Aussie girl watches Scott Pilgrim vs the World (for the first time) & I LOVES IT!

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break out the L word lesbian the other L word   lesbians love Scott I wasn't  trying to trick you hey buddy [Music] look hello my friends welcome to my  channel if you're new here I'm Mary and if   you're a returning subscriber thank you and  welcome back today I'm going to be watching   Scott Pilgrim versus the world and I attempted  to watch this movie many many years ago I think   probably like shortly after it came out but I  probably last about 15 to 20 minutes something   like that because it was just too weird for  me at the time I don't know if if it'll be   too weird for me now today but definitely at the  time it was just too weird for me there was just   so much going on I couldn't understand what  was going on at the time and I didn't really   want to bother or give it a go so I just quit  it so in saying that I don't remember what the   hell this movie is about I just remember that it  was quirky and and that Michael Sierra is in it   that's about all I know about this film I have  heard that there is a TV show on Netflix about   Scott Pilgrim and I did want to check that out  however knowing that I haven't actually finished   this movie and knowing that I don't know what the  original movie is about I thought it was time to   give myself a rewatch or at least a reattempt at  this movie because 15 to 20 minutes of a movie   that you watch 2010 is not really good enough  in order for you to start a TV series by the   way I want to start this TV series privately  in my own time before anybody gets excited and   thinks that I'm going to be doing a reaction on  the Scott Pilgrim show I'm probably not going to   do that guys but I do want to give this movie a  go before we jump into it I want to quickly talk   about patreon because guys if you reach the end  of the video and you're like hey I want to watch   the unut version with her you can the link is  in the description bar and in the Ping comments   down below you just need a copy of the movie so  that you can watch along with me there will be   a timer I can be one screen and then the movie  can be on the other screen but besides on Cuts I   also provide early access to my content bloopers  behind the scenes polls all of that good stuff   and down below you can find me in all the social  media handles as well Instagram Twitter twitch   Discord Tik Tok Facebook and you can find my two  other channels my gaming channel Cherry plays and   my Vlog Channel very Cherry all right guys we are  going to jump into Scott Pilgrim versus the world   Scott Pilgrim was dating a high schol schooler how  old is Scott Pilgrim I want to know that before I   say anything 28 I'm 22 weird oh 22 oh okay not  bad not bad thank you thank you I guess that's   is she 18 though we have done many things we ride  the bus together we have meaning we almost held   hands once but then she got embarrassed welled as  punt knives cow knives oh please let it be that's   for me yo ding dong hi I love that what do you  play Zelda Zelda Tetris oh that's kind of a big   question oh gay he's talking about video games  I thought he was going to talk about his [Music] instrument wow okay yeah the closeup I  like all the all of the things going on   on screen right now that is a big room  Michael Sierra in this is the end is so   funny Chris Evans is in this Anna Kendrick  Brie Larson Alison Pill auy Plaza Mark vber   I like this song amazing wa she's like  hypnotized your life had a face I would   punch it yeah wait what what everything looks  so old here A whole 17-year-old thing don't   tell too many people so she's not 18 17  years old Scandal that's not true 18 years old you did it straight away it's been over a  year since you got dumped by she who will not   be named so who's that are you legitimately  moving on or is this just you being insane   can I get back to you on that he doesn't even  know look I'm glad that he's not done anything   with her would you call it grooming like he's  waiting well she's only allowed out when the   Sun is up so I wouldn't call it dating it's  more like grooming doesn't sound too good for   him run what a great friend ninja ninja looks  like they have a lot of fun together orinal   name for Pac-Man was pman you think because  he looks like a hockey pck changed it because   they thought that puckman would be too easy  to vandalize scratch off the PE and turn it   into an F or whatever true wa that was crazy  that jump well I knew I personally rocked but   I never suspected that we rocked as a unit  excuse me do you have anything by The Clash   at demon head have you tried the section  marked The Clash at demon head oh my God   it's so scary oh I heard much sign to ajor label  and M Adams has never even kissed a guy don't me neither they have that in common you're just  having