for   you I was hoping you could today oh God this  is painful what's the plate two nine T number   oh is it sleeping oh nope come on D zero three  come on come on flash want to hear a joke no   sure no what do you call a three-humped  camel what do oh you call oh [Music] [Laughter] the sloth found it funny Priscilla oh no oh no oh no you call it we got it it's pumped oh thank God  they didn't finish that scene yay   how the heck did that happen oh oh my God take  photos this is evidence hey he was definitely   here what a good little detective whose car is  it the most feared Crime Boss in tundra town   they call him Mr Big and he does not like me  so we gotta go he really does know everybody   in this town Raymond it's too late oh well I'm  sure they're gonna be taken to Mr otterton Google come here unannounced oh this is like  the Godfather check out my godfather   reaction this is so funny well did you repair my  generosity with a rug made from the butt [Music]   say hello to Grandmama hey it's the lady with the hair oh it will help you find the other   I will take your kindness and Pay It Forward  well look at that oh good oh good pays to be kind   you should be asking what happened to me  oh he lost an eye he was a Savage oh my   Lord what happened to him this has gotten dark  the night hours are exactly what we are here   to talk about clever Fox they make a good team  huh he's turned into an animal oh my Lord he's   turned into a full-on predator what happened  maybe it's like a like a contagious disease the   otter got it and he gave it obviously to Mr  manches uh oh get in oh no what happened oh nice [Music] oh my gosh what a little Adventure  you saved my life see that's pretty good spoke a little too soon well this should be good  well they have a lead animals don't go Savage well   these two did maybe any aggressive predator  Savage rabbits hey don't turn it back to her   you think I'm going to believe a fox well he  was a key witness what does the fox say [Music] has it really been two days already so many leads   no wow folks he's a very big lead to follow  and a case to crack yes oh foxy I like this   fox now I like him I hated him earlier but I've  really come to like him like the first friend   she's made here as well and it's a fox and all  I wanted to do was join the junior Ranger Scouts trustworthy even though you're a  fox crazy Prejudice that's crazy playing everywhere not just the prey  being bullied also Predators so he's   a jerk for a reason or was a jerk for a  reason you are so much more than that you   should learn from Judy traffic cameras  everywhere all over the canopy hey hey yeah I wish it was her idea but just  take care of it damn [Music] disrespects but he did give me that nice mug world's greatest  assistant mayor oh then it has dad scribbled off   While We're Young smell weather  mean these predators are mean   oh they cool the Jack was if they took  Manchester I bet they took carterton too yeah   find out where they went oh look at you  Junior good to have a fox here maybe   there's some sort of wild Savage zoo and they're  collecting Savage animals or something [Music]   oh [Music] what a great distraction   I wonder how many times that happens it's  pretty cool looking lab like the office light is oh my gosh a Savage tiger in here as well   Savage everything it's not a zoo they're just  being probed all these missing animals she's   gonna find them all the order we're gonna get  you out of here no he's not in the right mind   Chief BOGO handed out 14 missing mammal files yeah  they're all here they need to take photos I want   answers oh the mare the only animals going Savage  are predators we cannot keep it a secret and how   do you think they're gonna feel about their  mayor who is a lion true BOGO doesn't know uh   oh my God as if your phone wouldn't be  on DND mode some parents dumb parents down the toilet yeah but at least they got   their evidence they should have  recorded all the animals though wait is that gazelle no you have the app too officer Hopps just called she  found all of them huh wow I'm impressed about that folks put some respect on her name it would be  nice to have a partner but he hasn't got   any training or he hasn't studied  to be a cop oh gets the pin back   scary are they all different species yes  yes they are okay nice this is kind of scary biology in their DNA can you elaborate this  is scary because half the population of   predators thousands of years ago Predators  survived through their aggressive hunting   oh you don't want to spread that message  oh oh he doesn't want to go back to that   she should have had some media training  this is bad the whole city is gonna go wild   I think you said plenty yeah clearly  there's a biological component these primitive Savage ways you're  not like them oh there's a them oh yeah I don't think I didn't notice  that