Obama Campaigns Against Kari Lake and Warns About Threats to Democracy: A Closer Look

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-With the midterms just under five days away, Republicans have been hampered by underperforming candidates in key races across the country and yet, still, several of those candidates, including pro-Trump election deniers who have outright declared that they will use their power to steal future elections, are in very close races and could easily win. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ [ Cheering and applause ] Historically, midterms just tend to go very badly for the party in power and the polls currently suggest that may, yet again, be the case this year. The main thing holding Republicans back, it seems, is that they've nominated some spectacularly [bleep] candidates, like Mehmet Oz, who's running for Senate in Pennsylvania, but doesn't seem to know exactly where Pennsylvania is. -Listen, this is important. We do not have a Republican senator north of North Carolina on the Atlantic Coast, until you get the Maine, if I don't hold this seat. -I'm no cartographer, but I'm pretty sure Pennsylvania is not on the Atlantic Coast. [ Laughter ] You know how I know that? I have several staffers who live in New Jersey and, whenever they come back from summer hiatus, they always complain about all the [bleep] Philly fans down at the shore. [ Laughter, cheering, and applause ] I'm pretty sure Delaware only exists to make it harder for Gritty to get to the beach. [ Laughter ] You know how, also, I know Pennsylvania isn't on the Atlantic Coast? There aren't any beaches in Philadelphia. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they didn't celebrate afterwards with a clambake. [ Laughter ] Dr. Oz probably thinks the Liberty Bell is there to warn people when they spot a shark in the water. [ Laughter ] Then there's Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker. The other day, President Obama traveled to Georgia to campaign for Walker's opponent, Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and this was Walker's response to Obama's visit on Fox News. -I've created businesses. I sit on a publicly traded board, so those are things I've done outside of football. But my résumé against his résumé, I put it up any time of the day. -You do? That's like me saying, [ Laughter ] "Einstein? I'm way smarter than him. [ Laughter ] That dope could never do a 'Day Drinking' with Post Malone." [ Laughter ] Look, you don't have Obama's résumé. You know how I know? Obama never had to flash a fake sheriff's badge in a debate like he was cosplaying as Deputy Dog. [ Laughter ] Dude was president of the Harvard Law Review, a senator, president, he's won a Grammy and Emmy, he was Time's Person of the Year, he went kitesurfing with Richard Branson, and now, he's got a Netflix deal where he produces movies and he still manages to maintain that laidback style he's got going on post-presidency. He could climb to the top of Everest and, somehow, he'd still have shades on and at least two shirt buttons undone. [ Laughter ] [ As Obama ] Uh...decided to climb Everest because it's, uh, here. [ Laughter ] Also, it's, uh, the only place I can smoke without, uh, Michelle finding out. [ Laughter ] So, we're in a weird place. On the one hand, these midterms are, in some ways, very normal, very predictable, and yet, on the other hand, these midterms are, in many ways, very abnormal and, potentially, catastrophic for our democracy because, as we've explained, it's very typical for the party in power to lose seats in a midterm election. That's just how it always goes. Political scientists call it thermostatic public opinion. People just like to go back and forth to keep things even. In this analogy, the government is a thermostat and the electorate is your dad, when you go home for the holidays. If you put it up to 70°, he's immediately going to come and put it back to 68°. If you put it down to 66°, he's going to immediately come back and set it to 68°. And, if you bring home a college girlfriend for the holidays, who's a vegan and doesn't shave her legs, he'll turn it up to 85°, in an effort to sweat her out and make her leave early. [ Laughter ] And it worked, Dad! Congratulations! You chased Sparrow out of my life and not a day goes by that I don't hate you for it! [ Laughter ] And I'm sorry, everybody, I'm just between therapists right now. [ Laughter ] I had a great therapist, but she kept her thermostat at 74°, like a psycho. [ Laughter ] Anyway, the point is, on the one hand, it would be totally normal and, in many ways, completely unremarkable for Democrats to lose seats in next week's midterms. However, it's now incredibly abnormal and, potentially, very dangerous because one of our two major political parties is fundamentally opposed to democracy. They simply don't accept the outcomes of elections they don't win, they wage coups when they lose, and they openly announced their intention to rig future elections, if they take power. For example, the GOP candidate for governor in Wisconsin is a guy named Tim Michels, a pro-Trump election denier who believes, without any evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen and he just said it out loud in the open the other day. He just declared that, if he wins, he will use his power to make sure Democrats never win another election, ever again. Here's what he said at a recent campaign stop. [ Applause and whistling ] -Yeah! Yay! -Whoo! -My favorite part of that clip is someone off-camera at the very end going, "Yay! [ Laughter ] Yay!" Like they're at their five-year-old's first T-ball game. Yay, Timmy! You did it, fascism, yay! [ Laughter ] Does this guy know he's in public, on-camera, with like reporters and people around? Because he just admitted to something incredibly nefarious. It's like if a Bond villain livestreamed their plan to kill Bond on Instagram. [ Changes accent ] Hello, what's up, Instagram? It's your boy Blofeld. [ Laughter ] Just wanted to go live to let you know about my plan to kill James! [ Laughter ] I'm going to lure him into my underground lair by capturing his romantic interest and then slowly lower him into a tank full of sharks. If you like this plan, feel free to let me know in the comments. Oh, I see a lot of hearts and emojis! [ Laughter ] A lot of fire emojis. Oh, too bad, James. They like it. [ Laughter ] So, they're not even hiding it anymore. They're just out in the open about it. If Republicans take power, they will make sure that only Republicans win future elections. It's that simple and there are a few states where that threat is especially acute. In Arizona, for example, Republicans have nominated a former local television personality named Kari Lake, a hardline, pro-Trump