some idiotic dreams does that mean we   can make out so oh God oh my God what is it  Scott oh it's like 6:00 in the morning oh   oh my God honestly sameir I I hate that in the  morning she's very familiar is she in Ahsoka or   something Scott what he's like going through  it isn't he poor what are we doing he's like   tripping I'm going to go pee due to boredom these  guys look exactly the same you know this one girl   with here like this yes that's Ramona flers I  hear she's a little hardcore Ramona okay he he's   like a superhero or something the way he flew  Pac-Man was originally called puckman I'm never   going to forget this they Chang now he's really  holding on to that cup yeah that's amazing Am I   Dreaming I'll leave you alone forever now thanks  and then he stalked her until she left the party   what do you know about Rona flowers I do not know  that answer right now but I will do everything in   my power to get that information for you just  moved here got a job at Amazon comes into my   do she really didn't you say she just Scott I  forbid you from hitting on Ramona even if you   haven't had a real girlfriend in over a year  who I don't get it getting a high schooler is   the morning period and Camera all good now right  wow okay I don't think it's good with her forget   it Scott Aubrey Plaza is not messing around and I  wouldn't want to mess around with her period girl   for my dream they really do be sleeping next  to each other every night party and hey there   she is hey there he is then you should break up  with your fake high school girlfriend yeah don't   forget about knives girlfri she like worships you  what you're thinking of juggling two chicks not   even I love this fake right I should send out a m  text about this bye she's just as bad as Wallace   oh my gosh wow legit texted what's  the website for thata he doesn't have a chair   for his computer really You've got mail this  thing claims I have mail that's so weird dude   now I'm reading it Dear Mr P come to My ATT I'm  read fighting to the this is death what this is boring I thought he was going to  freak out Scott you waiting for the   package you just ordered where's his  computer now oh it's so cute so cute   remember you're supposed to beet  me at the bus stop a half hour ago he is getting bored oh this  is so sad do you want to keep going I think is he going to is he going to do it he did he do it like that was so awkward and  weird oh my gosh when no he did not the co kid sex   the bomb I promise I will do everything she is so  intense she is way too much for him right now oh   Zelda PE bar that's so cool I think when I tried  to watch this movie many years ago and failed it   was just too trippy for me now now I remember why  I couldn't finish this I like stopped it after   like 15 minutes or something like that I now get  the gaming references I just woke up and you were   in my dream dream that you were delivering me  this package is that weird uh that's Inception   I've lived here forever there are reasons to hang  out with me just a few it's so dark my god dude   I'm totally waiting on you sorry I just assumed  you were too cold to be here on time you assumed   wrong don't assume you make an ass out of Y why is  this giving Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind   it's really just reminding me of that scene where  they're in at the snow and she's got the colored   hair and he's just a plain boy I could never tell  what was going on so I gave up at least like now   I'm coming into it with a more open mind and I'm  just going along with all of the changes kind of   tea do you want any Li disaster Ginger with honey  ginger with without honey have sleepy time sleepy   time let me get you a blanket that would actually  be awesome he's like a little baby dude ah sorry   I'm just cold that help it's very warm what what  is that the what oh oh wow wow I'm very surprised   what this 24 minutes they only hung out once he's  him and he's already scored a again were you just   going to bring the blanket from your bed maybe we  should just get under it since we're so cold yeah   great move he's cheating on knives don't normalize  this is not okay my mind it's been like a really   long time so don't ad that this you're welc that's  cute actually I know knives isn't his real real   girlfriend but she has a lot of feelings for him  you have a b yeah we're terrible please come we're   terrible can I get your number ow that was far  the SC okay she must be so hot that the snow is   just melting around her she's so hot this place  is a toilet well knives is going to be here too   this is my boyfriend Jimmy hey oh my gosh Wallace  come on hey oh no what the hell is with the hair the I am so Disturbed right now oh that's so  cringe that is the cringiest thing I've ever   seen wake up wake up wake up once we're on  stage you'll be fine we were just on St hey   she's got the same