little item the first time we   met oh yeah so let me ask you don't tell  them the truth try to spare his feelings yes the answer is yes messed  up he actually signed the form you brought this on yourself rabbit this is not the zootopia I know yeah this is what  she created irresponsible to label all predators   as Savages yeah totally irresponsible messaging  she should have I don't know she just wasn't   she just wasn't prepared they thought it would be  bad Predator such as myself wasn't the first face   that you see oh oh dude so much discrimination  everywhere Integrity honesty bravery our city   is 90 prey Judy oh 90 pray I want you to be  the public face of the zpd they're gone off   also congrats to the Sheep I'm not a hero or the  emotion the world has always been broken that's   why we need good cops thank you that's nice thing  he said I don't deserve this for the opportunity   it's a noble thing did The Honorable thing  probably would have done the same thing myself   if I was that irresponsible oh selling carrots  so sad though absolutely miserable hey Gideon   Gideon we work with him now he's our partner and  we never would have considered it had you not   opened our minds wow that's nice I'd just like to  say I'm sorry for the way I I behaved in my youth   I had a lot of self-doubt nicely apologizing  about being a jerk I brought y'all these pies there's a four dollar word Mr H my family always  just called him not howlers night howlers it's   the night Hollis that's making people crazy Harry  ate one hole when we were kids and went completely   nuts the night crawlers can it be reversal the  flowers are making the Predators go Savvy yes   I knew it had to be something like this  but I can't do it without you it's because   you can't hate me and that'll be fine oh I  was a horrible friend a friend I really am   am just a dumb bunny oh don't call yourself  that you figured out the night crawler thing you recorded on his pen I'll let  you erase it 48 hours oh yeah   team back together again oh you bunnies Duke's officially licensed  movies wrangles records Moana   bootleg movies and I ain't talking  rabbit and ain't nothing you can do to me good good they have a friend Mr Big now and  the Godmother to my future granddaughter dog is the opposite of friendly he's  unfriendly oh that would make sense wow   wow poisoning these poor Predators got it so I  can hit him I hit a tiny little otter through   the open window of a moving car oh that's how  it happened oh Victoria was so Random oh my God wow really I'm gonna move this whole what is  it trailer you'll get this rust bucket going   oh it's not a trailer my  bad it's a little carriage   oh no oh no oh oh my gosh what a  violent Ram oh oh hey that worked hey it's that or your life you should  be grateful oh watch your head oh   oh this is bad this is stressful that's great oh oh my God I'm gonna blow up oh flammable it  literally is gonna blow up what about the evidence   the evidence oh my god oh no definitely not oh  except for this oh oh my God they should have   just scored with Nick's original plan which  was to take that suitcase and I should have   left the car I guess you call it a car little  carriage you did just a super jump Oh Thank   You Ma'am why do I not trust her how did you know  where to find us is she behind this or something   something oh this is an inside job this  is an inside job and she's a sheep so   many plot twists man 90 of the population  United against a common enemy well beyond oh no the suitcase oh oh god oh no not Nick  how can he fight it oh no and she's limping too oh hey he was fine beautifully  there from my family's Farm oh nice they make such a great team oh yeah and  she just called the cops as well antidote is   proving effective in rehabilitating and revert  back to their normal selves Oh yay she finally   got her husband back to our first Fox first Fox  they're both the first first bunny first Fox oh that's so nice hell yeah [ __ ] duty ah dismissed what just kidding  oh good we have reports of a street racer   tearing up Savannah Central oh it's bad  drivers or is it just you that's what   you get oh and he's having some of his  popsicles well they found the guy yeah wow no way oh my God oh yeah the concert oh that was a good one what a standout Disney film  I was looking forward to an animation Adventure   comedy but I also got a mystery drama cop film  and I thought it was absolutely excellent the   animation was great the writing was great didn't  see the plot twist coming either and I love the   key messaging in this film which was to never  give up and to try everything try everything   sung by Shakira which was the theme song to this  movie it was absolutely perfect also taught us   all about Prejudice and how it exists in all  groups not just the minorities not just the   majorities it exists everywhere and there was a  