election denier. Has said she will also use her power in Arizona, if she wins, to undermine elections. She's even gone so far to insist, without evidence, that there's no way Joe Biden got the number of votes he definitely got. -They actually made a joke of our elections and I'm really... pissed off about it. [ Applause ] And I'm going to do something about. So, it is literally unconstitutional, what they did. The truth is that Joe Biden did not win with 81 million votes. [ Crowd murmuring ] And, if you believe he did, then you are the conspiracy theorist. -Jesus! That lady is creepier than one of those Boston Dynamics robots. [ Laughter ] Got the vibe of a Realtor who insists on putting her face on all of her for sale signs. [ Laughter ] But the thing about Lake is she's much slicker than most of the other weirdos the Republicans have nominated this year, even if her beliefs are just as loony. She's a longtime local television personality in the Phoenix area, so a lot of people know her. She even knows how to light herself when she does interviews from her home, as you can tell, every time she's on TV, and she apparently has her ring light turned all the way up to 11. [ Laughter ] My real takeaway here isn't how good she looks. It's how [bleep] up every other politician looks from home. I mean, is there anything more depressing than when members of Congress try to grill major tech titans during a hearing and they show up with only the top half of their head in the frame, looking into the wrong camera? Our politicians should look better than our cue card guy, Wally, did during a mandatory respect in the workplace Zoom meeting. [ Laughter and applause ] A real non-Photoshopped picture... [ Laughter and applause ] ...that I took on my phone, and so did every other [bleep] person who works here. [ Laughter ] You should've seen the text chain. "Have you seen Wa--" I've seen Wally. [ Laughter ] By contrast, Lake looks so polished, she might be CGI. If she weren't running for governor in Arizona, I'd think she was the character from one of those '90s video games who gives you your mission. [ As Lake ] This is Admiral Lake. If you collect... [ Laughter and applause ] That's how you know someone's a little too slick. Like I've been on TV for 20 years and, when I started doing at-home shows for the first time, I was so pale, I looked like Jared Kushner's ghost. [ Laughter ] I didn't even know what a ring light was. When they finally sent me one, I thought it was a light-up toilet seat. [ Laughter ] I was like, "Oh, this is cool. Good news, kids! You can [bleep] in the dark now. [ Laughter ] Don't wake up Daddy anymore. Oh, you're going to love it. It's like peeing into Yankee Stadium from a hot air balloon." [ Laughter and applause ] But Lake is a slick TV personality, which is why she's got so much sway with Trump's MAGA base, and President Obama made note of that during a trip to Arizona on Wednesday to campaign for the Democratic nominee for governor, Katie Hobbs. Obama pointed out something we should know from recent experience -- just because you know someone from TV doesn't mean they'd be a good elected official. -Here in Arizona. there's no question that Katie Hobbs' opponent, she's good in front of the camera because she's been doing it for a long time. Listen, if we hadn't just elected somebody whose main qualification was being on TV... [ Laughter ] ...you could see maybe giving it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? Well, now, we know! [ Cheering and applause ] It doesn't just work out just because somebody's been on TV. -[ Laughs ] Obama -- At what point do we learn our lesson? We can just keep cycling through TV idiots, until we end up with a government that's just filled with the cast of "FBOY Island." [ Laughter ] Maybe, from now on, instead of holding elections, we should just make our candidates run through a reality TV obstacle course and whoever makes it to the end becomes president. I mean, I'd love to see Trump try to make it through the course from "American Ninja Warrior." [ Laughter ] He'd try to jump over those floating tiles and immediately end up in the water. [ Electronic music ] [ Warbling, splash ] [ Reverberating powerdown ] [ Laughter ] That's from that Kari Lake video game. [ Laughter ] Ten guys worked all week. [ Laughter ] Obama even got specific about Lake's deranged election claims, pointing out that even some fellow Republicans have debunked them, and he also, in that same clip, knocked her again for her TV experience. -The other day, your own current attorney general, who's a Republican... -Yeah! -...called the election fraud claims made by Katie Hobbs' opponent horse crap. [ Cheering and applause ] I'm paraphrasing. He didn't say it exactly that way. He said her whole act about how the election was stolen is a giant grift. Why would you vote for somebody who you know is not telling the truth about something? [ Laughter and applause ] I mean, on something that important. I don't care how nicely they say it. I don't care how poised they are or how well-lit they are. [ Laughter ] -I love that Obama made fun of how well-lit she is. It's such a specific dig, but it also proves that he is in the TV business now, too. [ As Obama ] And how good is her sound? I mean, what's she using, a Sennheiser G4 with an omnidirectional polar pattern? She's not popping her bass. [ Laughter ] But he's right about the core point -- this is all deranged and it's all very much a part of a coordinated strategy. Trump handpicked a lot of these people specifically because he wanted to put them in positions of power in Congress and in key swing states around the country, so they could help him succeed with the attempted coup he failed that in 2020. Trump wants people like Lake and Michels in positions of power in states he lost last time, so they can help him cheat next time, because Trump has never stopped obsessing over his 2020 election loss. He's been stewing about it ever since. That's why he always looks like he just stepped in some... -Horse crap. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ The midterm elections are coming up, so, to make sure that you're good to vote in this election, visit our good friends at headcount.org to check your voter registration status or to register to vote.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 1,519,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Obama, Campaigns, Kari Lake, Threats, Democracy, A Closer Look, republicans, democrats, political parties, right wing, left wing, midterm elections, candidates, pro-Trump, election deniers, former president, trump, midterm, voting, vote
Id: ba6Mtfy0IwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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