hair too he really  likes hairstyle the song is called I am   so sad mood so sad thank you guys that's all  right this next song goes after the guy who   keeps yelling from the balcony it's called  We Hate You Please Die sweet love this one   why is he touching him it's weird they  are not even that good why is this man worrying yeah me too you really  is freaky knives is going to   ruin this for him but honestly she  should have we need play now loud okay oh God she's so worrying oh that's why she  worried about the female drummer as well they're   way better that chick is so scary she's like from  the gudge or something or like one of those movies   yeah I love them they're great he's weird why is  he doing that he's I'll take out your junk take   out your junk [Music] he Mr whoa what the hell  is going onel what the death email emails like   that are fake everybody knows that oh my God  what a kapow wait how did this skinny little   boy do that slide okay Matthew holy crap if  Ramona's not impressed right now I would be   very surprised oh it's like I don't know Mortal  Kombat or even Tekken you're quite the opponent   Pilgrim who the hell are you anyway your name is  Matthew Patel yep we got that I Ramona's first   evil exboyfriend first you another a drink oh no  this dist is like what the hell is going on she   n that's got to be a stunt double there ain't no  way Michael sier is fighting like that are you a   pirate Pirates are in this year I'm just thinking  about dodgeball When Alan tck was reminded that   he's not a pirate went out with this guy in the  seventh grade ay was the only non white non Dr   boy in town so the two of us joined forces and we  took them all down after a week and a half to hit   the showers that's just how be like in the seventh  grade you pay for this Matthew what is wrong with you what is he doing this song is so weird  doesn't even rhyme he's not got a good voice   either that doesn't even rhyme yeah exactly  my point ko ko ko oh he turned into coins a   th000 oh cuz he won so that's his reward  oh again what if we're going to date you   may have to defeat my seven evil X's seven  evil X boyfriend seven evil X's yes that's a   lot of bage does that mean we can make out  sure [Laughter] cool hey Seinfeld oh okay   this is a Seinfeld someone got to second base  last night it's weird to talk like this as a 22-year-old so I invited Ramona have to break  up with knives yeah you can't procrastinate   this Lucas Lee he was a pretty good skater  now he's a pretty good actor he's filing   a winf for Haley movie in Toronto right  now they make movies you Chris Evans you   here pulling the trigger whoa okay is that  important is that going to come back cuz I   saw him to the credits oh my god wow no if he  breaks up with her he's dying like straight up oh God don't don't oh God no [ __ ] why we  should break up or whatever or whatever this   is so awkward I feel very strange inside and  I don't know what to do thank God they played   some music because the silence was really  torturous I just don't want to see any more   of knives because any scene with knives just  makes me feel deeply uncomfortable now no we   broke up hey check it out I learned the  baseline from Final Fantasy 2 hey Final   Fantasy 2 maybe soon you'll meet my newno  girlfriend newno newno okay uhoh that's   for me that's for me that's for me is it hey  here oh she changed her hair he's so trans   fixed with hair he's an idiot okay bye see  you guys tomorrow rehearsal oh my gosh Neil   yeah dude we know oh no I thought this was  a secret place he brought her wow progress   we changed her hair but she did it without even  making a big deal of it or anything she's fial   impulsive spontaneous God what am I going to  do so he's making such a big deal why would I   get fat bread makes you fat bread makes you fat  yeah I wrote a song about you it like [Music] this oh hey this is kind of cute but  literally that's all he's saying he's   just saying her name I like the Riff though  can't wait to hear it when it's finished finished my thoughts exactly your hair's pretty  Shaggy oh God I need a haircut don't I whoa who   he's letting Scott is acutely aware that his  last salon haircut took place exactly 3 hours   before his big breakup he's been cutting his  own hair ever since he is a mess your hair is   cute I like it long but it'd be cute or short  wouldn't it oh my gosh he is being so weird why   are you wearing that hat I thought we could go  for a walk I just love me some I sort of feel   like I'm on drugs when I'm with you not that I  do drugs unless that's what it feels like I do   drugs all the time he's such a pikme Lucas  Le Chris Evans oh hey well his eyebrows are   intense hey I have adopted babies adopted babies  oh man we got to go what no I used to date that   clown no way get out of here you did not date  a superstar I'm talking to you Scott Pilgrim   he's famous