lot of prejudice in this movie I think the main   character Judy also didn't recognize that she  had that in herself as well but it was ingrained   in her clearly she's a prey and she was always  taught that predators are deep down always gonna   be Predators which is why she announced really  irresponsibly in a press conference that it had   to do with Biology without actually knowing the  facts she thought it was the facts but it actually   wasn't the fact so she had her own Prejudice as  well there was a lot of speciesism in this film   which was interesting to highlight because of  course it is commenting on society as a whole   obviously we don't have speciesism here we've got  racism which still exists today so I like that it   commented on speciesism discrimination but also  to forget Prejudice and just do whatever makes   you happy just keep trying keep persevering and  Judy was a great character for that she had so   much perseverance she always wanted to be a cop  15 years later nothing and no one could stop her   she maintained that dream of hers and she became  a cop Against All Odds as well even during the   training sequence where she was training to be  a cop you could see that she was falling short   a lot of the time but she just kept persevering  and she finally makes her way to zootopia which   kind of reminds me I'm not gonna lie of New  York because New York is this other big place   where all your dreams can come true and you can  do anything and that's how it's marketed to the   rest of the world and to America right but then  when you get that's very overwhelming and maybe   your dreams don't always come true and you fail  and the rent's so expensive and you're in a tiny   little apartment because that's all you can afford  and your neighbors are crazy which is exactly what   was happening to Judy as well so I like that they  showed us the harsh reality of big cities there   as well so Judy comes to zootopia with these  Big Dreams and she becomes the parking meter   maid which really sucks for her but again she  has so much to prove and she proves her worth   she earns the respect that she is eventually  given and I really respected that about the   Judy character I also really hated the fox I hated  him he was just so condescending he was so rude   and I couldn't believe the way he was talking to  an authoritative figure to a cop I just couldn't   believe the audacity but then he warmed up and  he revealed that he is the way he is because of   prejudice that happened to him when he was a kid  and he turned around and I warmed up to him as   well and they were just such an unlikely pairing  but they just fit really perfectly and they made   a lot of sense and the fox became the first Fox  to join the zpd as well that was quite nice to   see that he turned his con artist life to a life  of making a difference and helping the people   of zootopia through being a police officer there  was so much to love about this film but I do love   that it just kept me guessing all the time like At  first I thought that maybe they were taking these   poor animals and doing tests on them or maybe they  were trying to create some sort of zoo with Savage   animals but I was wrong my guesses were wrong  and that's not always a bad thing I like that   it kept me surprised so I had a lot of fun with  this movie and I'm so glad that I watched it I'd   probably watch it again and I would give it an 8.5  out of 10. so let me know your thoughts on this   animation in the comment section below if you'd  like to you can give this video a thumbs up   because it really helps my channel out and if  you're after the uncut version you can find my   patreon link in the description bar and in the  pinned comments down below over on patreons not   just on cop movies there's also early access to my  content polls BTS bloopers and all that good stuff   down below you can also find all my social media  handles Instagram Twitter twitch Discord Tick Tock   Facebook as well as my two other channels my  gaming channel Cherry place I'm a vlog Channel   very Cherry so guys thank you so much for watching  zootopia or zootropolis with me hope you guys had   fun I had a lot of fun take care of yourselves  and I'll see you in the next one bye everyone
Channel: Mary Cherry
Views: 117,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary cherry official, marycherryofficial, mary cherry, millennial, australian millennial, australian girl, aussie girl, australian girl reacts to, aussie girl reacts to, reaction to, review to, review for, sweetanita look alike, sweet anita reacts to, natalie gold, alyska, for the first time ever, first time watching, empath, aussie reacts, awkwardashleigh, vkunia, popcorn in bed, cinebinge, aussie reaction to
Id: Pt0V3TiusMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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