OBS Tutorial - Perfect Green Screen Chroma settings

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hey what's going on everybody i'm nugrun welcome to this video about how i set up my green screen on twitch all right when you're trying to set up a green screen you're going to want to make sure the green screen is well lit you're going to make sure you don't want to wear any green clothes and personally i like to make sure my cameras are all set to manual everything so manual exposure manual white balance manual zoom any of those things can throw off your chroma all right so to get started we're gonna filter the source or scene that we're trying to green screen we're going to add a chroma key i like to start by bringing similarity smoothness and the key color spill all the way down to zero then i like to change it to custom so that we can select color and pick the screen color of what we actually want to use the screen color i like to shoot for is not necessarily the brightest not necessarily the darkest but somewhere kind of in the middle tends to work the best and then hit okay and now if i slowly bring up my smoothness i like to go usually around 25 or so and then drag the similarity up slowly until you notice you pretty much don't see anything anymore except for just your gray now if you notice this tiny little piece if you have a good eye is still showing if i had my green screen better lit right there it wouldn't show up that way um but unfortunately rather than trying to jack up the settings which if i turn my similarity up too high you'll see my headset or my uh the roof of my head here start to reflect almost a little bit too much so instead of doing that we're just going to cut that tiny little piece off like that and that's how i set up my green screen just like that pretty easy now the downside of running it like this is i like to check it pretty much every time i use it i'm not a green screen everyday kind of streamer but when i do do my green screen i go through this process every time just so that it's correct the chroma key looks good the greens are set right the lighting for the room is set up the the colors that you're wearing maybe what monitors you have up all that stuff is going to affect your chroma so i like to check that every time a benefit of running your chroma this way is that you don't have to worry about any color correction i've seen some tutorials where they set up a color correction and then have you do the green screen on top of that but if you notice if i turn off my chroma key and then turn it back on you can look at my skin colors and everything and it nothing is changing at all yo if this video was helpful to you come find me on twitch twitch.tv run only we like to hang out smoke weed play video games i might be live right now peace friends bye
Channel: NugRunOnly
Views: 33,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, slobs, greenscreen, chromakey
Id: mCj711kJ2XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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