and he talked to me you think can  I have your autograph please I don't think you   can BD he seems nice what a deep voice he has  wa wao whoo whoo he really likes to crack his   neck this isn't even you really think you stay  a chance against an aister bro bro oh oh don't   double looks like you're seeing double no that's  not fair the stunt double can't hit no not all   of them this should be like final boss not  number two oh this is insane there's no way   this skinny little boy is fighting all these stunt  doubles and Chris Evans oh oh okay see that's more realistic that's actually hilarious what's with  this voice what I do not like his facial hair   right now A that'd be hot dodge dodge dodge the  split screen this is this is nuts what a game I   should make a real game about this great psych  oh my God you are a pretty good actor I'm going   to this year but are you a pretty good skater  I have my own skate company oh D can you do a   thingy on that rail a thingy it's called a grind  bro that would never work IRL big fan Wallace this   is your chance why wouldn't you be oh my God kilm  per hour I do like that they're doing kilomet per   hour though instead of Miles cuz it's you know  Canadian holy crap no that's insane car doesn't   even go that fast oh no that would be death  you got to go all the way down for his loot   up your game Scott break out the L word lesbian  the other L word lesbians love Scott I wasn't   trying to trick you hey buddy look if she really  is the girl of your dream oh God you have to in   a while it's his how are you what's your name  I'm not telling you that Ramona she's got the   breest voice I got to go it's been nice talking  to you it's got to be knives oh hey knives knew   it it's everyone except Ramona got here uh you  know what he just left knives go home enough W   hey she's from good girls or bad Girls on Netflix  is this one of her I'll be deadly serious next   time never mind someone help me St Pilgrim what  did you do with my sister is there anywhere you   don't work they're called jobs something a like  you wouldn't know anything about by the way you   know what I don't have to worry about muting  any swears the movie's doing it for me yeah you   kind of disappeared yeah I do that that's a red  flag you know the whole evil ex-boyfriend thing   ex so biggy ex's she specified evil ex-boyfriend  thing ex's she does not look 22 she looks 20 six   or you left me for that cocky pretty boy yeah  she's still got feelings maybe you will see him   we're playing these Palace you should so totally  come Jesus when you talk like that he's totally coming what happened what  do you want to think about   how warm my place is right now A  and you didn't bang her we need stalkers you got one oh my God oh that's what  would you do if your ex was in a Bandon she   probably has an ex that was in a band be a little  awkward but maybe it's the grownup thing to do oh   no he lik she's old she didn't even bleach her  hair no way look so it worked trying to look   like her like what are you trying to do thank  you we were sex bomb sex bomb we suck I don't   know did you she's so vague and mysterious she  knows we suck oh my my God she got the half blue   half black hair what the hell oh wow she's even  copying her movements no way 17 I got to pee on   her I mean going to pee I got to pee on her  that's I know how does she know she dated him   as well oh no I kind of like this song I can see  why she's famous that's Todd okay he's he's he's [Music] gross she looks hot too  I cannot believe that this woman   dated Scott Pilgrim she got a good voice  Adams would like you all to come back stage SC dated oh my gosh just always the  last person to find out stay like everyone   I've kissed the lips I kissed you wa who somebody  punched knives what I'm not afraid to hit a girl   he's crazy someone called the police oh my  God he highlights out of her hair yeah you   are encourageable I don't know the meaning of  the word he really doesn't pay for your crimes   against humanity whoa whoa whoa homelander what's  up he actually kind of gives homelander Vibes Todd's being vegan just makes you better than  most people Bingo yeah that's what they think   if I peed my pants would you pretend I just  got wet from the rain it's about raining oh   a week and a half later he told me his dad  was sending him the vegan Academy so vegan   Academy actually so he punched the Moon before  he tell to the cleaning lady on Monday because   you'll be dust by Monday she dusts okay  we got it so what's on Monday she's the   weekend's off so right that's so weird that  his current girlfriend is encouraging this   fight I'll be like why do you care about  your ex that's so weird base battle oh   he could win he could win in a base battle oh  somehow I think to's going to win this [Music] one fair trade blend with soy milk take on soy  maybe there's something in the soy or maybe it's   not soy I poured the soy in this cup [Music] oh  you're under arrest for veganity violation vity   violation wow he was all high and mighty about  his veganism secretly when no one's looking he   eats a chicken parmesana and a gelato you  once were a vegan gone but now you will be   gone I knew he was going to say that I was like  he's going to make this rhyme wow 3,000 nice   his hair is really really like I'm a crazy  scientist I am so pissed off for you right   now shut the f Julie somebody telling Julie  to shut the F off makes you feel any better   you're the nicest guy I've dat wait is that good  that's that's what I need right now you're not   later I don't have all the answers okay I just  like to live I don't like that answer though I   need a nice guy right now ex-boyfriend's  thing is messing with my head why do you   keep saying cuz the girl's about to come she  doesn't specify the gender does she know me   what is the Lor lesbian what a sexy face it meant  nothing I didn't think it would I'm a little five dang fighting a girl oh she wo she's getting  in I'm glad she's fighting her oh this is so   cool oh that's such a cool shot Scott's  secretly loving this imagine you have to   do this every time you broke up with someone  I think it'd be kind of cathartic oh shoot of   Legend must defeat me with his own F uh-oh I  don't think I can hit a girl oh no he's going to oh no Oh I thought she was going to hit him  in the balls I do like how they're handling this   though he ain't lazy he just doesn't want to go  to jail she does have the advantage here though   because she's a girl bf's about to get effed in  the be we the back of her knees back of her knees   what we were making out it okay enough oh my god  did she like that you'll never she liked that what   so she exploded from an orgasm like what is there  anyone at this party that you haven't slept with   Wow first of all she didn't sleep with that first  guy that were you seven feel like we just washed   our sexy laundry in public Dirty Laundry you're  drunk had like one drink I'm sorry I cared he   can't hand his Dr just another evil X waiting to  happen whoa ouch he not looking too happy dated   twins that's weird did the Twins date each other  as well cuz that's in say come on man I put mys we   can snap out of it who the hell is that don't tell  me that's Gideon she couldn't have met someone new   in like an hour gu's got a creepy face all out  your music be powerful this is the beginning of   the such a met a song this is the beginning of the  [Music] song that was cool that's Gideon Gideon is   let's do this W oh my gosh this is sick this is  sick this is actually Battle of the Bands feels   like they've conjured up Pokémons and like the  Pokémons are fighting on their behalf you know   with they astral ooh uh one up what are you doing  he got an extra life CU I'm in lesbians with you   lesbian what it's your turn what did you want to  tell me what about her that we have to break up oh   God this is just like when knives told him what oh  I love this song why is gide in the I'm officially   loving sex I'm signing you right now for a three  album contract think we're going to sell our souls   to you we'll guess again maybe she's doing it for  them so he lost his girlfriend in his job that is   very sad I like that the song that's playing is  perfect for the scene the whole league of evil   thing I was in a really dark place when I put that  together so the most recent ex put that together   the fact that he did that would be the greatest  reason for me to not want to go back to that   specific ex said lesbians that's what that's  what he's thinking about I would actually be   grateful I said that considering she left me like  2 seconds later the light oh my God I'm going to   need my own bed tonight it's for sex okay I may  need it for the rest of the week too for more   sex and the year what move in with Ramona move  out probably just because he's better than you   oh my god jeez it's going to be all right no  I just spilled hot cocoa on something oh the   way he's touching her hair what a perfect [ __ ]  I thought he was talking about his boyfriend's [ __ ] password whatever cool I a password cool that's funny I like that oh  God what is she wearing what are they all   wearing wait wait wait wait wait us cry the  way he's charging she looks so sad though I'm   in love with her o earn the power of love  oh wow so that's what happens when you say   love instead of lesbian it's like oh wow I  think this deserves this is [Music] great   that's so cool coins are coming out of like  everywhere this is nuts at the beginning it   was like he was barely getting any loot now  loot is endless wow oh what a dream sh that   editing that editing whoever edited this movie  needs a big round of applause oh no but also   oh yes knives is using knives you broke the  heart that broke mine so she still she still   cares about him if I was young Neil I'd be  like what are you doing knives I thought you   loved me yep she's stolen only to break his  I mean really it was his fault it was Scott's fault my God whoa he just came out of nowhere can  he just go start again start game game over start   again I was crazy about him what he ignored  me was more alone when we were together than   I ever was on my own Vibes I feel that s well  that's legitimately disappointing no I mean   he literally has a way of getting into my head oh  that's crazy that's psychotic feel like I learned something you got your life your extra life don't  forget to use it lfg boys chaos theater I'm sorry   about me Scott he's done this before he's got  the experience he knows what to do see this   is why I don't mind dying in games like I've  done this before I I know what to do I'm for   her good no I want to fight you for me hey hey  hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey let's go this   is so much more exciting he's been reborn  yep that part he did already successfully   he has to watch out for knives who's coming  soon though knives oh my gosh nice I hurt you   finally he's Manning up so are we all good  sorryi doesn't really make make it all good   to be honest I mean at least for knives are we  done with the hugg and learning didn't he die   versus no no oh this is the boss battle no  freaking way that pixel blade is insane his   Blade's cooler though SCS Gideon's pixel  blade is like it's moving like it was a   lightsaber cuz the light chases it food player  make me swallow my gum it's going to be in my   digestive tract for seven years I've heard that  I've heard that rumor yes go knives now we just   need Ramona to get out of that spell she's under  and help come on Ramona let's both big [Music] girls oh yeah oh my gosh oh her health is gone  all the way down I want to know what his health   is like it's like he's in a photo booth with those  shots oh hell yeah the combo nice now one more oh   no no they got him nice what a cool shot look at  that money holy crap big loot big loot but can   you defeat yourself oh no no the Sith Lord Nega  Scot oh well technically he did become an X as   well side I'm liking that do be good yeah wow okay  that was simple he's just really nice guy W to get   brunch next week really nice guy he did say so so  himself I'm tired of people getting hurt because   of me pretty sure I'm going to get over it oh what  about knives yeah we didn't consider her for being   the nicest guy I ever dated a she needed that  she needed that to heal go get her knives what   she has mat fighting for her all a along a look  at the tears though what about you I'm too cool   for you anyway she's grown self confidence pretty  goth girl with the Normie too many of that happens   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I'm actually glad that I didn't give  this movie a proper chance in 2010 or whenever it   was that I attempted at watching this movie and  lasted about 15 to 20 minutes I don't think that   Mary would have appreciated that film back then  as much as current Mary in 2024 appreciates this   film stylistically it was just amazing I loved  the editing in this film and I thought to myself   why is it so comic bookes and then I discovered  that this film is actually based on a comic book   now I have not read it obviously so I can't tell  you how accurate it is to the source material but   by looking at the IMDb score it seems as though  collectively the audience was pretty happy with   this adaptation it's not the best adaptation  from what I understand some of the characters   aren't the same in the comic books compared to  in the movie again this is just by reading some   fan reviews but this film is rated to 7.6 out of  10 which is pretty good in my book if you compare   it to you know some of the other superhero films  out there or video gamees films out there by the   way 2010 Mary just didn't play video games I've  been playing video games now for about 3 years on   my twitch Channel which you know I always tell  you guys to follow me on Twitch but if I'm not   playing video games on my twitch Channel I also  have a gaming channel so games today for me are   a very big thing I play games every single day  even when I'm not live streaming on Twitch or   my gaming channel here on YouTube I am constantly  playing games so it was really rewarding to see   Scott Pilgrim combat seven of the evil X's to  be with Ramona and by the way I did have to   look this up because Ramona Flowers has just  this very very familiar face to me and I was   wondering where I know her from and I actually do  know her from Ahsoka however she doesn't play sa   Sabine she plays Hera I had a look at the cast  on IMDb after I finished watching the film and   the cast here is just was huge there are so  many big names here Michael SI I thought was   the perfect Scott Pilgrim he was just so neurotic  and he was just all over the place and honestly   it was so weird that he had two girls fighting  essentially fighting over him cuz in my eyes   he's a pretty plain looking dude but Michael SE  really knows how to portray the characteristics   of an awkward neurotic just young guy that just  doesn't know how to really navigate life and he   clearly didn't he had to learn that he can't just  hurt people like that like the way he hurt knives   and the way he hurt Ramona at the final battle  when he was versing Gideon and he lost his life   he got an opportunity to do it again which in life  obviously we all know this but we don't get second   chances it's only in video games where we're able  to do that and it's it's why we love video games   it's why we love to escape because we do get  that second chance we get the chance to learn   we get the chance to grow we get that reward we  all love the dopamine hit am I right so he got   a second chance as well he interacted with the  characters a little bit differently he came in a   lot more confident because he's already done it  before and he knew that he had to own up to his   mistakes and he did with knives when he admitted  that he cheated on her and he also admitted that   he cheated on Ramona so I really like that  character growth within Scott Pilgrim he's   probably still going to to be the neurotic weird  kid but at least he's not that bad at navigating   life as much anymore we all sort of learn from  our mistakes as we grow older and he definitely   needed something like this in order to just wake  up to himself and knives was a really good sport   about it too knives is quite young she's obviously  she's not even 18 yet but she was a really good   sport and she obviously still has quite a broken  heart over Scott P but she grew a lot as well so   many weird and quiry characters I thought knives  did such a great job at bringing the intensity   she Honestly made me cringe and feel so awkward  and so alarmed every time she was on screen and   that is a total kudos to Ellen Wong Alison Pill as  well was great as Kim Pine another ex Kieran culan   who now that I look at his face he totally looks  like mcau fcan he played Wallace Wells I thought   he was also really great Christopher Evans  Aubrey Plaza they all brought the intensity   also Jason schwarzman who played Gideon Graves  was great too he was an odd one because a lot   of Ramona's exes were really hot and just really  talented and awesome and perfect but then we see   what Gideon looks like and what a creep he is  how in the hell did that happen but it turned   out he was the worst of them all I I honestly  hate guys like Gideon because they think that   they know everything and that's why I think  Jason schwarzman played that character very   well because he did a very good job at making me  hate him I've seen some of Edgar wries stuff sea   of the Dead which I've covered on my channel but  this was totally different to what I'm used to   with Edgar Wright I thought he did a really good  job at executing this film especially because it's   adapted from a comic book series I thought the  writing was perfect I didn't find that it was   too rushed I got what was going on straight away  because I did a good job at explaining everything   this is definitely a film that I'd rewatch with  friends because it was so unique there was so   much Adventure it was funny it was quirky it was  fun and it's just a good time so let me know what   you thought of this film in the comments section  below if you enjoy this reaction give it a big   old thumbs up it really helps my channel and it  helps me know that you want to see videos like   this in the future if you guys are after the  uncut version you can find my patreon Linked   In the description bar and the Ping comments  down below you can also find bloopers over   there early access to my content etc etc and  down below you can find me on all the social   media handles as well Instagram Twitter twitch  Discord Tik Tok Facebook and you can find my two   other channels my gaming channel Cherry please and  my Vlog Channel very Cherry all right guys thank   you so much for watching take care of yourselves  and I shall see you in the next one bye everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mary Cherry
Views: 64,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary cherry official, marycherryofficial, mary cherry, millennial, australian millennial, australian girl, aussie girl, australian girl reacts to, aussie girl reacts to, reaction to, review to, review for, sweetanita look alike, sweet anita reacts to, natalie gold, alyska, for the first time ever, first time watching, empath, aussie reacts, awkwardashleigh, vkunia, popcorn in bed, cinebinge, aussie reaction to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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